Is a Miz/Orton feud in the cards?

Orton needs to change his style if I ever see this having a chance of succeeding. There's no difference between the Orton of last year and the Orton of today except for the cheers he gets. He still doesn't know how to cut a face promo and he needs to change his in-ring stuff because if he stays the way he is, I don't see him and the Miz having great chemistry. I would love to see it but Orton needs to step up more.
Ill tell you what, ive been an orton fan for a long time, the guy is great he can really turn a crowd. I really hope orton and miz get their fight because i honestly am starting to like the miz as well. I hated the guy for a while but just recently started realizing how good he really is. and no one can deny he probably has one of if not the best song out of everyone. This could be the push miz really needs (as if being unified tag champs and US champ wasnt good enough). This pushes for miz to get his MITB win and win the championship, but only for a brief time, he isnt big enough to be a 5 time wwe champ
I sure hope so and,like you said,I hope Orton puts Miz over if they feud.It would be an intresting feud because I don't think these two have ever interacted much with each other
A feud might happen, but not soon. Orton is a top face and The Miz is a heel who is rising through the WWE ranks rapidly, it makes a feud look inevitable. The little interaction between them on Monday will have nothing to do with it. It was just a way of keeping the Orton/Edge feud alive as it hadn't been featured too much with this whole NXT thing.

I'm not sure how good it will be. They may be too different. The Orton/Edge angle works because they are kind of similar, focusuing a lot on ring psychology. Should it happen, Orton will also have to be a more obvious face against The Miz. Like Little Jerry Lawler said, he needs to learn how to cut face promos.
I hope not i mean i like The Miz on the mic but that R-Truth match at F4W was dreadful, i'd put it down to The Miz. What annoyed me was that Orton got interrupted i dont think he's as bad on the mic as some people do but he needs to show it more and this was a good chance to. I watch Smackdown in the UK and they have from the Vault matches (most are terrible involving, Henry just boring wrestlers) I've seen 3 featuring the Miz and they were just terrible, i dont feel he's improved enough. If he gets the big strap or a shot at it, it's purely down to stick skills which is just bull. When you have plenty more midcarders who yeah maybe don't have the talking skills as well as Miz but far superior in the ring.
I'd be stoked for an Orton/Miz feud. I think they'd be able to pull off something very entertaining. Orton's shown he can work mid carders and help them showcase themselves and their character. He helped Kofi out a lot but unfortunately Kofi hasn't been used in the same way since.

Miz has a chance to go even further than he did with Cena. He has a chance to go further than what Kofi did with Orton. Kofi's push with Orton was more seeing what he could do. I think they already know Miz is good and over enough to actually hold an entertaining main event feud and as good as his story with Cena was this one with Orton will be so much better. They suit each other much more than Miz/Cena or Kofi/Orton.

You have Orton's new face/tweener character who doesn't say much but can get whatever he's thinking across with his mannerisms and antics and then you have Miz who is everything Orton used to be. A loud mouth who is really starting to back it up in the ring. He's held the US title twice in the last 6 months as well as holding the Unified Tag titles with Show for a few months at the same time as holding the US title. WWE obviously see's a great deal of potential in him.

It would be awesome to see him in a triple threat with Edge and Orton and have him win it. You could have Miz pin Edge and brag about how he beat both Orton and Edge at the same time. It wouldn't hurt Edge to take the pin, he's the type of character that doesn't need to win all the time. Orton could then start mouthing off saying he was never pinned blah blah blah and we're set up for a Orton/Miz feud for the title later in the year.

I used to hate Miz but in the past year and half to two years he's really stepped up his game and a well thought out feud with Orton including plenty of great promo's could really solidify him as a main eventer.
I was pleasantly surprised when it was The Miz who interrupted Orton as I was expecting Edge. Then the promo he cut was just epic. I think Miz is such an IWC darling because his promos often consists of talking about what the majority of us feel.

Anyway I'm almost certain the Edge/Orton feud will continue for at least another month if not longer. The WWE is trying to reignite... well initially ignite the fire this feud definitely has the potential for but seems to be pretty lackluster thus far.

But I am hoping this does actually lead to a Miz/Orton feud if not only for the promos. Also it would be great to see someone in this day and age gradually work their way into the main event instead of MITBing it. Let's just hope Miz isn't Cena'ed again and squashed week after week.
I'd like to hope so. These men are two of the hottest superstars in the WWE right now.I'm sure the matches they could have with one another would be great. Both men are young and resourceful. Their movesets are so different, yet they are so alike. The promos they could cut on each other would be not only funny, and long, but they would also be smart and well thought out. I would love to see a Miz/Orton feud. Let's hope something like this happens once the Money In The Bank PPV is over.

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