I'm pretty much a vagina.


I Am The One Who Knocks
So, me and my girl are out drinking tonight. We stood outside to have a smoke. We then start making out. I then push her up against a wall, and just I dont know...like you should know... Anyways. I then go ask my buddy who's place we were at to see if I could use on of his rooms. He says yes, and to make a long story short. We were both naked. I had the condom on, she pulls me in. Then it happens....I SAY NO.

Does this make me a vagina? Keep in mind that we havent had sex yet.
you cant fault a man for wanting to practice safe sex.. FTS, you should be ashamed of yourself.
I remember when we used to have only two condoms to choose from. Woolie bully and little boe peep =\\ Now they have flavors and everything.
Moral of the story: don't drink with someone that you have sexual tension with, especially if she wants it really bad. Why did you fail to have a convo with her about sex, Monkey? Ah, never mind...girls will never admit this, but they are pretty much powerless when they want to go to bed with someone. I broke up with the woman I was with in my first sexually active relationship on multiple occasions. Without fail, we would get back together in a day or two and talk about how we wouldn't have sex for some time because we wanted to get to know each other on a level beyond the physical. But, also without fail, we would be fucking again about three days later.
Well they say you are what you eat, I since I doubt you did that either I'm gonna say no you're not a vagina

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