If You Could Have Any TNA Superstar Jump To WWE, Who Would It Be (And Why)?

If you could have any TNA star in the WWE right now, who would it be?

  • Kurt Angle

  • Jeff Hardy

  • Bobby Roode

  • AJ Styles

  • Mr Anderson

  • James Storm

  • Other

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Terry Gyimah

Championship Contender
If you could have any TNA superstar in the WWE right now today, who would it be and why?

Personally I would say I would want Kurt Angle back in the WWE and why, because Kurt Angle started his career in the WWE, so I think it is only fair that he finish his career here in the WWE and not to mention Kurt Angle if he were to return to the WWE, he could have so many feuds with so many superstars who he hasn't feuded with yet like:

Jack Swagger, Daniel Bryan, The Miz, Sheamus, Alberto Del Rio, Dolph Ziggler, and also renew rivalries with stars like Cena, Orton, Lesnar, The Rock, etc.
Jeff Hardy. He left when he was still very over. He has since put his personal problems aside (so it seems) and he'd fit perfectly into the WWE's new era. Jeff Hardy in 2008/2009 was just as popular as anyone in the WWE at the time. I am positive the WWE can recreate that magic if Hardy were to return. Another Superstar I would like to see return would be Kurt Angle; only because Brock is back and I would absolutely love to see another Wrestlemania classic between these two – especially given that they've both matured a bit since their last clash. There are a whole hell of alot of fresh new faces for Kurt to wrestle; superstars like CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler and Cody Rhodes. He'll definitely be back – it's only a matter of time.
Kurt Angle, hands down. He had a magic with the WWE that, in some ways, has never been touched. I know he's changed his character to a more intense figure, but back when he was mocking Cena in rap battles and getting mad at the What?! chant, he was easily the most entertaining figure in WWE. If he can return to that persona, the WWE Universe would become unglued. Special mention has to go to Bobby Roode. I would like to see Roode come in and see what he can do with storylines and in the ring. But the only one of those men that I would instantly pay to see is Kurt.
As well Bobby Roode and why I think Bobby Roode would fit into WWE especially right now because this man is probably TNA's biggest heel, he's way over as a heel and in WWE he could be an even bigger heel considering his mic skills and his wrestling ability and not only that but in WWE he would be making a whole lot more money and as well Roode can benefit from feuding with stars like Punk, Cena, Orton, Miz, Del Rio, Ziggler, Rhodes, etc. and if he were in WWE he could become World Heavyweight or even WWE Champion on a given day considering the Selfish Generation gimmick he has now in WWE, he would be perfect for WWE's new era
Samoa Joe hands down he is lost in the TNA shuffle and he really should have signed with WWE 6 years ago because that was his true prime of his career.
Samoa Joe hands down he is lost in the TNA shuffle and he really should have signed with WWE 6 years ago because that was his true prime of his career.

That's true, you do have a point and Samoa Joe should have signed with WWE 6 years ago back when Punk first came in to the WWE, they would have started out at the same time and not to mention Joe if he were in WWE back then, by now he would be an established main eventer but if he were to come to WWE now, they can actually make him worth something again
Reform BEER MONEY and bring in Roode and Storm and revitalize the Tag division

AJ Styles and samoa Joe because WWE needs new blood: one heel/one face

Mickie James. The Divas need her and the fans haven't cared about this division since the E fired her
austin aries i heard good things about this guy, and i never watch tna, so i decided to watch his match he was outstanding, if he was to go to wwe he would be 1 of the best wrestlers in the company. if not aries then probably the dudleys as a team because it could bring back some relevancy to the tag division and make it worth watching. (although the uso's were impressive on SD!). Maybe beer money as a team but im not sure roode would want to step down from being tna champ to tag champ.
Bully Ray Calfzilla himself in the WWE and Bully Ray as a singles wrestler in the WWE, he can come in and be WWE's new bully just attacking random superstars picking on smaller superstars until he has to feud with someone that's his own size
Eric Young. He and Santino would be comedy gold working off each other and having them compete against each other would be great. Both are under rated for in ring work and can play any type of role. Santino is due for a shake up and going to a heel against a face Eric would be great. Give them some of the focus and revitalize a cruiser division that could present a lot of talent with those two and guys like Sin Cara and Mysterio along with Yoshi Tatsu and others in their size class.
I don't watch TNA so I really don't know much about there guys. So I would go with a former WWE guy and there would be no one better then Angle. He is getting up there in age so his window is closing and that makes me pick him even more. He is the greatest wrestler of all time and a treat to watch in any match.
Austin Aries. Now I know a lot of people will say that he's not the right build for WWE, or that Joe or AJ could make a bigger splash, but Aries could bring limitless in ring potential to feuds with guys like CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, guys he's already familiar with from ROH. He's still a relative unknown to a lot of WWE fan base, and his history with both Punk and Bryan is something that could be used to introduce him.

From a mid card stand point, Aries could have some incredible matches with the likes of Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler, Kofi Kingston, even Rey Mysterio when he finally returns. A Double is the best thing going in TNA today, and could do BIG things in WWE if given the chance.
I don't watch TNA so I really don't know much about there guys. So I would go with a former WWE guy and there would be no one better then Angle. He is getting up there in age so his window is closing and that makes me pick him even more. He is the greatest wrestler of all time and a treat to watch in any match.

Yes and I don't disagree with that, hands down Kurt Angle is the greatest in-ring wrestler of all time in terms of being the best in-ring technical wrestler/submission specialist of all time and he is getting up there in age, and he just needs to finish his career in WWE
id like to see abyss in wwe they could use him right now to have fresh feuds with their maineventers

id also like to see bullyray return to wwe for the same reason fresh feuds

wwe has derek foore in developmental he looks like a young kurt angle he will fill that need for kurt angle
I'd have to say Samoa Joe. I think he could have a good run in WWE if put with the right opponents. Maybe Kurt Angle, but I think that ship has sailed.

On a personal note, I'd love to see Velvet Sky in WWE. Why? Because she's freakin' gorgeous, and I wouldn't have to watch TNA to see her.
Samoa Joe hands down he is lost in the TNA shuffle and he really should have signed with WWE 6 years ago because that was his true prime of his career.

It seems like you haven't watched tna in awhile dude if you thing joe is still lost in the TNA Shuffle..

I Would like to see 3 people in WWE..... Roode, Storm and Bully Ray. Bully ray is better now than he ever was.. Roode and storm are on the verge of being really big stars, but as a diehard tna fan and as much as it pains me to say this, roode and storm should go to the wwe if TNA doesn't step up their game by the end of their contracts.
There are a few guys from TNA I think would be much better off in the WWE. Bobby Roode is one them. I'd like to see him fued with Cena,Orton,Sheamus and any other top talent in the WWE. Samoa Joe he belongs in the WWE TNA does not know how to use this guy they way he should be used. The WWE has been pushing Samoans for a long time. Matt Morgan lets face it Big Show Great Kahli these guys arent gonna be around much longer you need the new Breed of Giant and Morgan is that. He can move he can wrestle and he is a legit Giant at 7ft tall. He got screwed the first time he was in the WWE. He should be brought back and given his chance to truly shine. There is always AJ Styles who if allowed is as good as anyone out there. Him fueding with CM Punk could be GOLD!!!!
There are a few that I'd like to see, including Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, James Storm, Bobby Roode, and Samoa Joe. If I have to pick just one, it's AJ Styles (Kurt is a close second).

I honestly don't understand why WWE isn't all over this guy. Yes, AJ chose ten years ago not to sign a WWF developmental contract. Yes, Vince supposedly doesn't like to push "non-WWE guys." Yes, AJ may still have no interest in going there (ok, got my Daniel Bryan reference out of the way). But money is money, and enough of it should give AJ Styles no choice but to accept.

I try to watch TNA every so often, and while they have some of the world's best talent in Angle, Storm, Roode, Aries, and Styles, the show itself is just awful. I honestly wish that weren't true, but it is. But every time I watch an AJ Styles match, he never ceases to amaze me. He's nearly flawless in every aspect of in-ring performance, and he has tremendously improved on the mic over the years even though he still seems uncomfortable at times.

I won't go as far to say WWE needs AJ Styles or vice versa, but neither one would hurt the other. WWE should offer Styles a deal he can't refuse once his contract is nearing expiration. If they don't, I'll never understand it. He's just too good to pass up.

Get over yourselves and enjoy some wrestling.
This is very easy. There is one guy in TNA that is a still a goldmine if used correctly. Hulk Hogan. Other than Angle, there is no one in TNA that could generate as much buisness as Hogan could. He wouldnt even need to wrestle. Anyone else is too small time, Vince would job them out for years.
Hogan back in a WWE ring, the only way I would want him back is if he were to feud with John Cena, 2 of perhaps the biggest stars in WWE of all time feuding, Once in a Lifetime but this time with Hogan/Cena Icon vs Icon, both of these names in pop culture just generate large PPV buyrates and with these 2 going at it, this could be a Passing of the Torch with Hogan passing it to Cena
As the Biggest Hogan mark ever I would love to see him back. I just watched WM X8 last night and couldn't believe the crowd reaction to him. However, that was 10 years ago (He was old then) and I just don't know if nostalgia can overcome the age and loss of skills (What few there were to begin with). Also, can Cena really carry a match? Without an awesome crowd, it could wind up bad and with a hostile crowd could turn really ugly. Make no mistake about it though, I would be the first to buy the PPV!

As for real answers I would say Angle or Hardy. It would be a really easy transition and both guys could be main event performers. Look at Lesnar's comeback and he wasn't nearly as beloved as those guys. It sounds like Jeff is doing much better in terms of his substance abuse problems and it could serve as Kurt's swan song.
Exactly Kurt can retire in the WWE and he can become a glorified WWE Hall of Famer and with Jeff Hardy he can easily transition into becoming a main eventer especially if he were to come back
There are a lot of people in TNA that I would like to see in the WWE just to see some of the feuds. Kurt Angle, Sting, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Bobby Roode, James Storm, Bully Ray, Motor City Machine Guns, Austin Aries, etc.

But as someone else already posted ... the guy I would want back is Jeff Hardy.

He was arguably as over as John Cena when he inexplicably walked away from the WWE last time. I don't recall EVER seeing the top dog in a company just walk away for absolutely nothing ... and that is pretty much what he did.

His feud with CM Punk was top notch and he definitely fits in with the direction that WWE seems to reluctantly be heading. I was shocked when he showed up on TNA such a short time later. It seemed he was burnt out on wrestling, but then he just popped right up on TNA? Made no sense to me.

If ... and that is a big IF ... he has his shit together for good this time ... he would still be HUGE in the E ... and would still make a major impact.
I would have to go with Samoa Joe. I could see him in a monster role kind of like a Umaga. That was WWE's answer to the samoa joe's character anyway. I also wouldnt mind seeing MCMG and Beer Money revamp teh tag divison. Also the knockouts, they dont even have to stay, just tech the divas what to do and how to perform.
People I wouldnt like to see and why;
Jeff Hardy- Why, they/we gave him a chance and bailed plus way to many problems
Kurt Angle- He to bailed and at one point I did want to see him come back but that time has passed. Hes now just a D-bag. It's true, It's Damn true...
Bully Ray- Heard when he was in WWE he was a prick and hard to work with and didnt want to job for other teams, does the WWE really need another one of those wrestlers
Sting- I dont see it anymore. I dont care if he is wrestling that night or anything. I mean he kinda still has it. i would like him to bring back the orginal sting w/ the blonde hair before retireing(maybe at best)
there are a few that i think could do big things with the wwe....sting obviously, kurt angle, bully ray, bobby roode, and jeff hardy
sting - i pretty much gave up on sting-taker match..i mean it would be pretty cool but if it were to happen id be pretty excited
angle - he was always a great wrestler and i think there r a few ppl whom he cood carry over (cody rhodes, zack ryder, etc)
bully ray - wow has he impressed me since leaving wwf as bubba dudley...bully ray is really coming in to his own and i think he would do big things on smackdown...have him fued with the entire roster
jeff hardy - self explanatory
bobby roode- dudes got everything u want in an up and coming superstar..dudes huge and is pretty good in the ring...i think he would also b big on smackdown , fued with randy orton, undertaker, etc.

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