If you could remove 5 people from WWE TV who would they be


Championship Contender
When I saw Michael Strahan announce the very predictable main event of Cena and Big Show vs Orton and ADR all I could think was, I ain't staying up for this. My reason was I am bored of all these guys and have no interest in seeing them wrestle which led me to think that they were 4 of the top WWE employees I really don't want to see anymore of. If you could pick 5 WWE employees to never appear on WWE TV again who would yours be, mine are:

Cena - He's done it all 100 times before

Del Rio - His first feud with Rey was the only interesting thing he did in his entire career

Big Show - Slow, puts on terrible matches, stupid finisher and has been around far too long

Orton - I have just seen far too much of him and despite being a big fan of the Authority he and Vickie are the only members I am not happy with

Vickie - Should never have been on WWE TV in the first place and has simply profited for Eddie's death to get a long term job in which she has used her authority to help her Boyfriends, has an irritating voice and hasn't done anything enjoyable for years
HHH, Steph, Khali, Hornswoggle, and uh........god so many choices.....I guess Cena since while I respect what he does/done I really want to see how WWE gets along without their golden child long term.
mine are ADR
rey mysterio
great kalie or however u spell his name
and all the devias. throw hornswoggle in there to.
A solid brand split would help so much keep cena and orton on different brands as i was bord with them fuding long time ago.

Solid brand split? Are you serious?

How can we have a brand split when, (A) wwe cant put on one solid show at the moment? and (B) put on two solid shows with half the star power and quality it has at the moment.

Anyway, My 5 are,

Heath Slater
The Great Khali
Jinder Mahal
Big Show
1) Alberto Del Rio - He's a dullard, and I'm tired of him.

2) Stephanie McMahon - The WWE doesn't need to play it so close to real life. I don't really care who she is...she's not that good an actress to sell me on the storyline. Triple H does enough in that department. Plus, anyone who can bitch out the way she supposedly did because someone went off-script needs to get gone.

3 and 4) The Bellas - Shrill coattail riders who we seem to be obligated to watch every week.

5) Curtis Axel - Another dullard who is given too much time on the show. I'm sure he will fade away soon unlike the others.
Cena ~ his shtick is stale....the champ is here....blah blah blah.

The Miz ~ why ric flair ever gave him the figure 4 is beyond me.

The Great Khali, Natalya, Hornswoggle ~ can i get a 3 for 1 since they're all on the same team?

3MB ~ see the above.

Kofi Kingston ~ the jamacian angle was lame.

the Miz - He isnt over, isnt going to be, hasnt worked. Give someone new a spot.
RYback - Same as the Miz
CUrtis Axel - I find him boring
hornswoggle - a horrible waste of time and talent, give it to someone who will be able to use it
sin cara - i was so excited to see him join, but he has not done a thing that doesnt disappoint me. another waste

WHile people like Khali, 3MB, Kofi, Yoshi, ADR, Rey and others should not be off because they might still be growing in the case of 3MB and hopefully YOshi. Others like Rey can put talent over. ANd KHali and 3MB can be used as great jobbers. EVeryone else has a role that they fill.
I would take 5 random "Divas" off of television with the exception of AJ Lee. AJ Lee needs some real competition. Bring women who can actually wrestle back to the WWE. You don't need to even look at the TNA Knockouts to get talent. There are plenty of talented women in the independent circuit that would love to work for WWE. They will work for a lot less than a washed up part-timer with no passion for the business like Brock Lesnar and be more appreciative of their spot on the WWE roster.
5.) Curt Hawkins - Just a second rate Zack Ryder that doesn't even belong in NXT.

4.) JTG - Same as above but replace the name Zack Ryder with Kofi Kingston.

3.) The Great Khali, Natalya & Hornswoggle - I'd also like a package deal with these 3. Natalya has gotten sloppy in the ring & is more known for farting & complaing to/about her husband on a stupid reality show these days. Khali can barely even hobble to the ring anymore, not to mention he wasn't good for much before that. & Lil' Swoggs already carved his name into WWE history deeper than anyone ever expected & has WAY MORE than ran his course as an on-screen performer/character with the WWE.

2.) Bo Dallas - Dallas is the John Cena of NXT...minus the look, size, strength, charisma, name value, appeal, multiple world title reigns, wealth, dating a Pot Bella Twin, etc. So I guess he is more like The Shockmaster of NXT.

1.) The Bella Twins - I don't consider this one a package deal since neither of them would have been hired in the first place by the WWE if they weren't twins. They are a complete waste of space & they only continue to have jobs thanks to sleeping with two of the WWE's top Superstars.
That's a very easy answer for me.

1. Vickie Guerrero - Her voice is legitimately so annoying that I don't know how she has a job. I know it's cheap heat, but even so the whole "Excuse me" thing got old a very long time ago.

2. Great Khali - Some of the worst TV I've ever seen usually happens when Khali is on my screen. The guy can't speak a word of English, yet they let him talk anyway. Incoherent rambling galore.

3. The Miz - Face or heel, it doesn't matter. The guy does nothing for me. Was I the only one thoroughly confused last night during the Miz TV segment? Miz was acting like a face once again. Anyway, I gave up on him a long time ago.

4. Rey Mysterio - This guy is constantly hurt and it's time to retire. Every time he jumps into the ring I'm waiting for him to tear another ACL. It's amazing to me that they haven't cut him, as injury prone as he is.

5. Sin Cara - Another guy who's very injury prone. But he's even worse, because he's always botching. It didn't take long at all to see their little experiment with SC wasn't going to work out. With most guys on the roster being much bigger, he just doesn't mesh with them and it looks like he never has gotten comfortable working with them.
The Usos
I can't stand anything about these guys and can't fathom how they are still employed. There's nothing to like and they would therefore be the first to go.

The Bellas
They aren't talented in the ring and are awful in promos. Of all the divas, they are arguably the worst. They represent everything that is wrong with the division.

She is annoying and I could not possibly be more bored with her in the GM role. Enough is enough! She could help struggling heels, but even then there are better options like Heyman or even Michael Cole.

He's been horrible and a waste of a roster spot since day one.

I liked him as the evil version of Sin Cara, but he's been useless ever since that ended.

There's more who I would want to get rid of, but these would be the people I would remove if I am limited to 5 wrestlers/teams.
Wow, Hunico and Camacho are still on the roster? I didn't even know that, so they must only be on Superstars or Main Event because that's the only WWE programming I don't watch.

I also thought I'd mention the 5 guys I'd give more tv time to: Tyson Kidd, Justin Gabriel, Drew McIntyre, and the Prime Time Players.
1. Stephanie McMahon: There is no point to her being on television... she is consistently putting herself over the talent, getting the better of most baby faces and worst of all, there can be no payoff with her, because WWE suddenly has a no men vs women stance. She's a waste.

2. Alberto Del Rio: I honestly can't watch him anymore, he's become the epitome of boredom.

3. Vicky Guerrero/Brad Maddox: what's the point of these two? They're in charge as long as Vince, Stephanie, Triple H and Kane are gone? At this point, do RAW and Smackdown need separate GMs?

4. Anybody on total divas not named Natalia.

5. Michael Cole: I get why Vince wanted to move on from Jim Ross, he's older and Vince it's looking to take his company to a younger audience. Listening to Jim Ross can be like listening to your grandpa. The problem is Michael Cole is no better.... if Ross is your grandpa, then Cole is your weird uncle who had cats instead of a wife.
1. Hornswoggle He doesn't sell merchandise anymore and his two biggest programs were huge piles of garbage. Anonymous General Manager? And we're supposed to believe the dwarf is McMahon's kid? Give me a break.

2. The Great Khali Many of the same reasons as Hornswoggle. I understand the benefit of a giant jobber, but at this point you've got Brodus and Tensai for that.

3. Zeb Colter The man can cut a promo, yes. BUT. Cesaro is on the verge of getting over pretty nicely in this team, somehow. Swagger will never get more over than he's getting now, we've tried it a million times before and it doesn't work. With Colter out of the picture and a face turn due to the big swing, Cesaro could move onwards and upwards.

4. Rosa Mendes She's awful. Just awful. I understand the Bella's aren't exactly Lita and Trish but they're a hell of a lot more tolerable than Rosa.

5. Los Matadores I hate it. I really do. It's a strong emotion and probably too severe for professional wrestling but I absolutely loathe this gimmick. Every time they're on TV I cringe thinking about how somebody could flip past Raw, see two men with bright pink pantyhose covering their eyes, and move on declaring wrestling "just as ridiculous as it's always been."
Kahli for the reasons we all know already. He can hardly walk, he looks stupid dancing and there's just not enough to him to be interesting. The only thing he ever really had going for him was his size and the appeal of that is long gone.

Lesnar. I'm not really a fan of part timers at all with the exception of Jericho and even he is starting to lose my interest but I've never ever liked Brock during his whole career. He came in and got a giant push and for what? I get that he's athletic for a guy his size but that's not exactly a huge selling point to me in a profession that's full of athletic big guys. I wouldn't feel sad if I never saw or heard anything in any capacity about him ever again.

Ryback. Another guy I have never been able to get interested in. Pretty generic tough guy. That's about all he has going for him. He's strong, Big deal.

ADR. I don't like anything about him at all. I don't like his promos. I don't like his matches. I don't like his smug looking face. He like Lesnar got push extremely quick for some reason that I didn't understand because I never saw anything in him and so that just made it worse.

Rey. He just needs to be done. He's too banged up and can't stay healthy long enough to be dependable anymore. I liked him a lot when he was in WCW and when he first came to the WWE but that time has passed. He needs to move on to the next phase of his life.
My 5 would be
1. Brad Maddox he has no purpose and has lost the Authorities respect
2.Aj lee cause she is nuts
3.Zack Ryder give him some victories or get rid of him because it is a waste of time seeing him as a jobber
4. Fandango he is a dancer not a wrestler
5. Santino marella he is more a comedy star then a wrestler
And Damien Sandow
5: Face Miz since he is just so boring and bland as a face. Heel Miz is ok as long as he isn't over used.

4: Kofi Kingston at this point he has peaked and prob is on the road to being a full time jobber

3: The Great No Knees and i really dont think i need to say why or his real name i am fairly sure people know who i speak of :p.

2: ADR at this point he is so boring and most of the time gets little to no reaction i dont even think he is a good use as a mid card guy

1: Zack Ryder seeing as he is a waste of space and a joke to the WWE higher ups. He will never get any real push and i am doubting he will ever hold a mid card title again or maybe even a tag title. Just put him and his fans out of their misery and cut him so he can be the next "big" TNA catch.
1, 2, and 3 - The Wyatt Family. They're completely worthless and have been since day one. Not one thing they've EVER done has been even remotely interesting, their ring work is so below par it's amazing they ever made it out of developmental, and I can't comprehend how they've even lasted this long on the main roster. Get them off TV and free up space for worthwhile talent.

4 - Big E Langston. The most useless in a long line of useless big men who have nothing to offer other than size. He can't talk, he can't wrestle, and he has zero charisma.

5 - Fandango. A pointless gimmick that had a one night fluke of being mega-over thanks to Chris Jericho sacrificing his career to put the loser over. The gimmick is played out and nobody gives even the slightest rat's ass about this guy.
There are some "superstars" I'd like to send over to a show solely meant for children. I like the idea of having a separate roster altogether for a show like Saturday Morning Slam. And if given a chance, I'd send people like Khali, Hornswoggle, Santino Marrella, Brodus Clay, Tensai, Fandango, Los Matadores, Sheamus there.

But if I had to kick out superstars from the current roster in the current situation, my list would include-
1. Khali- There is nothing great about him and in fact, there is nothing good about him either. He doesn't make me proud by representing my country. He can't talk, he can't walk. And what's the point of having a wrestler who cannot do either one of them?

2. Miz- HE IS SO LAME!

3. Curtis Axel- Way too generic. The only thing he has going for him is his genes. But that too is taking a backseat now.

4. Sin Cara- I like my TV without him and his colors and his botches and his awful entrance theme.

5. The following Divas- Rosa first. Eva Marie and Jojo next. And then Aksana. Of course, I wouldn't mind a NON-blonde Rosa, Eva Marie and Aksana as valets. Jojo is a child and should be added to the Saturday Morning Slam list I made in the beginning.
There are a few I had to leave off the list but here are my 5:

1. The Great Khali

Seriously, the guy is fucked. He can barely move and can't even speak English. Add that to his total lack of wrestling ability and you have one giant waste of space. He would be fired the second I took charge of WWE, and it annoys me to this day that he ever got the title.

2. Hornswoggle

I don't find midget wrestlers entertaining or funny. Plus, the fact Hornswoggle is recognised as the last ever WWE Cruiserweight Champion is a joke, and an insult to all the people who held it before. He was bearable as Finlay's leprechaun but should have been released years ago.

3. The Miz

Incredibly annoying, bad look, bad finisher, and dull to watch in the ring. Miz has never impressed me, and I'm surprised he has lasted as long as he has in the WWE. He's one of those guys that should never be a main eventer, let alone headline Wrestlemania. I didn't mind him when he tagged with Morrison but other than that I cannot stand the guy.

4. Vickie Guerrero

Why does she have a job exactly?! Because the WWE felt guilty about Eddie Guerrero's death. She was good at being a manager, but why put someone so irritating in a GM position, all it did was make me change the channel. She has outstayed her welcome by a number of years, that's for sure.

5. Most of the Divas

My God, there are some usless women on the WWE roster. Other than Natalya, AJ Lee and a couple of others, I would get rid of most of the divas on the payroll. There are some very talented women wrestlers out there who WWE could replace them with- Angelina Love, Tara, they could call up Paige from NXT, and even try and persuade the likes of Beth Phoenix to return. I want to see beautiful women who can wrestle, not just stand there and look pretty.
I would actually cut all of the people that served no use ALA Santino, Fandango, The Miz, Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara. Not interested in any of these names, they all bore me to death. Mysterio is the only interesting one here but IMO he has lost his luster.
He's been around WAY too long. Since 1997 this guy has been a permanent fixture on WWE programming. I was 12 for god sake.

2)Big Show
Much like Kane, he's been around WAY too long. Not only is Big Show played out, but his music is soooooooooo played out. How many times can we see this guy cry?

3)Triple H & The entire McMahon Family
The only time "the family" was ever interesting was when it was just Vince and Shane on the receiving end of Stone Cold stunners back in 1998-99. Stephanie was one McMahon too many. She was the WWE's jump the shark moment. WWF was awesome in 97, 98, 99. Then right around 2000 when she showed up, things started to go downhill.

4)Great Khali
I get squeamish just watching him walk to the ring. He always looks like he's in such pain.

5)John Cena/ Randy Orton
At least for a while. They've been at the top for way too long. If you look at WWE's history, most main event guys get only a few years as the company's top guy. Warrior: 1990, Bret: 92-95, Shawn: 96-97, Austin:98-00, Rock:00-02, Lesnar: 03-04. Then in 05 Cena took over and he hasn't left that spot since. It's mostly because there's no competition from a WCW to push the WWE to try new things.

In the 90's, WWF was always reinventing itself to keep up with an ever changing Wrestling industry, hence why so many great stars had such short reigns as the top guy. Only Hogan was the top guy as long as Cena-Orton. Hogan was at the top from 85-92. He left in 93. Which means Cena and Orton have now surpassed him. Think about that. John Cena is right now, where Hogan was in 93. Only, unlike Hogan, Cena isn't going anywhere. Because there's no where else to go. He could theoretically continue to be the top guy in wrestling for ANOTHER 10 years.
I didnt have to think hard about this. I much prefer the larger than life characters than the Indie spot monkeys.

Daniel Bryan - An over rated vanilla midget whose chant is more over than him. Should go back to ROH.

CM Punk - A bitter, skinny fat guy. Downward spiral since 2011 when he peaked. Will never reach Cenas level.

Antonio Cesaro - Zero personality. Awful gimmick. Would be released if Colter wasn't his mouthpiece.

Zack Ryder - Never bought the hype over him. Boring and ******ed throw back from jersey shore.

Dolph Ziggler - Over sells in the ring, rubbish gimmick and zero charisma. Egotistical and not as good as he thinks.
John Cena - Nothing to add here.

3MB - Remarkably dull and serial jobbers.

The Great Khali, Hornswoggle & Natalya - Shocking stuff.

Vickie Guerrero - LODemolition summed it up.

Santino Marella - Was kind of funny a few years ago but painful to watch lately. A comedy act, not a wrestler.

Leaving out Alberto Del Rio, Sheamus and Big Show was tough, but you can't pick them all can you.
Only 5?

1. Khali - Waste of time and space. He brings nothing to the table and Indian fans are actually embarassed by him.

2. Ryback - A complete joke. Can't talk on the mic. Can't really wrestle. Flat out generic and boring

3. Hornswoggle - No explanation necessary.

4. Kofi - a total joke, catered exclusively to kids. Brings nothing to the table.

5. Rey Mysterio - He was cool and unique for a time but now he's just annoying as hell and just not believable anymore. Latino fans will still watch, whether or not Mysterio is on the roster. Get him out.

Honorable Mention: Zack Ryder, 3MB, Brodus Clay, all the Divas except AJ, Fandango.

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