If you were to give the strap to someone out of fucking NOWHERE...

Well my wrestler choice has been done. Here it goes. It is a week after No Way Out. They are running the matches for the Money In The Bank entrances. For the third member of the 8 man event, the match up reads: D'Lo Brown vs Santino Marella. The match goes normally, but as D'Lo climbs the ring post, aiming for the splash, Beth Phoenix trips him up, leading to the Roll Up by Santino Marella. Santino advances to Wrestlemania.

Money In The Bank

Santino Marella
Evan Bourne
The Miz
Matt Hardy

The match starts off with Kane and Finlay going at it on the outside, all the athletic flyers are doing there things, and Santino is hiding on the outside, sometimes even under the ring. Sometimes someone gets a shot at Santino, but minutes later, it gets reversed, and someone hits that person. Beth Phoenix is also around protecting Santino. Santino remains relatively healthy, while the other guys are beating themselves senseless. Matt Hardy, the early favorite throughout the match, has set up a ladder in the midst of the ring, and tries to climb it. At the same time, Finlay is on the outside taking a shot at Santino, causing him to run under the ring. Who could be hiding under the ring, but Santino, who kicks him back out. Santino, scared for his life, jumps out, into the ring, and knocks the ladder over, knocking Hardy onto himself, while Hardy rolls out. Kennedy is now in the ring, the last man standing it seems, and begins to set the ladder back up and climbs. He is almost there when the big man also climbs. Kane and Kennedy are fighting at the top of the ladder, when the music hits.


Christian hits the stage, and makes his way down, hitting shots on The Miz and Evan Bourne. Matt gets up, but Christian puts him down. Finlay stops him right before he gets into the ring, and Christian hits the unprettier. He makes his way into the ring, and knocks Kennedy off. He then hits a bulldog onto Kane. Kennedy comes up from behind, and hits the mic check, as they both go down. The only man who is left is the guy sitting scared in the corner. Santino Marella stands up, after Beth's encouragements, and looks around. He then begins the climb up the ladder, and captures the Money in the Bank, to become the Number One contender.

Later that night in the Raw Main Event, the 3rd last match of the night, following The Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels, but before the Diva vs Woman's champion match, and the Edge vs Triple H WWE Title main event comes the World title. John Cena vs Chris Jericho vs Mr. Kennedy Street Fight for the World Title. The match is going as planned, lots of gore, lots of love. While they are backstage, Kennedy has gotten hold of a flapjack. On the stage, he is able to hit John Cena with it. Meanwhile, he is thrown into the ring by Jericho, and as Jericho goes for the code breaker, Kennedy hits him with his weapon. All the while, Santino has brought a ref out with him, and has created a match within the match, pinning John Cena seconds before Kennedy has pinned Jericho. It is announced that Kennedy is the new World Champion. At the same time, the ref runds down to the announcers, and tells Lillian that the title in the match was void, as John Cena was no longer the champion, and Santino was, meaning Kennedy won the match, but not the title. Later that night, it is announced that Santino is the new World Title.

Sure, I may be dreaming, but stranger things have happened in the WWE before. Who would have though David Arquette would hold the same Big Gold Belt, although under a different name
john cena, lol..... :D (i just had to do it)

now for my real plan.

Cena drops title to jericho at WM then hurricane helms cashes in MITB that he won earlier that night and wins the title, then just to throw everyone off, hornswaggle comes out throws a pie at helms, and wins the title then finlay turns on swaggle, and rapes horny (live, and yes, really, rapes) thus making him the new champion..

I would probably give it to either John Morrison or Brian Kendrick. lets face it, they're both cocky little snobs like HBK was when he was a young guy and carrying the company. those two would most definitely cheat their way to a huge success like the WWE Championship in a heart beat so why not? why not re-create another huge heel like HBK was? and yes he was! maybe not like Triple H, but i mean, the cocky, arrogant attitudes that followed rather than the I NEED THIS BELT OR I CANT LIVE ordeal.

so i think id go with Morrison or Kendrick.
If I'm giving the belt to someone out of nowhere, I'm going completely off the wall.

I'm giving the belt to Hacksaw Jim Duggan.

Here's how it happens. Cena loses the belt to Randy Orton, who keeps it for a couple weeks, then drops it to Batista, who keeps it for a month or so, then drops it back to Jericho, bringing things in the title picture full circle.

Meanwhile, Duggan was last seen last night leaving the arena with Cryme Tyme.

It comes down to Wrestlemania and Jericho needs an opponent for his title. He cuts this promo where he states he's beaten everybody there is. There isn't anybody on the Raw roster who's a worthy enough opponent. None, they threw all the biggest superstars at him and they couldn't keep the belt off of him. He is the best there is today. Give him something that challenges him, so he can remind people how good he is.

Cryme Tyme's music hits.

Jerich looks appaled. Shad and Jtg come down to the ring and do that yo yo yo thing, and Jericho gets even more pissed off. Jericho grabs a mic and says "What in the hell makes you think either of you are even close to worthy enough to be my opponent?" Cryme tyme says, no that's not it, we are a tag team, and have no desire to split that up. Shad says "You desire something, we've acquired it" Jericho is extremely pissed off by their antics, yet somehow interested.

All of the sudden.

HOOOOOOOO! All sorts of pyro, and a new more modern entrance them.

Jericho is even more appaled now. Hacksaw is surely not a worthy opponent. He is a joke. Then Hacksaw comes out, in the best shape of his life. The arena goes wild. Hacksaw grabs the mic and says "You made me feel terrible. You made me feel like it should be over, that my time has passed. Shad and JTG wouldn't let me believe that, though, and have worked me out harder than I ever have. They have rejuvinated my old body and spirit, now I'm here for retribution. I'm going to show you how 'washed up' I am. Prepare for the biggest ass whopping of your life, you cocky little punk."

Jericho responds "Alright old man, I'll show you how over the hill you are. You will bow down to me. Your family won't even recognize you when I am done"

The match starts, and Jericho shows an obvious advantage early in the match, beating Hacksaw mercilessly. It's like the worlds most one sided fist fight. Cryme Tyme jumps up on the ring apron with a towel, ready to throw it in. Jeriicho turns his attention on Cryme Tyme, walking over to the corner to gloat. Hacksaw stands up, looking angry as hell. Cryme Tyme jumps down, smiling. Jericho turn back around, and Hacksaw is standing there, arms perched in an MMA fighting stance, and proceeds to beat the living tar out of Jericho with furious punches to the dome. Jericho is dazed, and Hacksaw shoots on Jericho and puts him in a triangle choke and makes Jericho tap.

The crowd goes absolutely apeshit.
OK well for who i think should have the world title. Finlay . i mean he has been in the wrestlin company for sometime ( including wcw) and still hasn't won the big won. i like him, he is the greatest wrestler but he is ok. i think he deserves like 1 more title even it's the U.S or Ecw i would sitll like him to have the strap.

For who i think deserves it. well easy it should be John Morrison. He has great charisma,In ring skills and isn't to bad on the mic. He hasn't won a thing since last summer ( in terms of titles( Single titles)) And really deserves a WWE belt around him in a few years. but i would still give it to him today.
The Brian Kendrick

Why not? He's a rising star and apparently just like Shawn Michaels when he was young. Kendrick does show alot of potential and it's always fun to root for the underdog(the REAL underdog, not rey mysterio).

Here's how it would go: it's the night of the Royal Rumble and Kendrick comes out first. His first opponent is The Big Show. Nobody thinks he has a chance but he just sorta hangs aroung until there's about 5 or so people left. Kendrick, Jericho, Orton, HHH, and DiBiase. So, DiBiase and Orton go and take on Jericho and HHH while Kendrick hides in the corner. Jericho and HHH are acting as a team until Jericho throws him out when he had his back turned. Orton and DiBiase them together team up on Y2J and eventualy get him on the apron. Then here comes Kendrick. He throws Orton and Dibiase over with Jericho rolling under the bottom rope and sneaking behind Kendrick. Y2J throws him over and wins the Rumble. Kendrick came close but not close enough. However, this impresses Steph who gives him another chance.

He's in the Chamber match at NWO and if he is not one of the first four eliminated, and he impresses Steph again, he might get another chance. So in the chamber match, it's down to him and HHH. HHH manages to get the win by pulling the tights on the rollup. Steph is impressed and puts him in the MITB match at WM.

He's up against Rhodes, Kingston, DiBiase, Umaga, and Ezikiel. Ezikiel was put in at the last second because he and Kendrick attacked Hurricane Helms, who was the other participant. So they're really going at it. Ezikiel doesn't really do much but sit at the announce table and call the match. The match is about to end. Everybody is on the floor and DiBiase is climbing the ladder, about to get the briefcase. Suddenly Ezikiel gets up, attackes the ref at ringside, and helps Kendrick to his feet. When he is doing this however, DiBiase pulls down the case. He's won but the ref is out. So Ezikiel hits him with a chair and Kendrick grabs the case just in time for the ref to get up. Kendrick won.

So, later that night Edge is in one of the most brutel Hell in the Cell matches ever with HHH. These two are battered and bloody and can barely stand up. HHH then pulls out the famous sledgehammer and nails Edge right between the eyes. He falls on top of him for the three count. The ref helps him up and raises his hand in the air, only for him to fall right back down because he's so beat. Suddenly Vickie comes out and announces that Kendrick is cashing in his MITB right now! Kendrick, alongside Ezikiel, walks slowly and confidently down the ramp towards the ring. He jumps in and doesn't even do a single move. He just plops down on HHH and gets the three count. And the new champion is The Brian Kendrick!
Hahaha, I like that idea about Brian Kendrick. But seriously, although I'm sure that the MITB match itself will definitely deliver, but the post-match ruling is one of the weakest links in WWE. The concept of MITB allows the possibility of fluke champions (as many would criticize CM Punk).

I would say change the ruling of MITB such that it can only be cashed in for a clean bout, and must notify the GM at least a week in advance. It makes no sense that the Rumble winner, having to plow through 29 men, have to go through a clean bout at WM, whereas the MITB winner can cash it in, anytime, anywhere. Serious downplay of the Rumble's significance.

Back to topic, I'm gonna go with Evan Bourne. Matt would lose his title to a heel, most probably Jack Swagger or Mark Henry. The heel would employ lackeys to destroy his would-be opponent ala Randy on Punk. Thinking he can escape the PPV without needing to defend his title, Evan Bourne makes a surprise return and challenges for the title. And wins it!
Jeff Hardy.. oh sorry, 6 days late.

Anyway, Kofi Kingston. After continuing to be built up for a further year, we are sometime in the middle of 2009. The current champion is a heel, let's say someone really hatable, because that's what they would need to be for what I have in mind. Chris Jericho, I suppose (if he was still a heel then and still over).

Chris Jericho makes the mistake of pissing off GM Shane O' Mac (or other really likable GM). Jericho and Shane are feuding as well, at this point. Jericho cuts a promo saying he can beat anyone on the roster, veteran, rookie, old school, new school, main eventer.. or even GM. Shane comes out and says well since you're so confident you can beat anyone, I'll give you an opponent tonight for your world title, in a ladder match. He says you'll find out your opponent later.

Crowd gets pumped, Chris gets pissed off. Time comes for the ladder match, people are in suspense - Kofi Kingston's music hits. Kofi has a pretty solid can fase by then, so the crowd cheers for him. No one believes he would be able to win it though. Chris smirks and cuts a small promo before the match saying the ladder match is his match, and that Kofi hasn't even competed in one.

Match starts, and people get behind Kofi because they're sick of Jericho the heel. Jericho dominate the match up, acting a very good heel. Kofi gets some offence and keeps getting realyl close at some points. They both climb the ladder and reach for it, Shane runs out and distracts Jericho. Kofi kicks Jericho off the ladder and grabs the belt. New champion Kofi Kingston. Crowd goes nuts, shock value, and a solid wokring superstar that can be relied on and is over.
I'd give Benjamin a mouth piece. (Possibly get Flair back under contract to be his manager....)

Benjamin would then win the belt and defend it as a heel in long blockbuster matches which hopefully would be up to par with the one he had against HBK on RAW.

Benjamin is a guy who has potential to do some fun innovative stuff in the ring, but isn't all that great on the microphone. With a manager I think he'd be a great Main Eventer.
Benjamin would then win the belt and defend it as a heel in long blockbuster matches which hopefully would be up to par with the one he had against HBK on RAW.

The fact that match was on RAW, and we still remember it, just proves how rare it is that a match comes along like that.

I like the idea of Benjamin having a mouthpiece, but not someone as high profile as Flair. He'd probably be better with a valet that can play a heel, like McCool. She'd be believable if she interfered in any matches, and has been on TV enough for the common fan to know who she is.

I don't see hi mgoing over on anyone on Smackdown, although his push started when he beat HHH years ago. If he's going to win any title, it'll be the ECW title, and probably for a short reign...
If I could give the WWE Championship to anyone, I would give it to Undertaker. A lot of people are saying that he is already a 6-time World Champion and he does not need another reign to be put over, but I still think that he deserves atleast one more reign. Once last year and again this year, WWE promised him a long title reign, but both were cut short. Have him as the champ and he could feud with Big Show, Jeff Hardy, Triple H, Vladimir Kozlov, Edge (ugh), and then all is good.

If I could give the World Heavyweight Championship to anyone, I would give it to John Cena or Randy Orton. I think that Cena is a better champion than challenger whereas, Orton can be good in either. Have those two feud over the title for a while and then add in Jericho, Batista (when he is back from his injury), Kane, and anyone else WWE is ready to bring to the main event.

If I could give the ECW Championship to anyone, I would give it to Tommy Dreamer. He is the ONLY E.C.W. Original left in the company and he is not being booked the way he deserves. He said that he doesn't mind putting the younger stars over, but regardless, give him a nice little reign. He could feud with Evan Bourne (when he returns), Jack Swagger, Ricky Ortiz, Finlay, and Chavo Guerrero.
I'd give it to DiBiase.

Have DiBiase come back at RR. He comes in at like 20 or so, and Cody, Manu and Teddy pretty much clean house. #30 man comes out, and it's Orton. He stands in the ring and glances over at them for a bit. They all look at eachother, and pretty much agree that Orton's the guy who could win the belt out of all of them. They all decide to leave the ring, with Manu and Cody exiting over the top, and DiBiase just leaving the ring regularly. Orton takes a minute to pose to the crowd, doing his thing, and then BAM. DiBiase runs back in and eliminates him, winning the RR.

I don't really care or see how he could win the WM mainevent, so anyone else can fill in the blank.
There are so many guys that deserve the belt but dont even get a chance because of all the top or so called top talent who either deserve or dont deserve that spot. The reason for that is either no real competition or to muc talent maybe. If you look to the attitude days guys like Austin, Rock, and HHH who are 3 of the biggest names people think of the past 10 years all started out as IC champs and worked there way up. Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart did the same thing in the early 90's. That is what the WWE is missing that stepping stone, right now the IC picture up until the recent tournament was Santino and William Regal. Now CM Punk is in there but they need to get guys like Cody Rhodes and Manu and other guys in the mix. To me though getting back to the point of the thread if you look at guys on Smackdown who aren't even in the U.S. title hunt theres so many guys who could be top tier wrestlers and heavyweight contenders and that list consists of Mr. Kennedy (who I'm sure is getting his when he gets abck if he doesnt get hurt), MVP (who gets no respect for some reason), The Brian Kendrick (who lost his push for some reason), Shelton Benjamin, John Morrison, and even Carlito a couple years back but I'm sure hell never have the chance.
and commenting on Hardy to Hardy at wrestlemania its not gonna happen at all the way you said but Hardy vs. Hardy ladder match at Mania 25 whether for a belt or whatever else would be unreal but again wouldnt happen because im sure theyll both be in the money in the bank assuming Hardy doesnt keep the belt that long but with the way ecw is lookin who knows what the plan is for that belt
Ive been saying it for a long time now and whether its popular i dont really care, anyway, i said have Matt hardy drop the ecw title, get him in the MITB at wrestlemania and have him win it, Jeff hardy being in the main event wins the main event in a grueling match and have matt hardy come out and cash in his MITB to turn him heel. Also have Matt the attacker of Jeff instead of Christian. In my opinion this would be an amazing set up for hardy to get his first REAL world championship instead of a shitty ECW belt, Just my opinion.
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If you were to give it out of nowhere you give it to the former US champion, the guy who held it for a year. the guy who put on amazing matches with the likes of Benoit and Matt Hardy, the guy who can cut one hell of a promo. The guy who actually was almost a breakthrough star until he started his 'jobbing gimmick.'

If you're going to give out out of anywhere I would go with MVP, he has the style, the in ring work and could get a reaction from the crowd. With himbeing resigned to jobber now, it would be one hell of a shock.
The guy who actually was almost a breakthrough star until he started his 'jobbing gimmick.'

If you're going to give out out of anywhere I would go with MVP, he has the style, the in ring work and could get a reaction from the crowd. With himbeing resigned to jobber now

MVP is not a jobber, it's part of his current storyline, which has been stated that in the end will lead to a face turn. MVP is too good to be a jobber.
MVP is not a jobber, it's part of his current storyline, which has been stated that in the end will lead to a face turn. MVP is too good to be a jobber.

Yeah I am fully aware of it being a storyline, hence why I said 'Jobber gimmick' it's his gimmick at the moment and he's jobbing.

He held the US title for close to a year, he practically won MITB if it wasn't for a returning Matt Hardy. He seems pretty over in his current gimmick, which is odd really.

The things going down with Kennedy at the moment are showing that MVP's losing streak is almost over, but alas that should be mentioned in the MVP losing streak thread.

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