MVP and Carlito both ASKED to be let go, so as much as I would love to see them back in the WWE, you can't really say they were future endeavored when they were the ones that wanted out.
Benjamin & Haas are massively overrated and aren't even the most interesting tag team in Ring of fucking Honor. Before KK left the company, ANX was better than WGTT, and the Briscoes still are.
Ken Doane AKA Kenny Dykstra would be a great pick but the heat that he has with Cena backstage would pretty much kill any chance of him having a decent career in the WWE.
My 5...
1. Paul Burchill. Here's a guy that has everything. He's tall, has the look, great worker, solid on the mic, and he's still only 32 years old. Plenty young enough to make great things of himself in the big leagues. The Pirate gimmick is outdated as Pirates of the Caribbean isn't as popular nowadays as it was when he debuted the gimmick, so just let him be him.
2. Katie Lea Burchill. Pair her up with Paul again, but give her the damn title. Great worker, EXCELLENT talker for a woman in the wrestling business, and somebody that actually knows how to get herself (and whoever she's a valet for) some real heat.
3. Chris Masters. Solid in the ring, hard worker, obviously has the look, could've been a World Champ any day if the WWE would've booked him properly. He has a desire to be better - what more could you ask for from a performer that has as much natural talent as this kid? Still only 29 years old...younger than Tyson Kidd.
4. John Morrison. It's somewhat inevitable that he'll be back within a year, but I need to mention him because he's so damn good. People say he sucks on the mic, but really he's a great heel mic worker and knows how to get heat the right way. He's cheesy as a babyface, but he's been working his ass off to improve during his time off, taking acting lessons and doing stand-up comedy to force himself to improve his talking ability. He was massively over as a babyface when he got hurt, and even when he came back and was jobbing to midcard champions, he still got into the top 2-3 pops of the night. So much potential here, just don't let him slip away, whether it be into another company's hands or out of the business entirely.
5. Ken Anderson. Unlike MVP and Carlito, he actuall DID get Future Endeavored, and now that I think the WWE sees Randy Orton in a bit of a different light due to the wellness violation while he was on top of the world, they're probably regretting allowing him to get inside their heads and fire Anderson. Bring back the Kennedy gimmick, it doesn't really matter what his name is. The guy oozes charisma, has a good enough look, and cuts excellent promos. To top it all off, he could be a real heel that the WWE needs. That "I'm an asshole" stuff wouldn't cut it in WWE, it isn't even remotely kid-friendly, so he'd have to go full-fledged heel and provide a solid antagonist that the WWE so desperately needs.