If Will Get G-Modded...

New Wrestling Mod

  • Tastycles

  • Rusty

  • jmt225

  • Gelgarin

  • Y 2 Jake (because he'll name himself anyway)

  • Other (List who)

Results are only viewable after voting.
You don't understand how much modding is done there by the likes of me and CM, being able to merge posts would be a god send.
Tasty would work I think.

Also, impressive to see someone actually turn something like that down. Most impressive.
Post count of under 200. Would be a trifle farcical don't you think?

I vote Tasty.

I'd take your 174 posts over a lot of peoples 400.

I'd love to see a good Thesz v. Santo debate between you and Tastycles. I'd set it up, but I know nothing compared to you two, and would have no way to start it.
Brian Becker- They should just give me the whole forum.... I kid, I kid....

My nomination is StanLariatSucks....
I was honestly thinking of making this thread after I saw the CM one, but determined I'm just to fucking lazy and said fuck it, but anyway when thinking about who would be a good wrestling sections mod the first name to come to mind was Tastycles, based largely on his work in the WZ tourny, Gelgarin was a close second, gain based heavily on his work in the tourny, jmt would also be a good choice, in fact the only on that list that I don't think is deserving of the spot is Rusty, if he were to get it I would prolly...
I'm going to assume that 48/7 being banned, is a nice way of saying "No."
Thanks for the support folks, but there are people with more rep than I could even dream of, so I don't think I'd be considered just yet...

In all seriousness, I voted Gelgarin because he's my favourite poster, but I could equally have gone for the jmt225 or Rusty based on their abilities and the fact that Rusty has been around longer than the rest of us, I think. With so few mod spots, I think that once you've had your turn, that should be it just so everyone gets a go, but I'd make an excpetion for Jake, if he really wanted it. As for me, I'm ok I guess, but I don't think I'm the most viable option, but thanks for the votes.

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