The Next Miz Feud

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I have a feeling he will have his falling out with Alex Riley soon which should be good for both guys. After that I'd assume he is thrown back into the WWE Title picture, Vince loves this guys. Vince loves everyone who can draw.
I think Miz and Mysterio has the potential to be a great feud, benefitting both superstars during the program.

For Miz I think it'd be a great chance to showcase his moveset being the bigger of the two. We all the know the Miz is a brawler and it's harder to sell those moves against a Cena or an Orton than it would be against someone like Mysterio. A lot of people knock Mysterio for his in-ring work (which I don't agree with, but that's another argument) but there's no denying that he's one of the best sellers in the WWE, which is what Miz needs.

Another positive as previously stated is that it keeps Miz relevant without the need to have the WWE Title on him. Mysterio's the #2 face on Raw and is a merchandising machine, just the person you want to keep Miz with. You also get to start the inevitable Cena/Del Rio feud, which allows your top 4 Raw Superstars to stay prominent (Sorry to CM Punk, but it's obvious he's being put on the backburner going forward with the Mason Ryan angle.)

For Mysterio, he gets to continue to work with a wrestler closer to his size to make his moveset more believable as well as someone who's not afraid to sell some more exciting spots that Mysterio likes to pull out every now and then.

Mysterio also benefits from not having to carry the mic work of the program. We all know Mysterio is average at best (unless feuding with a fellow Mexican, where he always seems to improve) as Miz will use his biggest strength to the benefit of the feud.

All in all it's something that feels inevitable but that I hope becomes a definite, because both wrestlers can benefit from the other in different areas, especially Mysterio helping solidify Miz as a main eventer in the eyes of the fans, especially without carrying the strap.
Okay, this is one of many threads I will hopefully create. I want to know your opinion on what feud should be created next. Lets start with:


I think he should feud with Alberto Del Rio over the #1 contender. I think these two would feud really well and have some great spots. It would also build up the reputation of them both.

So, who would you want to feud with The Miz?
I actually would love a feud between a face Miz against Alberto Del Rio. It's obvious considering how much of an asshole Del Rio's character is, anyone would be rooting for Miz and it'd create one hell of a feud as their triple threat match with Rey Mysterio last week was amazing and very action filled. Now if Miz is to stay heel, the best feud would be against a face Jericho and Morrison would have been good too but he's currently away from competing following his neck injury.
lets go with del rio. its time to turn miz face he has been slowly getting more n more pops when his music hits, its time. the universe is doing the same thing they did with orton in turn him faec. took about a year to fully do it so miz time is just about here also
nah lets keep miz heel and fued him with....oh wait there are no top faces on raw, noone who could help miz stay on top so it looks like they are going to turn him face or probably have him working to build up one of the lower guys thus in turn making him slip back down the ladder...shame
I don't buy this idea of the Miz as a face at all. He's just not good enough in the ring. How's he going to beat folk as a top face? He can't out wrestle them, there is very few he can out muscle. He gonna talk them to death?

Nah keep Miz heel and I'd have him feud with a returning HHH, would be pretty easy to set up. Have him claim to be the most awesome superstar ever (not wrestler obviously) have HHH come down and state he believes otherwise because he hasn't beaten the big dog yet. The big dog being him. Boom a feud. Miz cheats to beat him a few times etc etc. There Miz is proven against one of the top dogs of all time and is even more over as a heel.

Now me I'd drop him to the mid card where I think he belongs but WWE are obviously high on him and so is most of the rest of the world so I'm obviously in the wrong.
I would not mind The Miz feuding with Alberto Del Rio. In fact, It would be pretty good. Yes, the people would be behind The Miz but that does not mean that he has to turn face. He would be a Steve Austin or The Rock type character. He would be a tweener or a bad a**.

I would not mind The Miz feuding with Cena for a long time. Of course, their match at Over the Limit will probably be their last though.
Keep Miz heel for now it's too early to turn him face. Turn him face how and against who A Ry, that should be the other way around. In order to turn face you need some sort of momentum. I find it funny because the second he turns face and is on a roll the same IWC smarks will be complaining about " Miz being shoved down our throats" just like Cena or " why did they turn him he was a better heel"

I do agree that a program with HHH would do him better in the long run. Have A Ry cheat for Miz in a couple of matches and have HHH beat the shit out of both of them, or have A Ry cost Miz the match and Miz beats him up and A Ry gets tired of Miz's abuse ( we've been seeing this lately ) turn miz but not yet towards the end of the year making Miz a favorite going into the Royal Rumble.
I'm not big on heel vs heel feuds. And I'm even smaller on turning the Miz face. I think once the Miz is done with his current feud, he will start a thing with the by then returning Morrison for Summerslam. A feud with Triple H would be even better.
Due to the shortage of faces on Raw, I think there can only be one feud that would be high profile enough and that is with Rey Mysterio. I think the mini-feud with Del Rio may be a temporary measure so as to allow the Miz-Cena program to end. Then if the rumour is true that Summerslam will be Cena vs Del Rio, it makes it easy to interchange the feuds and have Cena vs Del Rio, Miz vs Rey. I think it would help keep Miz heel if he keeps beating on another kiddies hero in Rey.
I think The Miz should feud with anyone in FCW, because that's where he belongs. Or maybe he could have some sort of celebrity feud on TMZ, because he & Vince seem more interested in that world than the wrestling world.
Currently, we have:

• John Cena vs. The Miz
• Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole and Jack Swagger
• Rey Mysterio vs. R-Truth
• Kane and The Big Show vs. CM Punk and the New Nexus

The people who have nothing going on right now are:
• Evan Bourne
• Kofi Kingston
• Goldust
• Chris Masters
• David Hart Smith
• Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov

• Alberto Del Rio
• Dolph Ziggler
• Drew McIntyre
• Michael Tarver
• Tyler Reks
• Primo
• Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder

I'd restructure the feuds to be:
• John Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler w/ Vickie Guerrero (they had a great match last year and good promo time as well)
• Rey Mysterio vs. R-Truth (To build Truth as a star, he has to feud with someone like Rey. He doesn't have to go over, all he needs is more heat.)
• Evan Bourne vs. Alberto Del Rio (They can put on great matches and if they build Evan up, they can have Del Rio look really good when he beats him. Similar to the Jericho/Evan program. After the program, Del Rio gets to feud with Cena for SummerSlam. )
• Kofi Kingston vs. Jack Swagger w/ Michael Cole (Hopefully, Lawler wins the feud and goes back to announcing while Cole can transition to full-time manager. Managing Swagger to a US title win from Kofi can be the beginning for an eventual main event run for the All-American American.)
• Kane and The Big Show vs. Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder (Just get the titles off of Show and Kane so Show can go back to putting over guys at a main event level. He could have a nice feud with The Miz as former tag partners. Hawkins and Ryder need the titles.)
• Santino Marella w/ Kozlov vs. The Miz w/ Riley (I know you're thinking The Miz is being demoted, but everyone knows a program with Santino is always golden. Sheamus proved that when he had his program with Santino. I think The Miz can really have a good feud with Santino and maybe even get Santino back in the upper midcard where he belongs.)
• Drew McIntyre and Mason Ryan vs. David Otunga and Michael McGillicutty w/ CM Punk (Drew needs a face run and Mason is a fellow Brit that seems to want to turn on the Nexus. If Drew can ally himself with Mason, he can help him take out Punk and his band of idiots. I would keep Punk out of the ring until he signs a new contract. No need to put over someone who is leaving, but no need to bury him either if we want to keep him.)

Guys like JTG, DH Smith and Masters are still off the card. Same goes for Primo, Reks and Tarver. IDK, but I see them all getting released soon.

I think DH Smith could have a good feud with Joe after a split from the Nexus and Primo should cross his fingers for Carlito to come back, but the rest should just be released.

What do you guys think?
If Big Show and Kane lose the belts soon why not have Miz and Big Show feud for a little bit. Plenty of storyline there being that they are ex partners and what not. Not to mention Miz would cut some great promos on the Big Show and have great segments with A-Ry getting involved. Not to mention when Show wants he can be good in a feud and fighting Miz would be great for the fans as the little kiddies will go nuts at the thought of a giant going after the Miz.

However even if the belts stay on Big Show and Kane you can have Miz and a returning Jericho face them. Once again plenty of storyline considering Jericho and Miz have both wanted revenge for Show making them both look silly after last years draft. It was even to the point of Miz and Jericho wanting to win the Tag Straps so they can go over to SmackDown and get revenge on The Big Show. Now I know if Jericho teams with the Miz it causes the problem of another heel on Raw but hear me out. Eventually The Miz can turn on Jericho be it on any means you see fit(Jealousy, oppurtunities, etc.). That way boom we get another great feud with Miz vs. newly face Jericho that would be a great program. So if the stars align and Jericho returns have them feud with KaneShow and then end up working a program with each other. I like the Triple H idea but Lord knows when he'll resume in ring activity.
Hindsight being 20/20, I want to believe the plan was to possibly put the strap on Morrison and allow him to feud with Miz heading into Summerslam, and throwing Del Rio at Cena. Injuries cause rewrites...

I still think he and the Miz have a lot to offer in the ring, and each should bring out even more in each other, and help the crowd love/hate the other even more.

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