Is CM Punk the TRUE rebel of the WWE?

CM Steel

A REAL American
Over the years the WWE has had their share of rebels from generation to generation from Brusier Brody to Stone Cold Steve Austin. But now we have the latest wrestling rebel, CM Punk. Over two years ago we saw the infamous CM Punk shoot on RAW in Las Vegas that year heading into the "summer of Punk". And the WWE found a way to add the big "pipebomb" moment to Punk's character and persona. Now there is no question that CM Punk is a solid main event player in the WWE.

But with all the past rebels in the history of the WWE that came & gone. Is CM Punk the TRUE rebel of the WWE?
You know... Ive been noticing lately, I think Cm Punk is feeling worn out. It would be cool if CM Punk left for like 2-3 months and came back a little slightly buffed and toned up, maybe with his SES society gig. He needs a break. But then again so does Cena.
True rebel? Fuck did Punk do that's rebellious? Punk can't sneeze without Vince's permission.

Are we talking about "breaking the 4th wall"? Sure, he suggested it but he broke it with Vince's permission. Worked shoots, every one of them. He was given little freedom but other than that it was all planned and orchestrated by Vince and his creative team. All of it. All Punk did was come up with some one liners. Plus, he's a good actor.

Punk is not a rebel. No one in the WWE is. If he was, he'd be unemployed right now. He's got a smidgen of freedom in his promos but he has zero say in everything else. He can't go off script and get away with it, he can't do anything rebellious. End of story.
True rebel? Fuck did Punk do that's rebellious? Punk can't sneeze without Vince's permission.

Are we talking about "breaking the 4th wall"? Sure, he suggested it but he broke it with Vince's permission. Worked shoots, every one of them. He was given little freedom but other than that it was all planned and orchestrated by Vince and his creative team. All of it. All Punk did was come up with some one liners. Plus, he's a good actor.

Punk is not a rebel. No one in the WWE is. If he was, he'd be unemployed right now. He's got a smidgen of freedom in his promos but he has zero say in everything else. He can't go off script and get away with it, he can't do anything rebellious. End of story.

This sums it up pretty well. A lot of IWC fanboys want to believe that everything Punk said in 2011 was a giant shoot and he can get away with anything he wants, and that's a giant load of crap. Every word Punk said in every one of his promos was approved by Vince. Punk came up with the ideas, but Vince OK'd them.

What CM Punk IS, is the #2 top star in the company behind Cena. From 2011 to now, Punk turned himself from a part-time main eventer to being THE man in the eyes of the fans. Right now Daniel Bryan is doing really well, but he's still not THE man. In Vince's eyes nobody will surpass Cena until Cena retires, but in terms of fan support, Punk is the top dog in WWE and Bryan is a solid #2.
This sums it up pretty well. A lot of IWC fanboys want to believe that everything Punk said in 2011 was a giant shoot and he can get away with anything he wants, and that's a giant load of crap. Every word Punk said in every one of his promos was approved by Vince. Punk came up with the ideas, but Vince OK'd them.

What CM Punk IS, is the #2 top star in the company behind Cena. From 2011 to now, Punk turned himself from a part-time main eventer to being THE man in the eyes of the fans. Right now Daniel Bryan is doing really well, but he's still not THE man. In Vince's eyes nobody will surpass Cena until Cena retires, but in terms of fan support, Punk is the top dog in WWE and Bryan is a solid #2.

...cause Stone Cold went off 'script.' Right... You think Vince didn't know he was going get stunned in the Garden back in '97 or that he was going to be douse with beer heading into WrestleMania 15. You think Vince didn't know Austin was going to cheat to win the Rumble in 97 by re-entering after he was eliminated or do you, in your heart of hearts, truly believe that Steve Austin held Vince McMahon against his will with a toy gun back in 99?

Come on. Get a grip. The OP is clearly discussing the actions of the CM Punk character - not the rebelliousness of Phil Brooks. Look past the OP using the word "shoot" incorrectly. Most wrestling fans use it incorrectly thanks to growing up with Vince Russo's idiotic desire to make everything a 'worked shoot' back in the day - it's why anytime a wrestler uses real situation and says something remotely negative about someone, people think it's a 'worked shoot.' But we know it wasn't. We know the thing was scripted -well, the general tone and ideas behind it, at least.

So just answer the question as is. Is the CM Punk character the true rebel of the WWE? And to that, I say absolutely not. He's nowhere near as rebellious as 99% of the Attitude Era stars. It's not a knock on him. It's just a different environment. It's hard to look truly rebellious when the people perceived to be in charge refuse to ever let you get one over on them. Part of what made Austin so great was that Vince let him get the upper hand so many times the same could be said of DX. Part of what's annoying about today's product is that Triple H never gives someone else the upper-hand. So instead of looking rebellious, Punk - and anyone else trying to rebel - looks like nothing more than a teenager trying to pull a fast one on their teacher.
Vince McMahon needs stars. McMahon doesn't draw, the wrestlers do. CM Punk has connected with the audience; he is thus a draw.

All of the main eventers have pull. Does anyone honestly believe McMahon can take a "my way or the highway" approach to John Cena, Randy Orton, CM Punk, Batista, or Brock Lesnar? McMahon has to navigate treacherous waters, egos, and agendas. Maybe that is why he doesn't create too many main eventers.

Main event wrestlers can manipulate in all kinds of ways. Cena, as the top dog, can succeed in programming ultimatums, or requesting less dates, or acting to de-push talent. McMahon is not going to fire him! CM Punk can use his main event leverage differently. He can act like a rebel on air, ad-lib when he so desires, or use insider terminology without consequence. McMahon is not going to fire him! Orton had two wellness violations and multiple strings of poor behavior. He is the reigning WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

On the same note, McMahon will never fire Sheamus or Alberto Del Rio. Once McMahon has invested a WrestleMania world title victory in a wrestler, he is employed for life. Punk will stay with WWE as long as he wants to. WWE will never get rid of him, no matter what rebel tricks he has up his sleeve.

Punk is a main event player. What makes him a rebel is his ability to look at the WWE landscape outside of the McMahon narrative and invite ridicule when ridicule is due. The fans have embraced Punk and millions attest that he is the "best in the world."
We may never know whether the Summer of Punk represented his true feelings.....or was just a work performed by someone whose acting ability was so good that it all looked real. Even after his initial "rebellion" died down, Punk was asked if any of what had occurred was real, and he claimed he have had "one foot out the door" .....and that his threats to leave were real.

Were they?

I don't know.....and all the folks on this forum who claimed to know.....didn't, either.

Reflecting back on those days, I always get the image of Punk sitting cross-legged in the ring, talking on the microphone. When the mic was abruptly cut off, he acted as though it were unplanned, but expected by him. To me, this was a good representation of the whole program. Some people say management was genuinely taken by surprise by what he did, while others think the whole segment was arranged in advance.

Personally, I think the latter was so; I can't believe anything happens on WWE programming in which Vince McMahon doesn't have a say. To that end, I don't think Punk is a rebel. Sure, as with many factors WWE incorporates in it's programming, there were probably some elements of the Summer of Punk that were real.....probably having to do with him being dissatisfied with the creative direction of his character.

Still, I say that what he became on-screen....and what he's been ever since ....was carefully supervised by Vince McMahon, who simply doesn't leave things to chance.

Also, I have the feeling a new version of Punk's Summer is coming up. He's grown kind of stale and un-Punk-like in recent months, and it's time to take advantage of his "rebellion" act once again.
It's difficult to say. In some ways, Punk seems to take an old school approach when it comes to talking with media or making fan appearances. His character is generally that of a somewhat cocky, combative, anti-authoritarian...well...punk and that's how he sometimes comes across whenever interacting with fans or talking on the radio or showing up at places like Comic-Con.

For instance, if Punk is asked a question about what's going on or what WWE is doing in some areas and if Punk doesn't like or agree with it, he says so. He was openly critical of WWE bringing back The Rock, for instance, and wasn't shy about speaking his opinion. He doesn't flat out slam WWE or anything, but he doesn't shy away from answers that might rub some people the wrong way in the company.

Going by various accounts from people who know Punk, it sounds like that's pretty much who he is in real life. He's often laid back, but can be confrontational at times as well and speaks what's on his mind. I'm sure that Punk does hold himself back at times, he's a grown 35 year old man who knows that there are some things he can do or say that just won't be tolerated. You don't get to be as big of a star in a major wrestling company as Punk is without knowing when to not run your mouth off and, when you do, to sort of censor yourself in what you say.
If we are gonna call anyone a true rebel in WWE, that guy is Randy Orton. He is a spoiled and protected piss ant. Now, what I just said isn't to be taken negatively. That is just his overall on screen demeanor. Now, would I pick a fight with him? Hell No. He isn't a piss ant in that sense. He gets away with the most and along with Cena, has his job SECURED. He is a perfect antithesis to Cena. Punk is entertaining, but omg, not really a bad ass. He is a piss ant in the negative way.

And yes, Christian is a piss ant too. idc, he looks good.
Reflecting back on those days, I always get the image of Punk sitting cross-legged in the ring, talking on the microphone. When the mic was abruptly cut off, he acted as though it were unplanned, but expected by him. To me, this was a good representation of the whole program. Some people say management was genuinely taken by surprise by what he did, while others think the whole segment was arranged in advance.

I remember from Foley's first autobiography that Vince McMahon didn't want to know in advance what Mankind was doing, so that Vince's reactions would be more natural.

I could see them doing something like that during the Summer of Punk. "OK Punk, go out there and say whatever you want--if you cross a line, we'll cut off the mic."

Possibly, Punk was told to say whatever he wanted, and management had second thoughts during the promo. I think that's less likely.
What is a rebel? It's such a vague term, made of many different elements. John Cena is a rebel in a way for not caring what older fans think, not trying to be cool. Orton is a rebel in a way for being a HBK-esque douche backstage. Lesnar and Batista are rebels in a way for leaving just cause they felt like it.

Punk... I don't think it's so much that he's a rebel, more that he has some real balls. I mean, could you really imagine Cena or Orton or whomever saying "I'd like to think maybe this company would be better after Vince McMahon is dead..." or mentioning other wrestling companies or name-dropping Hogan, who was at the height of his powers in TNA at the time, even if they were given permission to?

He's brave and he's interesting. But a rebel? I don't know, too broad a word.
I'm a huge CM Punk fan, but he does seem worn out. I think he's lost weight since 2011. He looks skinnier, exhausted, in need of sleep. Plus his current hair and mutton chops don't help. I think he'll get another push in 2014 as the man. And hold the new, unified title. But I don't see him being a regular main eventer much beyond WM31.
Stone Cold is a real rebel. CM Punk was really only a rebel when he cut the infamous shoot promo and since then it's died off. He's still a Rebel in the sense that, he keeps calling out The Authority and that is something that you don't see John Cena or Daniel Bryan doing but he's no where near SCSA on that level.
Well his character is supposed to be a rebel.
Rebel in the sense of him saying stuff that people wouldn't normally say.
Just the other day I was thinking to myself about his character and it hit me; CM Punk is the IWC. As of late, I'm not sure if CM Punk really believes what he says. Everything he says comes from the IWC.

"Apart of you saying 'Destiny' you really have nothing interesting to say." - CM Punk to Del Rio. Many people in IWC say Del Rio is boring and he said that on TV.

"Tyson Kidd's a workhorse and deserves better" - something many IWC keep saying.

"Daniel Bryan is a comedy relief character." - when he was in Team Hell No some people said Bryan deserved better and all his stuff with Kane was pure comedy.

"The Rock comes back and he's in the main event of Wrestlemania and I'm not." - yes, a lot of us disliked how the Rock main evented WM instead of Punk or any other full timer. Some people said "the Rock is taking someone's spot."

So, most of the stuff are what are found on the internet. I'm not sure if he really believes those things or he just uses it.

We'll have to wait and see when his highly anticipated confrontation with Triple H finally happens on the Road to Wrestlemania. The confrontation has been delayed for long now. Should he bring up "Triple H likes burying people" or some "shovel" reference, then we can say his Character is of a person from the IWC.

PS: Not all of those quotes are exactly what he said but it's basically what he said.
Well his character is supposed to be a rebel.
Rebel in the sense of him saying stuff that people wouldn't normally say.
Just the other day I was thinking to myself about his character and it hit me; CM Punk is the IWC. As of late, I'm not sure if CM Punk really believes what he says. Everything he says comes from the IWC.

I mean this with all due respect but I really wish I could slap the hell out of you for just now getting that correlation.

Yes, CM Punk is the "Voice of the Voiceless" that nickname is supposed to be a hint at the IWC (us) who have many opinions that are ignored or disregarded by the WWE creative team. We are "the voiceless". He's a rebel in the sense that his character's stance reflects many of the unpopular desires of the older fanbase that rants and raves online and often shows up at the shows bitterly chanting things like "Cena Sucks!".

You know, the people that make up maybe 30% of the audience on average nights during the weekly shows. That's CM Punk's character. By him representing the minority, he's a rebel. (Btw I know it's not relevant but I HATE this version of CM Punk. I want the holier than thou Straight Edge Savior back...And yes, I realize the irony of me being an "IWC member" ranting inside of an online forum reply on a thread about the character who is the voice of such people as myself).
I mean this with all due respect but I really wish I could slap the hell out of you for just now getting that correlation.

Yes, CM Punk is the "Voice of the Voiceless" that nickname is supposed to be a hint at the IWC (us) who have many opinions that are ignored or disregarded by the WWE creative team. We are "the voiceless". He's a rebel in the sense that his character's stance reflects many of the unpopular desires of the older fanbase that rants and raves online and often shows up at the shows bitterly chanting things like "Cena Sucks!".

You know, the people that make up maybe 30% of the audience on average nights during the weekly shows. That's CM Punk's character. By him representing the minority, he's a rebel. (Btw I know it's not relevant but I HATE this version of CM Punk. I want the holier than thou Straight Edge Savior back...And yes, I realize the irony of me being an "IWC member" ranting inside of an online forum reply on a thread about the character who is the voice of such people as myself).

Lol. Well I know he's suppose to voice "us" but it just hit me that "I wonder if he believes what he says or he just says it because we say it (playing his character)." Just that.
Over the years the WWE has had their share of rebels from generation to generation from Brusier Brody to Stone Cold Steve Austin. But now we have the latest wrestling rebel, CM Punk. Over two years ago we saw the infamous CM Punk shoot on RAW in Las Vegas that year heading into the "summer of Punk". And the WWE found a way to add the big "pipebomb" moment to Punk's character and persona. Now there is no question that CM Punk is a solid main event player in the WWE.

But with all the past rebels in the history of the WWE that came & gone. Is CM Punk the TRUE rebel of the WWE?


CM Punk is not a rebel. CM Punk is a versatile sports entertainer who, since 2011, has been portraying a rebel on television.
I feel like Punk is more of a hypocrite than a rebel. Maybe it's what he's really like but he seems like a dick. Someone who doesn't like stuff because everyone else does even though deep down he likes it too. A modern day hipster. I love'em when he's a heel don't get me wrong it works but when he's a face something is missing and it comes off more as whining.
Punk is someone, who's old school and dedicated to staying in character. He loves to blur the line between what's real and what's not to play mind games with everyone.

His character is the smart ass non-conformist, who spits in the face of authority, but I have to believe there are certain lines Punk won't cross. At the end of the day, we can't escape conformity in our every day lives. If you work a job, you have to follow rules, procedures, a dress code, and you have to maintain a professional appearance (no big beards, crazy hair styles, etc.). Hell, there are rules to follow on this forum. You can tow the line to a certain degree, but if you cross it, you'll have to face the consequences.

That's why I believe there's no way in hell Punk just picked up a microphone, and decided to air his grievances without a leash during the pipebomb promo. Vince McMahon rules WWE with an iron fist, so there had to be some sort of discussion with Vince about the content in Punk's promo before he started running his mouth. On top of that, Punk mentioned Hogan by name, but if he really wanted to expose WWE and rip into them, why didn't he mention TNA by name or Chris Benoit?

Punk is my favorite wrestler, and I love the guy, but sometimes I think a lot of people forget he's playing a character on a wrestling show(s).
No he's not a rebel he's a quitter who still wants paid. A REAL rebel would have spoke his mind before leaving and would be speaking out right now and NOT keeping quiet and letting his girlfriend comment.

The whole "Summer of Punk" was about as scripted as you can get, if they let guys go now like in the 90's we would see a whole different set of "stars". If it was this scripted in the 90's the Rock would have never been born and WWF would have released The Ringmaster in 1996
Imagine this...

Raw 3/2/14 is in Chicago.

Punk pulls an outdated storyline and turns it into a real life situation by legitametly buying a front row seat. He sits with the crowd and has no interactions with his fellow wrestlers.

WWE is worried the fans might hijack the show already....what do you think would happen if Phil Brooks just happened to be sitting at ringside...
I don't care about CM Punk or Daniel Bryan or Cesaro, or this or that anymore. WHERE WAS DOLPH ZIGGLER THIS PAST MONDAY? I'm sick and tired of him getting a Miz treatment, or not being on the show at all. You find time for a bloody Fandango and not a Dolph Ziggler. Is having Dolph Ziggler at least once a week on an under card too much? He is, and Im not exaggerating the BEST single talent this company has produced since Kurt Angle. And I MEAN HE IS BETTER THAN THEM ALL SINCE KURT.
Over the years the WWE has had their share of rebels from generation to generation from Brusier Brody to Stone Cold Steve Austin. But now we have the latest wrestling rebel, CM Punk. Over two years ago we saw the infamous CM Punk shoot on RAW in Las Vegas that year heading into the "summer of Punk". And the WWE found a way to add the big "pipebomb" moment to Punk's character and persona. Now there is no question that CM Punk is a solid main event player in the WWE.

But with all the past rebels in the history of the WWE that came & gone. Is CM Punk the TRUE rebel of the WWE?

CM Punk sucks, I am aware I will draw the ire of the IWC (and probably the Mods on here) for saying that but it's my honest opinion so yeh.

I mean seriously towards the end of his latest WWE run, the guy did like 3 moves, and his promos were all like "Wee! Look at me! I was Champion for 62 weeks!", purely because the only person the IWC loves more is Daniel Bryan.

For fuck sake get over the guy.

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