Cena's Next Feud

What a shocker, Cena wins. This friends is why I no longer spend money on WWE PPVs with the exception of WM and RR. Another overhyped match with potential of Cena vs Taker/Punk/Batista looming in SD's future. But here we are with Cena as champion of RAW, so what now?
With most of RAWs mid-card underdeveloped to even pose a believeable threat to Cena and DX most likely fueding with Jerishow, it doesnt leave many options. My first thought was that HHH or Jericho would move into the #1 contender spot, but if they do the tag-team fued leading to Survivor Series, that wont happen. Which leads me to believe one of two senarios...
1) Orton somehow earns his way back to the title (I mean c'mon people, WWE basically makes the rules as they go week to week so it really could happen) DiBiase may even cost Orton the title in another Cena/Orton title match to charge a face push. Cena/Orton/DiBiase title match at armageddon anyone?
2)WWE prematurely pushes a midcarder for a 1 month squash program with Cena ( ala MVP, Swagger, etc)
Raw has no heal other than Orton who is main event material. So don't be surprised to see a return of edge or a trade of some sort (like big show for some one)
Something I can't help but notice here is how several people have said WWE has "shot itself in the foot" by having Cena win. How I am personally interpreting this statement is, "The IWC has absolutely no way to figure out what WWE creative has planned now!" Let's be honest here, isn't that exactly what we've been wanting for a while? At least where I'm concerned, I've grown tired of the predictable, same-old, same-old storylines that I can predict and call a mile away!

Rather than Raw being doomed, I personally believe WWE is in an incredible place with tons of opportunity for growth and change! Right now there many mid-card wrestlers who are both capable of and more than willing to step up to the plate as a contender for Cena's belt. In fact, haven't we long been complaining that WWE does not take advantage of these options often enough?

As it stands, I agree that D-X appears to be entering a feud with JeriShow, so that means Triple-H is otherwise occupied. The Miz should be allowed to focus on his title defenses. Swagger should get to continue his undefeated streak through year's end. And I just don't see MVP or Henry making the jump into contention at this point.

My vote goes along with those who believe Orton will use Legacy to step into the title hunt in his place. As a third-party unable to contend for Cena's belt, Orton will use Rhodes and, in particular, DiBiase as pawns to chase the WWE title and "Bring It Home." Then should DiBiase wins the belt with Orton's help, the expectation will be that he hand it over without incident to the group's leader. We all know where this goes, of course.

This scenario works out beautifully, actually, because it truly doesn't rely on DiBiase already being perceived as a qualified contender to Cena's belt. Instead, he's seen as a vehicle for Orton to get what he wants but is prevented for pursuing on his own. Should Orton actually help DiBiase take the title, which wouldn't be entirely unheard of, even without a run as U.S. champ first, then he gets the opportunity to prove himself worthy WITH the title. It would actually make for a fairly compelling story.

Or, the alternative could be that Orton thinks he's going to have to interfere or somehow "give" DiBiase the World title win to bring the belt home. Instead, DiBiase proves incredibly capable in the ring opposite Cena all on his own, not needing Orton's help. Then, just as DiBiase is about to do what Orton could not (beat Cena), Orton goes into a jealous rage and costs DiBiase the match and belt. It allows Cena to keep the title and really gives DiBiase a nice boost while simultaneously kick-starting the Orton/DiBiase program we've all seen coming for months.

Should WWE decide to take a different route, I'm sure it will prove equally effective in establishing an all new challenger for Cena's title. While people here might be confused about where WWE is taking this show, I'm sure the creative team is far from confused. Whatever stories they have laid out are probably fairly detailed and months in advance, so I can almost guarantee you that this situation is far from unexpected. Just because you don't know where they're going with this doesn't mean they don't!

Instead of bitching about how the E has booked this one, maybe people should take this opportunity to sit back and enjoy not knowing for once. Who knows how long it might be before we get that chance again?
I think it'll probably be Triple H/Big Show against Cena at Survivor Series due to Triple H beating Cena on Raw and Big Show knocking him out. Either that or HHH/Show will go into a (forgettable) feud and Michaels will take on Cena.
Even as a huge Randy Orton fan I don't want him anywhere near the title he doesn't need it and can help build new stars (Like Dibiase.) Orton has been around the title since the Royal Rumble a step back is smart I don't want him into Cena territory 9a Face who gets booed either isn't doing his job or is being shoved down our throats I'll take the latter).

As for John Cena I really have no clue what heel is ready on Raw ? Randy Orton is the only heel even in the stratosphere of the WWE title nobody else is even close. The WWE's failure to build new stars will really hurt Raw now. I expect a John Cena vs. Triple H/Shawn Michaels feud I hope HBK beats HHH in a number one contenders match (to set up HHH's possible heel turn towards a match with Shawn at WM 26). I can certainly live with Cena-HBK if it's Triple H I won't watch plain and simple I've seen it too much and I'll watch youtube if I want to see it again.

Please don't put Swagger against Cena people he needs to keep his promise of not losing a match in a year. If he faces Cena he will lose decidedly and his momentum will be crushed just like the Miz's.

Honestly with a Cody Rhodes Kofi Kingston feud on the horizon as well as a Orton Dibiase conflict I'm not really interested in the WWE title scene. My hope is it will be either Y2J or HBK but my gut and WWE's booking history of the WWE title for the last 3-4 years says it will be a Triple H vs. John Cena "classic" sigh.
I'm think they will pull what happened with Orton in Evolution. I feel that Dibiase will win the title and then loose it to Orton during the next ppv.
There's a few possible ways it could go.

Perhaps John Cena could start on Big Show about how Show cost Raw at Bragging Rights. I know it wouldn't be a big deal as a feud and the match wouldn't be great, but it'd make sense. And I doubt it would go longer than a month or two.

We could see Ted Dibiase somehow winning a number 1 contenders match to face John Cena at Survivor Series. I'm sure this would be booked in a way to end up turning Ted face, much like Orton in 2004 or Hogan when the NWO turned on him. And I think they could put on a good match.

The Miz is out, he's still hot off the win of his US title and the win over John Morrison. I want to see the Miz pushed soon, but it's still far too soon. I'd rather have Mizzy put together a midcard team to face Morrison's midcard team at SS.

Jack Swagger will eventually get the push, but right now he's just not ready. I know he and Cena can put on a great match, but I don't think people would care if they were headlining a PPV.

So from a booking standpoint and a making-stars standpoint, I'd say they should go with Ted. Have Ted face Cena at SS, put on a really great show, get Cena to make him look like gold. Obviously have Cena go over, but then have a handshake and get Orton to turn on Dibiase.

Honestly, I haven't looked forward to an episode of Raw like this in a long time.
since triple h holds a victory over cena i think triple h (while still doing the dx thing with michaels) would be next to feud with cena over the title until no way out (or what ever wwe changes it to) and somehow michaels getting a title shot at mania, maybe winning the royal rumble or something and doing a heel turn via "michaels turning on all of his partners" routine and making reference to their 2002-2004 feud, or having the build up for their match start as friendly competition and slowly turning into a heated rivalry and finally....................................................TORRIFIC MANIA MATCH!!!
What if they did a 'trade' like with the divas and brought Punk over to Raw and sent Orton over to Smackdown?? Then they could have Punk/Cena and Orton/Undertaker... I'd like to see an Orton/Taker fued...

They could even say that like Teddy Long is sick of having Punk lose and wanted someone better to fued w/ Taker and blah blah blah.. you get the idea...
IMO his next feud will be with ted.seeing as how ted is pretty much the only one wwe would consider.just as someone said earlier,this would spark a feud between ted and randy leading to a lengthy feud hopefully endig in an awesome rr or wm match between the two.OR........they could give the push and shot to the miz.seeing as how he never fully gave cena his comeuppence from their previous encounter,added with his win last night at BR.this could really help solidify miz as a mid/top heel on raw and in the wwe.thus,making any feud he is in wether with m.e's or mid carders seem believable.i could see him taking on some big names......who wouldve thought that his feud with cena earlier this year would give him such a rub.too bad some "other" main eventers wont do the same.thoughts?
Have Ted face Cena at SS, put on a really great show, get Cena to make him look like gold.


Really??? When has Cena ever made anyone look like gold???

Anyway - onto the question at hand. I am shocked for starters that Cena won the match - I thought it was too soon for a title change and that there were no viable contenders (heel) on Raw. At least if Orton won, we could have had the Orton - Henry, or Orton - MVP. Obviously these woudn't be huge matches, but would go back to the days of HBK's first title reign and Bret Harts early reigns when they faced guys like The British Bulldog - no-one really thought Bulldog would win he title, but they were still heated feuds.

So, lets look at the possible challengers for Cena:

  • Big Show - Not gonna happen - he has just re-affirmed his allegence to Jericho and seems to be heading for a match against DX

  • Jack Swagger - Only just came out a few weeks ago saying he would remain undefeated this year. Surely they aren't gonna squash what little momentum he has going for him with a series of losses to Cena

  • The Miz - Cant see them doing this again - took the Miz long enough to recover from his last Cena feud!!

Which leaves us with a few options. They could carry on the Smackdown Vs Raw feud - have a few traditional cross brand Survivor Series matches and then maybe Cena could face Taker - Champ v Champ. Or some kind of Superstar Brand switch - CM Punk maybe?

All being said, Im quite excited to see what they are gonna do tonight.... I may switch on 20 mins late tho to miss the regurgitated old crap which is bound to come out of Cenas gob.....
In all seriousnes he will probebly carry on his fued with Ortan, or atleast ortan will be involved. This fued will not die and is just going to get dragged on and on. Maybe in the form of a Team cena vs Team Ortan although I see a championship match more likely.
cenasucks said:
Really??? When has Cena ever made anyone look like gold???

In most of his matches, thanks for asking. For example, his match with Jack Swagger on the draft special. Plenty more out there, though I fully expect explaining them to you will be akin to speaking to a brick wall.

cenasucks said:
Anyway - onto the question at hand. I am shocked for starters that Cena won the match - I thought it was too soon for a title change and that there were no viable contenders (heel) on Raw. At least if Orton won, we could have had the Orton - Henry, or Orton - MVP. Obviously these woudn't be huge matches, but would go back to the days of HBK's first title reign and Bret Harts early reigns when they faced guys like The British Bulldog - no-one really thought Bulldog would win he title, but they were still heated feuds.

Yep, they were terrific fueds that drew dick. That's the problem. And to be honest, I agree with you, but it won't draw. If it doesn't draw, it'll get dropped. I'd love to see someone new get elevated, but in all likelihood, Cena is getting Triple H.

HHH beat Cena, clean, last week on Raw. He's in a place to claim a title shot right now.
i dont know what he will do next but they should have had him lose go to smackdown win the royal rumble and face undertaker at mania.....that would have been a hell of a match...and i wouldrnt be suprised if cena ended takers streak
A big NOOOO to the Big Show Cena buried him in their feud just months ago it would be a joke and nothing but a filler feud for a month maximum. \

IC25 is right it's going to be HHH why do people think the WWE had Triple H go over Cena clean on Raw last week ? HHH will interrupt Cena tonight and demand a title shot and he will get it. Why would the WWE go against the way they have booked their Raw title matches for the last four years now ?

Honestly I'm not excited for Raw at all tonight. I'm only interested in seeing what if anything comes from the Cody Rhodes Kofi Kingston confrontation last night, and I want to see what they do with Orton I'm looking forward to a dynamite feud with him and Dibiase.

The WWE title scene will suck until Cena loses the title and it's not Cena's fault either. Creative has booked themselves into a corner they need a Main Event heel to challenge Cena. Randy Orton is the only one who can but as of last night he can't challenge for the title until Cena loses it.
In most of his matches, thanks for asking. For example, his match with Jack Swagger on the draft special. Plenty more out there, though I fully expect explaining them to you will be akin to speaking to a brick wall.

Oh yeah - that classic match between John Cena (One of the worst WRESTLERS in recent memory) and Jack Swagger (The 2 time All American, widely regarded as the heir to Kurt Angles throne as the best Pro wrestler around), and Cena carried that match??? Doubtful. All of the great matches Cena has been in are due to his opponent (HBK, Angle etc). Even last nights match - it was an Anything Goes match for a reason. Because they couldnt stretch the "5 moves of doom" out for 1 hour!!

Yep, they were terrific fueds that drew dick. That's the problem. And to be honest, I agree with you, but it won't draw. If it doesn't draw, it'll get dropped. I'd love to see someone new get elevated, but in all likelihood, Cena is getting Triple H.

I would agree with this but for the fact that HHH seems destined to be challenging Jerishow after last nights events!!

Which leaves us with who currently on Raw to challenge Cena?
i would love to see them do to DiBiase what they did to the rock when he won his first title. a heel turning face slowly (without fully turning), become champion and immediately turning heel again then possibly droppping the title to Orton (i know its like Nash and Hogan but i prefer randy has champion and Teddy as a heel)

Teddy's face turn will never last. Legacy as a Tag Team are looking really good so why not carry it on and Cena is going to need a break at somepoint (movie commitments etc)

i am not a Cena mark but have people forgotten that Hogan, the BIGGEST DRAW IN WRESTLING HISTORY was in NO WAY that great a wrestler. He probably had the dullest finisher in history but EVERYONE (including me) wanted to watch him..... How is Cena different? whether you like him or loathe him you gotta admit Kids LOVE the guy and it really isn't his fault he is booked like superman. (again i am also pissed off he one the title but i dont hate him)
I would bet my bottom dollar that Cena's next feud will be with HHH. Especially with the next PPV being Survivor Series, one of the big 4, it will be a match between Cena and some main eventer like Triple H. It won't be a push for some mid-carder, it will be HHH.

Now I know some of you are thinking that DX will be mixed up with Jerishow which would rule HHH out. But I expect to see a traditional SS 4 on 4 or 5 on 5 involving most of the participants in the Raw vs SD match at Bragging rights, involving Jericho and Show but not involving DX. This would free up HHH and HBK to do other things, and allow HHH to go for the title against Cena (unsuccessfully IMO, super Cena wins again).

Here's what I don't understand. Many of you have stated that you expect DiBiase to be in the main event with Cena at SS, with or without Orton's involvement, as either heel or face. Here's what I don't get. I have posted on here numerous times about the need for a main event push for some mid-carder, especially John Morrison but if not him, then Miz, Kofi, MVP, Swagger, someone to elevate to the next level. And I'm consistently told that Morrison is "not ready."

Why is DiBiase ready, but Morrison is not? I know he has the lineage/name status of DiBiase, as well as the involvement with Legacy for the last while. I just don't see why Morrison is not ready, but many of you think DiBiase is. DiBiase has not been around as long as Morrison. He's not as good on the mic, not as good in the ring, doesn't have as good a look or as flashy an entrance or theme song. He hasn't paid any more dues than Morrison. It just seems inconsistent to me that many of you have told me Morrison is not ready for a main event push, while DiBiase is.

And I know all about his upcoming movie role, and I understand many of you think this would be a way to get Orton back into the title picture without facing Cena. But for this to occur, DiBiase would have to face Cena at SS (a high profile spot), and either win it and then lay down for Orton (which I don't see happening), or win it and refuse to job to Orton, setting up a Orton/DiBiase feud (another high profile spot), or lose to Cena, possibly because of Orton as another way to start the Orton/DiBiase program. Seems like a lot of high profile action for a mid-carder, I'm not sure why all of a sudden he's "ready" for this high a profile in the roster, while other more deserving guys are "not ready."

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