I Can't Believe How Much I Miss Don West LD (8/20/09)

Well done. That was nice there with Traci. She's the least experienced so she won with intelligence and not offense.
Can someone explain the appeal of Burke to me? he was horrible in OVW and slightly better in WWE, but damn he's just overrated as all hell to me.
Burke's not bad KB. He's good in the ring, and he pulls off the cocky heel rather well. Not sure how this "Pope" gimmick is going to work though.
It has gotta be an 8 team tourney, it wouldn't make sense to not include the beautiful people, and ODB and Deener will probably be a team, so 2 more...
Never once seen anything redeeming X. His feud with Morgan in OVW was without a doubt the absolute worst title feud I've ever seen and it was all because of him. He's just dull and completely uninteresting.
Some people were down on his promo but I actually liked it. I think he can pull of the gimmick well unless they find some way to potentially fuck it up.
What I'd like to know is what the appeal of Consequences Creed is. I find nothing about him to be entertaining or good in any way.
I never saw him in WWE, so I always thought they were exaggerating how big his mouth and chin were in the SD vs Raw games, but I was clearly mistaken

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