I am the most underrated wrestling poster.

All I'm going to say is that if you think the Attitude Era was shit, I don't have very much respect for you as a wrestling debater. Debater that is, not fan. Fans can like whatever they want. That criteria actually fits more than one poster on here.

I'll always respect Jake though. When you've been through what we have, you have to. Those bodies didn't bury themselves.
I can't help it Coco, my hatred for you makes my skin crawl. It enrages every fiber of my being. You and your pothead signature.
No, no you silly boy, he thinks everything that's shit is good and everything that's good is shit.

It's all just a front really. Go read some of his posts from a few years ago, he wasn't always a constantly sarcastic prickbot.
I lost a lot of respect for a certain poster today when I actually went ahead and read a few of their wrestling posts. I'm not a big fan of people who act like they know everything when in fact they know jack-fucking-shit about wrestling.

You hate me because I don't like the Attitude Era, huh?
Didn't say I hate you, no, I love you. I just think you've got a good deal to learn about pro wrestling my good friend.
I definitely wouldn't say I'm underrated as I'm still newish to the forums. I would say that I could hold my own if I had to. I find myself agreeing with more people than arguing, but I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing, just an unnoticeable thing. I mostly only post in here and in the old school forum. I don't know a lot about TNA as I've watched maybe a handful of Impacts, and that's being generous. It's nothing personal, I've just never gotten into TNA. As for the WWE's product, there's only a handful of wrestlers I like to watch and hence discuss. For the most part everyone agrees with my thoughts on them. A lot of times I just don't have the energy to compete with some of the "top dogs." Oh well.
Didn't say I hate you, no, I love you. I just think you've got a good deal to learn about pro wrestling my good friend.

Shocky and Norcal said the Attitude Era was shit before, as well. I'm just sayin'.

The Attitude Era may have been a boom period of wrestling, it may have had Stone Cold flipping people off, and it may have had people kissing McMahon's ass, but I don't see the point in the crazy storylines. Did we really need Austin getting run over by a truck? Seriously? and you lamented the over-the-top production of the Cena/Orton match.

We like different things, I've known that for a while now. It's odd, because we're mostly on the same side when it comes to the CL, but I'm more in line with FTS when it comes to wrestling. Mix in a bit of Norcal, and there ya go. But what do I have to learn about wrestling?
How you can praise the "stories" told in the ring by guys like Cena, and then call the Attitude Era shit, is beyond me. You guys always talk about all this storytelling in matches, well there wasn't a better era for storytelling than the Attitude Era. Feuds with guys like Rock, Austin, Foley, Undertaker, Triple H, Kane, that was one of the best periods in wrestling history. You go watch any Raw from 1999 and it's roughly about twenty times as entertaining as a current episode is.
I'd have to go on record as saying that more than just most of them were better. '99 was a "rough" year, but I never missed an episode live that year, and I couldn't tell you the last time I saw one this year.
Well I think everyone who enjoyed the Attitude Era, the generally low quality of the matches, and the stunt booking that the era spawned is an idiot. X is no more correct than me and the people who share my view.

I don't even think ST was watching wrestling in 1999.

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