IMPACT Wrestling for 08.29.13 is LIVE from Cleveland, Ohio!

So any idea what gem Hogan has in store for us after the match?

A merger of all the wrestling federations BROTHER!!


lol I have no idea...
Keeping track of the BFG series and timing matches with a stop watch aren't even in the same stratosphere, Homie.

I don't give a shit that AJ's promo was 3:13 seconds when the one he cut a few weeks ago was 2:12 seconds. I don't work the truck. Those numbers are irrelevant to me and just about everyone watching from home.

Already running the other way. I'm not surprised.
Already running the other way. I'm not surprised.

If it makes you feel better KB one reason why I like your site so much is because you use numbers I find them interesting. Also I shared your website on my Facebook fanpage and it got positive feedback too just so you know. Keep up the numbers!
Wait I thought Sting couldn't get a world title shot ever again after losing at Slammiversary?

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