What are they doing with Dibiase?

Originally Posted by healyz84
That whole tease of a Dibiase face turn a few weeks ago was a test I think, to see what kind of reaction Dibiase would get from the fans. I think that Dibiase will be turned face in the next little while, but right now there really isn't a need to rush it. If what is going to happen is an Orton vs Dibiase match at Mania (could be, who knows), then why turn Dibiase face now, in November. By Mania, this feud will have completely lost steam. The seeds are completely in place now. Have Orton have his feud with Kofi, with Legacy backing him up. They will be involved in a traditional SS match, where either Dibiase and Orton are the final two men left, or Dibiase or Orton inadvertantly gets the other one eliminated (ie chair shot to the head by accident). I think this feud will be sparked in the Royal Rumble. Last year, Legacy handed Orton the match. I will be Orton will expect the same thing this year. But towards the end, Dibiase will eliminate Orton. This will cause Orton to snap, possibly injuring Dibiase for a month. Dibiase then returns as a face at the elimination chamber ppv and costs Orton the title once more, setting the stage for the match between the two. If they are going to turn Dibiase face and have him feud with Orton this is the way that I would do it.

Yeah, great post. I can't really say anything this guy has not. But like many said, throwing Dibiase straight to Orton could be career suicide for the young guy. How many times have we seen a wrestler thrown into the main even limelight just to fuck the whole thing up. It happened to Orton, and he was way more hyped up than Dibiase, so yeah like Tastycles said, it would be so much more smarter and better for Ted, to go into a feud with Cody. Cody could also use this feud too, as I feel he has got so much in ring potential that they could really put on a entertaining worthwhile feel good kind of match

All I hope is that they don't stick the title on DIbiase so soon, but knowing throw previous history and basically the way the mind of one Vincent Kennedy McMahon works, we will probably see the title on him by Backlash. Ok, well not that soon.

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