Is it Bad That Bischoff and TNA Mention the WWE?


The King of Swing
at the begining of impact tonight bischoff and immotral were in the ring and called out scott steiner. he went on to say the nash was pulled in by the wwe (get money, dye ur hair, gimmikc up, and sell some action figures, etc) and booker t was in the wwe doing w/e. the point of this was to show the MEM is not in tna, and therefore are not "they" like everyone thought. now tna has mentioned wwe alot. eric always made fun of the special guest host. anerderson and hardy mentioned how vince and the wwe didnt believe in them just the other week.

now is this bad or good. because the wwe never mentions tna. as far as the wwe is concerned tna doesnt exist (alteast tna is not openly acknowledged). does this make tna seem second rate? does it help them? does i make tna look bad that so many wrestlers come to tna after they leave / are not wanted by the wwe? i mean look how quickly nash and booker t came back when given the chance. and now sting might be going to wwe. would someone like angle return to the wwe if given a legends type of schedule/contract? would most tna wrestlers go to wwe if given the chance?

now matt and jeff hardy went to tna by choice but matt was never the maineventer he wanted to be and jeff probably would have been fired over his drug charges. but this is one of the few instances i can recall that a wrestler went to tna as a 1st option.

so is mentioning the wwe so much bad for tna?

now im not a tna hater but they are clearly behind the wwe in popularity and money, so do u think tna consideres itself second rate and would the wrestlers jump ship if given the opportunity? basically is tna the big leagues or is the wwe still the goal for wrestlers?
If done right, I don't think so. I personally like that TNA addressed the situation.

WWE/F mentioned/took shots at WCW all the time during the Monday Night War and vise versa. Not saying that makes it okay or something that should be done, but it's not just TNA that does it. WWE doesn't mention TNA, because they don't want their fan base to know about them(the ones who don't) and because they don't consider them a threat.
This has been touched on more than a four-year old ruby starfish anywhere within the Vatican.

That said, no it's not "bad" that Bischoff or TNA mention WWE during their segments. It's not necessary that they do so, but it's not bad either. It doesn't do anything to "hurt" their own product because frankly the fans they are broadcasting for already know who the WWE is, and often know who the performer is as well as their history there. So long as it's kept short and sweet, I see nothing wrong with it.
WWE doesnt find TNA as a threat so they have no need to talk about a second rate show. What i found more interesting is the talk about Sting in that. What a surprise Eric mentioned Sting with the two other guys that jumped ship...Sure it could be that he was making it certain the MEM wasnt coming back, or maybe he was letting the cat out of the bag as he is really well known for doing. I could be looking too far into it, but it just seems funny how he mentions Sting with Booker and Nash..
I think it works for them This helps TNA stay relevent through out wrestling. Lets face it, alot of TNA's superstars were WWE bred or got their big push to stardom. Angle, Jarrett, Nash, Hall, Hogan, The Hardys, Anderson just to name a few. I wish that AJ was a big contender again. Its time that the TNA talent shines over some of these former WWE superstars.
I think the way the Nash situation was dealt with was pretty good. At least it was acknowledged. Had they shut up shop and gone tight lipped on it, they wouldn't have been any better off.

It got me to thinking that the one thing they do have up their sleeve is knowing what the craic is with Sting and WWE. People inside the biz will know what's going on. Their ace card is being able to ruin the Sting surprise, assuming there is one. Maybe that would just push more viewers into Raw anyway though. But they could possibly ruin the most talked about thing in wrestling right now. You wouldn't put it past Eric with his reputation. And he knows better than anyone, loose lips sink ships...
I think it's bad, and I've been saying it for a long time now. I don't hate TNA, but it does make them look really cheap when they always talk about the WWE. It seems like they are trying to make themselves seem bigger by attaching themselves to WWE. I almost think of it as name dropping. In a way it seems like they are trying to remind their fans that a lot of their wrestlers where good enough to be in the WWE at one time.

If Bischoff had said something like "let Nash go up north, we don't need him", then I really wouldn't have a problem with it. However, he said something like "I get that Nash wanted one more big payday". If your saying someone had to go someplace else to make more money, then your saying your company isn't successful enough to pay him what he deserves. (For the love of God don't turn that statement into a debate on Nash's value. It was just an example.)

Last week Anderson said something like "Vince McMahon didn't think I was good enough". I like Anderson and I'm all for him proving his worth, but this statement makes him and TNA look bad. It really makes you look second rate when you openly say that the biggest wrestling company in history didn't think you were talented, and the competition immediately gave you a contract and made you a main event talent.

I don't have a problem with funny jabs, but the open discussion/mocking gets really old.
It was a brilliant tactic 12 years ago. When Bischoff was stealing top tier talent away from WWE. When WCW was much more of a threat to WWE than TNA is now. When WCW was live and Raw was taped and Bischoff could come and spoil the ending.

Right now, it just seems like an attention grab. Like the little brother poking and prodding the older brother just to get a reaction. It feels like they are begging WWE just to acknowledge they exist.

The thing that sucks, though, is that TNA doesn't need to do it. If they worried more about their own product than taking shots at WWE every chance they get, they'd probably put on better shows, create better feuds, and more intriguing storylines.
It's not needed by TNA, WWE does it on the rare occasion where you would have to watch the other company to understand it, ala Kaval "I'm the only reason for this total non stop action" or Chri.. I mean, Braden Walker being told by Matt Hardy "You looked like a wild cat out there".

For Anderson and Hardy to say that Vince and WWE never believed in them is an absolute crock of shit. Anderson won the Money in the Bank which means pretty much garanteed World Championship in less than 12 months but he stuffed up from injuries. Jeff Hardy was a 3 time World Champion aswell, although, the reign between Edge and CM Punk wasn't very much so if you don't include that, then 2 but still, NOTHING wrong with being a 2 time world champion, nothing at all. It's just extreme bitterness that they were never THE man in WWE.

WWE doesn't mention TNA, because they don't want their fan base to know about them(the ones who don't) and because they don't consider them a threat.

If they don't see TNA as a threat to themselves, then the issue of them not mentioning TNA shouldn't be to stop their fans finding out about TNA. It's just to be the bigger 'man' about everything.

If it was small pot shots every now and then, then I don't mind but when it's full on obvious like Bubba Ray holding up a sign saying Vince fears TNA ages ago and the VKM doing HHH and HBK's finishers for the sole purpose of mocking them, then I think it's a little childish. That's not to say I think what WWE does is ok, either.
I think TNA had to address the fans in the audience and the viewers at home why Sting, Nash, and Booker T aren't showing up. They didn't specifically mention WWE, just that Nash was riding off into the sunset to finish his career and dye his hair. The difference between the two organizations besides money and tenure is that WWE fans for the most part have no idea what TNA is. TNA fans know very well what WWE is so its not bad to comment about them. That doesn't mean they have to mention them every show, but I'm sure they don't wan to insult the intelligence of the fans so they come right out and say it when it involved WWE.

A star or champion from WWE is a great achievement for TNA, its not really something to shout about in WWE though.
I don't think it was bad form at all. They didn't really "WWE" bash, but rather kind of answered Nash's recent jabs with some jabs themselves. I thought it was handled pretty well, though, considering it was mentioned fairly quickly and he didn't do it in an over the top manner. It was a brief mention and it was done and as long as it doesn't become a habit, I don't see anything wrong w/a little tit for tat. I don't really think he needed to say anything about Booker T, though, (or Sting for that matter) since Booker was professional about the whole situation. But Nash? That no account douchebag deserved it.
i find it really cheap by tna im not the biggest tna mark but i want tna to survive and be competition to wwe but you can see how bad hulk and bischoff and russo r making the companie. if they had real leadership they wouldnt be trying to take cheap shots at nash just because he didnt want to get a crappy deal by tna and get paid almost nothing.
I think it would be better for Bischoff and TNA not to mention WWE. maybe back in the day when WCW was a big player they could poke WWE, but it's not the same now with TNA. while TNA may want to be a big player, right now they just aren't. I don't think that is a reflection of the talent, but viewers. I also think it's unfortunate to use viewers to rate the product, but point is right now WWE just has much more viewers, and TNA is just a little fish.

I also heard Taz say the name of Honky Tonk Man. can he say that? would that not be a WWE copy written name? it was during the X division match, referring to the one GenMe's pants.
I don't know who caught this but Michael Cole made reference to Taz a month or two ago when talking about Brodus Clay being the suplex machine or whatever moniker he goes by. I thought it was brilliant and funny as hell by Michael Cole. He said something along the lines of "I know someone who's not going to be excited about that" in a sarcastic tone looking at the camera slyly.
Here is the thing though. Not once has TNA mentioned WWE by name. Yeah they're implying WWE; but when Anderson shot on WWE and Randy Orton, after he won the title. He did not say WWE and Randy Orton. He said he went over there and a little birdie got him fired.

And tonight, Anderson mocked Vince but didn't mention him by name. So I don't really see what the big deal is. It's not like this is going to severly hurt them or anything.
I thought acknowledging the "defections" was good on bischoffs point, because he isn't bullcrapping the fans knowing that nash & book was in the royal rumble. From watching TNA tonight, I think they should do 2 things...

1. Have the original TNA wresters get a huge push in the company to raise the value of their brand. Let The older, experienced former WWE talent have a clear understanding of putting over the original TNA guys.

2. Invest in marketing TNA better, even if it means hiring some WWE marketing folks. TNA has a good nucleus of young talent and if marketed right, they can surpass WWE someday.
Though they are fairly new as a company, TNA is a national brand, with talented home-grown stars, some of the most legendary names in the history of the busines, and they have a national television deal which draws a million-and-a-half viewers. This makes them the Number Two company in the wrestling business in the U.S., without a real close third.

Looking at it from that perspective, anytime you are a clear-cut number two operating in the shadows of a dominant number one company, than that other company(in this case the WWE obviously) will always be the 800 lb. gorilla in the room.

Whether TNA likes it or not, as long as WWE is the 800 lb. gorilla, they can't help but occasionally address its existence, and how it affects theirs.
I think it's in poor taste.

And not just when they bash WWE, the fact that they talk about wrestlers past accomplishments in the WWE, how they count WWE title reigns and compare wrestlers to WWE guys. It's an acknowledgement of inferiority. When has WWE ever acknowledged Christian as a former world champion? or ever compared someone to Abyss to try and get them over... never.

it just makes them look bad
Yes it is plus it's typical Bischoff to mention the competition. Cole and Striker kinda mention TNA at The Rumble by stating everything that aint the WWE is the minor leagues.
Cole: "The IWC are gonna love this as the both came from the minors"
Striker: "Everything that ain't the WWE is the Minors"
I think it went that way. Eric just needs to learn and not mention the competition at all. I'll be glad when AJ kicks the holy Shat outta Easy E.
The way I see it, it can go both ways.

Its a good thing that Bischoff address's what happened. Keeping the fans involved on whats going on. It was also good that he states Nash's age he also gives a not so out of place response saying Nash did it for money.

At the same time he by acknowledging whats going on he also pretty much puts it out that TNA knows they are considered the 2nd rate show.
He bashes Nash for his age but look at Stiener.? He pretty much gives away a spoiler on Sting. Which in my opinion is very nonprofessional of Them but then again what can we expect from Bischoff.

Another interesting thing I noticed is how they rarely change the gimmick of former WWE stars.

In the long run I don't see TNA benefiting from bashing on the clearly better show. WWE.
It can make certain superstars look bitter and be insulting to TNA. For example, Anderson gave a speech on how he worked hard dreamed of being a world champion. He mention how after his hard work he finally got signed "over there". So he basically stated how WWE was his first choice. TNA existed, but he preferred WWE. Also, for Jeff Hardy to complain about WWE is odd considering he was WWE champion. What more can you want. If you remember, WCW would talk directly about WWE a lot, and eventually people started to change the channel to see what they were talking about, like with the giving away that Foley was going to win. Focus on your product.
I just see it as watching wrestling.

When I watch some random indy company and the annoucer says Rock Bottom or Stunner I dont automatically think they are ripping off WWE...I just think its a reference to a common name of a move.

When I saw Shelton and Haas wrestling in RoH, I dont recall if they did or not but I assume they mentioned former tag team champions and probably used the words WWE tag team champions. Its what they were.

I get more annoyed when Jeff Hardy interupts Edge and Edge says "where have you been the past blank years??" Or Christian shows up and the annoucers are like "We havent seen him in years!" and its like ...I just saw him on TNA last month. Or on when they asked Nash when the last time he had jet black hair and he said 96...I thought Nash dyed his hair to wrestle in TNA quite a few times?

I mean, I think thats disrespectful to fans who actually watch something other than WWE. Im not saying TNA should harp on it but they shouldnt ignore it either.

What about in other sports when someone goes to another team? Should the annoucers just pretend like they never played in the sport ever before? Dont mention any records? Any achivements at all?
This is a simple answer. You leave TNA if given the opportunity to jump to the WWE. They may not say it in interviews and certainly not on camera, because TNA pays the money and most of those guys deep down know they can't make it in WWE. Look at how, as someone who watches WWE and TNA, great Nash and Booker were at the Rumble. I've seen those guys in the Impact Zone and cared less, but when they at a WWE event with whatever thousand people and nostalgia takes over, I still freak out for some reason. They need to stop mentioning WWE and tonights Impact was getting back to the basics of Styles, Rhoode, etc. being the headliners again.
I just see it as watching wrestling.

When I watch some random indy company and the annoucer says Rock Bottom or Stunner I dont automatically think they are ripping off WWE...I just think its a reference to a common name of a move.

When I saw Shelton and Haas wrestling in RoH, I dont recall if they did or not but I assume they mentioned former tag team champions and probably used the words WWE tag team champions. Its what they were.

I get more annoyed when Jeff Hardy interupts Edge and Edge says "where have you been the past blank years??" Or Christian shows up and the annoucers are like "We havent seen him in years!" and its like ...I just saw him on TNA last month. Or on when they asked Nash when the last time he had jet black hair and he said 96...I thought Nash dyed his hair to wrestle in TNA quite a few times?

I mean, I think thats disrespectful to fans who actually watch something other than WWE. Im not saying TNA should harp on it but they shouldnt ignore it either.

What about in other sports when someone goes to another team? Should the annoucers just pretend like they never played in the sport ever before? Dont mention any records? Any achivements at all?

If you go and watch the hardy boyz DVD, the Matt and Jeff story, when you're watching the documentary part for the Jeff Hardy DVD, Jeff talks about his life after his 2003 leave of WWE. He talks about his band, painting and he also says he was in TNA and says "TNA".

Vince McMahon and WWE aren't trying to fool anyone into believing there's absolutely nothing about there as I said before, there have been a few sly references from Kaval and others. They just probably don't feel the need to constantly go on about others being in TNA because they probably know that if they go on about something enough then people will go and check it out. Also, if WWE were to mention TNA, that doesn't mean people are going to watch it. My friend who I watch wrestling with at his place told me he doesn't watch TNA, he just watches WWE so while on one hand I don't think it's necessary for WWE to mention TNA, I don't think it's going to be much of a problem if they do.

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