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Is Cena / Punk As Straightforward As It Seems?

Have an idea...go with me on this:

We start next week on RAW: Del Rio is upset since he won a #1 contenders match to face Cena at MITB when Punk was suspended. Anoynomus RAW GM chimes in and says he understands ADR's anger but since the decision was made by Vince...it's out of his hands...but he can give ADR the #1 contenders show at SummerSlam. But since ADR is already now the #1 contender...ADR will not be allowed in the MITB match. So instead they'll be a qualifying match between....Dolph Ziggler and Zach Ryder. (just hypothetical..could be anyone not already in the match)

We go to the RAW MITB where Rey Mysterio wins the briefcase.

Go to the WWE Title Match:

Cena goes to lift Punk for the AA and the ref is kicked and down. AA connects and Cena follows it up with the STF. ADR then comes down to the ring (upset at Cena for getting Punk reinstated and stealing his title shot not to mention his spot in the MITB match) and hits Cena in the back of the head. Cena lets go to fight ADR and ADR hits the cross armbreaker. Damage done to Cena's arm...ADR heads back to the back....Cena goes to get Punk and Punk hits a GTS....1...2....3. New champion.

Chicago crowd goes nuts and Punk celebrates, while still hurting from the AA and STF. Here comes Rey to cash in. Cena is down at ringside holding his arm and shoulder thanks to ADR. Rey has Punk set up for the 619 and connects...but Cena, who is still fuming over Punk winning the title....lifts up Punk after Punk sells the 619 and hits an AA and starts hammering him with left and rights. Ref sees this and DQ's Mysterio. So Punk is STILL WWE Champion.

Vince comes out...shaking his head while Rey is yelling at Cena, asking him why? Vince says you blew it. If Rey would of successfully cashed in, Cena's job would be saved but instead....you let your own pettiness get in the way....John Cena...you're fired. All the while we see Punk in the crowd....holding up the belt laughing while Cena has his head in his hands pondering his future.

We go to RAW the next week....no pyro....no opening video....just a loan spotlight in the middle of the ring with Vince McMahon letting everyone know of the situation. Basically says that CM Punk is not recognized as WWE Champion and if that belt is shown on any other promotion or television station...the promotion, the network, and Mr. Punk will be sued. States that a new WWE Title is being created as we speak and an 8 man tournament is being finalized where the winner will face Alberto Del Rio at SummerSlam for the vacant WWE Title. So the tournament goes on as planned and the final guys are Alberto Del Rio vs Rey Mysterio. During that match...a commotion is heard in the crowd and who shall appear in a skybox....CM Punk with the WWE Title. Punk is watching on intently. While that match is going on...we see another commotion and someone is standing behind Punk...John Cena. Those two brawl in the skybox while the match is going on in the ring (no cameras in the skybox...just a view from the floor). After about 10 minutes....who shall appear brawling through the crowd toward the ring....Punk and Cena. Security tries to stop them but they get pummeled by the two men as Punk and Cena tumble over the barricade and to ringside. Several of the boys from the back race out to stop these two "Ousiders" (term since they 'no longer work in the company') from interrupting the title match. After the two are separated the RAW GM chimes in and says that if these two men want to beat on each other so bad....if they agree to waive their rights of any legal recourse should something happen in this match....we'll make it a fatal fourway for the Undisputed WWE Championship. It's agreed and all four men battle for the belt. Eventually won by Alberto Del Rio. But Vince tires to resign Cena stating that he helped WWE get their championship back by forcing Punk to the ring...Cena punches Vince and tells him to stick it and maybe have Cena cut a semi-shoot of his own. Build Cena as a loan wolf.

I do firmly believe that Punk has signed a new deal...but this deal could also be one that perhaps doesn't take effect until say November or December. So he gets 4 or 5 months off to rest and recuperate and returns or could just be an extension until September or October.

If Punk hasn't signed a new deal of either kind...i expect perhaps a screwjob ending (especially after hearing about some of the endings of the overseas trip) and once October rolls around...we see Punk back in Ring of Honor.
If Punk wins the match at Money In the Bank, and no MITB winner cashes in their shot at the title (which I think is unlikely), then I'm sure the storylines that would follow would be entertaining. It could go so many ways. Punk can act like he's leaving the company with the title, Vince/Rock could get involved, etc.

However, I think that's unlikely. Punk won't walk out of MITB with the title. I just don't see this storyline going in that direction. It would be entertaining if it did, no doubt, but it's not likely.

1.)Cena wins.
2.) Punk wins; MITB winner then cashes in their shot and defeats a injured Punk.
I think Punk will win. Given Cena's working through constant nagging injuries for a very long time now, and Punk's imminent depature, I think WWE have given Punk the belt so that he'll stay, and so that Cena can take time off to heal and get himself in shape for his match against Rock at WM.

He'll return when better, and get the title off Punk or whoever's champion by then, to defend it against the Rock.
I'm gonna put this out there, and I know I'll get ridiculed for this, because even I think it's stupid. But here goes...

Have Punk beat Cena, Chicago goes absolutely nuts. Then have Vince come out with the money in the bank winner, say The Miz or Jack Swagger, as his last hope to keep the title in the WWE. Match starts, and then bam, out of no where, Punk gets a roll-up on the challenger. At this point the crowd would be going full on ape shit! With Punk exiting the arena through the crowd.

A week or two go by, no Cena, no Punk, and no WWE title. Then have Vince call out Punk, offers him a deal. He arranges a title match at summerslam between Cena and Punk. If Punk wins he gets the contract that he wanted, and if Cena wins, he gets his job back, and Punk has to leave.

Like I said, it's kind of stupid, but I haven't seen anyone else suggest it yet.

And before anyone givese crap for suggesting the Miz or Swagger as Mitb winners, it's purely because I wouldn't see the point of giving the win to one of the other competitors only to have them lose.
You make good points in your OP, LSN. However, I don't agree that Cena's feud with Punk will elevate him. It's an undeniable fact that he's already WWE's top dog and the company's main cash cow. Add to that the fact that he's a ten time world champion, and you have almost no way of elevating him any further. I also don't think there's any need to reinvent Cena's character or make him any edgier. Reinvent Cena's character and you take away a pivotal aspect of the Cena/Rock rivalry and that is that they are two completely different people with Cena being the superhero to women and children while Rock appeals to a different, more edgy demographic mostly made up of older men. That right there gives little reason to alter Cena's character in any way.

If anything, I think this feud serves to elevate Punk if anything. Of course, that's assuming Punk even stays with the WWE after MITB. WWE is clearly doing whatever they can to keep him on board and if he does indeed stay, I think Punk's recent work will help solidify him as a permanent main eventer thus elevating him up the card.

Just my two cents.

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