Backstage Heat on Cena?

The first thing that popped into my mind when I read the title was, "Woah, what'd he do?". The report seemed legit at first... until I further read the other posters' comments claiming that Bleacher Report is an untrustworthy source.

I was in the same boat at this. As the OP of this thread i had no idea if Bleacher Report is Trustworthy or just full of garbage. I guess in a way i have learned something new today .. well yesterday. Only really use this site for the latest Wrestling scoop, will try to remember to steer clear of Bleacher Report in the future. Must admit i thought for a minute myself that this could be true. The Article did twist the whole Promo to make you believe it.

Would be pretty cool if it were true. John Cena is the main reason i watch WWE. I do like his current Gimmick, but a slight tweak to his persona would make him a lot more interesting.
I don't think I buy any of it.... Cena ad-libbing that I believe... if anyone could pull it off it would be him. Like they said it already ran 15 minutes over so I doubt if Cena deliberately cut Punk off, I think that was the plan. Too bad someone didn't explain to Punk that RESPECT is earned not demanded and he had all the respect till a few weeks ago. Too bad about Jerry though.
I was in the same boat at this. As the OP of this thread i had no idea if Bleacher Report is Trustworthy or just full of garbage. I guess in a way i have learned something new today .. well yesterday. Only really use this site for the latest Wrestling scoop, will try to remember to steer clear of Bleacher Report in the future. Must admit i thought for a minute myself that this could be true. The Article did twist the whole Promo to make you believe it.

Well, I just finished watching Raw, and apparently, it started way earlier than usual, which made me miss the first parts of the show. While Cena immediately stormed out of the ring the second he finished his sentence, Punk didn't look that surprised to me and was exceptionally quick to swerve back to Jerry like nothing happened. With those being said, I've come to the conclusion never to believe Bleacher Report News again. Not that I even read their news, more that I read their own articles regarding their own comments, suggestions, rankings, etc.

While it's plain as day that what happened on Raw stuck to the script, the article DID twist the whole promo to make you believe it. So unless there are more legit reports that Cena DID bend the rule, I'll dismiss this as a mere rumor and nothing more.
Well, I just finished watching Raw, and apparently, it started way earlier than usual, which made me miss the first parts of the show. While Cena immediately stormed out of the ring the second he finished his sentence, Punk didn't look that surprised to me and was exceptionally quick to swerve back to Jerry like nothing happened. With those being said, I've come to the conclusion never to believe Bleacher Report News again. Not that I even read their news, more that I read their own articles regarding their own comments, suggestions, rankings, etc.

While it's plain as day that what happened on Raw stuck to the script, the article DID twist the whole promo to make you believe it. So unless there are more legit reports that Cena DID bend the rule, I'll dismiss this as a mere rumor and nothing more.

I kind of thought the same too until I rewatched the ending segment a couple of times over. I don't know, could be anything really.
WWE putting fake dirt so people will say well Vince is forcing him to do it.Cena choses how to portray himself don't think otherwise. He could walk and the company will miss him more than he would miss them aka leverage
I think Cena just doesn't like being the challenger. He'd rather have the belt to show off at public appearances because it makes it harder for him to be awesome if he ain't champ.
This happens all the time in wrestling these days. You get some bullshit report from a so-called "source" who is questionable. Why would John Cena, the company face, be sick of his character? Because for years when asked when he refuses to turn heel, he says it's not him. With the make-a-wish work that Cena does, I'm sure he's perfectly fine with his current role and character within WWE. And why shouldn't he be happy? He's the top dawg in the only real wrestling company on a worldwide national level. He gets what he wants whenever he wants it and can call his own shots. I hate to question these unimpeachable "sources" but, I question their motives and validity. It seems that certain "sources" cannot distinguish between shoot real life and scripted shoots. It was probably a last minute or as it happened change, which Cena is known for.
I highly doubt this. If John Cena really did'nt want to be a superhero, I think he would have said something before. I just dont buy it. He has all the publicity and fame in the world so I just don't see what his problem would be. Sorry man, im calling BS.
I would not take anything delivered from Bleacher Report as gospel. It's
littered with hack writers that are willing to lie, steal from
other sources directly and morons who think they are legit.

There are a number of reasons for the ending that we saw including time constraints and the fact that the OP or the top notch "journalist" saw this completely wrong and that look of surprise was more due to the fact that John Cena abrupty cut communication with Punk
and saw it as an act of "disrespect". If this was a legitimate problem, with this being a few days after RAW had finished it's show that more on this story from a reliable source would have broken this?

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