The World Heavyweight Championship needs to disappear

The WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Debut in the fall of 2002 on the RAW brand as the brands main title when then-RAW general manager Eric Bischoff awarded/handed it to Triple H. Now for the past two years now the brand split has been lifted. So the WHC has little meaning now that the brand split is no more. It's been looked on upon as the "upper mid-card championship" since 2010. The WHC is now that title for guys like Kane, Mary Henry, Christian, and Chris Jericho. It's like it's the current version of the WWECW championship.

WWE chairman Vince McMahon has never really gave the WHC it's due respect. With the history of the title going back to the NWA/WCW days with guys like Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes, and Ric Flair (WOOOO) holding the strap. Now the belt is just a shell of it's former self! Alberto Del Rio held the WHC strap for the majority of this year as a face and as a heel. But why would the WWE have guys compete for a title that they know is just a second place belt? So with that being said. The World Heavyweight Championship needs to disappear.

-WWE Title #1
-WWE IC Title #2
-WWE U.S. #3
-WWE Tag Team Title's #4
-WWE Diva's Title #5

So where would that leave the position of the so-called World Heavyweight Championship?

The World Title served a purpose during the brand split, it showed us who Smackdown or Raw's champion was, and it was, at times, a bigger deal than the WWE title, especially around 2004-2005. But now that the brand split is essentially over, the World title should be retired, and ADR, RVD and other should be fighting over the Intercontinental title to raise it's credibility, which is sorely needed.

But to say Vince McMahon never gave the World Heavyweight Title its due respect is nonsense. While it wasn't given much respect when it was the WCW title, it was given a lot of respect when it was reintroduced in 2002. Say what you want about him, but Triple H made that title a big deal, a bigger deal than Brock Lesnar made the WWE title. It was the World Heavyweight Title match that ended Wrestlemania 20, remember that.

Not to mention guys like Batista, Edge and the Undertaker, who made the title look like a big deal. It was when WWE made it clear that Raw was the A show while the World Title was on Smackdown that caused the World Title to suffer. Usually, there was an even split of talent. Batista on one show, Cena on the other. Angle on one show, Triple H on the other. And then WWE decided to throw all their top stars onto Raw around 2009, 2010, and Smackdown and the World suffered as a result.

I loved the CM Punk vs. Jeff Hardy feud. But it was CM Punk vs. Jeff Hardy, one upper midcarder, and one underachieving semi-main eventer fighting for a world championship. It made it very clear that Smackdown was the number 2 show, and the World Title was the number 2 title. It was never going to headline Wrestlemania or anything. Raw, meanwhile had Orton vs. Cena, a feud that was a big deal.

So to say that WWE never showed the World Title any respect is flat-out wrong. They showed the title a lot more respect that WCW showed it in 2000. But it should be retired, and the Intercontinental title should be made the number 2.
WWE chairman Vince McMahon has never really gave the WHC it's due respect. With the history of the title going back to the NWA/WCW days with guys like Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes, and Ric Flair (WOOOO) holding the strap.

He put the title on The Rock, Chris Jericho, and Triple H [with it being Undisputed]. and upon its return to the WWE the title was given to HHH, HBK, Benoit, Randy Orton, Batista, John Cena, Rey Mysterio, The Undertaker, Big Show, Jericho, Kane, and Edge... just to name a few. To say that Vince never cared about the WHC and not give its proper due is absolutely absurd. The World Heavyweight Championship is still as prestigious as it's always been, and the people who hold it are main event caliber workers.

Alberto Del Rio is probably your best chance at arguing the legitimacy of the World championship, but I still say not really considering the guy was a former 2x WWE Champion before holding the WHC. How can a former WWE champion holding the World Title with as much pride as they do the WWE championship bring down the prestige at all?

Your answer... it doesn't. People ragging on the IC title need to grow up. The IC title is, and always was, the secondary tier championship. The World title is still on par with the WWE Championship, which is why you hear commentators combining the reigns as their total reigns.
He put the title on The Rock, Chris Jericho, and Triple H [with it being Undisputed]. and upon its return to the WWE the title was given to HHH, HBK, Benoit, Randy Orton, Batista, John Cena, Rey Mysterio, The Undertaker, Big Show, Jericho, Kane, and Edge... just to name a few. To say that Vince never cared about the WHC and not give its proper due is absolutely absurd. The World Heavyweight Championship is still as prestigious as it's always been, and the people who hold it are main event caliber workers.

This belt was thrown to the wolves back on March 30, 2010. Since Swagger won it it's been worn by Rey Mysterio,Kane,Edge,Ziggler,Vacated April 12, 2011,Christian,Orton,Henry,Show,Bryan,Seamus and ADR. 2 people immediately stripped and one other was a 2 day reign. Looks like a midcard prop to me.

The World title is still on par with the WWE Championship, which is why you hear commentators combining the reigns as their total reigns.

If that was the case, Why hasn't their franchise Cena held that belt more? 2 reigns, 102 combined days. last time he wore it was 2009. He was a tag champ in 2011...
This belt was thrown to the wolves back on March 30, 2010. Since Swagger won it it's been worn by Rey Mysterio,Kane,Edge,Ziggler,Vacated April 12, 2011,Christian,Orton,Henry,Show,Bryan,Seamus and ADR. 2 people immediately stripped and one other was a 2 day reign. Looks like a midcard prop to me.

If that was the case, Why hasn't their franchise Cena held that belt more? 2 reigns, 102 combined days. last time he wore it was 2009. He was a tag champ in 2011...

The WWE Title has been held by plenty of unspectacular wrestlers: Miz, JBL, Big Show, Del Rio (arguable), Diesel and Kane are among them. WrestleMania XXVII closed with Miz retaining the WWE Title as The Rock celebrated in the ring. The WHC list that I am responding to includes eight former WWE Champions. Conclusion, the WHC is doing just fine considering the subpar champions that have held the WWE Title.
lol this is a joke right? the WHC will never disappear.this title have alot of tradition and meaning behind it.maybe you need to disappear
The WWE Title has been held by plenty of unspectacular wrestlers: Miz, JBL, Big Show, Del Rio (arguable), Diesel and Kane are among them. WrestleMania XXVII closed with Miz retaining the WWE Title as The Rock celebrated in the ring. The WHC list that I am responding to includes eight former WWE Champions. Conclusion, the WHC is doing just fine considering the subpar champions that have held the WWE Title.

Just because they have had WWE champions that haven't done as well as others, it's clearly obvious from that list only people they feel are legit marqui name main eventers hold that title.

Here's a fun WWE "Did you know" fact for you. Did you know that the NWA-TNA Heavyweight championship reigns from are also part of the WHC history? Ken Shamrock,Ron Killings,Jeff Jarrett,A.J. Styles,Raven,Rhino,Christian, Sting and Abyss are all considered past WHC champions since the the WWE acknowledges Lou Thesz and Flairs NWA reigns in the WHC history.
I believe in the fairly simple method:

If WWE is going to be a giant super show, one main title, one secondary title, one tag title and your "other" title (Woman's, Cruiserweight, whatever).

If WWE is going to be multi-brand (Raw/Smackdown), one main title apiece, one secondary title apiece, one tag title and your "other" title.

If you can't keep people all that interested, or don't have people getting over on one of the brands as an exclusive champion, unite the two exclusive titles until you actually feel/find someone that can make the previous "under appreciated" title mean something.

In all honesty, I've not much cared about the World Title since Evolution was still a thing, I've always really enjoyed the WWE title more.
If the WWE is undoing the brand split, they still need most of the titles they have or you'll have a ton of talent with no reason to be there.

Lets say they have 60 active male wrestlers

#1 contender

IC Champ
#1 contender

Tag Titles
#1 contenders

8 out of 60 people on the show have something to do that the fans can get invested in.
Of the remaining 52.. you have maybe 20 slots for midcard talents. that's a lot of people doing nothing and going nowhere.

PPV's and Raw are 3 hours. With 3 title matches each and every one, that's still a shit load of filler on the card between title matches.

WCW had a good model the WWE should consider. There were plenty of titles to be contested for and they all were regularly used on the main shows.
This belt was thrown to the wolves back on March 30, 2010. Since Swagger won it it's been worn by Rey Mysterio,Kane,Edge,Ziggler,Vacated April 12, 2011,Christian,Orton,Henry,Show,Bryan,Seamus and ADR. 2 people immediately stripped and one other was a 2 day reign. Looks like a midcard prop to me.

Rey Mysterio, Kane, Edge, Orton, Show, Sheamus, and ADR were all former WWE Champions when they won the World title. Hardly seems like bad company to give the title to doesn't it? Kane, while champion, feuded with the Undertaker [and won clean]. Hardly seems like bad company to give the title to doesn't it? Mark Henry and Daniel Bryan captured world titles for the first time in their careers and that only expanded their characters for a few more years. Hell, Daniel Bryan's currently in the WWE championship picture. Hardly bad company right? Christian is a legitimate future HOF candidate. Hardly bad company right?

Where in there does having former WWE champions, future hall of famers, and advancing careers to newer heights translate into "throw away" title?

Correct Answer: It doesn't.
Rey Mysterio, Kane, Edge, Orton, Show, Sheamus, and ADR were all former WWE Champions when they won the World title. Hardly seems like bad company to give the title to doesn't it? Kane, while champion, feuded with the Undertaker [and won clean]. Hardly seems like bad company to give the title to doesn't it? Mark Henry and Daniel Bryan captured world titles for the first time in their careers and that only expanded their characters for a few more years. Hell, Daniel Bryan's currently in the WWE championship picture. Hardly bad company right? Christian is a legitimate future HOF candidate. Hardly bad company right?

Where in there does having former WWE champions, future hall of famers, and advancing careers to newer heights translate into "throw away" title?

Correct Answer: It doesn't.

We can also add John Cena, in October of 2013, as a major name challenging for the World Heavyweight Championship. Win, lose, or draw, Cena's presence in a pay-per-view WHC match proves that the title is still highly relevant.
Rey Mysterio, Kane, Edge, Orton, Show, Sheamus, and ADR were all former WWE Champions when they won the World title. Hardly seems like bad company to give the title to doesn't it? Kane, while champion, feuded with the Undertaker [and won clean]. Hardly seems like bad company to give the title to doesn't it? Mark Henry and Daniel Bryan captured world titles for the first time in their careers and that only expanded their characters for a few more years. Hell, Daniel Bryan's currently in the WWE championship picture. Hardly bad company right? Christian is a legitimate future HOF candidate. Hardly bad company right?

Where in there does having former WWE champions, future hall of famers, and advancing careers to newer heights translate into "throw away" title?

Correct Answer: It doesn't.

I believe the more correct answer is it can be argued either way.

Most of those names you mentioned (aside from Christian) are no longer currently vying for said title, despite having it in their list of previous championships.

The current WHC title landscape does not include a lot of those prior mentioned named, nor does it currently include many (if any) people that are in the spot that others were that won it as their first "top tier" title.

Ziggler isn't really (if at all) in the WHC picture anymore. Christian isn't wanted. RVD is currently gone. Bryan is in the WWE Title picture, Show is "gone," Sheamus is gone, Henry is gone, Rey is gone, etc, etc, etc.

Just citing the lineage isn't good enough to keep something around if in its current state isn't doing as well as it used to.
I dont think it should disappear people like John Cena, Batista, Undertaker, Edge, HHH and so on have held this Championship belt! The thing this title lacks is competitors!!!!!!!
It needs people like Kofi, Cm Punk, Ryback, Cody Rhodes, Ziggler, Big E, people that are over with the crowd and have momentum, Superstars that are ready!!! Its WWE's fault and the WHC deserves better!
I dont think it should disappear people like John Cena, Batista, Undertaker, Edge, HHH and so on have held this Championship belt! The thing this title lacks is competitors!!!!!!!
It needs people like Kofi, Cm Punk, Ryback, Cody Rhodes, Ziggler, Big E, people that are over with the crowd and have momentum, Superstars that are ready!!! Its WWE's fault and the WHC deserves better!

The problem is that the World Title will always be seen as a consolation prize for the people who aren't "ready" or "good enough" to be WWE Champion, and that hurts the belt and the people competing for it. As long as the World Title is treated as a stepping stone to the WWE Title, it just isn't worth having around. And having the likes of Kofi, Ryback, Cody Rodes and Big E going after the title would only further highlight that. Quite frankly the World Title would be seen as a demotion for CM Punk, while the reason most people want Cena to be World Heavyweight Champion is because it keeps him out of the main storyline.

Those guys should either be going after the WWE Title, having good non-title programs (like Rhodes and Punk are now) or using what notoriety and overness they have to give the Intercontintintal or Tag Titles a rub and make them look a bit more meaningful.

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