I Don't Think We're Gonna Make Darren Young Great Again

The problem with the new gimmick is that people don't understand the catchphrase....the fact that he wasn't great in the first place doesn't mean anything....Donald trump is running for president with the slogan "Make America great again" its just a play on that.
I'm gonna do something that I sincerely hope will rustle a lot of jimmies around here that's compare Darren Young to the one and only NCAA & Multi time WWE Champion Brock Lesnar.

Both on their own are boring as fuck, bland and someone I wouldn't watch at all. Neither can talk and don't have enough charisma to fill a thimble.

Both have someone that have boatloads of charisma that get people interested in them. I don't watch Brock Lesnar to see him stand there like a roided up Neanderthal and as of where I stand right now I don't watch Darren Young to see him wrestle. I watch them for their managers.

Whether your watching Darren Young to see him or to see what Crazy shut Bob Backlund is going to do the point is you're watching. For me personally I like Darren Young as well as Bob Backlund and I am very happy to see him on my TV every week (Which is more than can be said for Pay me to do almost nothing Lesnar)
I'm gonna do something that I sincerely hope will rustle a lot of jimmies around here that's compare Darren Young to the one and only NCAA & Multi time WWE Champion Brock Lesnar.

Both on their own are boring as fuck, bland and someone I wouldn't watch at all. Neither can talk and don't have enough charisma to fill a thimble.

Both have someone that have boatloads of charisma that get people interested in them. I don't watch Brock Lesnar to see him stand there like a roided up Neanderthal and as of where I stand right now I don't watch Darren Young to see him wrestle. I watch them for their managers.

Whether your watching Darren Young to see him or to see what Crazy shut Bob Backlund is going to do the point is you're watching. For me personally I like Darren Young as well as Bob Backlund and I am very happy to see him on my TV every week (Which is more than can be said for Pay me to do almost nothing Lesnar)

While what you say is true in that their manager's are better off on the mic than the people they represent, Young's case especially. In Lesnar's case people don't pay to see Heyman, they pay to see Lesnar. Heyman says Lesnar is going to do something and Lesnar always comes through. His litany of championship belts and accomplishments in the WWE and UFC proves that. Young is unproven in that regard.

Also Heyman speaks to the audience and builds Lesnar up. He tells us how great Lesnar is, and why he should be champion. With the other two they are trying to build Young up to be great. We already know how great Lesnar is, but Young has yet to reach his greatness. If that makes any sense. Backlund doesn't speak to the audience at all.

I'll give it more time myself to see how this pairing of Backlund and Young works out. If Young can go out and make himself great, then I don't see a problem, if he can't then Backlund will continue to overshadow him until Vince pulls the plug.
The problem with the new gimmick is that people don't understand the catchphrase....the fact that he wasn't great in the first place doesn't mean anything....Donald trump is running for president with the slogan "Make America great again" its just a play on that.

I don't know how people could miss that unless they, A. Don't live in the states and pay no mind to American politics, Or B. have been living under a rock somewhere in the US for the last 2 years.

What's funny about people asking 'when was Darren Young great?" is kinda similar to people who call out the ridiculously pandering to rubes and closet racists phrase Trump's campaign has beaten into the ground. People are still waiting for an explanation of what era exactly is Trump referring to when America was great, when you could slap your wife down the stairs? The handful of years after VJ day before Cold War politics fucked everything up again? when you could own another human being? It doesn't really mean anything, it's a catchphrase to work the marks, period.

Anyway no need for an extended political rant here so back to Darren Young....Darren Young is no more bland in the ring and on the mic than the Miz was when he was gifted with the heavyweight title for no apparent reason. I don't think Darren is necessarily oozing potential but the Miz was nothing short of atrocious up until about a year ago so what the hell, give Darren a shot and see what he can do.

They have already tremendously devalued all the titles in the last decade and now with the split and possibly duplicates of each title, why not try to give Darren a little push to make more credible guys on the roster. I'm not saying to put the strap on him already necessarily but nothing bad can come of trying to push as many guys as possible going into the split what's the worst that could happen?
Let's not forget that just because he's getting some vignettes and a title shot doesn't mean they intend for him to be anything more than a jobber/house show guy, surely they didn't think repackaging Primo and Epico would launch them to super stardom.

I really don't how accurate the statements about him only getting these vignettes and tv time because he's gay are, I mean WWE may be public now but it's still WWE. It's 2016 and they just now stopped calling all the women competitors Divas, and oh yeah...still no Black heavyweight champions, (no Vince, Samoans don't count as African Americans, and The ECW title doesn't count) so I don't know how concerned with those kind of social issues Vince and the creative team are.
Anyone else think this story was written for Swagger and then Vince just decided he wanted to give Young the opportunity?

Better yet, wouldn't this give Swagger an opportunity to go heel again and take out Young building off on his past ethnocentricity with a little racism and homophobia?

But let's not take this too serious. The catch phrase wasn't meant to be taken literally or figuratively. It is a little low card push that will probably get pulled back in two or three months. It's been sort of fun and it's good to give some fresh blood a chance to perform. If Backland is taking the shine away from Young that is Young's problem. Backland has to do his job and entertain. He can't hold back even if Young can't keep up.
still no Black heavyweight champions, (no Vince, Samoans don't count as African Americans, and The ECW title doesn't count)
For the love of whatever you find Holy The Rock is only half Samoan. I don't care if he plays up is Samoan heritage more the fact remains he is of African American decent on his father's side you have your first black heavyweight champion.

Booker T has been World Heavyweight Champion your 2nd black heavyweight champion.

Mark Henry, founder of the Hall of Pain has been World Heavyweight Champion on Smackdown. Your 3rd Heavyweight Champion.

Now on Topic: As I type this I'm just got done the Miz TV segment on Smackdown. Backlund has done very little talking and most of the talking was Done by...Darren Young. He is a bit rough but I thoroughly enjoyed that segment. You may say The Miz carried it and if you do I will say your full of shit. Young carried that segment and single handedly got me interested in the IC title match at Battleground.
For the love of whatever you find Holy The Rock is only half Samoan. I don't care if he plays up is Samoan heritage more the fact remains he is of African American decent on his father's side you have your first black heavyweight champion.

Booker T has been World Heavyweight Champion your 2nd black heavyweight champion.

Mark Henry, founder of the Hall of Pain has been World Heavyweight Champion on Smackdown. Your 3rd Heavyweight Champion.

Now on Topic: As I type this I'm just got done the Miz TV segment on Smackdown. Backlund has done very little talking and most of the talking was Done by...Darren Young. He is a bit rough but I thoroughly enjoyed that segment. You may say The Miz carried it and if you do I will say your full of shit. Young carried that segment and single handedly got me interested in the IC title match at Battleground.
I'll give you credit where credit is due, I should have worded that better, my statement was not correct.
However Booker T and Henry getting the secondary world title speaks to what I was saying about devalued championships in the company by having two "world champions". They were Heavyweight champs yes, but the Smackdown title had already been shat all over and at that point and held about as much clout as the US title has now.
The Rock is the only one of these guys who was the face of the company at one time or another but half black is still not black in some people's eyes. I'm not saying its right but some folks feel that being half black affords you more opportunity than if you had darker skin and were of primarily african descent (ask some people if Obama is "black enough"). I realize to some I may be coming off as overly sensitive or self righteous but I grew up in a very diverse community where the racial divide was always as tense as it is now with all the black lives matter stuff so yeah I can be overly sensitive to these things and I try to see things from all people's perspectives, I admit that.
I had the pleasure of being labeled a N***** lover by some of my more inbred cretinous classmates because I had no problem letting anyone socialize with me. I've also been targeted by pigs for living in black neighborhoods because surely a white boy wouldn't live there, I must have been looking for drugs :shrug:. Countless times I witnessed friends have their futures ruined by getting criminal charges for "crimes" white country club kids and good ol boys who's "diddy went to high school with the sherriff" continue to openly commit and never even get a slap on the wrist for, so thats my excuse or reasoning for being sensitive to racial stuff.

I'll hop off my soapbox now and get back on topic, as always I agree with you about the Miz. The only things about Miz tv that were remotely different from his usual tired schtick were the Backlund and Young bits. You could film 15 different Miz tv's in front of a green screen and leave space to "insert opponent name here" and add the guests after the fact. As I've stated before, I don't care if they are supposed to be heels and I don't care how hot people find Maryse, the sight of Miz with a mic and her voice and delivery on the mic makes me want to change the channel, I often do but last night I toughed it out beause I was curious about how Backlund and Young would approach this segment.

I'm not crazy about Darren Young but it could be worse. If they insist on Miz being the IC champ for an extended period I guess jobbing out Darren is better than having Cesaro lose to Miz for the 12th time. It's possible that this feud could help elevate DY if done right, for an example of how not to do it,look at the Titus Young Rusev feud that basically had no backstory and nothing was really done to build up Titus as a credible threat to the title, that feud didn't really do much for either guy.

They could have these guys stay on the same show and continue the feud for a while and eventually have the blow off and let DY win, this would give them some options of where to go, you could have him continue to the baby face angle or you could have him win in heel fashion if they want to get rid of Backlund at that point. The more likely way to go is to make DY look strong before Miz wins with his usual heel tactics and use that to give DY some momentum before going to a show opposite of Miz and making a run for a midcard title on that show. I'm not saying I'd give Young a title but this feud could serve as a way to try to give him credibility so when NXT guys come up to the main roster a win over him actually means something.
I have to admit that I also thought Yound did a good job last night. He seemed a little bit awkward, but he powered through it and displayed a good level of intensity and emotion. When I heard about this segment, I expected Backlund to be out there bouncing off the walls and having some sort of senior moment, but I'm glad that wasn't the case and it was a good step forward for Young.
This whole deal was doomed from day one, and its unfortunate as Young probably has big star potential of used correctly. Good look, decent charisma, technically sound.

He will get no reaction and a count out win next Sunday to complete the 7 seals of shitty WWE repackaging.

Wonder how the Shining Stars are doing these days
This whole deal was doomed from day one, and its unfortunate as Young probably has big star potential of used correctly. Good look, decent charisma, technically sound.

He will get no reaction and a count out win next Sunday to complete the 7 seals of shitty WWE repackaging.

Wonder how the Shining Stars are doing these days

I hope he doesn't get a countout win. Just give Miz the easy win and have Miz face somebody like Corbin at the next PPV.
Darren Young was never great to start with. That Battle Royal was his first singles victory ever.

Young is just alright in the ring and on the mic. He doesn't have much charisma, but he seems to be fairly over.

He shouldn't beat Miz. Miz defeated Owens, Zayn, and Cesaro in the same night, and they are infinitely better than Young.

I see Miz beating Young, and then Young floats around in the mid-card for a while. After that I would reform the PrimeTime Players.
Darren Young was never great to start with. That Battle Royal was his first singles victory ever.

Young is just alright in the ring and on the mic. He doesn't have much charisma, but he seems to be fairly over.

He shouldn't beat Miz. Miz defeated Owens, Zayn, and Cesaro in the same night, and they are infinitely better than Young.

I see Miz beating Young, and then Young floats around in the mid-card for a while. After that I would reform the PrimeTime Players.

WWE does seem to occassionally book things that make no sense. A lot of folks probably wonder why Miz beat three guys who are infinitely more talented wrestlers than him, but that's another subject.

I pretty much see the same thing for DY, they might make him look strong in the match to elevate him a little. I guess it's possible that they could go with him for a while but the more I think about it, expecting Vince's golden boy to drop the belt to someone with Young's credentials (or lack there of) seems to be stretching it.

I don't know why the PTP'ers were ever split. They've done very little with these guys individually. Titus was racking up some wins before the suspension so they may have had plans for him but I doubt it, the commentators never really acknowledged that or said anything that lead us to believe he was getting a push and wins and loses apparently mean nothing anyway.

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