Why Won't WWE Let A "Shocking" Underdog Win The Rumble?

This is really easy to answer and I'm sure all the other posters will point out, the winner of the rumble gets a title shot and some type of higher profile match at Wrestlemania. Now if you go back and look at ALL of the winners in the rumble even before the Wrestlemania title shot clause of 93' or even the year before when Ric Flair won one of the best rumbles, it's always been a way to get some upper talent either established into the main event picture or get a star who has been out back into the main event picture. John Cena, Edge and HHH to more a minor degree have all had the 'return from injury' push. Back in the day it was Hogan winning back to back and sure enough was in the title picture. I think the only time a winner of the Rumble ever had a chance of being a pure surprise considering ALL winners of the big event would probably be the very first one when Hacksaw Jim Duggan won the 20 man event. Maybe the closest thing to a Cinderella win would've been if Santino did in fact win in 2011.
Have a question. When did a shocking underdog ever win. Who wants to see Zack Gowen win the Rumble and headline Mania. Besides the first Royal Rumble with Jim Dugan, but he wasnt really that much of a undergod at the time. his career just fell a little short, becasue of other people coming in the WWF. I swear some of you people that come up with these threads arnt really fans or to stupid to realize the logic of who and why they pick the person. I would be mad as hell if it was Ryder, Rhodes, Miz, Santino won the Rumble. Im still disappointed they picked Alberto last year (WTF). We see where he ended up.
And please dont say well Rey won. We all know why Rey won and went on to WM. lets not point out the obvious. If you didnt know that rey was going all the way that year, I'm sorry for ya. You people arent easy to please, first its i want someone new, now its like I want an underdog. No one thought Sheamus was gonna win, we all thought Jericho. So they switched it on us and now people are upset. Let go.

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