IMPACT Wrestling LD for 10.29.14 — Roode v. Lashley for the Heavyweight Championship!

Sort of, I guess? They've basically cut ties with the old Impact Zone and have been doing huge sets of tapings in two separate locations to close out the year. They did like two months plus out of New York City, and doubled up their tapings out of Bethlehem, PA as well.

None of this is live.

Fresh locations can only be a positive thing. A more scaled down version of what they tried in 2012 could be cool.
Fresh locations can only be a positive thing. A more scaled down version of what they tried in 2012 could be cool.

Live tapings, you mean? Would be awesome, but I don't think they can do it without a solid new television deal. It's incredibly expensive to tape live, so I completely understand the concept of taping in advance. Much as it sucks in this internet age, what with all the dick heads who just love to spoil everything for others who don't want to know the results ahead of time, it's still one of those things where they can produce a lot of quality by taping multiple weeks' worth of footage in just a few consecutive nights.

I mean, for years and years both WWE and WCW did the same thing.
Ah, yeah. I agree. All the NYC tapings were high octane. I'd love for them to establish that as something of a new backyard, branching out to continue tapings all over the North East in smaller venues that they can pack out.

I'd rather see them fill a 2,000 seat arena than tape off and black out 80% of an arena they couldn't even fill if they cloned the attending fans twice over.
Ah, yeah. I agree. All the NYC tapings were high octane. I'd love for them to establish that as something of a new backyard, branching out to continue tapings all over the North East in smaller venues that they can pack out.

I'd rather see them fill a 2,000 seat arena than tape off and black out 80% of an arena they couldn't even fill if they cloned the attending fans twice over.

Exactly. You could even do 1,000 seat venues if they are built just right and give you solid acoustics
Exactly. You could even do 1,000 seat venues if they are built just right and give you solid acoustics

Yup. That's what all the NYC tapings were like. Packed wall-to-wall in a smaller arena, but the actual reactions of the crowd were electric. It was a much more intimate feel.
Awesome as Lashley's been as champ, it's about time he's done some really dirty heel stuff like this.

This is clearly the best match he's had as champ.
Impact Wrestling
Date: October 29, 2014
Location: Sands Bethlehem Events Center, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Taz

Tonight is a big show for TNA as we have Bobby Roode vs. Lashley for the World Title and the two semi-finals matches in the tag team tournament. TNA is capable of throwing a lot of good wrestling at us and having a solid show when they cut out all the storyline nonsense. Granted at this point they need to worry about having a place to air their TV shows instead of what’s on them. Let’s get to it.

Click on the link below for the full review.

Worth the Wait
This might have been TNA's last true great show. I seriously hope it's not. I'm actually hyped to see Roode/Lashley 3.

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