Ortons next feud


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Well lets assume that someday this whole stale saga between orton HHH and Cena finally comes to an end. Who should Orton feud with next. Right after the draft they sorta eased that MVP could feud with him but that didnt go anywhere. I would however like to see them pick this feud back up as i believe MVP has alot of potential and i believe a feud with orton much like the miz/cena feud could help him prove himself in the main event scene.

Other than him I believe maybe a feud with diabiase once he quits Legacy would be a good fit for him as well

What your thought?
Yeah in the future he will have a mega feud with Dibiase no doubt but it remains to be seen if the WWE Championship will be involved.

After this Triple H mess I really don't know MVP seems logical but for some reason I don't think the WWE will be pushing him to the main event any time soon. To be honest until I see Orton,Triple H, Batista and Cena stray from each other I'm going to assume this four way feud will continue.
I too see him in a program with MVP. If booked properly, it could become a decent feud, maybe for the WWE title? MVP has worked long and hard since coming to the WWE and I think it is time that he had his time to shine, sooner or later, MVP is going to get a world title run, so why not start to prep him up for that future run right now?
Well I don't see Randy Orton remaining at the top after this feud. It's going to be Triple H and Cena dominating. Orton will return to top/midcard status and feud with Ted Dibiase probably.

The WWE managed to ruin everything they did right with Orton. He could have been such a big star and then they blew it.
Well in all honesty im hoping that tonite HBK will come back and screw HHH over so that would take HHH out of that overdone feud. And hopefully Cena can maybe get screwed over by Miz so than they could be forced to FINALLY get a new main event feud for Orton and his title.
I think it would make sense to put the belt back on Cena, that way Orton and HHH can have their final blow off match in a HIAC match at Summerslam, DiBiase maybe accidentally costing Orton the match etc etc. This also will allow Cena to take on new people in the main event picture, like Swagger, Miz, MVP (face v face?) etc.
Orton won't feud with MVP, at least not for a while as MVP is feuding with Swagger right now. I believe that for the next month until after Summerslam, we will either see a Cena/Orton feud, a HHH/Orton feud, or a combined Cena/HHH/Orton feud, as I don't think we will see Michaels back until Summerslam. I'm likely going to be wrong on that account, but I'll go out on a limb and say that he won't actually return until the PPV itself.
He'll feud with either HHH, Cena, and Batista when he gets back. Because that's all they'll have for them. If the WWE was smart, they'd add Carlito to Legacy (his dad is the legendary Carly Calon) and they create a new stable to feud with,. That'd be cool. Look at the US title match tonight. 6 guys. You only need 2 for a feud for the title. Have a group of young high-flyers (Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne, and Primo) become their rivals for the tag team belts or whatever. But other then the 3 others I originally listed, I don't see Orton feuding with much else. I'd love to see a new stable come to Raw.
Does anyone think that this never-ending HHH-Orton feud is actually going to come to a conclusion? They've been feuding since 2004!!!!

The only way it happens, albeit briefly, is when Ted inevitably turns face and screws Orton out of the title and Randy goes after him. That will last a month or two before Orton goes after Trips again.
HBK should be the next person for orton to feud with. and during that feud dibiase should turn face and side with HBK and screw orton out of the title and that could go all the way into survivor series with team orton,rhodes and three other heels, vs team HBK,Dibiase, three other faces one possibly being batista
Are you kidding me? I fully expect the main event to still be Orton v. HHH v. Cena for the time being. I really don't think they would change it and I wouldn't be surprised if we see another triple threat match or tag match on RAW.

I don't see them moving anyone up to challenge Orton (this includes MVP).

I don't see HBK coming back to challenge him and and I don't think that Batista is ready to come back (not that I want to see that anyway).

It would be interesting for the Undertaker to return and feud with him but I think he's an eternal Smackdown player now.

So in the end I think we're just going to get the same matches over and over and over.
MVP is the simple answer. He had that teaser of a feud a few months ago..blah, blah, blah.

Let's get creative! How about Mark Henry? This could be perfect. Get Henry cemented in his face status, give Orton that one big "I defended against the monster" feud, and practically force Trips from the title picture for a few months. Unless Trips goes on to feud with Cena...then I'll cry a single, solitude tear.

How about something I totally don't wanna see? A good 3-4 months of DX vs. Legacy? This will be like DX vs. the Spirit Squad, only DX gets to squash 3 people at once instead of 5. Unless, of course, they continue this new-fangled approach of actually building their top heel stable. Then the match endings are all up in the air, ahahaha.
I like The Mark Henry idea, but since Summerslam is still one of the original "big 4", I'm sure it will be Cena and HHH. I do not see them doing anything else right now, plus, its still too soon too turn Dibiase. its more fun when you drag it out, because you want it so much more, kinda like Batista and HHH in 2005. HBK is a good idea too, but would it make sense? Who knows what he will do when he returns, so theres kind of a big clusterfuck in the ME right now.
Lets put it this way...

HBK is supposed to be returning at Summerslam.

Triple H and John Cena are supposed to fued with each other (to much suprise not for the title) and will head into Summerslam to have a match.

If this is true, the fabled ending to the Triple H-Randy Orton fued may happen (at least for a while) and we could see Shawn Michaels vs Randy Orton for the WWE Title.

Granted the way WWE Writers like to plan things now, Shawn will not win the title but just maybe...Hopefully, HBK and Randy Orton will fued for a solid few months.
Im sure this opinion won't be popular but HHH, Cena, Taker and Michaels need to let the future happen. It's time for fresh blood and new contenders/champions or will we as fans have to set through more Hogan like egos, where a 50 yo man has to be the champ and not let the younger guys have the chance to help the company and the business

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