Championship Contender
Ohhhh, I get it... it's like a fantasy booking thing, right? Then I agree, Orton/Punk would've been fun and much better for Orton. Also, the actual match at HIAC had a pretty lame finish, so I agree Punk/Orton woulda probably been a lot better quality for those that shelled out the 60 simoleans. That's a feather in your cap. Your Survivor Series and TLC ideas sounded alright, too.
The point I'll make for Ryback is that he will probably never be that over again, know what I mean? Even if everyone who chanted for him was a caveman, they were still chanting for him at the time and I was too. Regardless of why he was getting a reaction, the reaction was there and God only knows how much longer that was going to last. If there was ever a chance to make money on Ryback, it was then.
So personally, I liked the way they did HIAC because I enjoyed the two weeks of ultra-hype on WrestleZone with none of the buyer's remorse.
I apologize for seeming very harsh and singular in presenting and sustaining my point of view. But if you had a bit fun with the chants/ppv, I'm fine with that. You're damn right that Ryback will most likely never matter much again, unless there's a miracle. Once again I apologize for seeming too anti-Ryback. I was more of a Pro-logical booking than Anti-Ryback.