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Is Cena / Punk As Straightforward As It Seems?


King Of The Ring
I certainly think so. Which begs the question, how exactly? John Cena is undeniably the face of the company. He's a main event mainstay for as long as he chooses to be. He's a merchandise windfall for WWE, and Id venture that most people, even those who don't follow wrestling, recognize the name John Cena. He's a ten time WWE Chaampion, and the current champion as well. So with all of this being said, how exactly can John Cena be elevated?

With the Wrestlemania main event being set in stone for 2012, WWE has done something unprecedented. Announcing the main event of a PPV a year in advance guarantees John Cena's spot, but how will he get there? WWE has been smart to stay away from building towards that match right now, as it would make everything else Cena does in the meantime seem irrelevant and beneath him. In a sense, it felt like we were headed that way. Enter CM Punk.

Punk took his intriguing storyline about leaving the company with the belt hostage, and turned it into one of the most believable works Ive ever seen. Punk obviously can be unpredictable at times, and Im sure he was given some freedom into what he said. What was brilliant about the promo was that Punk said enough to convince people he truly crossed the line, yet fell short of saying anything truly indicting or that makes anyone in the company look bad. What was lost in this somewhere is the way John Cena responded. He broke the "fourth wall" himself, argued for the reinstatement of a heel trying to take his title, and was made to look vulnerable and full of self-doubt by the time Raw came to a close Monday. He didn't guarantee victory, or brush offVince's concerns about his fear that Punk could take the belt from him. Further, Cena will very likely go into the match with Punk in Chicago facing plenty of hostility, and possibly as the defacto heel. Cena showed a range on Monday that he's shown many times before, but not recent enough that most fans will recall.

The Cena we got Monday is the Cena that we need to see from here on out, heading into his showdown with the Rock at Wrestlemania. Cena will be headed into hostile territory facing the Rock at a much larger stage then Money in the Bank. The build leading up to the match will be Cena working against perhaps the greatest stick man ever in the business. Of active superstars, Punk may very well be the best right now. In essence, this is a great practice run for Cena. WWE obviously needs to be careful in balancing an "edgier" Cena with his fanbase, but delivering two money promos the way he did on Monday should only serve to increase his fanbase.

The follow up this Monday is so critical, but I believe that if any two men can advance this angle even further, it's Punk and Cena. In doing so, this feud will go beyond some of the simple similarities from the "summer of Punk" from ROH. Rather, its an interesting, unique storyline combined with the ideal of elevating Cena in the eyes of all fans. This is the type of long-term, subtle planning that WWE needs to utilize in creating a shift in Cena's character with eyes towards Wrestlemania 28, while remaining focused on the here and now. Punk's promo provided the perfect template to do so, and Cena delivered exactly how he should have in response. Because win or lose at Money in the Bank, Cena, as difficult it may seem to believe, is the one who is being and will continue to be elevated in the process. And CM Punk will be looked at 6 months from now as the catalyst for this.
The longer this drags out, and the more that is being revealed........the more i think that this is what this is.......they are trying to add another dynamic to Cena, and make him popular with the percentage of fans that don't like him. I am also really starting to think that Cena will just straight up win at MITB now as well, and that Punk will legitimately be leaving.
But that will only further the hate on Cena. I sure as hell dont want to see Cena win again. I dont even want some MITB run in either.

I dont think its really gonna elevate Cena. How much more can you really elevate Cena?
It's kind of hard to elevate John Cena higher than he already is. Cena has shown himself at various points in his career that he can be a complex, pretty dynamic sort of guy with edge that appeals to the IWC. The thing is that Cena's all American babyface superhero is cut from the same cloth as Hulk Hogan's character back in the mid 80s. A hefty chunk of the IWC hates it but a ton of your average fans love it. Kids love it, parents love it, chicks love it and they all spend money on it. At the end of the day, money talks and bullshit walks. Always has, always will. I think the only way of elevating Cena at this point is altering people's perception of him and, in order to do that, Cena would have to be turned heel. It'd be the most significant heel turn since Hulk Hogan's heel turn back in '96. However, that's not going to happen as Cena's character, as is, has proven to be a cash cow time and time again.

Let's say that CM Punk is really leaving. I'm not just talking about taking a few months off before popping up again but he actually decides to head to ROH or TNA or New Japan or wherever. If someone has the idea of CM Punk losing to Cena at MITB is somehow going to cause his stock to drop, I think they're completely off the mark. Contrary to what the smarks might say, Vince is someone that generally knows what he's doing. He knows that this Punk storyline has generated a huge buzz and that Punk himself is the most talked about guy in wrestling right now. Nobody's head to be shoved that far up their own ass to not realize that fact at this point in time. Punk has been elevated to another level and Vince has to know that. That is one reason why so many of us are holding onto the hope that Punk has either already signed a new deal and it's being kept extremely hush hush or that he'll return after taking some time off. It goes against what we've generally seen not only from Vince but wrestling in general. Whenever someone is leaving and that someone generates as much heat as Punk allegedly has over the years, the M.O. has usually been to devalue the guy as much as possible by burying him. Instead, the exact opposite has happened to Punk. If he legitimately does leave WWE, he'll still be the most talked about wrestler in the world for quite a while and he'll also be the most sought after. Wrestling companies will be coming out of the wood work, especially TNA in my opinion, to get Punk to sign with them.

We've seen that Vince has actually kind of grown as a person to some degree over the past few years. For instance, even though there was money to be made from it, he did reach out to Bret Hart and they've, allegedly, patched things up. He reached out to Ultimate Warrior and offered him a spot in the HOF last year, he contacted Wendi Richter, the victim of the original screwjob, and offered her a spot. Could it be that Vince is actually purposely doing a stand up thing here and elevating Punk's career even though he's really leaving the company? Well, stranger things have happened I suppose. It just goes against the grain to such a degree that I have a hard time buying into it.

Regardless, Punk's career has been jacked to a whole other level. It'll be a huge shame if they let Punk get away.
Yes Definitely. If you defend a popular person like Punk you Normally become popular also except that would not happen in this instance because thir is Cena were talking about, he cant do anything right.
Elevate Cena to what? He's already at the top, there's no where for him to go. This could be nitpicking at semantics, but I'd be more inclined to say that CM Punk his helping Cena to reinvent his character, albeit only slightly. John Cena can break out his edgy persona whenever he wants to, and it's the fact that he uses it so rarely that makes it so special. I was jumping around like a madman after Cena AA'd The Rock on the Raw before WrestleMania because I NEVER expected Cena to pull a Stone Cold move and hit his finisher on one of the biggest faces in the company.

Having Cena and Punk work together isn't going to change Cena in any significant way, just temporarily bring out a side in Cena that some fans may like better than your howdy-doody straight laced Cena. It will help keep audiences interested in Cena between now and WrestleMania 28, and hopefully it will help him not get murdered in Chicago. Still, I think most Cena haters have already made up their mind and while this may be one of Cena's more entertaining feuds, they'll still shit on him just because of who he is.
i think this could be the point where Cena is elevated to the level of "all round respect"...the main gripe of Punks seemed to be about the fact that he has been undervalued as a "wrestler"...a point i wholeheartedly agree with...and that Cena is an over rated "wrestler"...something i agree with to a point altho i stll feel maybe WWE holds him back...

What i am hoping to see at the PPV is Punk and Cena put on a classic, where Cena adds to his so called "5 moves of doom" (what top superstar hasnt gone through that phase? huh? Mr Austin? Mr Rock? Mr Hogan? Mr Undertaker?)

If he manages to go out, put on a very good wrestling match, where he puts in lots of offence thats alternative to what weve come so accustomed to seeing then i think that would cause even more of a stir than Punks promo...people would be even more shocked if he didnt use any of his signature moves, and that would be a smart move...

The one thing i feel WWE has a very good grip on these days is not shocking for the sake of shocking, yes this can lead to them being predictable sometimes but when we do have the genuine shocks people stand up and take notice, good examples of this being the Nexus, The Rocks return, Miz winning MITB etc...

So in summary, WWE can elevate Cena to a wrestler, a wrestler that no1 will doubt the Hall of Fame credentials, a wrestler that will have another great Wrestling match to add to his bout with Michaels...and that would be some elevation
Cena's not being elevated. He's the company's top guy by far, with Randy Orton a distant second. There's no reason to elevate him, this isn't Impact Wrestling where the top guy needs more of a push. That's not the case here. I think what they're doing is pushing Cena in a new direction, very, very slowly of course, yet pushing him in a new direction nonetheless. I'm sure they know the Super Cena persona is only going to go but so far, everything's bound to change eventually, and John Cena's persona is coming to a head. This is great build-up for WrestleMania next year against The Rock, as a way to showcase the "step up" Cena where he's no longer the guy who panders to the little kids constantly, but has a side where he's really not afraid to "step up" to what he believes is bullshit within the company. That way, he seems more believable when it comes down to his match with The Rock, and people will be like, "you know what? Cena actually has a chance against The Rock." We saw this early on when he had his verbal jabs with Rock, but it somewhat died off a bit, but now it's coming back with his war or words with McMahon. I see what they're doing, and I like it, even if I personally don't care for Cena.

What they're doing with C.M. Punk however is a bit different. I am not sure how Punk's involvement with Cena at MITB and then moving forward will ultimately pay off, but trust me, they're not using Punk to elevate John Cena in any way, shape or form. I could see if Cena was say Alberto Del Rio who has yet to taste the ultimate success or how Edge was to Christian, that was an elevation. C.M. Punk & John Cena are intertwined within a storyline that now involves McMahon (for better or worse). Basically, time will tell on what will happen, and I haven't been this curious about a storyline in a long, long time.
I am not sure it is possible to elevate someone who is already the top guy in the business hahaha.

Like it or not, he is at the level Hogan and Austin were at. He is the top guy, makes the same amount of money, sells as much merchandise. He just doesn't have the supporting cast that Austin had to make the ratings and buyrates better than what they are, though 3.0+ is a rating that anybody running any kind of show or business would be completely satisfied with.

Cena cannot be elevated anymore than what he is. The real thread should be, is Punk angle being used to elevate the business in general.
Elevate Cena to what? He's already at the top, there's no where for him to go. This could be nitpicking at semantics, but I'd be more inclined to say that CM Punk his helping Cena to reinvent his character, albeit only slightly.

That's why they were quick thoughts, perhaps the wording of things wasn't as clear as yours. I think we both are getting at the same idea here, with slightly different conclusions. The subtle shift I was talking about was what you referred to as reinventing is what I think will elevate Cena's career, in the eyes of most fans. Most people, from my observation, don't consider John Cena to be great. They believe he's very good, special, but wouldn't dare breathe his name around the all-time greats. I would be inclined to disagree, but I think the edgier side of his persona, which he demonstrated Monday night without a doubt, is one that he needs to use more frequently moving towards Wrestlemania. It could succeed at changing some of those fans minds on his place in history as he heads toward the biggest match of his career, possibly the biggest one he'll ever have. In essence, working with Punk here could be the beginning begin of building consistently towards the edgy persona that he'll need during the home stretch. I think this feud is a great catalyst for establishing that side of Cena, and the perfect foil is there in Punk to do so. How could a straight-faced, badass Cena on the mic not elevate him in the eyes of all fans, and possibly move him from very good to great as a result? The elevation Im talking about is in the eyes of the fans.

John Cena can break out his edgy persona whenever he wants to, and it's the fact that he uses it so rarely that makes it so special.

Fair enough, but does he do it effectively each time? Id argue, and perhaps this is semantics, that at certain times when he tried to utilize his edgy persona in the WM27 build, he failed. I think what will further elevate him in the eyes of fans is if he finds a middle ground. Not one that shocks and awes every week, but not one that tells bad jokes and makes opponents seem insignificant. I think it's been fantastic that Cena hadn't cut a promo in a few weeks before Monday night, because it made the edgier one more effective. Cena doesn't have to be edgy all the time to be effective, but even as one of the biggest Cena marks on this board, I find it somewhat disingenous when he cuts a comedic promo one week, and a serious promo the next. What he's done so far with Punk has worked, because they've been kept away from each other. Cena had a springboard from Punk's promo the previous week, and he nailed the landing.

Having Cena and Punk work together isn't going to change Cena in any significant way, just temporarily bring out a side in Cena that some fans may like better than your howdy-doody straight laced Cena.

Why can't it? Let's look at Cena's last two feuds, with Miz and Truth. For the most part, when he was feuding with Miz, his focus was more on the Rock then it was Miz. He never took Truth seriously as all of his comments surrounding Truth were essentially about how Truth is crazy. Why can't we see the Cena who stood up to the Chairman and told the "old man" to retire, yet showed incredible self-doubt when Vince told him he didnt think he could beat Punk? Cena's at his best when he's not making jokes of his opponents, or swatting them away like they're gnats. He hasn't done that with Punk.

Alot of this won't matter if we don't get the same story between the ropes, but Cena has shown that capability in the past such as vs RVD at One Night Stand. And if that's the Cena we get more often, that's where the translation from "very good" to great will come for some, and from "Cena sucks" to "respect" from others.

It will help keep audiences interested in Cena between now and WrestleMania 28, and hopefully it will help him not get murdered in Chicago. Still, I think most Cena haters have already made up their mind and while this may be one of Cena's more entertaining feuds, they'll still shit on him just because of who he is.

Of course.There will always be haters, but what wrestler doesn't have them? Cena's are just more pronounced because he's exposed to the audience, and rightfully so, more then any other wrestler within the company. The people who crap all over him because of the times he's played Dudley-Do-Right, and boo the hell out of his signature comebacks will always be there. But Cena's been presented with aa golden opportunity to begin to hone his character so that not only does he not get murdered in Chicago, but that the same doesn't happen at WM28. Cena showed capable of pulling it off in the past against RVD and Edge, for example. Now he needs to sustain that level and build on the edginess he's created. A build from this far away with a shift in character that would draw interest until Wrestlemania 28 would certainly elevate Cena. He's got the perfect starting point in the feud with CM Punk, and if followed up correctly, could certainly elevate Cena in the eyes of many from the "face of the company" to "all-time great". That's the elevation Im referring to.
I suppose it makes sense. Punk could really be leaving after MITB. If he leaves then the elevation of his character through this angle would have been for nothing. Cena is the one who will be sticking around no matter what. He stood up for his own enemy's honor against Vince. Cena is THE top guy of WWE right now. How else can he be elevated past being a ten time world champion and the face of the industry?

Elevation closer to the level of where The Rock is at. Cena is facing The Rock in a dream match booked one year in advance. The only way this angle (or any for that matter) could be used to elevate Cena would be to bring him closer to legend status because the man has everything else he could possibly do in his career. Elevating Cena rather than Punk makes sense in the end. One might leave but the other is never going anywhere.
The WWE's intentions in doing this storyline is not to improve Cena's position in the company, as that would be majorly hard, but I think this feud is just particularly interesting given the circumstances. Punk is leaving, the WWE wants him to stay, they give Punk the reins to deliver a worked shoot, he does and it's amazing. This feud, in fact, has been amazing. But, it is not so because the WWE wants to raise Cena in any way, it's just a byproduct of the situation. It's just another feud, and this one's just specifically refreshing. Not going to heighten Cena in any form, but it will be entertaining.
I just don't see how you can further elevate someone who is, undeniably and almost too much in your face, the face of the company.

Further, if this is some attempt to make fans of John Cena out of non-fans, they are at least wasting their time on this one. Again, I have nothing but respect for any wrestler (whether I like them or not) who goes out there and bust their ass night in and night out, regardless of the politics or whatever behind their push. But the bottom line is I personally just can't stand the character. And no amount of thinly veiled attempts to appease a certain fanbase is gonna change that.
I'm simply not "getting" what they tried to do with Cena on Monday; I'm not picking up what they're putting down; I'm not smelling what the creative team is cooking. I'm not feeling them, playah. John Cena, to me, is the very picture of the status quo. More so than Austin, more so than Rock, perhaps even more so than Hogan.

When Punk raged against the machine, I bought it. I bought it hook, line and sinker. I marked out to the extent that I actually had to watch the segment a second time to realise that it wasn't an entirely legitimate shoot - that's how compelled I was.

When Cena raged against the machine, I was almost angry. It might have been Vince and his sub-par acting that broke the segment(s), it might have been the proverbial sign that flashed "THIS IS KAYFABE" in bright neon, but - if it was - it wasn't entirely that. John Cena talking about the WWE system being broken was like having Captain America talk about how Joseph Stalin wasn't actually that bad a guy, or having Sarah Palin talk about the benefits of socialized medicine. It just didn't gel. Here's a guy that walks out wearing no less than four pieces of merchandise (available on WWEshop.com, folks) each week. Here's a guy that's held the WWE championship countless times. Here's the guy that's been in the main event more than anyone I can remember. Cena might have been explaining about how he just wanted to fight the most worthy contender, but it came over as him trying to derail the same gravy train that he'd been riding for years.

Yes John, I totally think the WWE Universe should be able to say what they want. Oh no, this isn't what you got into the entertainment business for, is it? Totally, John, fight the power. I'll do that right after I pick up some nifty "U CAN'T SEE ME" wristbands, and maybe a baseball cap. Cheers.
I agree with most of your points LSN except for your main point, that is of Cena being elevated or reinvented, whichever suits you. I basically think that there is not much of a need to reinvent Cena. Cena is mainly a goody two shoes babyface while Rock was this much more edgier, rebellious type of guy. That contrast between their characters is what makes this match legendary. They are both representatives( Rock isn't exactly, but you get the idea) of their respective generations and it is best if they act in that manner.

And I do not think that Cena's promos on Raw were not all that edgy. Sure he did oppose the owner of the company but that was only because the owner of the company was wrong. He said all the things that were expected from him and he stood up for one of the boys backstage even though he does not happen to like that guy. That made Cena look like this ideal, righteous hero babyface more than ever. He showed us that we should always stand up for what is wrong even if it happens to your enemy. Cena would have appeared edgy had he celebrated Punk's suspension not rebelled against it.

At the end of the day the message of the promo is what is most important, not the exact words that are spoken. And this promo sent a message that one expects a righteous hero to give. Therefore even though some of the content might be edgy the promo does not make Cena look edgy at all.
Go watch the video from Brisbane on the main page of wrestlezone and you will see what they are trying to do. I think they are trying to use CM Punk to win over the "Cena-haters." They some how think Punk can get people to like Cena I think. Why else would Punk feel the need to bash the rock constantly and put over Cena?

Personally I do not think it will work...I know for me I will NEVER be a Cena fan...I am too far gone to change my mind now! lol
This last two weeks we have seen two excellent worked shoots on RAW featuring, firstly, CM Punk and, this week, John Cena and Vince McMahon but it has gotten me intrigued about the workings of this build up.

Let's examine the 'facts' as we understand it at the moment:

1) CM Punk's contract was due to expire and, to my knowledge, there hasn't been any leeks to state this is not going to happen.

2) John Cena versus the Rock is being giving the biggest build up in WM history.

3) John Cena was 'fired' from WWe only a matter of months ago.

Now, coupled with the feeling that Punk wouldn't pull a Matt / Edge / Lita style con on us (he has always came across as being above such shenanigans), these scream that John is a sure in for the win.

However, if this is the case and Cena wins and Punk walks, the big question is why give a departing superstar (who isn't retiring) such a massive send off?

If it is a work to put the belt on Punk, then how can WWe credibly work in ANOTHER firing storyline featuring John so soon after the last? In fact, if Punk has signed a new contract and loses at MitB, how does he credibly reappear without severely weakening his Straight Edge persona (if he wins, he can play on the deal he 'forced' them into)?

My feelings at the moment are there are two outcomes at MitB; the obvious Cena win which I personally would find a let down or Punk wins and the WWe faces it's greatest creative tightrope in many moons that could, potentially, be their greatest storyline ever. Potentially tying in Vince, Rock, the anonymous GM and maybe the greatest heel swerve (Cena) since Hogan leg dropped Savage and greatest face turn (Punk) since Austin passed out to Hart.

Ignoring the obvious option and being romantics ;), let's say Punk wins (and stays on obviously). How does everyone feel the coming weeks and months will play out, or about anything else about my musings?
I think it is that straight forward.

Straight forward as in John Cena walks in the Champion.. and John Cena walks out the Champion and Punk disappears for an unknown amount of time.

Why would the WWE send him off so big? Well it keeps him big for when he comes back I guess, and maybe the WWE really wanted to test how big of a draw CM Punk is when it comes to PPV Buyrates...
The reason for Punk's big send off is money and buy-rates. The event in every which way is going to make money, it has tremendous hype built around it and the guy who'll face The Rock at Mania has even said Money in the Bank has seemingly transformed into the biggest event of the year.

The way I personally see it going, is that CM Punk will win. Why? WWE are going to a town which is known to be a very "no-bullshit attached" when it comes to pro-wrestling. Chicago has always had very loud, opinionated crowds, WrestleMania 22 when nearly every face on the card was booed is an example. Chicago fans are really behind CM Punk, ask someone on this forum and they will surely tell you, as has someone on another site from the city told me, the fans will go ape-shit if CM Punk loses at Money in The Bank.

The famous, "Cena Wins We Riot" sign comes to mind in-terms of this event.

The stipulation on the match at the event as said by Vince, is very clearly, "If CM Punk leaves Chicago with the WWE title, John you're fired!" If CM Punk leaves and not if he wins. So, you got the Money in The Bank Ladder match just coincidently happening on the same night and although its generic and unoriginal, the winner cashes in on CM Punk, winning the belt. Could there still be the possibility of a riot? Probably, but if not that then CM Punk shows up on WWE the next night and loses it there.

Rock could get involved with Vince trying to fire Cena, which will give the WWE even bigger ratings, they'll draw a shit-ton of money off it and Vinnie Mc will laugh his ass off to the bank.
Cena will not be universally loved no matter what he does!! Its just the way it is!! If cena wasnt always the fucking champion all the damn time then maybe more people can root for him.. As far as the upcoming match i hope its not just straightfoward as some people say it may be.. What would then be the point of having punk do that promo!! Just for montreal screwjob number 2? I just dont see it!! But then again WWE doesnt do alot of shit that makes sense
Cena is reportedly wrestling injured. I can see WWE "firing" Cena to give him time to rest and heal up before the big WM match with Rock...how else are they going to write him off? Injury like we've seen so many other times.

The last time Cena was "fired" he was on a "mission" to end Nexus. THATS why (although wrongly done) WWE still kept him on TV.

I have to say Im stumped (for the first time in awhile) as to how this plays out. I would LOVE to see Punk win. Hell I wouldn't mind some kind of swerve where Punk sticks around just to screw with WWE. It'd be cool if he (storyline wise) wasn't on the WWE roster anymore and just showed up to mess with the programing or go after Vince.
The reason for Punk's big send off is money and buy-rates. The event in every which way is going to make money, it has tremendous hype built around it and the guy who'll face The Rock at Mania has even said Money in the Bank has seemingly transformed into the biggest event of the year.

The way I personally see it going, is that CM Punk will win. Why? WWE are going to a town which is known to be a very "no-bullshit attached" when it comes to pro-wrestling. Chicago has always had very loud, opinionated crowds, WrestleMania 22 when nearly every face on the card was booed is an example. Chicago fans are really behind CM Punk, ask someone on this forum and they will surely tell you, as has someone on another site from the city told me, the fans will go ape-shit if CM Punk loses at Money in The Bank.

The famous, "Cena Wins We Riot" sign comes to mind in-terms of this event.

The stipulation on the match at the event as said by Vince, is very clearly, "If CM Punk leaves Chicago with the WWE title, John you're fired!" If CM Punk leaves and not if he wins. So, you got the Money in The Bank Ladder match just coincidently happening on the same night and although its generic and unoriginal, the winner cashes in on CM Punk, winning the belt. Could there still be the possibility of a riot? Probably, but if not that then CM Punk shows up on WWE the next night and loses it there.

Rock could get involved with Vince trying to fire Cena, which will give the WWE even bigger ratings, they'll draw a shit-ton of money off it and Vinnie Mc will laugh his ass off to the bank.

What about this...

Cena wins and retains the belt. Chicago is going nuts! MAYBE add the winner on the MITB coming out to challenge Cena, since he's beaten and broken after that match with Punk. Either way...Id love to see this...

While Cena is distracted, Punk takes the belt and runs through the crowd and out of the building WITH the title! Cena STILL is champion but Punk left with the belt. Vince comes out and lives up to what he said and FIRES Cena right there. Punk not only stole the WWE title, but also got Cena fired, therby costing the WWE their top money-maker.

Keep Cena AND Punk off RAW the next night. Involve Rock, or dont...I dont care, AS LONG AS BOTH GUYS STAY OFF RAW!
I believe that CM Punk will leave Chicago as the WWE Champion. Reason being, is that John Cena needs a break from it all. The guy is a ten time champion, lived and breathed WWE since his debut seven years ago, and he's getting to the point in his life where a vacation just sounds better and better. CM Punk on the other hand is just now at the pinnacle of his WWE career and there's no where to go but up. They can't risk having another set back like Edge to John Cena before his big WM match. He'll lick his wounds for a few months while a newer face steps up for a little while (preferably Kofi Kingston or Alex Riley) and fueds with Punk. Then Cena comes pack "stronger than ever" and beats Punk for the championship and goes on to fued with whoever he has to before facing the Rock.
This last two weeks we have seen two excellent worked shoots on RAW featuring, firstly, CM Punk and, this week, John Cena and Vince McMahon but it has gotten me intrigued about the workings of this build up.

Let's examine the 'facts' as we understand it at the moment:

1) CM Punk's contract was due to expire and, to my knowledge, there hasn't been any leeks to state this is not going to happen.

2) John Cena versus the Rock is being giving the biggest build up in WM history.

3) John Cena was 'fired' from WWe only a matter of months ago.

Now, coupled with the feeling that Punk wouldn't pull a Matt / Edge / Lita style con on us (he has always came across as being above such shenanigans), these scream that John is a sure in for the win.

However, if this is the case and Cena wins and Punk walks, the big question is why give a departing superstar (who isn't retiring) such a massive send off?

If it is a work to put the belt on Punk, then how can WWe credibly work in ANOTHER firing storyline featuring John so soon after the last? In fact, if Punk has signed a new contract and loses at MitB, how does he credibly reappear without severely weakening his Straight Edge persona (if he wins, he can play on the deal he 'forced' them into)?

My feelings at the moment are there are two outcomes at MitB; the obvious Cena win which I personally would find a let down or Punk wins and the WWe faces it's greatest creative tightrope in many moons that could, potentially, be their greatest storyline ever. Potentially tying in Vince, Rock, the anonymous GM and maybe the greatest heel swerve (Cena) since Hogan leg dropped Savage and greatest face turn (Punk) since Austin passed out to Hart.

Ignoring the obvious option and being romantics ;), let's say Punk wins (and stays on obviously). How does everyone feel the coming weeks and months will play out, or about anything else about my musings?

Two things I will disagree with but first I will start with I enjoyed the post, it is a rare thread lately that I dont feel stole time from my life and it was well written and easy to follow HOWEVER:

1. The time for Cena to turn heel has passed already, they blew that when Orton was "hot" fresh in his Viper character where all he had to do was twitch and the fans went crazy. If there was a time to turn Cena heel it was then.

2. While I believe Cm Punk is one of the top 3 performers in all of wrestling right now, I do NOT believe he has the look or make-up to be a Rock/Austin type of face to carry the company, I dont even think he has the appeal of a Cena to draw as the top face of the company. Therefore you have little to gain by turning Cena heel NOW.

IF they do want to turn Cena heel, the time to do it is around the Royal Rumble. It will add to the already much anticipated match between him and the Rock. He will be booed like crazy in Miami anyway, so why not make him hated all around by then. Will it happen? I doubt it, but all im saying is that it makes more sense to do it then if they ARE gonna do it, then to do it now.
What about the most obvious situation of them all. CM Punk beats John Cena which will cause Cena to get "fired". This will allow him to rest up and recover from his injury. Then when CM Punk is celebrating his victory...THE MONEY IN THE BANK WINNER CASHES IN AND BEATS HIM! I mean the PPV is Money In the Bank. Why wouldn't this happen? Also don't be surprised if CM Punk already has a contract with the WWE. I can't see how WWE would let him leave on this high of a note.

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