If TNA was to be bankrupt, which 5 wrestlers would WWE Sign?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok, hyperthetically of course, I am not suggesting TNA is going under! If it did, who would WWE likely pick up (just 5) and try and be realistic!

I think WWE would probably get:

AJ Styles - The face of TNA. One of the best wrestlers on the planet. The almighty dollar would talk on this one.

Samoa Joe - Could be that much needed heel WWE needs right now. Great wrestler for a man of his size. CM Punk would talk him round.

Jeff Hardy - WWE were sad to lose him. Didnt leave on bad terms and is a huge cash cow.

MCMG - Ok, 2 superstars but 1 tag team. The best tag team in the business IMO. Would love to see them work against The Hart Dynasty.

Abyss - WWE needs a monster heel. Taker and Kane looking to retire soon!

I have no doubt Vince would be back in for Kurt Angle, but I think he would probably retire or just do Japan. The work load be too much for someone of his age. Ken Anderson I would love to see him back in WWE, but he left on pretty bad terms (although I have seen people leave and return on worse), I think WWE would stay clear for the time being. Sting wouldnt happen and will NEVER happen. RVD would be of interest, but wouldnt be on their top 5, Hogan/Jarret/Nash - not the direction WWE would want to go. Although Hogan always generates cash. Maybe see him come back for that "final send off" at Wrestlemania.
I'd say AJ Styles, for pure in ring talent would definetly be picked up.

Beer Money would definetly be picked up, seeing as they can talk and work really well as a team, and are also good solo prospects if they ever broke up.

Kurt Angle. I think WWE would definetly give him a Shawn Michaels style part time schedule, seeing as how he's still one of the best in the world.

Second on Abyss, and he's a much better worker and talker then Kane ever was.

Jeff Hardy is a no brainer (after his legal troubles are long gone, WWE definetly wouldn't hire him right now), seeing his connection with the audience and that he's now a geniune main eventer.

I don't think Samoa Joe would be though, mainly because of his physique which you know how WWE are about that kind of stuff. MCMG's maybe, but at the same time would WWE push them with their physical dimensions?
I'm surprised many people here don't realize that were AJ Styles to be signed to the WWE and debut the reaction of the vast majority of fans would be "Who?", just because the internet swears by him doesn't mean he's well known. "The almighty dollar" would not talk to the WWE as Styles has never proven himself to be any sort of draw, he's never proved himself on the international stage.

I'm not saying the WWE shouldn't sign him, I'm just pointing out that he would be unlikely to draw any money for the WWE as very few of their fans are aware of his existence and, thus, are not likely to pay money to see him. If he's signed by the E he'd have to be build from the midcard up, contrary to the IWC's belief he should not debut in the WWE as a main-event attraction. He's proven he can excite a modest crowd, not connect with a large audience.

My five would be:

Jeff Hardy - Very few people can dispute he was THE top draw in the business of 2009 and shares a connection with the crowd that the likes of AJ Styles can only dream about. He'd have to put his troubles behind him and find his passion again but if he did it before he can do it again.

Angle - As has been mentioned above he'd be the perfect candidate for a part-time schedule. He's headlined Wrestlemanias. 'Nuff said.

Jeff Jarrett - He's got history and a hell of a lot of in-ring talent. I am a massive critic of TNA so it's hard for me to admit that Angle/Jarrett II from Genesis was in my top-5 matches of that year. He left the E on bad terms but, contrary to popular opinion, Vince puts money ahead of personal feelings. He hired Eric Bischoff FFS. I'm not convinced Jarrett can draw money but he'd be a perfect individual to work with the Upper-Midcarders and hone their skills. He's the least likely of my picks but never say never.

Samoa Joe - Like Styles there is no way the guy should be debuted as a Main-Eventer but with a strong early push this guy has MUCH more potential than AJ "Dime a Dozen" Styles, he's unique and talented. I believe the E would be interested in Joe and would be smart enough to market him in the right way. There's a big difference between being extremely over and extremely talented, the WWE has wasted extremely talented individuals but very rarely extremely over individuals. TNA is a habitual offender when it comes to the latter, especially in Joe's case.

I don't think Samoa Joe would be though, mainly because of his physique which you know how WWE are about that kind of stuff.?

Ummmm....Husky Harris has the same physique and it didn't stop the WWE from being high on him. The WWE is hardly as strict about that as they were in the 80's.

Sting - The WWE would, most likely, offer Sting a contract. I don't have a clue if Sting would sign but I feel he'd be a fool not to. Look how Vince has treated Bret, with nothing but respect and class. Signing Sting to a one year part-time contract, educating the new audience as to who he is and giving him his first and last 'Mania match would be the perfect way for Sting to hang up the boots, not the anti-climactic way I guarantee you he will go out if he remains in TNA. He has the history to warrant that first and last run.
I can't really think of five because most of the TNA roster is made up of guys who for one reason or another couldn't cut it in the WWE which is quite frankly why they're in TNA.

The one guy I'll say is Sting if only just because he is the biggest name in wrestling never to have been in the WWE and if they did get him they would be able to put him in the Hall of Fame.
Hard to hire any of them with there current gimmicks given WWE is still under PG13 for the most part, though they do seem to be incorporating less kiddie material this year.

Getting past that, and WWE would be able to remould them anyway TOp 5 choices in no order

Kurt Angle - No one can touch him in technical ability atm and is already a proven WWE main eventer
Robert Roode - a star that has thrived despite the surroundings
Desmond Wolf - He has in ring ability, and if Wade Barret and Sheamus can get around the language barrier so could Desmond, he'd have to curb his language though
Sting - He sucks IMO but Vince has stated he would like to have worked with him, and as stated above he's one main eventer from WCW that never went to WWE
MCMG - one of few good tag teams atm

Other possible choices IMO
The Pope - He was always a good talent, should never have let him go in the first place
AJ Styles is a good wrestler but he sucks at everything else, WWE could probably make him a star again though. note he did already work a couple of trial matches with WWE b4 he went to TNA, but due to size they didn't want him apparently

Mr Anderson, would be a good choice but probably got too much heat backstage with those that matter

Angelina Love and Velvet McIntyre - Beautiful People vs LeyCool

Don't agree with but thats just my opinion and WWE "can" make stars of anyone
Abyss is awfull and won't work at all in the current WWE environment

Samoa Joe hasn't been relevant in years, Husky Harris won't win and is probably only there because of his father, so thats a bad comparison

Jeff Hardy, i dunno they probably would, i hope they don't he's had too many chances and blown it everytime and now he's getting out of shape and is still on drugs.
Ummmm....Husky Harris has the same physique and it didn't stop the WWE from being high on him. The WWE is hardly as strict about that as they were in the 80's.

Ah haven't really followed NXT 2, that's interesting. and I remember that guy who was in tag team with the late Lance Cade too. Not saying they have a problem with guys like that, but I can't see them being pushed as main eventers by WWE, I mean when was the last time you saw a main eventer in WWE with that kind of physique?
NIKEO - Didnt Pro Wrestling Illustrated just name AJ Styles as the best Wrestler on the Planet. Given TNA also has a weekly show on TV, you would have to be living in a bubble to not know who AJ Styles was. I mean, even the casual fan knew who Bryan Danielson was and he was only in ROH!Poor argument there.

Excel/Million Dollar Dream - Big Show has a big fat frame. He was pushed.
firstly think you should rename the thread, When TNA gose under who would you like to see go to WWE,

but i have to ans your tread with two ans's,

if WWE were to stay in the PG ere,

Jeff Hardy
Beer Money

i count teams as one.

if they were to go Attitude again

Desmond Wolfe
Beer Money
Dudley Boys

but i can realisticly see,

Team 3D
Beer Money
Ink Inc
Samoa Joe

all going to WWE in the next 3/4 years, 3D will get a LOD type deal, were they need a team to hold the gold to add a little presitege again, open challenge, bring on 3D in a tables match, itl sell well, i know love+sky have been out spoken about Diva's before, but to me its about the Headlines, everyone who steps in to a Wrestling ring wants to be at Mania, TNA dosnt have a PPV in comparasion with it, i think for the exeption of maybe sting, who was WCW trew and trew, and AJ who has imo lost most chance of doing it at mainia as he is widly knowen as Mr Tna, even tho RVD makes himself "Mr Everything Im Involed With That The Crowd Will Chant With" will be the only two big names, who should of been mania headliners. who wont be, but hey, wrestling is a strange industry, and you never know were Vince is concerd, the only thing we can say we defently know is EV2.0, WCW2.0 WolfPac2.0 TNA, will fall before the Mecca of Sports Entertainment, that is WWE,
JBL...lol. As for Husky Harris, if he has the ability, he will get his chances.


1. Kurt Angle. Were TNA to go under, I think Kurt would come back. He isn't nearly the same wrestler he once was, but damn, on a limited schedule, and with the added role of helping train some of the younger wrestlers, Kurt Angle still has a lot of value.

2. Sting. This would be nothing but a cheap move to get him to accept an invite to the HOF, and I doubt he would wrestle more than once a month...but I can totally see Vince doing it.

3. Jeff Hardy. If I were Vince, I would avoid Jeff Hardy like the plague because he continues to blow every chance he gets, but I am not Vince, and Vince would sign him back because of the money to be made by selling a crapload of t-shirts and armbands from a repeat drug offender to little kids. Hardy is a royal fuck-up, but he moves merchandise.

4. RVD. He has WWE name recognition already, and I think with a little tweaking, RVD could be turned into a good PG style wrestler. Lose the "whole F'n show" thing, and you have an athletic, agile guy the kids could love.

5. Jay Lethal. Wishful thinking on my part, but how else can I ever hope to hear pomp and circumstance on RAW again?
1. Desmond Wolfe, he is talented, but I think he blew his chance.

2. Matt Morgan, chance number two, but make a legitimate monster

3. Jay Lethal, that guy is all around good.

4. Rob Terry, Mc Mahon would flip his lid over his physique

5. Abyss, now that Kane is the champ, WWE needs a new Monster Jobber.
NIKEO - Didnt Pro Wrestling Illustrated just name AJ Styles as the best Wrestler on the Planet. Given TNA also has a weekly show on TV, you would have to be living in a bubble to not know who AJ Styles was. I mean, even the casual fan knew who Bryan Danielson was and he was only in ROH!Poor argument there.

Excel/Million Dollar Dream - Big Show has a big fat frame. He was pushed.

The PWI 500 is, in my opinion at least, a farce. If I recall last year Jeff Hardy, off the hottest babyface run in the industry, didn't feature in the top 10. Notably absent also were Shawn Michaels and 'Taker, following what many call the greatest match of the decade if not of all time. Hell, one year they ranked Bobby Lashley the 7th greatest wrestler in the world. 'Nuff said. Those rankings aren't worth the paper they're printed on.

PWI is read all around the world, yes, but I sincerely doubt that it's readership is as large as it once was. Further, simply because I see a dude on the cover of a magazine, from a kayfabe standpoint, I'm supposed to believe I should pay my money to see him? No. Let's not forget that Chris Harris was a TNA Upper-Midcarder once upon a time but Bradin Walker certainly didn't garner any response. The vast majority of fans, the ones that don't comprise the IWC, are not familiar with AJ Styles and even if they are they don't pay to see him on a regular basis (look at the reported TNA PPV buys) so why would they pay to see him on a WWE PPV?

Styles has proven he can be a big fish in a small pond, he has not proven he can sell out arenas, sell merchandise, connect with a large audience or main-event a global wrestling company. Styles would probably land a contract, yes, but he would not be treated as the big deal many seem to think he is.

Oh, and by the way, the majority of my friends are "casual fans" and they don't read dirtsheets. They hadn't a clue who Danielson was and, in my opinion, neither did the rest of the casual fanbase. I was a massive Danielson doubter but after the first week on NXT he did something Styles doesn't do, he stood out and did an awful lot with very little. It didn't hurt he got paired with a heat magnet, mini-feud with a widely disliked announcer, and was presented in the perfect way to suit that character. He connected with the audience. Styles is not a priority for the WWE to sign.
I guess it depends on how many years it would take for TNA to be bankrupt. Lets say hypothetically they were to be bankrupt in a year, then WWE would probably hire Sting, Angle, RVD, Jeff Hardy, and may give Hogan and Flair one last appearance. If TNA became bankrupt in 5 years or so, then I don't think WWE would hire Sting, Angle, RVD, Flair, or Hogan.

I'm pretty sure Jeff Hardy would get a contract again. AJ Styles and Desmond Wolfe would probably get contracts as well. Matt Morgan, Mr. Anderson, and The Pope could be offered contracts. Overall though I think these are the top 5 names that WWE would get if they could get them today.

1. Jeff Hardy
2. Kurt Angle
3. RVD
4. Sting
5. Mr. Anderson
I actually believe Kurt Angle has one more WWE run in him. I also think he NEEDS one more WWE run. He has amassed NUMEROUS World Title reigns. But I think in the eyes of the Main Stream Fan and Critic, his TNA World Titles don't hold the same value as if they would have been WWE or WHC Title Reigns!

That being said, I am not going to name obvious guys like Jeff Hardy and Ken Anderson. They are some of the bigger TNA names, as well as Kurt Angle. They have wrestled in WWE before and had success. AJ has been there before but wasn't known and/or didn't have much significance. So to me, guys like that are different.

1. AJ Styles: Biggest "Homegrown" TNA name. He basically IS TNA and has been from the beginning. I have ALWAYS wondered how WWE would use him, and if he would get buried or not. I think with the way WWE has been making much more of an effort to push younger guys or the next generation. Maybe AJ would be at the front of the line if he switched and would be a HUGE star!

2. Robert Roode:
Not saying anything is wrong with Beer Money. They have established themselves as one of the best tag teams in recent history if not ever. They have even passed AMW as probably TNA's best tag team ever! But, Robert Roode in a sense is being misused. They can change that with a Singles Push SOON. But right at the moment he is a Catch 22. You kind of wouldn't want to lose Beer Money as a tag team. But at the same time, IMO anyway, Roode could be a HUGE addition to TNA's Main Event Picture. I think WWE would actually use him well. Maybe a HUGE push to the Main Event might take a while. But I think eventually he would get there. He is sort of Triple Hish in the ring. He is good on the mic, has the physique and size, AND can obviously go in the ring.

3. Desmond Wolfe: Another guy TNA could do more with. He has all the tools. WWE has kind of their own Wolfe, in Drew Mcintyre. But, the real thing would fit much better. TNA has him in a new tag team at the moment, and in my opinion has dropped the ball with him so far!

4. The Motor City Machine Guns: To me they count as one. Because I think they would need to stay a tag team. Even though I think both of these guys are a talent in themselves, individually. They are much more of a force in this business, as a team. I think size plays a factor in a lot of things. But, not necessarily in the tag team divisions in TNA or WWE. The 2 MAIN Tag Teams in WWE are The Hart Dynasty and The Usos. Neither team is HUGE. In fact, MCMG might be better then both of those teams, by far in many people's opinions. It has to do with The AJ thing I spoke about. Wondering if they would get misused or actually be taken seriously in WWE. Kofi, Bourne, Rey among others are over in WWE right now and are not men of size. Now might be the best time ever for a team like MCMG to get over in WWE and make the jump!

5. The Pope I think he has it all. Even though he too has been in WWE (ECW), before and received a tiny push, there was little or no impact or lasting impression. Now I think that even though it was in TNA, he has proved he can get over and also DO SOMETHING with a push. At this point I believe he is one WWE let get away. But I can see him there again one day. I believe he would be over in no time. WWE has a bigger audience and therefore more people would get to see him.

Honorable Mention: Samoa Joe

I know there are a lot of Samoa Joe haters. Maybe partly because of his size, or fatness, LOL, but I think he gets it done in the ring. IMO he is also good on the mic. He has intensity and I think he has the ability to always get better AND learn. I'm not sure what kind of chance he would get in WWE. But, I would like to see what would happen.
1.) AJ Styles: Somebody of his talent should never be overlooked.
2.) Kurt Angle: Whether or not he's getting old, WWE would be stupid not to try to rehire him. He's still the best in the world.
3.) MCMG: Yeah, they're a tag team, but they're really over and crazy good in the ring. Now, unfortunately WWE might not go for them because they don't fit "the look" but they should...they could revitalize the entire tag team scene in the WWE.
4.) Robert Roode: Seriously this guy is gold, and I think they'd try to scoop him up in a heartbeat.
5.) D'Angelo Dinero: I think WWE might realize how they missed out on this guy, and with how over he is it would be dumb not to rehire him. He is...so good.

Other possibilities...
-James Storm: They could reform Beer Money, but I doubt it. He's still a decent talent.
-Jeff Hardy: It could happen, purely for the money he generates, but I doubt it. I think WWE would like nothing more than to put him out on his ass without a job.

Who wouldn't get hired:
-Ric Flair
-Mic Foley
-Tommy Dreamer
-Tazz: This guy has done nothing but bash WWE on the mic for his entire length as a TNA commentary guy.
Although TNA isnt considered competition by the WWE, its the only other wrestling company that is getting significant television time so if there was any competition it would be TNA (does that make sense?). So if TNA does go bankrupt WWE would more than likely do the oh-so-overused invasion angle so I will give a top 10.

1. Abyss - no doubt about it, he is the monster character that WWE loves.

2. RVD - it was unfortunate the way his WWE tenure ended but he can still be a good draw and merchandise seller.

3. Kurt Angle - still one of the best in the world.

4. Matt Morgan - he is a lot more polished now than he was previously in the WWE and still is improving.

5. The Pope - He would get a new gimick and name but he is pretty solid on the mike, good in ring performer, and WWE is always looking for the next big African-American star.

6. Beer Money - WWE lacks solid true tag teams and they would love their size.

7. MCMG - similar to beer money but their size may hold them back...then again how long did London and Kendrick hold the belts?

8. AJ Styles - great in ring performer, decent on the mic, and could have some great matches in WWE.

9. Jeff Hardy - Would be higher but his legal troubles are bad press for WWE.

10. Mick Foley - no he would not be a steady on air character, more of a behind the scenes guy, maybe even a GM role here and there but mick foley would still be able to generate money for the WWE.
The WWE would definately want to sign some of the talent TNA has, my picks would be:

1. Kurt Angle

WWE would DEFINATELY want Angle back if his health was up to it, even on a part-time special appearances type contract. He is an excellent talker, and if they didn't want to risk him in the ring every week he could be a great mouthpiece in a faction and get in the ring and give a masterclass when required. Still the best in the world even with his health issues.

2. Jeff Hardy

WWE would snap up this guy even with the risks he brings with him. If his court problems are sorted, the sheer amount of merchandise he sells and love that the crowd has for Jeff would see him back in the WWE straight away

3. AJ Styles

Mr TNA. Simply as. I could see no possible reason why WWE would not want him. He may not be the biggest in size, but when you think about how much the crowd pops for any of Mysterios high flying moves, just imagine how they would react to an AJ springboard 450 splash, or the springboard clothesline, or Sprial Tap. Plus, I think he would be excellent if marketed as a clean cut fan favourite, ala Bret Hart

4. MCMG/ Beer Money.

I think WWE would want 1 of, if not both of these Tag Teams. The tag-team roster in WWE is painfully thin, and these teams are two of the best in the world today. I am leaning towards Beer Money, as I think WWE would see Roode and Storm as having more potential as singles stars when the team is eventually broken up (as we know WWE like to do this to successful tag teams)

5. Sting

A legend in the business, and someone who has NEVER appeared in a WWE ring. Even on just a part-time basis, Vince would want the Stinger. He could go up against Undertaker or Triple H at Wrestlemania in a one-off match, and that would be HUGE! Plus, adding Sting to the Hall-Of-Fame would be a massive success as well. Vince is too smart a businessman not to throw a contract Sting's way
The five guys that I would go after when (sorry, I mean if) TNA goes bankrupt would be:

1. AJ Styles. An obvious choice, arguably one of the best in-ring performers in the professional wrestling business today. Put him on the big stage where he can learn how to develop a character and to be more effective on the microphone, and he'd be a success in WWE. But he would need a lot of work in the non-wrestling aspects of the business. Under the guidance of the WWE, he could become something special, but he would have to be a face. Heel Styles is a failure in my opinion.

2. Desmond Wolfe. A great young talent who is being under-utilized in TNA. Could interact with Danielson, Punk, Bourne, and other ROH guys.

3. MCMG. A great young tag team, could bring some credibility to a suspect tag team division in WWE.

4. The Beautiful People. If not all of them, definitely Velvet Sky, for selfish reasons if nothing else. Just more eye candy like the rest of the divas, but I would love to see interaction between Laycool and TBP, or in terms of individuals, between Velvey Sky and Maryse.

5. Kurt Angle. Just so he could finish his career in front of an audience like he deserves, and keep his options open for an eventual induction into the WWE Hall of Fame. But if he were to be brought back, I would make him wait in line for quite a while to earn his way back to the top of the ladder. I definitely would not fast track him to a title shot, he'd have to wait his turn, as he gave up his spot in line when he left for TNA a few years back.

In reviewing the rest of the roster, the only other guy I'd have any interest in at all would be the Pope. There's not one other person on the roster that would interest me in the slightest to bring into the company (possibly Hemme as a backstage interviewer because she's hot). Samoa Joe, Hardy, Anderson, Abyss, RVD, thanks but no thanks.
Bill Lesnar has this idea:

1. AJ STYLES - Bill Lesnar thinks that AJ could be in aheated persnal fued witha heel cena. This would make aj a superstar.
2. STING - in Bill Lesnars eyes STing is a marquee character in wresling history and a fued with cm punk (with punk ending his career) or a wrestlemania match with taker would make Bill Lesnar mark out
3.Kurt Angle- Bill Lesnar knows that Angle could put over anyone on the wwe roster and could becoem a great pro on nxt
4. Rob Terry - could become a monster, he has the look, in Bill Gold Lesnar's view
5. POPE or Samoa Joe - can become electric faces, and could add to the much needed star power on SD
I thought I posted my response to this before, but I guess not. Anyway…

If TNA were to fold right now, and the WWE were to pick up only 5 OCW Superstars, I would think Vince would go after:

A. J. Styles
Kurt Angle
Samoa Joe

These three are TNA’s Top 3 Stars. Up and down the card, these guys are versatile enough to open a show, gun for a Mid-Card Title, and of course, even Main Event a PPV.

Beer Money

These two could very well pass Team 3D as the “Greatest Tag Team” in the history of Sports Entertainment, IF they go to other promotions like what the Dudleys did and prove they are the Best anywhere they go.
If this were to happen I believe that WWE would sign;

Kurt Angle - He has shown unsatisfactory with TNA before because of storylines and the direction of the company on multiple occasions. And I don't think he would go any lower to wrestling for Ring of Honor or going independent so I believe Kurt Angle would come back to the WWE if the money were right and if he got what he wanted which is a lighter work schedule.

Jeff Hardy - Jeff Hardy in my opinion was always better in WWE then he was in TNA. The kids love him and I don't think WWE would hesitate to sign Jeff Hardy back onto the roster. He would go back onto SmackDown and he wouldn't miss a heartbeat and just be pushed to the stars.

AJ Styles - I believe since WWE have seen what AJ Styles can do they would bring him back to the company and give him another shot at success. They would be completely INSANE not to grab up AJ Styles in my opinion.

Desmond Wolfe - Daniel Bryan and Desmond Wolfe were both suppose to be part of WWE, but because Desmond Wolfe failed a drug test? All negotiations were stopped and he went to TNA instead. I think WWE would give him another shot and make him wrestle for their promotion.

Sting/Samoa Joe - I know I am going to get a lot of comments about this one, but they are the only two people I can see trying to get. I can't see WWE trying to get Mr. Anderson because of what occurred between him and Randy Orton. I don't see them getting Abyss or any of the tag teams or Knockouts (probably the Beautiful People, Chelsea, and Christy Hemme, but that's it). And the rest of them are just guys they released, older guys who will retire soon, or have absolutely no personality or wrestling ability anyways. They'll possibly pick up Hernandez and possibly might pick up The Pope, but other then that I don't see anybody else worth trying to get.
I'm pretty certain there's not even 5 names that WWE would sign.

Primarily the only two names I could even remotely imagine that WWE would bother signing would be:

A.J Styles: Because he's one of the best things that TNA has had through the years. I'm sure WWE have tried to get in contact with him a few times here and there, and I wouldn't blame them if they were. A.J could very well do nicely in WWE, and would most likely have little problems getting over.

Kurt Angle: Well duh? He's the best wrestler in TNA, he's older and all that, but he's still a big name and worth a damn. WWE and him parted ways in an awkward way if I remember right, and I'm sure WWE would gladly take Kurt back in.

Matt Morgan: Don't deny that this guy has potential, it was a fucking shame that WWE let go of him back in 2005, especially since he has really matured within TNA. He would fit very very well into the WWE roster.

If I had to choose two extra though, it's most likely Jeff and RVD. But that's only because they were over within WWE before, and they parted ways with WWE on their own behalf, not WWE's behalf. But I think that is what hurts them, they left by themselves to later on go onto a rival company, that's not gonna be a good spot on Jeff and RVD's resume for WWE I'm sure.
i definatly have way more than 5, but im new at this so...i get a pass :worship:

aj styles..i think he would be in no doubt a valuable player in wwe, i think he so much over that even wwe kudnt bury him...but i have seen him job to hurricane on wwf metal..smh
mcmg...with all they've been doing in tna recently you got to agree, they might be too small for singles competition but as a team they kud revolutionize wwe, and give small guyz in the company another look.
abyss/matt morgan...wwe is need of a real big monster type, batista's gone, kane and taker r gettn old (dont get me wrong they still got it, but time get them all), bigshow kud only hold so much, and i wudnt even mention khali in their league.
samoa joe...JOE IS GOIN 2 KILL YOU..he would be another good main eventer in wwe, or at least upper midcard star, a jobber to da stars...its likely to happen since dey wud want to bury tna bred talent imo
jeff hardy...the history they have could be the catalyst for his resigning, hes good as either wwe main eventer or maybe to help matt stop complaining bout his misuse, reunite the hardys throw them the straps n see if dey kud bring bak the tag team division to its hay day
mick foley, jk im kinda done wit him, itz just fun to watch him get ownd now
kurt angle...would be awesome to see him back in wwe and teach swagger how to do da ankle lock like a pro. but i think he did just about all he could do there..so it might not happen.
Beer Money Inc...if u got mcmg an awesome anti team wud be beer money inc. do a feud wit s.e.s., or debiase jr. also wud be needed if dey gon make a better tag team division
Desmond Wolfe: It's obvious WWE is interested in him, as he was going to sign about the same time Bryan Danielson did, but he decided to go to TNA instead.

James Storm and Robert Roode: Could be added to the tag team division, or go it alone in singles action. Either way, these two are diamonds in the rough just waiting to be picked out. I'm sure WWE would invest time building these two to be stars.

Jeff Hardy: He left WWE on good terms and was more over than just about anybody else on TV at the time. The reaction's he recieved were amazing, and he was about as big of a cash cow as Cena and Orton are. I'm sure WWE wuldn't mind bringing him back.

Rob Van Dam: Left WWE on good terms and has even made a couple one-off appearances since. I'm sure WWE wouldn't mind bringing him back, even on a limited schedule if that's what he wanted. He may have problems with the Wellness Policy, though. ;)
1) Angle - WWE hated losing him. an Undertaker schedule would be handed to him.

2) Sting - WWE has been dying to sign him for decades. Same plan as I stated with Kurt.

3) TBP - The WWE recreated them because they wanted them so badly.

4) Beer Money - These guys scream WWe. Either together or separtely.

5) Matt Morgan - They tried everything to get this guy over, well now he's ready.

Honorable Mention:

1) AJ Styles
2) Suicide Character
3) Desmond Wolfe, Brutuus Magnus, & Douglas Williams as a faction.
4) Jay Lethal
5) Hernandez

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