If CM Gets G-Modded...

New NWS Mod

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  • jmt225

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Causing me to choose between my two sons. Rusty has been at it longer. Although I wouldnt be against giving it to both of them really. The wrestling sections are a fucker, and Ricky has a ton of shit going on right now in his life.

they could be the two kid Mods. the WZ version of the Rockers.
Causing me to choose between my two sons. Rusty has been at it longer. Although I wouldnt be against giving it to both of them really. The wrestling sections are a fucker, and Ricky has a ton of shit going on right now in his life.

they could be the two kid Mods. the WZ version of the Rockers.

You've set it up...Now...

Who goes through the window when the time is right?
whenever I get blown up some place, and thus, obviously lose my gmod spot. then one of them ascends to the ME level

OK. But, which one goes through the window, staying a Wrestling Mod, while the other ascends the ladder (pun intended)?
I think I'll be pitching that idea. It's an issue having mods over such huge sections. We spread the power around and while there are more mods perhaps, we run a lower risk of having a section overlooked because of people being busy elsewhere. Also, it can be used as a trial run for mods. If someone does well with say, Smackdown, it's likely they'd do well in bigger areas.
well, who the fuck do you think I am, miss cleo?

Being their "father", I figured you'd have a favorite, like any good parent.

I think I'll be pitching that idea. It's an issue having mods over such huge sections. We spread the power around and while there are more mods perhaps, we run a lower risk of having a section overlooked because of people being busy elsewhere. Also, it can be used as a trial run for mods. If someone does well with say, Smackdown, it's likely they'd do well in bigger areas.

If it does get broken into sections, throughout the forums, I would throw my name in the ring for a NWS section.
Same can be done with NWS. It's unfair to put people over the whole thing. Like when I was NWS mod, I hated having to do MMA because I didn't know a damn thing. JMT is in there a lot. If he mods say that and TV/Movies, another mods a different two sections etc., all of them get covered, we have the same amount of mods, and the sections get better activity.
Being their "father", I figured you'd have a favorite, like any good parent.

Well on the one hand. Rusty has been doing it for longer, but sided with KB in the divorce. H ehas only taken back to my bosom recently, on his weekend visitations.

Harthan has ALWAYS embraced me as his father, with the black hat and all. Rusty has BEEN deserving os the spot though, if it were not for the outbursts. Although that hasnt happened for quite some time.

I cant pick a favorite SON. blasphemous.
Same can be done with NWS. It's unfair to put people over the whole thing. Like when I was NWS mod, I hated having to do MMA because I didn't know a damn thing. JMT is in there a lot. If he mods say that and TV/Movies, another mods a different two sections etc., all of them get covered, we have the same amount of mods, and the sections get better activity.

I always thought this would be the biggest factor. Old School would get a ton more traffic if regulars knew someone like Gelgarin or Tasty was running it. Music, as well as every other NWS section, would get more traffic with someone focusing on it.
I think a proposal is in order. However, where do these mods come from? We can't exactly fire staff members who are solid workers.
I think a proposal is in order. However, where do these mods come from? We can't exactly fire staff members who are solid workers.

Spread them out to their areas of expertise, and add new ones, I guess.

There's more sections than mods, so it should work out.
Personally, ive never agreed with the "fire one to get a new one" strategy. I dont see the harm in just simply making our team stronger.
Well yeah but is there a need for a general NWS mod and then individual sections in NWS?

I would say yes. If only because you don't want a bunch of new mods abusing their powers wrecklessly. I'm sure admins could watch too, but there's no reason to have them checking each individual section, if there's people in place to do it for them.

EDIT: Mind you, I know I have no power in any of this. Merely helping the proposal.

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