Cena/Orton Next Feuds

I personally think Cena is going to win this, don't forget Orton does have a rematch in his contract and I don't think there will be any interferences as Cena will win Clean, then they'll face off at Survivor Series probably in a Last Man Standing Match or something, I just can't see Cena off of Raw, they'll have him over come the odds as usual and Hulk up like he usually does, at Survivor Series I could see the Legacy go against Orton then, they wouldn't do that at a PPV like Bragging Rights most likely, now after Survivor Series I can see Cena probably going at it against Triple H or HBK, or maybe Orton again with maybe DiBiase getting in there, but as for the midcarder guys, well let's just say they don't have any chance in hell, I am in the minority here, but I see Raw's title picture being stale for a very long time, they won't let someone other than Legacy, Orton, Cena, HHH, or HBK be in the title scene, simple as that. Hate to say it though.
Randy Orton

He retains at Bragging Rights thanks to DiBiase helping him get the deciding falls. DiBiase says he laid down for Orton last week but after saving his ass at the PPV that it won't happen again. He demands a title shot. Orton vs. DiBiase vs. HBK is made for Survivor Series (with Hunter and Rhodes having a nice undercard match.) DiBiase debates between helping Orton and going into business for himself. Ultimately, Ted takes out HBK only to eat an RKO. Orton can have a singles feud with HBK for a month or two but this should ultimately lead to DiBiase winning the Rumble and Orton trying to convince Ted to go to SD for his 'Mania title shot ala Batista and Evolution.


He loses and goes to SD. He feuds with Punk but can't win the title thanks to shennanigans. Batista meanwhile turns heel against Rey and feuds with him for a few months. Face Cena vs. heel Batista (hopefully NOT for the World title) at 'Mania.

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