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Is It Time To Redesign The WWE and World Heavyweight Championship Belts?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I'm sure this thread has been done before but in my cursory search, I could not find a recent, specific thread about this.

Anyway, I think it's long past time for the WWE to re-design the WWE championship belt. I am a fan of the more traditional looking style with modern updates. The Attitude Era WWE Title is my favorite all-time belt so I would like to see WWE go back to something more like that rather than this extravagant belt that looks like a toy.

As for the World Title, I'm more indecisive. I love the "big gold belt" style and of course the look of the belt goes back decades. I think they should modernize it a little bit, maybe by adding some color to it.

What are your thoughts?
I think both of the belts look fine, to be honest. One of the only things I liked about Cena's championship reigns was his spinners, but after Randy Orton won it from him he never put it back on. >.<

I think the belts will both be getting redesigned sometime this year, anyways, though. There's been talk about the WWE getting a new Logo, and the belts, especially the WWE title you hate so much, will have to get redone to feature that new logo.
I think that the WHC is fine as it is. but the WWE title does need a major overhaul.

As you already stated it looks like a childs toy, fair enough when Cena won it it kinda went with his style, but can you imagine someone like kane holding it ( I know he's SD)

Mabye go back to the previous design, that was probably my favourite.
I like your faith in the WHC belt, a very successful design in my opinion and for me the belt should not be touched, it is a classic, and a belt I feel holds more renown.

The WWE title has received a great deal of criticism but I would keep it the same until there is a unifying of the belts or any logo changes make it necessary. Good lord, just don't do what TNA did with the Hardy title! Haha.
The World Heavyweight Championship is fine. I would be kind of mad if they got rid of it because of it's history and all of the prestige that comes from it. As for the WWE CHampionship, they have needed a new one for quite sometime. It just looks generic. It doesn't even say Champion on it as it says Champ. It was good 5 or 6 years ago as it was something different and it was Cena's belt. However when Cena lost the belt in 07, they should have changed it right away. It is way past due.
The World Heavyweight Championship is perfectly fine. It actually looks prestigious in design, whilst the WWE Championship belt just screams PG at me. I swear that belt is there simply for the merchandising opportunities. I doubt any 10 year old kid wants a replica toy version of the World Heavyweight Championship when you can have a belt that spins. 'Yay, look at it spin, ain't it cool'. It was refreshing back in 2005 but that design has out stayed it's welcome by 4 years. So the WWE Championship belt for sure needs a facelift and a re-design, it looks way too gimmicky and it looks fucking awful when it's being carried by anyone but Cena.
Yeah I'm with a lot of people on here. Keep the WHC as is. It looks classic, but not dated, and like a real prestigious championship. The WWE title looks like a child's toy to me. Bring back the old WWE belt, or a redesign maybe akin to the old eagle belt that always looked so good? Anything is better than what they have now.
World Heavy Championship is my favourte title in WWE. The WWE championship does need to get rid of the spinner and try to look more traditional. Maybe go back to the Undisputed Championship belt. I have never liked the "Cena" belt and it should be redone to fit people who don't look great holding the spinning title.
It's been time to redesign the WWE Championship for a VERY long time. Back when Cena was doing his rap singer persona, the spinner belt fit with his character. Let's face it, one of the first things that pops into your mind when you think of a rapper or hip hop artist are big, flashy & gawdy pieces of bling and that's exactly what the WWE Championship looks like. However, here we are almost 6 years since Cena won the WWE Championship and having long since abandoned the rapper gimmick and the belt is still the same. I just plain think it's ugly as hell to be quite honest. It's original looking, I will give it that but it's still damn fugly. According to some articles I've read over the net, the WWE has created a newly designed WWE Championship and have had it ready. I dunno what the hell they're waiting on exactly.

As for the World Heavyweight Championship, I've always loved the Big Gold Belt design. Aside from a few minor alterations, it's the same design that Ric Flair had created and used as the NWA World Heavyweight Championship beginning about 1986 and the WCW World Heavyweight Championship from about 1993 until it closed. I think the title looks majestic and elegant with very much a classic old school feel to it. I'm sure that it will be redesigned someday and that's kind of unfortunate because it's such a well known and loved design. When I look at it, I always think how that's what a World Championship is supposed to look like.
The Cena bling bling spinner shit should have been binned as soon as he jacked in the rapper gimmick. It looks like shit can't believe they preferred that over the old undisputed title belt, which looked fine.
The only time the current WWE championship design was tolerable was early in Cena's "rapper" reign with the belt and when Edge made it into the Rated-R belt. Now, it's just ridiculous.

A modernized version of the winged-Eagle belt would be perfect.

I heard, as Jack Hammer mentioned, that a new WWE Championship belt has been designed and is ready to go. Will we see it at Wrestlemania?
God I hope so...that WWE title belt that Miz is always rubbing on, is one of the most hideous title belts I have ever seen, along with the Tag Team title belts. The tag team belts look like pennies.

The WWE title belt design was in need of a re-do a long time ago, especially since Cena's rapper gimmick ended a long time ago. I can only hope that, at Wrestlemania, there will be a new belt so I dont have to keep looking at that eyesore.
The thing about the new belt is that it doesn't seem like a legitimate wrestling championship when what it stands for is actually the highest honor one can achieve in pro wrestling, the WWE Champion.

Picture Hulk Hogan with that belt... Or Rick Flair, Brett Hart, The Rock, Stone Cold... The belt would look ridiculous with any of those legendary wrestlers.
The WWE title should be redesigned. It is just a big WWE logo and says "champ" on it. But it's still the spinner, just not made to spin. It still has the big metal plates that are "3D" if you will, that come up so it could be let to spin.

I don't want to go back to an old design, because you move on in history and not dwell in the past.

The World Heavyweight title is fine, it's the classic big gold but with the WWE logo stamped on it.
yes and no

the wwe championship needs a major redesign and fast!!! the spinner belt was tand is the worst belt design by far!!! i mean cmon we make fun of people getting that stupid shit on their wheels!!!! john cenas lame rapper image got the redesign for the us title and when he won the big time i knew the wwe title was in for the same terrible design!!! still cant believe fans like that belt but on the other hand their either jocks or 7 years old. please redesign the wwe title fast!!!

the world heavyweight is what a championship should look like. its timeless and should not be changed. its the only belt that has kept its class on the ground that it wasnt made to spin around like a wannabe white rapping wreslter.
Like everyone has said, the World Heavyweight Championship belt is perfectly fine as it just screams prestige. Also like most have said, the 'spinner' design WWE Championship belt is both ugly and outdated. When John Cena debuted it, I actually liked it (I liked John Cena for about 2-3 more months) as it made sense since he had a spinner US Championship made and it fit his character. It was like Austin's Smoking Skull belt. However, the belt should've been scrapped sometime in 2007. At least it doesn't spin anymore, but it still looks ridiculous, and I'm not sure what their thought process was when they decided that they didn't want a spinner belt anymore but decided to stick with the design. Anyways, it sticks out like a sore thumb on everyone but Cena, and, in my opinion, The Miz, because Miz is a tool and he would carry something like that around. That being said, to me the perfect way to introduce a new belt is during the Cena/Miz program heading into WrestleMania. Miz could say something to the effect of "you designed this belt and I don't want any part of that because I'm nothing like you" and have a new belt for a 'real champion' made.
Pretty much 100% agree, world heavyweight is perfect, has been for decades.

Spinner belt is a joke....

So if they have a redone WWE title, you could easily work it into the Miz v Cena fued heading into wrestlemania.

not going to get into a how, but Miz either destroys the belt or demands a new one that isn't the cena belt. After wrestlemania the new belt becomes the standard.

Just hope it doesn't suck.......
The spinner belt was fine when Cena originally won the WWE Title. But since Cena is not the main person to carry the title anymore, I think it is time to change the belt back to a neutral design, like the Attitude Era or Undisputed Title Belts.

I think the World Title is fine. The design has a lot of history going back many decades. I think the shout out to wrestlings past with the big gold belt is very nice actually
If they make a new WWE Championship belt, I hope its like the won that was used in the early 90's up till the attitude era belt. The won that Michaels won from Bret Hart. But as for the World Championship, I agree with everyone else, that belt is perfect!
I will agree with everybody here. World Title should stay the way it is and the WWE Title needs to go away with that design. I thought when Cena lost it that they would bring the Undisputed design back but didn't happen and we still have to put up with that stupid belt. I actually preferred the winged eagle belt and if they updated that it would look fine.
I, myself, am a Belt collector (the $12 Jakks / Mattel belts and the $100 Commemorative Belts), so I wouldn’t mind a redesign of both WWE and World Title Belts.

The Spinner never appealed to me, and I swore up and down that at Edge’s 1st or Rob Van Dam’s only WWE Title run, one of them would have change it. Then, after Cena vacated the Spinner and Vince presented Orton with the Title at No Mercy 2007, I thought to myself, “What better time to change it, than at that PPV??”. That wasn’t the case. They stopped it from Spinning. They took out the “Raw” plate and replaced it with the “WWE Champion” plate. None of these minor changes did anything for me. The irony of it all, I have 4 different versions of the damn thing, and it happens to be my 2 year old son’s favorite design. Target acquired, target locked, target sold. It’s a marketing stroke of genius. You know the next Title can’t be the “Prestigious” looking Title that looks like it belongs to adults. The grownups will not be buying the Belts. The kids (and people like me with OCD and having issues with completing collections) will.

As for the World Title, the Big Gold Belt is just classic. That Title probably should never change. Adding the “W” at the top is okay, only cause it’s so subtle. I personally would not replace it with anything else. I say either unify the World Title and the WWE Title together, dropping both designs and make a brand new WWE World Heavyweight Title or keep the World Title as is and just change Cena’s.

Since TNA isn’t using the name anymore, maybe the WWE can unify the top two Titles with a new Undisputed Title Belt and then have Booker T. come out with the Big Gold Belt and christen it the WWE Legends Title!! This time, however, keep it strictly to those who are actual Legends of the WWE.
First off all.
WWE Championship belt is dire need of a face-lift, but the World Heavyweight Championship belt I'd rather see become the WWE Championship belt, personally I love the World Heavyweight title belt, not because of it's WCW history, but it's the fact the belt looks prestigious were the WWE Belt looks cheap & chatty.

One of the major problems is WWE keeps renewing belts every 3 years until the spinner which is going on 6 years but rumours were due to the WWE logo on it WWE wouldn't get rid but times have changed and the belt could do with being changed and someone like the Miz who's a trail blazer debuting a new belt can only help his character.
I agree with everyone else the WWE Championship belt needs to go. Actually it has needed to go for a few years now. It was OK when Cena won the title the first time few times. Because it fit with his hip hop rapper gimmick. Now it seems more of a novelty item than a major championship belt. Cena himself even said in an interview that he felt it was time to change it.

The only reason I think it hasn't changed yet is because kids seem to love it and buy a ton of replicas. I just hope when they do finally change it doesn't look like shit. WWE has had a bad track record lately changing title belt designs. Just look how hideous the 2nd ECW title was and the new tag team belts are even worse.

As far as the World title belt goes I also agree that it doesn't need to change. It looks far more impressive than any of the previous or current World titles not only in WWE but all wrestling companies. It also has a lot of prestige. Besides the fact Vince Russo turned into a joke in WCW by giving it to himself and David Arquette and bouncing it back ans forth between wrestlers. In a manner of less than six weeks Jeff Jarrett held the title four times. However WWE has brought back a lot of prestige to the title.
It is indeed a time for a change. The WWE title and the World title are outdated. Though I will probably get flack for it, the World title though awesome it may be is still a symbol of what was, it needs to be a symbol of what is.
You can't change the World Heavyweight Title, not with it's history. The WWE Championship, for me, shouldn't be changed seeing as it's a relatively recent design and it makes the WWE look modern.

I like how one belt is traditional whereas the other is modern, because some guys just don't suit wearing one of them. For example, Undertaker or Kane wearing the WWE title wouldn't work, would it, really?

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