IMPACT Wrestling for 06/13/13 Featuring the Return of "Rampage" Jackson, from Duluth,

I believe I like to debate more than most but one of the least interesting times would be while I am actually watching the show.

Same. Defeats the purpose of watching live. I end up missing things that are happening live because I get hung up having to go back and forth on something that happened ten, fifteen, twenty minutes earlier.

I'd much rather debate those things after the fact, or in the actual TNA section where they belong.
I get the idea but it's been done before to better success than we're having now, which is my responsibility around here.
KB, I think you're probably a wee bit hard on Joe anyway. I know we were having a little fun with him last week, or the week before (whichever it was), but do you really wanna drive positive users away from an LD that's almost always focused on the negative? I'll be honest with you — I'm in his corner if that's the case. I think we need MORE TNA supporters watching live and participating to drown out the constant criticism.

I'm invoking him, which means he'll probably show up to argue with me over it, but JJYanks, for example, I don't think I've ever seen write a positive thing one in an LD. Everything he mentions is a criticism, no matter how great the event. AJ could win the World Title on IMPACT in the most amazing match, the crowd explodes in excitement, etc. and he'd be the first one to be like "Cool title win, but did anyone see AJ fuck up that one spot toward the end? Ruined the match". Such a buzz kill.

That's bull considering I've done these weekly and I have maybe 1 "negative" thought every couple of weeks. In fact, there have been plenty of times you've repped me for humorous commentary. The thing is though, and I think KB is like this, it's a bit nauseating on the other end that some users make it seems like every episode of Impact is the greatest two hours of TV in the history of TV and if you don't agree, you're stupid. When you are faced with those kind of posts and attitude, it's hard not to be like "seriously dude?" and then when you question in, you become a "hater of TNA" or something. Why can't someone like me be in the middle? I'm a guy who watches a lot of wrestling and, like KB, makes part of a living off of it (only I do it on radio, he does it in print). If my show was resembled this LD, I'm pretty sure no one would listen. You gotta compliment some things and put down others. Mainly, you have to be honest with yourself with what you like and don't like and you can't let the idea that you support a company blind you from understanding what you're watching.

Bottom line, I expect better than you insulting me. That's total bull and I'm kind of upset to come home to this.

Also, I started the JGKU thing. I posted saying who I thought would be in the BFG series and said those 4 guys and he asked me why I thought that and KB responded "common sense?" and off we went. Thus, if JGKU said to me "JJYanks, you were right and I shouldn't have questioned you." so that I could sig it I guess, I think we could call it a completed bet.
Ok JJYanks, you were right and I shouldn't have questioned you.

We're cool and I probably won't even sig it.

Actually, this whole debate going on would be funny radio so maybe I should put all you guys on the show and just referee the thing? Could be a fun segment.

As for my final 4 here, I'm thinking AJ, Anderson, Roode, Aries with Anderson potentially turning face after getting fed up with Bully telling him what to do and thus wanting his title. I do wish Matt Morgan was going to be in the thing but he'll be in the new Mafia. Guy is a loner who has had no reason to defend anyone lately but Sting will talk him into having his back. It's not the TNA title which he deserves, but it'll be something for him.

Oh also for you gutcheck fans, I met Ivelisse last Saturday. Nicest ass I've ever seen in person. Has a latin edge to her but she was very nice to me, probably because I wasn't hounding her for a picture or autograph.
That's bull considering I've done these weekly and I have maybe 1 "negative" thought every couple of weeks. In fact, there have been plenty of times you've repped me for humorous commentary. The thing is though, and I think KB is like this, it's a bit nauseating on the other end that some users make it seems like every episode of Impact is the greatest two hours of TV in the history of TV and if you don't agree, you're stupid. When you are faced with those kind of posts and attitude, it's hard not to be like "seriously dude?" and then when you question in, you become a "hater of TNA" or something. Why can't someone like me be in the middle? I'm a guy who watches a lot of wrestling and, like KB, makes part of a living off of it (only I do it on radio, he does it in print). If my show was resembled this LD, I'm pretty sure no one would listen. You gotta compliment some things and put down others. Mainly, you have to be honest with yourself with what you like and don't like and you can't let the idea that you support a company blind you from understanding what you're watching.

Bottom line, I expect better than you insulting me. That's total bull and I'm kind of upset to come home to this.

Also, I started the JGKU thing. I posted saying who I thought would be in the BFG series and said those 4 guys and he asked me why I thought that and KB responded "common sense?" and off we went. Thus, if JGKU said to me "JJYanks, you were right and I shouldn't have questioned you." so that I could sig it I guess, I think we could call it a completed bet.

I was speaking in generalities, and I have the memory of a goldfish, so I could be way off base. I just remember you pointing out a number of criticisms. I could be confusing you with someone else, though, or this could all just be from the Immortal era when everyone was posting negative stuff.
I was speaking in generalities, and I have the memory of a goldfish, so I could be way off base. I just remember you pointing out a number of criticisms. I could be confusing you with someone else, though, or this could all just be from the Immortal era when everyone was posting negative stuff.

I mean I've been critical at times but I'm certainly not critical all the time. I think you just don't like my disdain of Crimson and have associated that with my entire persona hehe.
Pretty much since the All-Star section started up and the best posters quit participating in the WWE LDs, which used to be the place to be around here.

Doesn't taking all of what you would consider the better discussion away from the public LD's kind of fly in the face of your earlier claim that the good discussion brought in members such as yourself, Sly and Norcal?

It's a basic sacrifice of your aforementioned duty to attract new members by deciding your own enjoyment is more important. The reason the LD's are dead is not because people told ye guys to sit down and shut up if youre being negative, but because ye guys took the ball and went to the secret clubhouse.

Granted, you are still here, seemingly to the chagrin of yourself and some of the others, but for the others it seems a pretty obvious foux pas.
Doesn't taking all of what you would consider the better discussion away from the public LD's kind of fly in the face of your earlier claim that the good discussion brought in members such as yourself, Sly and Norcal?

It's a basic sacrifice of your aforementioned duty to attract new members by deciding your own enjoyment is more important. The reason the LD's are dead is not because people told ye guys to sit down and shut up if youre being negative, but because ye guys took the ball and went to the secret clubhouse.

Granted, you are still here, seemingly to the chagrin of yourself and some of the others, but for the others it seems a pretty obvious foux pas.

Well see we're more important than you guys.
Sounds like a good show, I'll check it out.

My final four would be Magnus, AJ, Aries and Roode but that's just wishful thinking.

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