IMPACT Wrestling for 06/13/13 Featuring the Return of "Rampage" Jackson, from Duluth,

Crimsons new look is bad ass His work in OVW has been really good and he's really improved in the ring and the mic I think he has a bright future ahead of him

I kinda hate it. The hair is weird. Not sure what he's doing with it. Looks like it's at that weird stage where you can't do anything with it if you're trying to grow it out.

Loved seeing him return, though!
Doesn't Smackdown normally get only a page of discussion and this weeks Raw didn't get much either so why is discussion down in those threads

Raw gets a good deal more than this.

I'm well aware the LDs are down as all of wrestling is. I have little problem with you being positive about the shows all the time. It's annoying but that's your opinion so fine. It's VERY annoying sitting through page after page of one word posts when these threads used to be really interesting and have deteriorated to this.

Do smackdown LDs even still exist?The TNA LD last week had more posts than the last two Raw LDs.


Indeed they do exist.
Yea I really enjoyed it too

Who do you want in the MEM and what did you think of the new Crimson

I have no idea for MEM. I kinda hope Morgan ends up in it, but we'll have to wait on what the stipulations are, I think.

Magnus and Joe would be pretty sweet too.

Crimson being back is dope, but the hair is weird.
Yea the hair looked pretty weird but I really like the Military type gear he wore

I'm fine with that, yeah. I hear he's been doing a millitary gimmick playing off his history. I'm glad that's finally the case. I've been saying since they brought him in that they should play off it because of how intense his character is. And when TNA needed tag teams, I was saying pair him and Gunner, which apparently also happened in OVW. It's like I had a good idea, or two. Weird!
For the record, the only TNA Mark in these LD's every week is me. I don't think anyone else, even shattered when he's in, doesn't still watch WWE as well as I don't. I'm a TNA or bust guy. The day TNA goes away (knockonwood.gif), I'll be putting in my resignation as a moderator and probably disappearing quite a bit.
KB, I think you're probably a wee bit hard on Joe anyway. I know we were having a little fun with him last week, or the week before (whichever it was), but do you really wanna drive positive users away from an LD that's almost always focused on the negative? I'll be honest with you — I'm in his corner if that's the case. I think we need MORE TNA supporters watching live and participating to drown out the constant criticism.

I'm invoking him, which means he'll probably show up to argue with me over it, but JJYanks, for example, I don't think I've ever seen write a positive thing one in an LD. Everything he mentions is a criticism, no matter how great the event. AJ could win the World Title on IMPACT in the most amazing match, the crowd explodes in excitement, etc. and he'd be the first one to be like "Cool title win, but did anyone see AJ fuck up that one spot toward the end? Ruined the match". Such a buzz kill.
Speaking of mark-dom, this was a great episode of IMPACT. The Mickie full heel turn, the Stinger MEM promo (so awesome I watched it three times, in full), the AJ/Angle PPV quality main event. Just all sorts of fucking awesome.
How would feel about RVD and Double J being in the new MEM IDR

Oh, yuck. I'd rather not, honestly. Maybe Jarrett, just because it'd be cool to see him return, but I'm totally burned out on RVD. No thanks. If we're re-inventing the MEM, give some guys who deserve it the chance. Morgan and/or Magnus especially.
Ha! Rampage coming in to make the save for Angle. I dig it. I like this Rampage dude quite a bit, in fact.

I think I'm about to re-wind to the Stinger promo a fourth time. :lmao:
I'm pretty much done with any WWE. Don't even know who the champ is. Cena? I do still check out an occasional attitude school guy when they come back and do something that gets some hype.
KB, I think you're probably a wee bit hard on Joe anyway. I know we were having a little fun with him last week, or the week before (whichever it was), but do you really wanna drive positive users away from an LD that's almost always focused on the negative? I'll be honest with you — I'm in his corner if that's the case. I think we need MORE TNA supporters watching live and participating to drown out the constant criticism.

I'm invoking him, which means he'll probably show up to argue with me over it, but JJYanks, for example, I don't think I've ever seen write a positive thing one in an LD. Everything he mentions is a criticism, no matter how great the event. AJ could win the World Title on IMPACT in the most amazing match, the crowd explodes in excitement, etc. and he'd be the first one to be like "Cool title win, but did anyone see AJ fuck up that one spot toward the end? Ruined the match". Such a buzz kill.

Like i said, the positive all the time stuff is annoying but if that's how he sees it then that's how he sees it. It's the posting of people's names that I was irritated about.
To me the mafias calling card was the accomplishments of the members. So I am not sure I would want guys like Magnus in it.

Fuck it, I'll take Nash and Konnan.
I'm pretty much done with any WWE. Don't even know who the champ is. Cena? I do still check out an occasional attitude school guy when they come back and do something that gets some hype.

I have no idea who anyone is in WWE anymore. I think I've watched three or four YouTube clips, like when Lesnar came back, but I haven't watched more than about a minute (in passing a couple months back, just to see what was going on) of RAW in like two or three years. Monday's aren't even "RAW" days to me anymore, and I grew up watching Nitro, so Monday nights were ALWAYS "wrestling night" to me. Wrestling night is now exclusively Thursday and have been for a while. Even my wife reminds me every week "wrestling tonight, right?", knowing she's on her own to go watch Lifetime or some shit with her cats in the bedroom. :lmao:

Like i said, the positive all the time stuff is annoying but if that's how he sees it then that's how he sees it. It's the posting of people's names that I was irritated about.

Like I said, it's a little campy. I agree. But he's just having some fun. It's not like the posts count to his post total or anything like that. I just don't see the point in harping on it too much in threads if it's a legitimate gripe, as opposed to a pet peeve. It just adds to the negativity that already plagues TNA LD's as it is.

Would it make sense for Joe or Magnus to be in it though

Depends on if the ex-world Champ stip stays or not. I'd imagine it wouldn't. At which point, absolutely it makes sense. The three guys who've been in Sting's corner most (aside from Angle and Hogan) the last year plus have been Eric Young, Samoa Joe and Magnus.
To me the mafias calling card was the accomplishments of the members. So I am not sure I would want guys like Magnus in it.

Fuck it, I'll take Nash and Konnan.

That's fair, but if you go back and watch the Stinger promo again, remember — he uses the word family as the hinge. That's important here. To me it signals that the guys he's bringing in are his family, where as the old stip of former World Champs was in place due to the "respect" thing being the kicker.

If family is this time around, Nash/Konnan would still be OK, but I don't think Konnan is on good enough terms with TNA anymore, and I was told Nash is on a legends contract with WWE still too, so I doubt either is even available.

That's why I'm leaning the Magnus, Joe, EY route. It might seem a little wonky right now, but I think its' a great way to get some "TNA guys" over again.

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