If you had to give the Rumble to someone out of nowhere, who would it be?

M.V.P.: Given his current storyline, what better way to finally pick up that elusive victory, than by winning in flukish fashion and being the last guy in the ring, after the other two eliminate each other via a clothesline and carry over.

I think it'd be hilarious to see this year's winner in general, for once, not actually take part in "winning" in the end, yet being the odd man out.. possibly even knocked out cold, while the other two guys tumble over the top rope together.

This place would go nuts if that happened, though. "Let me get this straight: guy who can't beat Kung Fu Naki wins the Royal Rumble? Way to go, WWE, burying everybody". I agree it'd be a hilarious set of circumstances, but I think we would probably end up looking back in retrospect and wishing it took place at something a little less grandiose than the once-a-year Royal Rumble.

John Morrison: This will clearly and obviously never happen, at least not within the next year or likely 3. Hell, possibly even ever. But this is my dream. John Morrison is the new Chris Jericho, or Shawn Michaels. His charisma needs some fine-tuning, and his promo skills need work.. but he's definately fun to watch, and he's got the look of a younger Jericho/Michaels.

It wouldn't be shocking (to me) if Morrison surprised everyone and won it, but as I've said I'm not naive enough to think it'll ever happen soon, if at all.

Man, if I had it my way, Morrison would win the Royal Rumble and face Cena lol. But like you said, its not gonna happen this time around. Although, I do think that when he eventually turns face, he could very well pull an HBK from 96 - come in as the favorite face, wins the thing, and eventually wins his first championship at WrestleMania. It just won't be at this year's ppv. Maybe next year.

Unfortunately this time around, the WWE has little to no options when it comes to their Royal Rumbles. Raw has nobody left for Cena to defend his title against except Orton, and even that has been done so much since the summer of 07 - including last year's WrestleMania. But we JUST had Cena/Jericho, Cena/Kane would be a terrible choice for the biggest WrestleMania ever (as would Cena/Punk, Cena/Mysterio, etc), and Cena/JBL is just ridiculous. Edge/Hardy/HHH/Christian...despite how I think HHH shouldn't be involved in it at all...are there really any other options? You can't really give it to Khali or Big Show or Umaga or even Career Kamikaze Kennedy. Now, I could see Kennedy/Edge being something for a future WrestleMania, but not while he's injured and has absolutely no momentum going into it in comparison to a healthy and insanely over Jeff Hardy. So this time around, there wouldn't be anybody that I would give the RR win to "out of fucking nowhere".

But next year...
I got to agree with the MVP aspect to things. I would find it hilarious for the top two to eliminate themselves, leaving MVP standing. As was said before, it would be a great way for him to turn around his losing streak and actually get the guy back onto winning ways and put him into the Main Event scene. Face it, Jeff's the only guy likely to drop the belt to MVP.
Y'know, I think the guy to win it might be a guy who has already won it once...or twice...before. A guy who we have been told in no uncertain terms will not be in the RR match.

Here's the scenario...At RR we have Cena defending his title against JBL w/HBK in his corner. Everyone expects HBK to turn on JBL at some point during the match. I say he doesn't...he helps JBL win the title, completing the heel turn and drawing boos. People are mad, people are upset, "Why, Shawn, why?", all that crap.

Then, your number 30 entrant into the RR is...HBK! He comes out, wins it shortly thereafter, before the shock wears off. JBL has by this time made his way down to ringside in an attempt to demand that Shawn eliminate himself. Instead, as soon as Shawn wins, he makes it very clear that his employment by JBL is over, as he will meet him at WM25 for the title.

Damn...did I really just put JBL in the ME at WM??? Sigh, at least if anyone can get a decent match out of him its Michaels. Still, as much as I hate to think that it could actually go down this way...its exactly the type of crap the WWE books these days.
I got to agree with the MVP aspect to things. I would find it hilarious for the top two to eliminate themselves, leaving MVP standing. As was said before, it would be a great way for him to turn around his losing streak and actually get the guy back onto winning ways and put him into the Main Event scene. Face it, Jeff's the only guy likely to drop the belt to MVP.

This is why, if we have brothers on WZ, you would be mine.
I agree completley here. Imagine MVP winning.? after the slump he has been in. Imagine him coming in at number 30 and there is just HHH, TBK and I don't know Santino Marella left in the ring. everyone will be thinking, Oh crap blah blah screwing blah blah daughter blah blah wins blah blah Holey shit HHH just eliminated TBK and sSantino Marella at the same time, leaving MVP as the winner. everyones Jaw would drop.

Even better yet, Imagine that scene happening but MVP not out yet. the ring is empty due to an accident where someone eliminates them self. the whole arena goes quiet, who ever comes out next wins automatically, Everyone is expecting Christian and MVP's theme song come's on......


I think winning the RR would be great for MVP, he don't have to win, but we could see how well he handles him self under pressure.
i like that idea, have 28 an 29 eliminate themselves and the clocks ticking down an jr an the king are goin crazy cuz they know whats coming. an then the music hits...

mrrrr kennedyyyyyyy


an he could have this proper slow cocky walk all the way down to the ring. an he just rolls in an like the guy said b4 takes the mic an introduces himself as the next wwe champion.
I would say.... Hornswoggle! Nah, no way.

Here's a scenario:

There is just HHH and Undetaker left in the ring and number 29 is about to be introduced..... *Smash* Stone Cold comes down to the ring and goes to town on Trips and Undertaker. Then number 30 comes out and.... "If ya SMELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL... What the Rock..... IS COOKING!" Rock, Stone Cold, HHH and Undertaker go at it until there is a double winner between Rock and Stone Cold, they both go on to face Cena in a triple threat at WM... This would fulfil what they were joking about at last years HOF when the crowd kept chanting ONE MORE MATCH, they teased a Rock v Stone Cold v John Cena. Man that would be fucking amazing to see...

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