John Cena's brutality and CM Punk's humanity

1. Do you think Cena is a bully?

Yes. I think he isnt a very good role model for kids at and he needs to get taught a lesson by punk.

2. Where do you think CM Punk's feud with Cena will go? (There is speculation that CM
Punk is the "leader" behind Nexus)

I dont think it will last long. Maybe a match at the royal rumble or at No way out but i dont think it will go to Wrestlemania.

3. How do you feel abo ut the personality/characteristic reversals within a ?BABYFACE Cena and a HEEL Punk, as I've pointed out?

Im not for sure if the tables will turn because at this point cena could gut a puppy on stage and they crowd will still love him.

4. Does Cena deserve to get his ASS kicked for the years of physical, emotional abuse he's placed on people.

yes. then it will show that cena is a douchebag.
Okayyyyyyyyy so I haven't had time to check this thread in a day or so, since I just moved back from college and been busy... but... lemme try and respond to the general consensus.

So maybe you guys are right John Cena isn't a bully... Wade Barrett, and Batista did deserve what they had coming to them.

But... Did David Otunga deserve it. David Otunga has always TRIED to befriend John Cena once he was introduced into Nexus. They won Tag Titles together and what does Cena do? He throws his partner into an AA and leaves him there... THEN THE NEXT NIGHT ON RAW he gets pissy because David lays down [per orders of Wade Barrett] to lose the titles.

John Cena ripped Vickie apart with fat jokes, all she came out for was an apology and to say that "You are not the only one -booooooooooo- to win a match last night at TLC." Way to go John, you made a woman who lost a lot of weight feel horrible about herself. And then he gets mad when he gets smacked in the face for what he had coming to him.
Then he forced himself on Vickie and kissed her, and then tried to FU her when she retaliated... no that's not bullying? I'm sure all of you would sit back and let your girlfriends get kissed and then Attitude Adjusted by some guy and then sit back and say yeah she deserved it?

I won't get too into Lita because I know the IWC is completely opinionated about this, so don't get deeper in your responses then all I will say here... Calling someone a ****, and telling them they have herpes week after week, a YEAR after the event that put her in that position happened... thats not bullying? AAing a woman isn't bullying, its domestic violence.

So as far as bullying goes, some people deserved it, sure... my opinion is that John Cena can still be a bully... or maybe he's just misogynistic? (That was a joke... don't write crap about how he's not a misogynist... just roll your eyes or lol.)

So he still brutalizes his opponents after matches are over... some say they deserve it, some say these are not characteristics of a typical babyface... John Cena is not "badass" he is a super-powered, fan-energized, silly goofball...

So CM Punk is giving him a taste of his own medicine, brutalizing John Cena after matches.
I do think the John Cena character is a hypocrite and a bully. He comes off like the douchy jock who expects everyone to listen to him combined with your "friend" who thinks hes hilarious but everyone else just rolls their eyes about.
I think this could be awesome and reveal that Cena has secretly been a heel all along and people will finally open their eyes and realize that CM Punk is a good guy and has only been trying to help people all along when he was preaching the right way to live to them

Course... maybe not they will probably find a way to get the average moron to see Cena as the good guy Punk as the bad one

I think Face Punk Vs. Heel Cena in some kind of extreme match at WM would be awesome
1. Do you think Cena is a bully?
I think a more fitting term would be "Avenger". He's a bully to the bullies. He may in fact be brutal towards, I guess you can call the wrong-doers, but the thing is most of the time, the people he attacks do much more heinous things. Like the time Edge took what was back then, John Cena's custom made belt and tossed it to the Long Island river, or beating up his dad. You can't expect Cena to right those wrongs merely by pinning him. Or the time Randy Orton punted Cena's dad and then beat him in a Last Man Standing match. Cena forgot about their match on Unforgiven 2007 and instead attacked Randy. It's a matter of leverage.

2. Where do you think CM Punk's feud with Cena will go? (There is speculation that CM Punk is the "leader" behind Nexus)
My God. If the Nexus gets involved in this, they'll just kill a perfectly good story. This has loads of potention with Punk and Cena alone and should be left at that. This is a fight between different moral standings, not an attempt to take over Raw. Pop Culture vs Counter Culture.
3. How do you feel about the personality/characteristic reversals within a ?BABYFACE Cena and a HEEL Punk, as I've pointed out?
This is a very nice case that has both playing ambiguous roles. The one who choose who's face and who's heel are the fan's and not exactly the wrestlers. The thing is CM is doing nothing wrong. He's only angering the crowd by attacking John Cena. This make the feud seem about morality above all else. Neither one is wrong, in time you'll see the typical split crowd. Kids vs Adults.

4. Does Cena deserve to get his ASS kicked for the years of physical, emotional abuse he's placed on people.
If that were the case everyone in pro wrestling should get in line for the gallows. Brutality comes with the job. However, CM Punk is right in that John gets rewarded for his brutal behavior while it's frown upon others.

This sounds like a great feud and one that can actually rejuvenate John Cena's character.

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