Will The Miz get Mr. Kennedy like treatment ?

the miz is way to over right now, than when kennedy ever was, the miz is the future, nothing will happen to him he has the support of vince, something kennedy never had
Now this is my first post of on this site so be gentle :lol: Im a big viewer and reader of post in this forum for some time but seeing this topic made me want to register to reply.

Now if The Miz gets depushed, briefcase removed or fired i will never watch WWE again. Orton and Cena are getting far too big for their boots backstage. Its not that if Orton fucks something up is it ? No i remember seeing afair few botched RKOs from him (one of which he missed completely!)


Between cena, orton and Triple H its a wonder why any WWE superstar wants to actually be on RAW.
I don't know if anyone mentioned this ... but Cena got Danielson fired.
Now everyone will make excuses and say it was the tie thing w/e... but Danielson had no track record and it was his first night on raw. He's not injury prone and you'd think a rookie would get a little leniency. You don't can a guy this valuable and infested unless someone really doesn't like him.

He spit on John Cena and that is why he is not in WWE right now. As part of Nexus, Danielson would of became a credible main eventer. I think that's why Nexus came to be in the first place, for Danielson benefit. When small guys become world champion they need help/stable (Ric Flair and the Horsemen, Shawn Michaels and DX, Diesel, Sid Vicious)

Also Kennedy believed it was Orton/Cena that went to VKM together to get him fired. Orton/Cena are the strongest Kliq in WWE. They are the ones WWE has really infested in and can get whatever they want.

Danielson and Kennedy's situation are very similiar. They both returned/debuted in the mainevent the night before/week they were fired. Kennedy was going to feud w/ Orton and Danielson was going to be a big part of the nexus who I guess would be feuding with Cena still if he hadn't been fired. And then both get fired for weird bull shit reasons.

Btw, if you hurt another wrestler (which happens all the time) they are suppose to work stiff back w/ you so you get the point to be careful. Have you ever heard of a wrestler being fired before b/c they botched a move? If Orton was injured you might have a case ... but he wasn't. Was Owen Hart fired for breaking Austin's neck?

Cena/Orton have a strong hold on WWE. If someone isn't a fan of Cena, they like Orton and all the rest like Cena or both(that's a source of their power.) Cena/Orton just want to continue working the mainevent with each other b/c for them it's like a night off. It's a five knuckle shuffle, followed by a DDT of the ropes, followed by Orton backbreaker, etc etc. Lol, I can't even think of what other moves Cena does. Standing up w/ Orton on his back? Lol.

I bet you Cena WILL turn heel or Orton will go back to being heel b/c they know the proven formula is that one has to be the top face and the other is the top heel.
Now this is my first post of on this site so be gentle :lol: Im a big viewer and reader of post in this forum for some time but seeing this topic made me want to register to reply.

Now if The Miz gets depushed, briefcase removed or fired i will never watch WWE again. Orton and Cena are getting far too big for their boots backstage. Its not that if Orton fucks something up is it ? No i remember seeing afair few botched RKOs from him (one of which he missed completely!)


Between cena, orton and Triple H its a wonder why any WWE superstar wants to actually be on RAW.

The last two posters before me are complete idiots.

First of all that "botch" wasnt Orton's fault it was Jericho's. And to top that it was more than 5 years ago that happened. What you trying to prove?

Danielson got himself fired, it wasnt because John Cena told on him. Cena was PISSED OFF when Vince fired Bryan you should get your facts straight asswipe.


Stop catching feelings because your IDOL Mr Kennedy got his reckless ass fired.

PS: Kennedy was going to feud with Orton? Who told you that. ARE You making up stories again.

around the time Kennedy was fired Orton was the WWE Champion and he was feuding with Batista.
Cena just got Jericho fired, Orton got Wade Barrett fired, and they are working an angle where they are going to have all of the belts in the WWE and have the rest of the roster moved to Superstars.

My report has just as much stock as all these other ones I've read on this thread. I want links to the following reports:
Cena got Danielson fired
Cena and Orton are holding back the Miz
Miz is in the doghouse

I want to see the report that says his push is being stopped.

Also, I want some proof that you're not an incompetent jackass.

Shows sources and you wont be treated like an idiot for making shit up.
I have to completely agree with what theworldismines said.

The last two posters before me are complete idiots, though I'm unable to prove it b/c I wouldn't know how to prove someone is an idiot.

Also, Randy Orton has never botched a move, a promo, nothing. He's never botched nothing yo! It's always been either Jericho's fault, Triple H's fault for throwing him over the ropes breaking his collarbone, the other guys fault when he had his motorcycle accident, God's fault for him being born w/ hypermobile shoulders, diva's fault for him sexually harassing/pooping in their bags, the armies fault for him going AWOL twice and then later being dishonorably discharged after spending 38 days in military prison, Kofi's fault for being stupid, Miz's fault for not making an RKO look unexpected, and everyone else's fault for Orton being a complete ******** (though I can not actually PROVE his head is a dick) in and outside of the ring.

Also, Cena did not get Danielson fired ... Danielson got himself fired! Cena enjoyed Danielson spitting in his mouth and went and had a bitch fit at Vince for firing Danielson.


Also, theworldismines is completely right about JenksIX.

Jenks, go back to watching your boyfriend (b/c your gay) and your idol Mr. Kennedy in TNA, cause thats who your boyfriend is! You are a complete idiot and asswipe and you need to get your facts straight like myself.

Around the time Kennedy got fired Orton was the WWE Champ and the night Kennedy returned to Raw he confronted Orton on stage and told him he was the fifth member of the team against Orton's team. Because he confronted him when he returned and also said he would be involved some how in the Orton/Batista storyline ... does not mean he would of been involved in Randy's storyline whatsoever. Jenks, you act like Mr Kennedy ever won a MITB or ever beat a WWE main eventer.

These forums are not for speculation, they are only for threads with proven facts. You can't just come on here and post like "what if scenarios." Or discuss what happens or speculate what could of happened backstage because none of yous knows. And if any of you even try to speculate what could be going on backstage, your complete idiots and will be treated like so by myself, theworldismines(he's my friend even if he is a bigot), and Captain Jive. We are BFF's 4 Life. No one better say shit bout Orton or Cena while we around, ya bunch of incompetent jackasses!

Ya'll can't see US!
If The Miz continues to work his ass off and give his heart and soul to the WWE nobody in the back will be able to stop his inevetable spot as a top face in the compant.Orton imo has no right to step on The Miz if these rumors are true cause Orton pissed off top guys Taker comes to mind about 6 years back,and still got to work his way up to where he is now.I think Mr.Kennedy was a different scituation because he was botching spots and hurting dudes and that's a big problem compared to Miz giving away an rko which we all expected anyway.
I sincerely doubt that the WWE will halt the push on one of the most OVER guys in the business right now because Orton cried foul about positioning. For god's sake. Orton is WAY over, a huge star and apparently gets away with diva-like outbursts backstage because he draws big time. I get it.

Orton, however, needs to get over himself a bit. For god's sake, EVERYONE knew the RKO was coming before he even got near the Miz. Positioning had shit to do with it. Orton does the RKO, period. EVERYONE in attendance EXPECTS the RKO right now. It'd be like Hogan NOT finishing a match by "hulking up and hitting the leg drop of doom". I mean, it's his trademark, who gives a shit if it's telegraphed. Cash your checks Randy and make room for another bright star to emerge from the mid-card. You'll still be a top draw over the next 10 years, no need to be the ONLY draw. Grow up for god's sake.

Sorry, I'm a huge Miz-mark (the second coming of Rowdy Roddy if you ask me) and he needs to be given a little leniency here. I love Orton, don't get me wrong, but the child-like behavior has got to go.
I dont think so vince is really high on the miz right now because he is one of the hardest workers and is willing to give alot of his time to the company. Also when the announcers say things like the miz is the future of wwe that is a direct line from vince himself and since miz has the money in the bank he is destined to be a big star unlike anderson who really never got any kind of push in wwe.
I highly doubt Miz will get fired, he techniqually didn't do anything wrong, Ortons just pissed because Miz made the RKO look "fake" (hey isn't WWE fake=mind fuck ). Imo Orton needs to quit his bitching to Vince, I could kinda understand the Kennedy thing but their are two side to ever story. All this situation proves is that Orton doesn't want to put anybody over.

Also I don't even understand how the Cena/Danielson thing even got dragged into this, Cena loved Danielson and the only reason Danielson was fired was because he choked Justin Roberts which is against WWE Policy thing that they have, so Cena was no way involved in that. I don't think vince wanted to fire him, but his job made it so he had to.
I highly doubt Miz will get fired, he techniqually didn't do anything wrong, Ortons just pissed because Miz made the RKO look "fake" (hey isn't WWE fake=mind fuck ). Imo Orton needs to quit his bitching to Vince, I could kinda understand the Kennedy thing but their are two side to ever story. All this situation proves is that Orton doesn't want to put anybody over.

Also I don't even understand how the Cena/Danielson thing even got dragged into this, Cena loved Danielson and the only reason Danielson was fired was because he choked Justin Roberts which is against WWE Policy thing that they have, so Cena was no way involved in that. I don't think vince wanted to fire him, but his job made it so he had to.

How does that situation prove that Orton does not want to put anybody over? He buried him by giving him the RKO? You guys honestly just read other people's post and say the same shit.

If You dont like Orton so much why you all seem to waste yall energy and time ridiculing him? You acting like he's an old ex-girlfriend or something. GET OVER IT
JenksIX--I don't know if anyone mentioned this ... but Cena got Danielson fired.
Then why did Cena post tweets about wanting Danielson back and how it was unfair that he got fired in the first place?

Referring to Mr. Kennedy
JenksIX -- its not like he ever won a MITB

He did win MITB, he lost the breifcase to Edge

Some people that post on here need to get their facts straight...its sad how many people come on here and post their opinion and do not know what they are talking about. Thankfully there are so many of you that point out the errors as I do not have the tme to do so all the time. :lmao:
Can we get an actual source to this so called disagreement between Orton and Miz? Because it honestly sounds like everyone else is just reading way too much into it. I mean, we are talking about a match from 2 to 3 weeks ago, and the Miz has mainevented at least once since then, with Orton no less. I'm doubting there was any real problem with that first match anyway, especially since most finishers can be seen coming a fucking mile away, even quick ones like an RKO.

"Talks back stage", yeah, really going to need some sources to prove that.
i think Miz is not that great. i think he tries too hard in my opinion and he needs more time to grow

so i think Orton treating him this way was a good experience for him, so he can understand that to be a top star you have to make the ultimate performance

and i dont think he will be pushed down from this rather just learn that everything in the business needs to be top-notch and this is why i love Orton and Cena. they know how to perform at top level.. and i believe Miz isnt there yet making mistakes such as this
I'll say this, and this is not just because I am a Miz-homer.....Miz did nothing wrong there. Go back and watch it and judge for yourself (I'm attaching the link below). I saw nothing from him that would give away that he was about to eat an RKO. To me, it looks like his positioning in the ring was natural considering he had just cashed in the briefcase and was doing the same pacing in place type of move he did the previous week before R-Truth interfered.

I think Orton is just a little bit of a diva backstage. You could definitely see him leaning on the ropes looking annoyed, mouthing the words 'god dammit' and the F-bomb after he hit the RKO on Miz.

I don't like The Miz, i never have. I likely never will. But i don't see this hurting his push in any way. Miz is too strong of a heel right now, and much as I dislike him he isnt going anywhere anytime soon.
My post was not be being an idiot but i suppose being called an idiot from someone on the internet is a great welcome to a message board system for not sharing the same opinion as someone.Thanks dude its much appreciated !! :wtf:

What i was merely trying to point out is that all stars botch moves at some point and that Orton cant compain as he is also an offender and in my opinion thinks a liitle bit to highly of himself.

What The Miz did was hardly a botch anyway as its obvious someones gonna get RKO'd everyweek by Orton. I actually do like Orton as a wrestler just not the big man attitude he has.
The Miz did not botch the RKO. Everyone can see the RKO coming a mile away. The Miz is already a bigger star than Mr. Kennedy was, and the WWE is backing him because of his work ethic. The Miz will become WWE Champion soon, and is the most exciting wrestler to watch on RAW. Everyone is wondering what he will do next. Mr. Kennedy was boring anyways. If he can't even get over on TNA (The CFL of pro wrestling) then why do people think that WWE screwed it up for him. Carlito was another example people give, but he is worthless too.
Orton said on his twitter that he wasn't mad at Miz. They did have a match on raw after that. So if Orton was pissed it was only a minor thing nothing too serious. Miz is getting a huge push. Kennedy sucked you cant compare him to Miz.

Long time reader, first time poster here. Couldn't help but register and post because I'm in this video! That's me in the blue San Diego Chargers jersey at :26-27, right above Orton! Haha. Anyway, we definitely didn't notice anything live. We all thought Orton was just getting f--king LIVE and was really pumped up after the RKO on Miz. I guess watching the video he does point at Miz and say "you mother f--ker", but when he got up on the turnbuckle for the crowd in our corner he yelled "what's up motherf--kers", so I don't know.

Don't understand Orton's beef here though... like somebody said earlier, the fact that Randy was lingering around the ring after RKO'ing Sheamus made it obvious enough that Miz was getting it next.

I definitely don't see this hurting Miz's push. IMO there's a big difference between the potential for a guy like the Miz and the potential of guys like Kennedy/Kingston. Not that that justifies any action taken against Kofi because of Orton...but I digress.

Side note: Attending the double taping was AWESOME! It was my first live WWE event, it started at 6:45 and we were there til like 11:30! Talk about bang for your buck... especially when your buck bought ringside seats :icon_mrgreen:
No, Mr kennedy had a history of getting himself and others injured, I don't think The Miz has any history of injuring himself or someone else in the ring. The Miz and Mr kennedy is a waaaay different story.
It's highly doubtful that The Miz will suffer any real consequences of this. Kennedy, Anderson or whatever you want to call him was someone that'd spent over 4 years in the WWE without accomplishing much. The WWE did invest a lot of time in him and didn't get much in return. Kennedy was on the shelf a lot for one reason or another. He was injured a few times that kept him out for months and months at a time, he failed a drug test and each time he was taken off, the WWE had to start over with him. Any momentum he had prior to injuries weren't going to be there 7 or 8 months later and you have to basically prove yourself all over again if you fail a drug test.

I think Orton needs to get over himself in the situation with The Miz. It's not as if Orton doesn't make a mistake in the ring now and then. The Miz works hard for the WWE and Vince is going to recognize that. A minor screw up in the ring is a lot different from 4 years of giving a guy shots with nothing really to show for it.
maybe it's just me but after watching the vid a few times I can't even see miz being out of position by any more than inches - the ref is actually helping get into position the furthest corner from Sheamus.
They are not going to kill his push for any perceived minor misdemeanor.
When he loses after cashing in MITB I guess that will be more proof that his push has been stopped when in reality it will give him an even bigger push.
ATM he is getting more screen time than anyone else in the company cos he is a hard worker. He had a match with Bourne, cut the promo with Cena/Hart on RAW and then with JoMo on NXT
Miz is douche, but he's talented. And he's reliable. You can be the biggest jerk and hardest to work with person in the industry, but if you're reliable, you can draw, and you've got support from higher-ups, nothing matters. For examples look at Bubba Ray and Shawn Michaels. They were notorious for being terrible to work with, but they still got everything given to them on silver platters because they were good talents who were reliable.

Kennedy on the other hand, was never reliable. He cost WWE tons of money to sit around on his ass injured for 3 years. I liked the guy, but he wasn't going anywhere. WWE also never prepped him as much as they are Miz. He was never given the "next face of the WWE" treatment from King-Cole.

From what I can tell, Orton doesn't have a huge problem with Miz. Miz set up wrong for the RKO and Orton got pissed, but that's not a big deal, and I actually think Orton almost broke kayfab on live tv, so he should be the one in trouble. McMahon was looking for somebody to kill, and Kenedy was the unreliable SOB that got the axe. Miz on the other hand, as long as he stays healthy...should...have no problems.

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