IMPACT Wrestling LD 08-08-13 Countdown to Hardcore Justice

Wouldn't mind seeing Low Ki again, but I don't know if it would help Impact.
Not really sure what the point of all of that was. Ortiz comes to the ring, says he didn't have much to say, and he gets interrupted by two guys and says nothing.

What's up with Rampage? Or King Mo for that matter? I'm not being a smart ass, it's a serious question as I haven't watched Impact for months.
Legit questions. Chances are neither Rampage or Ortiz will wrestle a match in TNA. But they've done way more than King Mo thus far.
Imagine that shit. I hated ortiz in mma, and I don't give two fucks about him now. Give that fucking tv time to someone else. Doesn't tna know that he was a fucking d-bag in the ufc? The dude was a straight asshole
WMJ, I didn't miss anything. DVR is a beautiful invention.

Tito's music is awful.

Love seeing James Storm. Even if it is against a jobber team. Though its hard to hate Robbie E. He plays his part so well.

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