1. Triple H:
"Hold on," I hear you say, "you can't get rid of Triple H!" Yes, yes I can. Look, honestly, the guy does very little good on screen when he's not wrestling. He was put in a feud with Punk to help elevate Punk and he was put in a feud to help elevate Daniel Bryan, and both times it did absolutely nothing for either guy. Admittedly, I'm not the biggest Triple H fan, because fuck Evolution, but the guy's ego is just too big to really help put guys over, unless he's friends with them. I know this has been said a hundred times, but the evidence is overwhelming.
Vince McMahon has a huge ego, but he always cared about the business. At least Vince McMahon allowed himself to be humiliated, he allowed himself to look like the lesser man in the presence of a hot star. He allowed Austin (among others) to make him look like a fool on quite a regular basis, and it got Austin (and others) over. When Punk was super hot in 2011, Vince made him look awesome. If you don't believe me, go watch the CM Punk contract signing from the week before Money in the Bank 2011. Punk literally pushed Vince, threw the table out from under him and made him apologise, Vince sold it perfectly, and the crowd absolutely ate it up.
Fast forward a couple of months, and now CM Punk is feuding with Triple H. We get promos that feel eternal from Kevin Nash. We get promos that feel eternal from Triple H. We get promos that feel eternal with both Kevin Nash and Triple H, in the ring at the same time, talking about who sent that fucking text. That was supposed to help CM Punk get over? Take the spotlight off of him and make it about Trips and Nash? And the groan-inducing cherry on top of that turd cake is that Triple H beat CM Punk in the only match they had. Triple H beat Punk relatively clean, and then didn't put him over in a rematch. Because reasons.
And this year, there's the whole Bryan vs. the Authority debacle. Luckily, Bryan hasn't been affected as badly as Punk was, because he arguably wasn't as hot this summer, but you know it's just not the same.
Maybe I sound like a Punk mark or whatever, but fuck Triple H.
2. Vickie Guerrero
I think we've had enough heel GM's and enough Vickie for a life time. I enjoy Maddox, he's got an awkward charisma that is a breath of fresh air. But we also need a strong face manager to balance it out. Not Teddy Long, his schtick got boring years ago. Why can't we get a face GM like Mick Foley used to be? Why not get someone who's a beloved legend, but won't steal the spotlight?
Either way, I've had enough of Vickie. She used to be entertaining based on the heat she'd get, but now it's hard to put up with her.
3. Sin Cara
I mean, why does he need to be in WWE? Any potential for being a draw is long gone. Injuries and botches all over the place. Next time, if WWE wants to find a long-term replacement for Rey Mysterio as a latino draw, send him to NXT first so he's doesn't screw up so much. Luckily, that is what they're doing with Kalisto.
4. The Great Khali
Yeah, no, he's not worth having anymore. For the first few years when he was a heel, he served a purpose. He may have been awful in the the ring for the most part, but he did the monster heel thing quite well. He was pretty over, and had a lot of credibility, especially after beating the Undertaker clean. But then he turned face, lost all credibility and is now completely irrelevant.
5. Hornswoggle
Now, I have absolutely no issue with comedy in Wrestling. Indeed, I occasionally find Santino to be quite amusing. But Hornswoggle is not amusing in any way. The whole comedy premise behind Hornswoggle doing anything is "Hey, he's little, look at him go LOL!" which isn't a particularly funny.
I'll be honest, I just pulled 2-5 out of my ass, I really just wanted to talk about Triple H.