IMPACT Wrestling LD for 05.22.14 — Last Week Was Dull, So No Clever Title

I tried giving TNA another shot, I turned it on during Aries/MVP promo, cause that's when I got home, but every fucking time Dixie fucking Carter shows her stupid talentless fucking face on this show I immediately lose what little interest I have in this company. I don't care if that bitch is running the fucking company, get her the fuck off the damn show!! You get her off camera & maybe, just maybe I'll be able to sit through the entire episode instead 20 mins.

This. Dixie was fine when she just came out to make some important announcements, but she's damaging her product by being a central part of a storyline, especially as one of the worst heels I've ever seen.
I was feeling very down yesterday so I took a nap. A 5 hour nap. I had to do WZCW stuff so I skipped Impact. I wanna see it, though. I've developed an unhealthy obsession with trios and it seems TNA is stacking their roster with them.
Glad Aries is being featured more at least. Get the belt off Young and give it to MVP and have Aries take it from him, then all will be right.

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