If you were to give the strap to someone out of fucking NOWHERE...

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Who would it be and how would you do it? A nice fun end of the year thread. I'll add a poll if I feel it necessary.

Be all serious if you want, but feel equally comfortable to suggest something absolutely insane. The latter probably fulfills the thread's purpose, to be honest. Sarcastic responses such as "John Cena, lol" will be put up on a pedestal and worshiped, as well they should be. Probably more fun if you stick to wrestlers currently under WWE contract.

The Brian Kendrick​
If this isn't the most sensible suggestion in this thread, I will be deeply, deeply disappointed. Triple H triumphs over Edge at Armageddon (or whatever) and is then schedule against TBK in the main event on SD!, for the title. What the public isn't told is that WWE is now being booked by TNA... or something. Kendrick wins clean. Tell me you wouldn't be thinking "Holy motherfuckin' shit, yo!". Only problem there is, it's leak because SD isn't live. Maybe bump it onto Raw.

Now go nuts.
I've presented this idea before.

For starters, the title picture on Smackdown for the WWE Title is very cloudy. Edge is the champ, but he won the title in a match he wasn't supposed to be a part of, and he entered it late. HHH, Hardy, and Kozlov all have legit claims to the belt, or at least to the rematch. The match scheduled for Armageddon has false-finish written all over it.

So, after the match, Vickie Guerrero comes down to the ring and pulls her usual shit, reversing a decision or two and making sure that Edge wins the belt. She parades around as the Smackdown GM, all excited, until the REAL 1st Bitch of WWE comes out - Stephanie McMahon - and vacates the championship belt.

The following week on SD, Steph comes out to address the crowd, and Edge, HHH, Undertaker, Big Show, and Khali all want a title match for one reason or another, but mainly because they've been champ before and deserve another shot.

Steph has seen and heard enough, and announces that NONE of the men in the ring will get a shot, because she is sick of former champions who believe that their status as a former title holder means they don't have to earn a shot anymore. She then explains that she's been on WrestleZone and stole an idea from an admin, and that effective immediately, WWE wouldbe holding the first ever "Virgin Tournament" for the WWE Title.

She then announces the 8 participants in the Virgin Tournament - Jeff Hardy, MVP, Umaga, Brian Kendrick, Mr. Kennedy, Shelton Benjamin, Hurricane Helms, and Carlito. The tournament promises not only a NEW WWE Champion, but a first time title holder. The tourney starts that night on SD, and the finals are set to occur at the Royal Rumble.

So, Hardy beats Kendrick, Umaga beats Carlito, Helms beats MVP, and after Kennedy announces he is still not cleared to wrestle, Benjamin beats Primo Colon. This sets up round two, as Hardy beats Benjamin and Umaga beats Helms. This sets up Hardy / Umaga at the Royal Rumble.

And just when it appears Hardy has things well in hand, Matt Hardy comes down to try to help, and accidentally costs Jeff the match, giving the match to the NEW WWE Champion, Umaga! This also sets up Jeff to cost Matt the Royal Rumble later that night, setting up the first brother vs brother encounter at WrestleMania since Hart vs Hart.
OK, basically, at the moment, SmackDown can almost be considered the A Show, as it has the two most important guys in WWE, the old dead guy and the boss's son-in-law. Meanwhile, Raw is being used to promote the younger guys, while still having a consistant main-event layer on top (Cena, Jericho, Orton, Michaels, Kane... maybe JBL at a push). So, with Raw being the current platform for young guys to make it big (see: CM Punk, Kofi Kingston, Cody Rhodes) along with Steph McMahon's slow turn into a power-crazy heel, I'd have it go down something like this...

It's the Royal Rumble, and John Cena is still the World Champion, and he's defending his title against Randy Orton, Orton hunting the belt, Cena hungry for revenge after the Spike DDT from the stage we saw last week. Cena pulls off his usual super-human victory, but following the match, Orton flips out and RKOes Cena, before smacking him with the punt and leaving him lying in the centre of the ring. As Orton leaves, Steph appears and declares that Cena's night is not over. Suddenly, someone appears in the ring and hoists Cena to his feet. The camera focuses in on the face of Mr. Kennedy as he throws a smile to Steph before nailing the Mic Check. Steph sends down a referee and forces him to make the count, declaring the new World Heavyweight Champion...

Mr Kennedy.


This could lead to Shane O'Mac returning, trying to take control back from his demented sister, with (knowing WWE's enjoyment for ridiculously long storylines) this leading all the way through to Survivor Series, where Kennedy, Orton and Team Priceless face off against Cena, Punk, Kingston and... I don't know, DX maybe? For either Shane or Steph to take 100% control.
Interesting idea IC25.....I would have to go with The Brian Kendrick...He's got the mic skills, wrestling ability, and an enforcer in Jackson....I hate how most people say you got have a championship look to be champion....CM Punk has basically the same build as TBK just taller....Kendrick can compete with the top guys on Smackdown because his style as more compatible with the Edge's and Hardy's of the world....He can even give HHH a run for his money.
I'd give it to Scotty Goldman. People would literally say to themselves, 'Wow, this guy's still under contract? Well get ready to watch Edge squash him in 3 minutes.' 20 minutes later after Edge has hit every move in his aresenal and Goldman has kicked out of all of it, Edge starts screaming at the ref/jeff comes out/lights go off or whatever, and suddenly Goldman rolls him up with the tights and wins the title.

After winning the title it could send his character into a wild frenzy of celebrations and egotistical pandering taht morphs him back into his Colt Cabana persona and takes a bunch of 20 minute ass kickings and always manages to get the win outta nowhere at the last possible second, much like Mikey Whipwreck did when he was ECW champion back in the day.
Tommy Dreamer.

The undisputed king of the jobbers right now gets a title shot somehow. Maybe Edge throws out an open challenge and the first guy to get in the ring gets the shot. Dreamer comes through the crowd, spins Edge around for the DDT, and pins him. Tell me you wouldn't be absolutely stunned. I don't know if he's ever even won a single match this year outside of beating up Delaney, so no one would believe it. But if it's timed right, it would be the loudest pop ever. You do that match in Philadelphia, and the fucking roof would be launched into orbit.
Santino Marella

Of all the people on the RAW roster, he is probably the man to generate the biggest buzz about a huge title switch, because he is fucking sweet on the mic, although he does obviously lack a lot in the ring. Obviously, with us on the internet and the smart wrestling fans, we'd all go nuts because we love him, so if this switch was to happen in NYC where all the fans are obviously, clever fans, they'd pop hard for the switch. Have him in a match against someone like JBL, because then the fans would easily side with Santino as they hate JBL more, because unlike Santino, JBL isn't nearly as entertaining.
Charlie Haas.

He comes out dressed up as Kane and wins the title in a First Blood match.

Even if a week goes by, he still has a longer title reign than Kane did haha.

No offense to Kane, I just think it'd be funny.

But in all seriousness, there are a lot of people that I think could be decent champions, but I'd rather see them built up rather than winning on a shock. For instance, Umaga, Kennedy, Jeff Hardy, Morrison, etc. But if I had to go for a shock win "out of fucking nowhere"....Shelton Benjamin. Why Shelton? The guy's been improving a lot lately and I think he's an INCREDIBLY solid United States champion. They told him to up his mic skills, he has. They told him to work harder, it sure looks like he's done that. He's proving himself to be a future world champion as it is. And nobody would expect the US champion to win the WWE title. Everyone automatically writes it off as "well, he's already a champion"...its even being done to Punk right now for the IC belt tournament. So it'd be a huge "wtf? Did they just count to 3?" moment if Shelton won, plus it'd be a little reward for him improving his game. He might not draw huge numbers, but this thread isn't about that. Duel champion: true gold standard.
*mumbles* Matt Hardy. Why not? Everyone expects Jeff to win it at some point so it would be fucking awesome if Matt was too get their first. It would also set up a mini Hardy fued where Jeff is jealous that after all of that chasing his older brother won it from under his nose.

I'd have Hardy challenge Edge at some point because of their past, Jeff and everyone else is against it but Steph comes in and say's it would be good for business. So anyway Matt Hardy Version 1.0 pins Edge and shocks the World, I go nuts and you have some potentially interesting shit that could go down.
John Morrison. Jeff Hardy, the winner of the Royal Rumble, has beaten Edge in Tables, Ladders and Chairs on the grandest stage of them all, Wrestlemania. Hardy holds the title aloft: over a year of chasing, and he has done it. It's been a savage match with Edge, but battered and bruised as he is, he has done it at last.

And then out comes John Morrison. The winner of Money in the Bank. The man who recently went over HBK cleanly at either No Way Out or the Rumble. Springboard spinning kick, one-two-three, and it's all over. Morrison grabs the mic. "The shaman of sexy, the guru of greatness, and now the top of the tree...as I hold this WWE championship, be jealous!".

Wouldn't it be great?
Jeff Hardy... everyone gives up on the chance on Hardy ever winning the big one after 200 more Oppertunities. battle Royal on Smackdown where its him and HHH as the last two people, Every one is saying that it will be HHH, HHH Wins but out comes the GM or somebody high up saying HHH wasnt in the match to begin with, therefore Jeff Hardy finally gets the big one.

The Brian Kendrick.
Imagine Kendrick in a match for the title against HHH, Batista, and John Cena, with Kendrick winning. That would be the biggest surprise in history. Have him win cleanly against HHH or dirty over Cena no matter what way you go he would be the hottest champion ever for a month or so.

Not Really...
uh?? Hello??

fucking KURT MA'FUCKIN ANGLE. We have heard of his impending return. Have Edge go on a tear, have a set up for a one on one title match with he and Hardy, or Triple H. Have them randomly attacked backstage, Edge comes out for promo time, asking were his challenger is...

Kurt Angle's music hits, and he comes out and owns ass, after going ape shit. This of course assuming the building doesnt collapse on itself from the insane pop. Unlike the vast majority of completely not within the realm of reality suggestions here, this could very well happen.
This seriously isnt a joke this would actually work:
Alright, its WrestleMania 25 earler in the night john morrison won the Money in the Bank Ladder Match now its time for the main event, John Cena vs. Batista for the WHC. John Cena gets the win and then out comes Morrison he cashes in his MITB and wins the title out of fuckin nowhere. ITS A SWERVE.
This would be a HUGE deal if it were actually to happen making John Morrsion the incredible main event superstar we all know he should be. Most importantly it would break the WWE mold and be something different and something shocking.
This probably isn't a very popular choice but it might work. I would say start the angle by having Cena be jumped and put out of actions for a few weeks. Then have a bunch of random popular guys get mysterious laid out for a couple of weeks(Mysterio, Morrison, HBK, Punk).

Then have the big reveal to be none other than "The Miz". Hate him or love him the dude can get heat very well. While some might argue he get's X-Pac heat, that never stopped Vickie from becoming a big time heel. Miz has the look, charisma, talent, and mic skills to be a big time player. Have him feud with Cena which would ultimatley elevate him. The guy could be a big player and while it would be a gutsy move by the WWE they need to take a risk once in a while and comit to it fully.
At Armageddon, Chris Jericho and John Cena get a double count out and the next night on RAW, Stephanie McMahon comes out and claims that since neither of them won, neither of them should be the World Heavyweight Champion. She then orders an over the top battle royal and the winner will be the World Heavyweight Champion. She says it will be the entire male population of the RAW roster.

Down to 4 men. Jericho, Cena, Batista and Kane. Kane eliminates Batista, Jericho runs in from behind and dumps Kane over. Jericho and Cena stare at each other. Cena goes back against the ropes for a clothesline, Jericho ducks, Cena comes back, does what he usually does and picks Jericho up for the FU Jericho over the rop rope. Cena thinks he has won just as Stephanie McMahon comes out.

"John, congratulations on being the last in the ring.....so far. I said this match would contain all of the male population of the RAW roster and John, not all of the RAW males were in that match, no, because you see John. We have just signed a new wrestler to a contract.......on RAW. This person has a lot of charisma...."

As Stephanie finishes, Christian comes running in through the crowd and eliminates John Cena before he can realise what has happened to become new World Heavyweight Champion.

Christian, new WHC champion. That's if he resigned with WWE.
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Colin DeLaney: after winning the WHC from KANE in a brutal Inferno match Tommy Dreamer celebrates then after stealing the MITB contract Colin Delaney runs to the ring hits a DDT on to the brief case and gets the pin.

Charlie Haas: Charlie Haas gets hit in the head with a sledgehammer and actually thinks he is who he's imitating and then Challenges Undertaker for the WWE title at WM Haas makes Taker tap to the Hell's Gate, but since Haas was the undertaker the streak goes on.
Oh for FUCKS SAKE PEOPLE. Some of these names are just ridiculous. None are even good for business. Colin Delaney isn't even in the company. Charlie Haas is more of a novelty act. Hey while were at it its bring Phantasio give him the title then have him turn it into a fucking bouquet of roses.

Christian is the only obvious answer I can viably see happening as of right now. He is reported to be leaving ship and is a big enough name to make it a good decision. He has spent time at the top of a company before, albeit a smaller company. But he does have that experience. Lord knows he also has the fan base for it as well.

The Miz would be a decent choice for a surprise ECW champion and Matt Hardy would be a good choice for WHC. Jeff Hardy is being groomed for the title run...I think. Other than that, there is no real viable answer I can think of. I need to exit this thread now. Some of these answers are making my brain hurt.
This seriously isnt a joke this would actually work:

It's Armageddon, John Cena vs. Chris Jericho. Jericho has hit a massive Codebreaker on Cena, but then out comes... The Boogeyman!! Jericho doesn't want anything to do with Boogeyman, so he hightails. Boogeyman covers Cena, and because Mike Chioda had been knocked unconscious 20 minutes earlier by a rouge ear flick, replacement ref Peppy McDumbass counts the pin!


Boogeyman carries the title to WM, where he participates in the FIRST-EVER Father vs. Son Mania Match. There, Boogeyman drops the title to his father... PAPA SHANGO!!

Well... it's better than anything else I've read in this thread.
Instead of giving the title(s) to someone new and exciting, I have a different idea.
At WrestleMania 25, have the three title matches as Edge vs Jeff Hardy, John Cena vs Randy Orton and Matt Hardy vs John Morrison. Three excellent matches, and have ALL three heels win their matches cleanly. It is generally accepted that WrestleMania ends with a face holding up a title, so this would give a massive shock.

Hardy win's Rumble to keep the Rumble face winning tradition going, Orton wins EC for Raw, Morrison wins whatever tournament ECW have going.

Morrison beats Matt Hardy in the opening match of Mania, face's win the next lot of matches, Orton beats Cena in Main Event #1 then everyone accepts the big WrestleMania 25 to end with Jeff Hardy finally win the big one, but Edge prevails. Everyone is therefore shocked and the business creates discussion.
If I was to give someone a surprise title run it would be, John Morrison.

I would have The Miz win the ECW title (in an ideal world), By having him in a program with the current champion, But have him win in a dominant fashion, And have him defend for a few month's leading upto WM, While he's defending it, Have Morrison Cause a few close call's, Have Morrison lose a couple of number 1 contender's matches, That put The Miz in a couple of tight spot's.

After a while have The Miz start getting pissed off with Morrison, To the point where The Miz kick's Morrison's ass, And put's him on the shelf for a month (A month before WM), And have a wildcard in the MITB match, Which would be Morrison, Have him win the thing, To (hopefully) A great pop.

The Miz then goes on to successfully defend his title, But in a gruelling match, To the point he can't stand up without the ropes help, Then have Morrison's music hit, And him grab the mic, And announce "Miz be jealous", Hit's him with the Moonlight Drive, Pin's The Miz, And Grabs the mic again "because i'm YOUR champion".
If I could give the belt to anyone, it'd be MVP. What better way to have him end his losing streak then to be given that big main event push. It'd be the start of a new era, it'd be the start of the years where him and a returning Mr. Kennedy would shine greatest. Now here's how I would do it.

MVP comes out one night, and starts talking about all the bad luck he has and how he's lost all his high end stuff, finally causing him to have a change in ring attire. So he's talking about losing all this stuff, and saying how even though he's lost all of it, people are sticking by him, so he says he's going to fight for the people, the fans, from now on. And out comes Edge, the WWE Champion. He says " I hate these people, they are no good and yet you wish to fight for them when all they've done is boo you and hate you " and MVP responds with " They don't hate me or boo me, it's you they hate and you they boo " Edge gets pissed and rushes the ring, they fight, blah blah blah, MVP takes him out , grabs a mic and says " Edge, at Royal Rumble, I'm coming for you, and I'm coming for this title too " and tosses the title on him and leaves. Then back and forth for weeks Vickie tries to screw MVP and all that,and then at Royal Rumble, in MVP's biggest match, he wins the WWE title from Edge, and then Edge invokes his rematch clause at Wrestlemania, where dispite interference from none other then Vickie's newest lackey's Christian and Tomko, MVP retains the title, but barely.
Damn you SuperCrazy, because MVP was my idea too lol. Anyway while I like your little MVP storyline, I'm going to post mine anyway.

This would surprise basically everyone in the arena:

At Armageddon, Edge retains his WWE Championship against Triple H and Jeff Hardy due to low blows and interference from Vickie Guerrero. On Smackdown in the months of December and January, MVP is losing every single week in squash matches to Khali, Vladimir Kozlov, R-Truth, Jimmy Wang Yang, Hurricane Helms and many other mid-carders. 3 weeks before the Royal Rumble, Vickie announces that her husband Edge will defend his title, but it will be against a mystery opponent that will only be revealed on the night of the pay per view.

Edge seems worried who he might be facing. The next week on Smackdown, Vickie tells Edge not to panic, because his opponent at the Royal Rumble has never even competed for the WWE Championship before in a one on one match. At this time, the IWC is have orgasms as their hero "The Brian Kendrick" is a possible opponent to Edge's WWE Title at the Pay Per View. On this same edition of Smackdown, Edge tags with The Brian Kendrick, Ezekiel Jackson, The Big Show and Vladimir Kozlov to defeat Triple H and Jeff Hardy in a 5 on 2 handicap match.

Triple H and Jeff Hardy complain to Vickie just two days before the Royal Rumble as she said that they will not be competing for the WWE Title at the Royal Rumble and will have to go through 29 other superstars in order to get their shot at the title via Royal Rumble match. MVP loses to Scotty Goldman on this edition of Smackdown. The main event features Jeff & Triple H against 10 members of the Smackdown roster in an elimination handicap tag team match which includes guys such as Edge, Big Show, Kozlov, Ezekiel Jackson, Umaga and 5 more heel mid-carders. With great team work, HHH and Hardy managed to eliminate 6 opponents. This leaves Edge, Big Show, Kozlov and Jackson who all bring in steel chairs and beat the living crap out of Triple H and Hardy causing a disqualification.

Edge is smiling as he's almost certain that there's no way those two are going to interfere in his WWE Championship match, and will struggly greatly in the Royal Rumble match themselves. So at the Royal Rumble Pay Per View, Edge is awaiting his opponent and is very confident. Nobody comes out for a whole minute. But from behind, Triple H and Jeff Hardy who are all bandaged up, are smashing Edge with a sledgehammer and a steel chair respectively. Vickie comes out almost crying and screaming as her husband lays almost lifeless in the ring as security escorts the two attackers. Then all of a sudden, MVP's music plays much to the amazement of the live crowd. He get's on the mic and tells Vickie that she called him to be Edge's opponent for the night and told him that somebody in the match wasn't going to ever be the same again after their brutal match. MVP said she was certainly right, because there is no way Edge is making it out the arena without any damage. MVP then quickly grabs a steel chair on the floor and hits Vickie over the head with it.

The referee rings the bell to start the match as MVP uses his brand new-never seen before finisher (whatever that may be) and pins Edge cleanly to win the WWE Championship. The crowd is just amazed as MVP declares that history has been made here tonight as no man has lost over 30 matches in a row before winning a World Title. He then says that himself and the WWE universe "are better than Edge and Vickie combined". The crowd cheers as MVP celebrates with his newly won WWE Championship.

Man, that was fun to write.
Ted Dibiase.
Basically Ted comes back from movie filming and confronts Randy about kicking him in the head. Randy says he did it to make him become strong enough to fullfill his legacy and says if he wants to be a part of the group he is going to have to earn it. Orton had just won the Rumble and is relaxing and waiting for mania and tells Ted to give Cena a beating and if he does that then he can rejoin the group. Randy goes to Steph and requests the match, but then later in the night Ted goes and works out a way to make the match a title match with Steph. During the match the ref gets knocked out and Randy comes down and punts Cena. Ted gets the pin and as they are beating down Cena, Steph comes out and shows the footage of her making it a title match earlier and Randy just looks stunned
At Armageddon, we have John Cena and Chris Jericho slugging it out with other. They've been wrestling for 30 minutes now, so they're both exhausted. They run at the ropes and clothesline each other. As they are getting up, we see a masked man run into the ring, and RKOs Chris Jericho, leading to John Cena winning the title, as the masked man walks up the ramp.

During the following Raws, the masked man comes out during each of the main events and continues to attack the heels in the main event. He always uses the RKO. This continues until the Royal Rumble, where he is entrant No. 30. He cleans house as he's the freshest man in the match, and its now down to him and Orton. People are confused, as they believed the man to be Orton. Orton and the masked man both try and push each other over the top rope, but the masked man is too strong for Orton and sends him over the top rope, winning the Royal Rumble.

The masked man decides to compete for the WHC at Wrestlemania. Now the masked man starts to compete in matches, but in each match, he uses his opponent's finisher to end the match. He goes through everyone who's put before him. He goes through Jericho. He goes through JBL. He goes through Kane. He goes through Orton at NWO to keep his No. 1 contendership. Also at NWO, Jericho wins the WHC back from Cena. This sets up Chris Jericho vs the masked man for Wrestlemania.

Now in the weeks leading up to Wrestlemania, Jericho starts calling the masked man out. But he never comes out, people begin to think of him as a coward. Then two weeks before Wrestlemania, He comes out to answer Jericho, and Jericho is trashtalking. The man grabs Jericho, and locks him in the Walls of Jericho. The next week, he is put in a handicap match against Jericho and Orton. But when Jericho's music hits, he doesn't come out. We cut to the back, and see the masked man beating the holy hell out of Jericho. He comes out, and easily beats Orton, using the RKO.

It's Wrestlemania. The masked man and Jericho stare at each other. The bell rings. They slowly start circling, trying to judge each other, then they start slugging it out. What follows is a 30 minute classic, between Jericho and the masked man. Just when it looks like Jericho is going to win, he hits the Codebreaker, goes for the cover. 1, 2, NO! The masked man kicks out, and Jericho is shocked. He goes for the Walls Of Jericho, but the masked man reaches the ropes. Jericho pulls him up for the Codebreaker again, but the masked man counters. For the first time, he doesn't use his opponent's finisher. Instead, he hits Jericho with the Unprettier. 1, 2, 3!! And the masked man is the new World Heavyweight Champion! He rips off his mask, to reveal Christian! The crowd cheers and confetti rains down as Christian celebrates with his newly won title.
There are way too many options for this and I was going to put in my two cents. But I just read the above post and Tim's idea is pretty much amazing. It's full of win. I concede this thread to Tim. Tim wins. Hands down.
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