If The Rock doesn't compete at Wrestlemania XXX who does Brock Lesnar face?

I am Mr. Excitement

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I know a while back people were saying Lesnar vs Rock at WrestleMania XXX was set to main event the evening. I'm also not saying that The Rock will not return because i'm 90% sure he will for one more match. Though from his recent injury from WrestleMania 29 and also doing his movie career I would not be surprised if he doesn't compete at next years Mania. So the question is who would Lesnar end up facing if The Rock doesn't compete? Cena, Orton, Taker, Punk II, Sheamus, Ryback, Batista?

Discuss, opinions, comments.
Undertaker is the obvious answer. But I'm torn between wanting to see Taker go undefeated and wanting to see him pass the torch. He's earned it if he wants to go undefeated. As long as 'Taker beats Lesnar then I'll be happy with them fighting at 'Mania.

Because if some beats 'Taker at 'Mania they will get major heat, instant all time heel status... unless it's the best match of all time. And Brock Lesnar does not need the win, he's already an established draw for the UFC and WWE.

Hopefully if the Undertaker ever loses it'll be to Daniel Bryan or Dean Ambrose. Mainly because Bryan and Ambrose are dedicated to and love professional wrestling. Lesnar's left the WWE high and dry before, has already tried to go back to UFC, and does not love professional wrestling.

If not the 'Taker then I'd like to see Randy Orton against Brock. Orton's punt gets sold like a piledriver in 1970s. If he punts Lesnar, it'd be a great way to explain Lesnar TV hiatus or turn Lesnar face if needed. It would also help level the playing field and present Orton as a legitimate threat to Lesnar.
Someone like Orton would be an interesting match up. I really don't want to see two part-timers go at it for their pay day anymore.

If Lesnar is to compete, pointless against Undertaker because it is a given that streak won't ever end, so the best thing would be to put Taker against any up and coming stars to a) make us believe he could pass the torch, b) the young pretender would put on the match of his life. Anything else now is just a novelty match.

Depending on how far along Roman Reigns is by next year he wouldn't be a bad shout. Both have serious intensity and are powerhouses, both good in the ring, would make for decent build up and match - although for that to happen Reigns needs come a long way quickly.

Otherwise for Lesnar, I do see something utterly stupid and pointless that's based solely on the two names as a draw and nothing else.
Undertaker obviously, a serious threat to the streak storyline wise, especially as 10 years ago Lesnar was beating Undertaker.
Lesnar vs Undertaker would be worthy of a Mania match, though where that leaves Cena is interesting.
Undertaker is the obvious answer.

I feel like Lesnar-Ryback would look good on paper but be a disaster in actuality.

As said earlier, Lesnar had a good time period in 02-03 where he beat Taker a lot. He would look like a serious threat to the streak after taking HHH "out" recently.

If WWE is set on a potential Undertaker-Cena match, then the best option IMO is Roman Reigns. What a way to get Reigns over to beat Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 30.

I don't want to see Punk-Lesnar 2 just because I think WWE needs to have Punk-Bryan for the WWE title at WM30
I just don't see them going Undertaker and Lesnar for WrestleMania XXX. If they are going to put someone young over Lesnar, it needs to be someone who can physically match him and a guy who could do that would be Roman Reigns. However, because its WrestleMania, I see them wanting to make the match a big draw and The Rock vs Brock lesnar provides that but it's not a given that Rock works Mania.

I could see them going with CM Punk vs Brock Lesnar II at WrestleMania depending on how their upcoming feud does. If it will sell Summerslam and if the match is good. Similar to Triple h vs Lesnar they could go with a rematch. Rematches are often not the most popular choice but they still get the casual fans interested and thats who the WWE are targeting for the most part. I'd say Lesnar is too damn physical for The Undertaker at this point in his career, he is too old, too banged up and I think some fans would be worried about his health. The WWE don't really have that many guys who could face Lesnar, but anyone could become a big star between now and WrestleMania.

The Rock
CM Punk
Roman Reigns (if he becomes a big star)
Big E Langston
Mark henry (this is an interesting match)
Randy Orton
But I still say that The Rock is the best choice out of all of these simply because of his star power and ability to draw.
Brock Lesnar vs Triple H Part 4 would be the solution, HIAC match to end it all at Wrestlemania 30.

No, I'm just kidding. :)

Realistically I see only Rock and Undertaker being on WWE list for Lesnar in New Orleans. CM Punk in a rematch...would be possible too.
Yeah, well, the thing with having a part-time mercenary like Brock in the fold is that it's senseless to give him anything but the most "over" performers as opponents. Thing is, there aren't many of 'em, are there? Cena, Triple H and Punk.....sure, but where do you go from there?

In this way, it almost seems the shitfit Brock threw years ago when management tried to feed him a match with Hardcore Holly was justified. Of course, Brock was a regular member of the team then, making it even harder to find people worthy of being in the ring with him. The problem still exists today, which isn't a good thing for the company.

The Rock or Undertaker vs. Brock?.....It can be done, although I doubt either of those gentlemen would enjoy tangling with Brock Lesnar. His roughneck style wouldn't really be suitable for them, for obvious reasons., and I don't know if Brock has the ability (or interest) to ease up on them. Cena and Triple H have the bodies to take what Brock dishes out but I don't know if 'Taker or Rock do. For that matter, we're going to find out about Punk, too.

Also, as to Brock-Rock, the idea of two ringers coming in and headlining Wrestlemania doesn't give me the best of feelings. I like the idea of bringing in legends at WM time......but fighting each other? And being the featured match? Dunno.

I guess my choice would be Brock-Undertaker, with the stipulation made clear to Brock that he will be shot in the ring if he tries to kill Mark Calaway. A team of armed snipers standing at ringside ought to do it.

'Course, if they riddle Brock with bullets, it'll just make him mad.
I would prefer to see the Undertaker take on John Cena at WM30 than Brock Lesnar. Cena has never feuded with Undertaker (apart from a mini TV feud 10 years ago). I would dare say Lesnar V either Daniel Bryan or CM Punk. Or if he is ready - a heel Curtis Axel v a face Brock Lesnar.
I also can't picture Brock wrestling Taker. As Sally pointed out, Lesnar is stiff, and has a aggressive and rough style. Factor in his size and strength, and we might see Taker carted off post match at Wrestlemania for the second time.

I honestly can't picture Taker having another series of matches like the physical and brutal wars with Triple H at Mania and 27 and 28. And hell, I can't even picture him having anything resembling the Mania 25 and 26 matches with Shawn again. I think it's safe to say the days of Taker wrestling the brutal and physical no holds barred style matches are behind him. His match with Punk this year wasn't a cake walk as far as physicality goes, but it was a lot more tamed, when you compare this year's streak match to the previous four with Shawn and Triple H.

I don't think WWE will pull the trigger on it, but Wrestlemania 30 would be the ideal stage for Cena VS Taker. John Cena has done everything you can do in wrestling. He beat The Rock to win the WWE Championship this year, he beat a legit UFC Heavyweight champion, he finally beat CM Punk this year, and he conquered Randy Orton and Edge, two of his fiercest rivals of the past. On top of all that, he's won just about every championship in WWE. The streak is the only roadblock Cena hasn't smashed through yet. Cena VS Taker at Wrestlemania 30 would be a true dream/blockbuster match, but again, I have doubts about WWE pulling the trigger.

Oh, and as far as who Brock should face......eh. I wouldn't rule out Punk VS Lesnar 2. I'm not 100% sold on the first encounter happening at MITB. With two MITB matches, Cena VS Henry, and RVD returning, I don't think that show needs that match. Remember, when Brock broke Triple H's arm after Extreme Rules, WWE was able to milk that fiasco until Summerslam. They could do the same thing with Punk VS Lesnar, a match that's definitely worthy of main eventing Summerslam. Punk loses the match at Summerslam, setting up the rematch at Wrestlemania 30. Lesnar is working a light schedule, and you have to believe WWE will save a lot of his dates for Wrestlemania 30, and the build up. My only concern is WWE being able to keep Punk fresh after a loss to Lesnar. But as far popularity goes, Punk's been white-hot since his return, so there's a reason for some optimism.
Before WWE decided to completely kill any momentum he had I would've personally picked Ryback. A Ryback/Lesnar match would've been huge for Ryback's character and with the proper ending it would've been the proverbial olive branch for him to join the likes of Cena and Punk. Not to mention the amount of violence a match between these would require would be far beyond anything we'll see today bringing us back to the attitude era or at least the ruthless aggression era. Now my personally hope is that HHH brings back Batista. This is the only big money fight for Lesnar that makes sense. Taker makes no sense considering we all know he's never losing at Mania, Punk is probably gonna happen at SummerSlam, Sheamus or Orton just plan no, and I don't see any young stars besides Ryback who would be even close to ready for a match with Brock on that level
wm30 the rock's last match should be with HBK anyway, rock v lesnar wont match up compared to their last match, as the rock limits his ring work coz of the fear of getting injured and the match could be tame.

Ryback v lesnar would be better or lesnar v reigns
I also can't picture Brock wrestling Taker. As Sally pointed out, Lesnar is stiff, and has a aggressive and rough style......I honestly can't picture Taker having another series of matches like the physical and brutal wars with Triple H at Mania and 27 and 28.

And remember; while Brock doesn't know (or possibly care) about working in a style that protects his opponent, Triple H does. He's a consummate ring worker, a guy who makes his matches seem brutal while actually knowing how not to hurt his foe. For this reason, Trips matches against Undertaker weren't designed to smash his enemy, even though they looked as if they were. Those contests were a marathon, not a bloodbath. I don't think Triple H has received his proper due as a ring technician.

I wouldn't rule out Punk VS Lesnar 2.

In favor of that idea is the fact that WWE likes to set up a series of matches for Brock with a particular opponent, rather than engage in one-and-out affairs. Opposing the notion is that Punk-Lesnar II depends on how Punk looks in the first match. If the size difference is so marked and Brock simply can't tone down his style, there may be no interest in a second contest.

When I think of C.M. Punk wrestling Brock Lesnar, I keep seeing Rey Mysterio "chopping down" larger foes with his harmless-looking kicks and unlikely high-flying maneuvers. I keep seeing Drew McIntyre clotheslining Rey from his knees because it was the only way to sell the move. It looked stupid, and subsequently watching Rey gain a glorious victory over a man a full foot taller looked even more ridiculous. No, Brock isn't that much taller than Punk, but his body is massive compared to his much smaller opponent. Like many of Rey's conquests, the idea of Punk competing with Brock might not look believable. If it doesn't, I doubt they'll have more than one meeting.

We know how good Punk is in the ring...... the black marble is Brock. Can he make it look like a competitive contest without killing Punk? I'll buy this PPV just to see if they can bring this one off.
Someone nobody has talked about and will get plenty of time to build up between his return and WM30.


He's already said he has been thinking about making a return. And I am sure they can figure out a way for HHH to bring his former protege back to take out Lesnar as part of a storyline.

If a big guy is really the only guy who can give Lesnar a good match and work as stiff as he does, he's perfect.

Batista gets my vote if Rock doesn't come back.
Someone nobody has talked about and will get plenty of time to build up between his return and WM30.


He's already said he has been thinking about making a return. And I am sure they can figure out a way for HHH to bring his former protege back to take out Lesnar as part of a storyline.

If a big guy is really the only guy who can give Lesnar a good match and work as stiff as he does, he's perfect.

Batista gets my vote if Rock doesn't come back.

I would love to see Batista vs. Brock at Wrestlemania XXX. There's a lot of "ifs" that go along with that, so I'm going to have to try not to get my hopes up. Then again, a lot of the best possible match scenarios in this case are riddled with ifs

If they can restore Ryback's credibility over the course of the next 10 months they could be capable of having a good match, but that would mean improved booking and ring work for Ryback.

If Mark Henry feels like sticking around till Mania, I think this would be a great sendoff to his career. Especially if they don't wind up giving him the WWE title at MitB.

I'm surprised no one has said this yet, but the Big Show and Brock Lesnar could be a good fight. It's been done quite a few times, but never ceases to be a compelling match-up, and this could be a good way to end Paul Wight's career.

Maybe Roman Reigns, but they probably won't have time to build him as a worthy singles competitor before this year's Wrestlemania. On a smaller stage some time in the future Reigns vs. Lesnar could be a good match though.

I like any of those scenarios more than a match against the Rock or the Undertaker.
In all honesty, I would and wouldn't like to see Taker - Lesnar at WM30.

WOULD: It will be one hell of a match and we all know that there is real beef there which will make for a good feud.

WOULDN'T: With Taker not being in the condition he once was and Lesnar still being a human wrecking machine, I'd hate for Taker to be left bloody and broken when the match ends whether he wins or not.

Lesner should face a fresh opponent, like Orton, Bryan. I'm sure there are more but they are definitely my top two.

We all know that Cena will be in the title picture if he's not still Champion so it wouldn't be him which I'd be glad of. As much as I'd love to see Cena get pummeled again but this time lose, I still don't want to see it again.

Use a part timer to help put over a guy who is going to be there for more than just a few weeks.
First off, anyone other than Daniel Bryan or John Cena wrestling The Undertaker at Mania this year will be a let down for me, especially if it's Brock Lesnar. 'Taker had a WAR with Brock years back, and while the matches themselves were tremendous, we've been there. Furthermore, to put 'Taker in the ring with a part timer like Brock will suck all of the intrigue out of the match. Of course the streak isn't going to end at the hands of someone who isn't even full time, so why bother suspending disbelief?

I like the idea of Lesnar vs Batista. A lot.

That said, and I know this will NEVER happen, I really like the WWE should make a play to have Bill Goldberg come in for just one match and give fans what they SHOULD have gotten 10 years ago at Wrestlemania 20.

Interesting idea, but never happening.
Like Mitch & Sally, I also have a hard time seeing Brock face Taker. I just can't buy that Taker, a guy riddled with injuries all over and who's been damn near dominated by guys smaller than Brock these last couple of Wrestlemania's, beats Brock Lesnar. If Taker & Brock were to face off, I'd see it playing out like Brock-Cena, where Brock just dominates Taker the entire match only for Taker to pull out a quick Tombstone and win the match.

If it ain't The Rock then it should be Randy Orton. I'm sure Orton won't be involved in any title matches at Wrestlemania, Lesnar & Orton have a story together, with both of them coming into the WWE at the same time, winning their first World Titles at Summerslam and becoming the youngest champions in WWE history. Orton is agressive & rough too and is a believable threat for Lesnar, and I could honestly see the two pulling out a really good brawl with each other. I thought Orton & Lesnar would be facing each other at this year's Summerslam actually. Since the WWE love doing a series of matches, maybe they could have Orton & Lesnar rematch at Summerslam 2014.
My answer would be nobody. Brock Lesnar adds nothing to WrestleMania, and I'd prefer for him not to be on the show at all. If he absolutely has to face someone, how about Ryback in a Loser and Winner Must Both Retire Match? Get rid of both of them and make room for some deserving talents at the top of the card.
As others have mentioned, Taker is an obvious choice and one that I'm sure a lot of people have wanted to see and have hope to see since Lesnar came back to WWE. After all, when you look back over the course of WWE history, Lesnar is really the only guy who ever seemed to have Taker's number. In the few times they faced during Lesnar's brief time in WWE, Taker never scored a win. Lesnar had help in some of his encounters with Taker, via Paul Heyman, but Taker's match against Lesnar at No Mercy 2002 in a Hell in a Cell match was awesome and Lesnar scored a clean & decisive victory over Taker during his time as the "American Badass" character. So a I think a lot of people would be interested in seeing this feud ultimately be revived if, for no other reason, than to see Taker balance out the scales between the two.

The problem, however, is that Brock Lesnar is one stiff son of a bitch and Taker isn't, physically, the same man he was a decade ago. The past 4 or 5 years, we've all seen with our own eyes & read various reports on how the wear & tear of the business has finally caught up with Taker. Not only that, it's caught up to him with a vengeance. I don't think many people believe Lesnar has the ability to put on a competitive match against Taker without damn near crippling him in the process. That is an extremely relevant & legitimate concern no matter how many people would like to see this match. Lesnar is extremely physical but I've yet to see him really demonstrate that he has the ability to make a wrestling match LOOK physical without it really being physical. The match wouldn't be at all worth it if Taker got hurt. Entertainment is entertainment, but I don't want to see someone banged up, especially someone like Taker, when he's in there with someone who either doesn't know how or doesn't really care to protect him. Guys like Punk, Orton, Bryan, Ziggler & Cena have shown the ability to do that, but I've yet to see it from Lesnar.

If not Taker or Rock, I think there are some viable options with very over full time guys on the roster. Punk vs. Lesnar II is a distinct possibility if they spread those matches out over a period of months as they did during Lesnar's feud with Triple H. I think another possibility could be Daniel Bryan. WWE has used the David vs. Goliath scenario with great success when it comes to Bryan, and portraying him as a very sympathetic but scrappily fearless underdog against "The Beast Incarnate" could work very nicely. I think it could especially work if it's a WWE Championship feud. There's talk of possibly putting Cena against Taker at WM XXX and if WWE ultimately goes with that, then they'll almost surely have him drop the title between now and the Royal Rumble. Given how hot guys like Bryan & Punk are right now, either is a viable candidate to take the title from Cena. They could also book Lesnar into a match against Dolph Ziggler for the WHC if Ziggler is ultimately able to score a successful babyface run with the title. If he can garner a strong response & level of interest out of the fans during his title run, then he could be booked as a potential money match for Ziggler.

If it's just me personally, I'd rather see Taker vs. Lesnar, Punk vs. Lesnar II or III, Bryan vs. Lesnar, Cena vs. Lesnar II or Ziggler vs. Lesnar over Brock vs. Rock. I think the overall workrate of those matches would be far superior to Brock vs. Rock. Also, I don't see WWE being able to escape the fact that Brock vs. Rock would be seen as the ultimate class of part timers; a match between two guys that are truly, 100% only there because they're getting a shitload of money. Would it draw? Almost certainly, but it'll risk being an underwhelming match in my opinion, especially if The Rock's cardio isn't up to snuff.
I would not want to see Lesner face off against The Undertaker. Like others have said, there is no way he is ending the streak, and it would be hard to even suspend disbelief for that match. Besides I want to see Taker face either Cena or Daniel Bryan at Mania 30. I will have to see how the first Punk/Lesner match goes to see if I would be into seeing another match between the two. I really like the Batista idea. That would be a good match between to monsters. I think off all the matches Lesner could have though Orton would intrigue me the most. They came in at the same time, and Orton has a style that would be believable against Lesner.
Personally I think it should be The Rock I mean what else does these two have to do at the grandest stage of them all. I heard that they want this to be the wrestlestmania that has the greatest matches in history. I can think of five that would be good

1. Lesnar vs Rock
2. Orton vs Cena
3. Triple H vs Shawn Michaels
4. Kane vs Taker
5. Punk vs Bryan

My picks I mean that card would look awesome
Personally I don't want to see Rock vs Lesnar, none of Rock's matches have been very good since he came back and I don't see how a guy with cardio issues who has to work protected fits with a beast who likes to work stiff, it's just not a good match up other than for the stare down as Rock's muscles for show vs Brock's beastliness will look good on posters.

My preference is Punk/Lesnar II after Punk loses at Summerslam and wins the Rumble to face Brock who is the WWE champion.

I guess Taker vs Brock is more likely but I think not doing Cena vs Taker might be an error as who knows how much is left in the tank and that match has to happen.

Brock only wants the money matches so I doubt he'd be willing to work with Bryan, Sheamus or Ziggler. Orton could be an option if he hasn't turned heel by then.

A leftfield choice I'm gonna throw in there is Mark Henry, I very much doubt it would happen but if booked well it could be just the ticket.
Why not just feed Taker some tomato can in a squash match? When was the last time for any of you/us that we thought he might possibly lose? And I don't mean after some long two-count in the 30th minute at the height of suspense when he took his sixth Sweet Chin Music of the night or a hammer shot and a Pedigree.

I think the best build-up for Taker's WM match of the past ten years was probably Edge (maybe I should re-review though). Edge just sold it that well, they had a hot feud on tv every week, and he was pretty newly minted over the mid-card. WWE also built it up for a very long time, way before Undertaker was limited to six appearances/year (let alone matches/year).

So maybe Roman Reigns is a perfect choice: I don't like him much personally but hey his stable is pretty hot and he's the big man if only the second fiddle forever. I couldn't recognize his voice in a promo, but hey Ambrose is still pretty new to me too and with my proposal Reigns was never going to have a shot at winning. Just let Mark absorb one or two big spots and sell off the ending like he's really hurting. That's a great rub for a new young heel. Ambrose actually works great too here, better than Reigns in fact.

Otherwise I'd say Ziggler, Langston, the Wyatt brother... Sandow, Cesaro, or Swagger as suggestions might be pushing the limits of sanity (yet I'd prefer them as a smarky mark over the first trio), but like I said I won't ever expect the upset, and no not very many unsmart marks are going to mind the inevitability of the decision if the match is watchable for 15/20 and we see "Old School", the ever-improbable sitting up torso from a brutal layout with the opponent's back turned, and either a Tombstone or a Last Ride depending on the size and the remaining capability of a 49 yr old broken lifer.

Undertaker doesn't even have to co-host the triple or quadruple "main event" anymore at WM... why not just open up a hot crowd with him going through his motions? You can still put him on the poster, and why not barely mention his victim if that no longer has to be important?
"I guess Taker vs Brock is more likely" .. I don't see how that's the case

I mean if given the option wouldn't Taker-Cena be a better, more marquee match up?

Brock's WM options I see:

Lesnar vs Rock - as the thread title suggests it could happen, but Rock might be tied up with movies and unavailable for WM. Plus as another poster said Rock's title reign was a joke, the dude was basically never around to help promote his upcoming match. So if Rock is gonna be back, he needs to be on TV more.

Lesnar vs Taker - no idea how many matches Taker has left, and given Brock's really rough, physical style I'd have to almost rule out that option. Plus as a part timer, Brock has no real believability of ending the streak .. so with all that in mind, why make the match?

Lesnar vs Batista - another suggestion, but I'd like to see this contested under MMA rules. Much more interesting, and it would be fun while it lasts. Think Butterbean vs Bart Gunn, which was under boxing rules, and ended quickly

Lesnar vs Punk - could happen depending how the initial feud with Punk goes, but I'd rather have Punk in with someone more meaningful and trying to unify the belts, or something of that nature.

Cena-Taker at WM 30 has been widely rumored and speculated, and frankly unless reports hint otherwise, I'd have to say that'll be the match made @ WM XXX

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