Hulk Hogan Wants to be TNA World Heavyweight Champion

Good god he didn't say that did he?

Newspapers often misquote people just for the sake of selling a story so I wouldn't read too much into it.

Hypothetically, if Hogan did say that then he's officially lost his marbles. Both oars are no longer in the water.

I wish Hogan would get over it and go and do something else because everything there is to do in wrestling has been done already and more to the point DONE BY HIM ALREADY.

If his body feels good again then he should make a cool action movie or something or start a once a year celebrity death match type promotion with Bischoff's money, he could just be the face of it and host it. He needs to stop taking himself so seriously.
Hogan needs to let the kids wrestle and stop hamming it up with his moobs.
I've said it once and I willl say it again: you're pretty fucking stupid.

Your point is that: Hulk Hogan should not wrestle!

But that's not actually your point, your point: no, no, Mr. Hogan do no wrestle here, wrestle on WWE! What you are saying is that you are complete mark. You just don't want him in TNA, you want him on WWE, because in TNA you hate him, in WWE he is the greatest of all time.

No, that wasn't my point. My point was that Hogan shouldn't wrestle a one on one match with Bully Ray or anyone anymore. He can't wrestle a whole match on his own. In a special tag team match where his tag partner can do most of the work and he can just tag in and land a couple of punches that would be fine.

Also, yes if he's going to wrestle even in a tag team match I'd want it to be in the WWE. Not in this joke of a company.
If Hogan comes along to defeat Aces and Eights once and for all, that would be the worst thing to ever happen to TNA.
I would love to see HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN win the TNA World title. But I don't see him as the one who stops Aces and Eights. He's going to be the one who SEEMS to defeat them by winning the title, but will quickly lose it back causing a sense of hopelessness to set in. After all, if the greatest of all time can't do it then who can?

Enter AJ Styles, the "lost sole" franchise player who will return bigger than ever to finally put a stop to Aces and Eights.
Guys he didn't really mean it. :confused: it was an xmas wishlist. But seeing as the discussion is wide open:

If you ask me Hogan already had his "nostalgia run" you guys are all talking about in 2002, when he beat HHH for the title. That reign was okay, I liked his little feud with Taker.

The only way this could possibly work is if he started publicly appearing with the title, like say hes gotta be on a talk show or something. People see him on there with the belt, they might wanna tune in.

However seeing him the title is def gonna be a strange sight. Its like when you play Metal Gear Solid 4, sure playing as Solid Snake is cool and nostalgic, but shit he looked like a shell of his former self, it was almost sad, ain't nobody wanna see that.

Remember Taker held the WHC on Smackdown in 07-08 and he was wayyyyy past his prime, but his feud with edge really helped put the icing on top and solidify Edges character imo. If Hogan has a memorable feud like taker/edge it might not be so bad. But as others above stated, hes got a massive ego.

So it could *possibly* work, just depends on its execution but with the TNA staff snorting cocaine before writing every show, and with Hogans ego, I don't see how.
If you ask me Hogan already had his "nostalgia run" you guys are all talking about in 2002, when he beat HHH for the title. That reign was okay, I liked his little feud with Taker.
How was 2002 his "nostalgia run"? He was still winning World titles on almost a yearly bases up to that point.

The only way this could possibly work is if he started publicly appearing with the title, like say hes gotta be on a talk show or something. People see him on there with the belt, they might wanna tune in.
That's what I've ALWAYS said about TNA. Even way back when they tried to lure him in in 2003 (see he was still being offered World titles after 2002). The best thing about TNA having HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN as champion is for him to apear on all the talk shows with the belt and promote the hell out of the company. There are still a lot of people who have no idea what TNA is or that it even exists. Love him or hate him HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN is still the most recognizable star in the entire sport and is the best person to bring in more fans.
How was 2002 his "nostalgia run"? He was still winning World titles on almost a yearly bases up to that point.

That's what I've ALWAYS said about TNA. Even way back when they tried to lure him in in 2003 (see he was still being offered World titles after 2002). The best thing about TNA having HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN as champion is for him to apear on all the talk shows with the belt and promote the hell out of the company. There are still a lot of people who have no idea what TNA is or that it even exists. Love him or hate him HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN is still the most recognizable star in the entire sport and is the best person to bring in more fans.

You do realize that Hulk Hogan is either a joke or irrelevant for the non-wrestling audiences, right?

People who don't watch wrestling won't start because Hulk Hogan is walking around with a belt of a company whose name is actually a porn category.

People who used to watch wrestling won't start because Hulk Hogan is walking around with a belt of a company whose name is actually a porn category. Also, they're wrestling fans so even to them the notion of Hogan as Champion in 2013 might be perceived as lame.

People who already watch wrestling will burst their gut from laughing.

Now I'm sure he'll be able to go on a couple of talk shows and raise a buzz, but putting the belt on Hogan JUST for that? As if him appearing on Conan will magically draw people in.

TNA's problem is no longer that related to exposure but more-so consistency. There's never been a time in TNA, a good long period, where the product is consistently good. When it is, they flip flop and change it. Then some people like the change but the ones before that don't. Audiences get replaced, not expanded.

Other shows on TV don't get big by having the main actors on talk shows. It's a part of it but the bigger chunk of the success comes from simply having great television. Then you talk to your friends and it snowballs. Add to that other marketing techniques and AMAZING content, and you have a monster show. Wrestling is a specific category. Caters to a niche audience when you look at the big picture. Fact is, WWE's current audience is as good as it will ever get at this point, and theirs seem to be slowly melting away. The days of huge ratings and wrestling being the shit are long gone. It's been 10 years, get over it.

TNA should just focus on making cool television as opposed to WWE trying to monetize the dust under the ring. They've got a better shot doing that than being all corporate shmorporate.

But still, I'd love to see Hogan as Champion, speaking as a fan. Speaking as a smark, this will do more bad than good.
What would TNA be like if Hulk Hogan was World Champion?

There would definitely be no title matches on Impact. Considering there are less PPV's a year now, Hogan would hold this title for some time.

What promotion wants to show their World Champion walking in crutches?

Who beats Hogan and wins the belt from him? A heel, or a face? What about a title rematch? Sounds like a whole lot of wrestling (or none at all, but 2 bell rings)

Have you seen how Hogan takes bumps in his old age? he holds the rops and gently lowers himself. You want that as a world champ???
To anyone who says he is THE be all end all of wrestling, fuck off. OH! The man wants to be champion again? The egocentric piece of shit wants to be a champion again?? Well, what do you know! When has he given the wrestling world an even remotely believable reason to see him as a champion? A good 10 years ago, and that's being VERY, VERY generous. His last blockbluster, HBK had to übersell the shit out of that match to make Hulk look even remotely like a wrestler. The man was pretty much awful to begin with and now at nearly 60 he wants another go?? Please, someone, shoot the guy. Put him out of his misery. It's not about prestige anymore, it's very much about dignity. Stop him unless you want a diaper company as a sponsor...
You do realize that Hulk Hogan is either a joke or irrelevant for the non-wrestling audiences, right?
On the contrary. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN is just about the only wrestler that the non wrestling audiences know of. And many of them were HULKAMANIACS wen they were young. Using him to get these older fans to bring there kids is a great idea.

People who don't watch wrestling won't start because Hulk Hogan is walking around with a belt of a company whose name is actually a porn category.
People already weren't watching TNA. But now people who had never heard of TNA - but who have heard of HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN - tune in out of curiosity. That's where it starts.

Also, they're wrestling fans so even to them the notion of Hogan as Champion in 2013 might be perceived as lame.
If it's OK for WWE to have an actor who hasn't wrestled in 9 years be their champion then it's OK for HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN to win the TNA World title.

People who already watch wrestling will burst their gut from laughing.
WWE marks aren't wrestling fans. They watch WWE which doesn't even have any wrestling. WWE marks get all excited about fat guys dancing, or singing the I dream of Jeanie song or cheer for a guys to put on a mask after we already know what he looks like. And they cheer for a guy to say yes/no to a psychiatrist. And you think the greatest wrestler of all time winning the title is bad? Now THAT is laughable.

Now I'm sure he'll be able to go on a couple of talk shows and raise a buzz, but putting the belt on Hogan JUST for that? As if him appearing on Conan will magically draw people in.
Why not? What better reason to put the title on someone than to bring in fans. Especially those who are fed up with WWE but don't yet know of TNA.

TNA's problem is no longer that related to exposure but more-so consistency. There's never been a time in TNA, a good long period, where the product is consistently good. When it is, they flip flop and change it. Then some people like the change but the ones before that don't. Audiences get replaced, not expanded.
Exposure is still a big issue. Too many people think WWE is the only source of wrestling (when in fact they are the worst form of it). Except for one TNA show a week every wrestling show seen nationally in America is WWE. TNA has to get over that and having HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN appear on the talk shows as champion with the host talking about how they can't believe this. I watch you as a child and HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN talking about how he never thought it would happen again and start talking about TNA and what a great promotion it is and build up Impact Wrestling and to the next PPV.

Other shows on TV don't get big by having the main actors on talk shows. It's a part of it but the bigger chunk of the success comes from simply having great television. Then you talk to your friends and it snowballs.
Well Impact wrestling is already the highest rated show on their network so they must be doing something right. And they continue to grow. And talk shows are a HUGE part of it. In fact that is the purpose of all of those talk shows. To promote the celebrities and their shows.
Add to that other marketing techniques and AMAZING content, and you have a monster show. Wrestling is a specific category. Caters to a niche audience when you look at the big picture. Fact is, WWE's current audience is as good as it will ever get at this point, and theirs seem to be slowly melting away. The days of huge ratings and wrestling being the shit are long gone. It's been 10 years, get over it.
So you admit Pro Wrestling has fallen into a huge rut without HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN. If you were a wrestling fan you would be looking for ways to bring fans back. But you are more concerned with crapping on other product so it seem that WWE hasn't gotten as crappy as it has. For pro wrestling to have another boom it will require another promotion to rise to the occasion. HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN can no longer carry a promotion on hi back. But he can give it a boost to the next level.

TNA should just focus on making cool television as opposed to WWE trying to monetize the dust under the ring. They've got a better shot doing that than being all corporate shmorporate.
Cool television means nothing if no one is watching. TNA has a lot of momentum right now and it's all based on the angles that HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN is involved with plus the great wrestling that the TNA talent provides.

But still, I'd love to see Hogan as Champion, speaking as a fan. Speaking as a smark, this will do more bad than good.
It will do no harm what so ever. At worst HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN will not be able to wrestle much and have to drop the title quickly. But that may actually be a better thing as it will help hide his weeknesses and make whomever he drops the belt to look like a monster.
What would TNA be like if Hulk Hogan was World Champion?

There would definitely be no title matches on Impact. Considering there are less PPV's a year now, Hogan would hold this title for some time.
Sounds like the Rock who defended the title only once and never on TV. So that makes it ok right?

What promotion wants to show their World Champion walking in crutches?
He's not on crutches anymore.

Who beats Hogan and wins the belt from him? A heel, or a face?
I would say Matt Morgan beats him for the title.

Have you seen how Hogan takes bumps in his old age? he holds the rops and gently lowers himself. You want that as a world champ???
When has he ever done that?
I grew up on Hogan but I don't think he should be winning any world titles in 2013. That being said, if he wins the TNA belt it's okay with me because TNA is non-canonical. It's not the same as winning the WWE title which is legitimate. TNA doesn't mean anything in the scheme of things so it's ok if he wins it. He's the king of a bunch of indy spot monkeys now, let him get the strap to make it official.
I grew up on Hogan but I don't think he should be winning any world titles in 2013. That being said, if he wins the TNA belt it's okay with me because TNA is non-canonical. It's not the same as winning the WWE title which is legitimate. TNA doesn't mean anything in the scheme of things so it's ok if he wins it. He's the king of a bunch of indy spot monkeys now, let him get the strap to make it official.
The WWE title legitimate? Please. This is the company that allows EVERYONE to be champion and allows the titles to be traded in for briefcases instead of having to wrestle for them. The word "wrestling" is not even permitted on the belt.

In the old days the saying was, "To be the man, you have to beat the man" that's how it still is in TNA today. That's why the TNA title has more prestige. WWE is just a bigger stage with more money but is a joke when it comes to wrestling or it's "championships".
The WWE title legitimate? Please. This is the company that allows EVERYONE to be champion and allows the titles to be traded in for briefcases instead of having to wrestle for them.

Yes..and we know TNA just wouldn't let just anyone have the title. Well....there was that time in which they allowed the beloved, albeit half crippled & barely able to move Mick Foley have a run with the title. I guess there's also that time that they had RVD carry the title for the better part of four months where he had one unremarkable one match feud after another. And...I guess I should also mention Jeff Hardy's ill fated first two runs when TNA made him the champ knowing that he was a drugged out, out of shape shell of his former self. Then...I guess there's also Hardy's third run in which, though he was clean & sober & in shape, the generally Uncharismatic Enigma was MIA for a full month's worth of television tapings in England. I suppose nobody among the TNA brass, or Hardy himself, thought it worth seeing if there'd be any problems with Hardy working in England due to his past criminal convictions before making him champion. Oh yeah...and there was also the two brief and abysmal, lackluster runs with massively overrated internet favorite Mr. Anderson. So....yeah....come to think of it....I think it's fair to say that TNA has also had its share of dud World Champions in the titles roughly 6 year history.:lol:

As for the briefcase thing...well...wasn't one of TNA's more popular bits once upon a time something called "Feast or Fired"? Wasn't this a match in which there were several different cases involved in the match and the goal was to pull down one of the cases, two of which contained contracts for guaranteed shots at either the TNA World Heavyweight or X Division Championships?:rolleyes:

Anyhow, as for Hogan, the fact that Bully Ray is champion makes me wonder if Hogan might want to step in and save the day. You know, take it upon himself to restore "power" to TNA by taking the title from Ray while simultaneously avenging the honor of his daughter. I don't think it will happen, I certainly hope it doesn't happen. But if Hogan genuinely wants it to happen, it'll probably happen.
The WWE title legitimate? Please. This is the company that allows EVERYONE to be champion and allows the titles to be traded in for briefcases instead of having to wrestle for them. The word "wrestling" is not even permitted on the belt.

In the old days the saying was, "To be the man, you have to beat the man" that's how it still is in TNA today. That's why the TNA title has more prestige. WWE is just a bigger stage with more money but is a joke when it comes to wrestling or it's "championships".

:lol: I politely disagree.
Gentlemen, gentlemen, please... they're both equally fake.

What harm would Hogan winning the title do, exactly? Frankly, I think it would garner attention. And I don't want to hear anything about it being negative attention. As much as many of us (rightfully in most cases) lionize Hulk Hogan and debate the status of TNA relative to WWE, any attention he can bring to TNA is positive. I'd tune in to see how it was done and likely keep watching to see the follow through. I only watch TNA sparingly these days, but it's not like it doesn't make sense from a storyline perspective. I see a lot of taking shit too seriously going on in this thread. If the angle works, the stars involved are over, and the title change is done in a creative manner, I see no reason not to have the Hulkster shock the world and pull a Bernard Hopkins.
Yes..and we know TNA just wouldn't let just anyone have the title. Well....there was that time in which they allowed the beloved, albeit half crippled & barely able to move Mick Foley have a run with the title.
At least he wrestled for it and gave it all he had. It still better than turning in a briefcase and not even having a title match.
I guess there's also that time that they had RVD carry the title for the better part of four months where he had one unremarkable one match feud after another.
And he defeated AJ Styles who was then the longest reigning TNA World champion ever. And you admit that he regularly defended the title (unlike WWE's most recent champion the Rock). I'd say that's way better than turning in a briefcase and not even having a title match.
And...I guess I should also mention Jeff Hardy's ill fated first two runs when TNA made him the champ knowing that he was a drugged out, out of shape shell of his former self.
Drugged out? Yes. But as he has show over the past two years he is far from a shell of his former self. TNA did the right thing by taking the belt off of him and getting him help. (Unlike WWE who just turned their back on him when he needed them the most) now he's clean and back to his former glory. Still better than screwing fans out of a championship match by having them just turn in a briefcase to get a title.
Then...I guess there's also Hardy's third run in which, though he was clean & sober & in shape, the generally Uncharismatic Enigma was MIA for a full month's worth of television tapings in England.
He still wrestled more frequently than the Rock did as champion.
I suppose nobody among the TNA brass, or Hardy himself, thought it worth seeing if there'd be any problems with Hardy working in England due to his past criminal convictions before making him champion.
Legal issues prevented him traveling to the UK. That was out of TNA's hands. Unlike screwing fans out of title matches and belittling the title's history by having guys trade in briefcases for championships. That's 100% on WWE.
Oh yeah...and there was also the two brief and abysmal, lackluster runs with massively overrated internet favorite Mr. Anderson. So....yeah....come to think of it....I think it's fair to say that TNA has also had its share of dud World Champions in the titles roughly 6 year history.:lol:
But at least they all had to wrestle and defeat the reigning champion for the title. Therefore TNA always delivered for the fans and held up the integrity of the championship. WWE regularly craps on their titles because they know they have become worthless props.

As for the briefcase thing...well...wasn't one of TNA's more popular bits once upon a time something called "Feast or Fired"?
That was one of Vince Russo's ridiculous ideas. TNA wisely got rid of it (and him thankfully). WWE should follow suit.
Wasn't this a match in which there were several different cases involved in the match and the goal was to pull down one of the cases, two of which contained contracts for guaranteed shots at either the TNA World Heavyweight or X Division Championships?:rolleyes:
Ah, HA! So you admit that having titles traded for briefcases is a bad idea.

Anyhow, as for Hogan, the fact that Bully Ray is champion makes me wonder if Hogan might want to step in and save the day. You know, take it upon himself to restore "power" to TNA by taking the title from Ray while simultaneously avenging the honor of his daughter. I don't think it will happen, I certainly hope it doesn't happen. But if Hogan genuinely wants it to happen, it'll probably happen.
This is what I think will happen. However I don't think HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN will ultimately save the day. I think he will defeat Bully Ray for the title, avenge the honor of Brooke and SEEM to restore order to TNA. But he will quickly loose it back to Aces & 8s. Then after a sense of hopelessness sets in (after all if HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN can't stop them then who can?) AJ Styles will step in to be the true hero.

This way HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN get's a brief title run so he can promote the upcoming PPV, the title gets his name on it so it becomes even more prestigious, the Aces & 8s angle takes a slight turn, and AJ Styles returns as the hero. Not to mention that magic fan eruption we will get the moment HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN wins the title. Love him or hate him there's no doubt HULKAMANIA will be running wild at that moment. So a brief HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN run will actually forward many angles. As long as he feels health enough to do it and wants to do it I say go for it.
At least he wrestled for it and gave it all he had. It still better than turning in a briefcase and not even having a title match.

So what's your point exactly? It's okay to have a champion who can't physically get in the ring and perform championship worthy matches as long as he tries? In that case, might as well just slap the belt on Hogan right now and be done with it.

Drugged out? Yes. But as he has show over the past two years he is far from a shell of his former self. TNA did the right thing by taking the belt off of him and getting him help. (Unlike WWE who just turned their back on him when he needed them the most) now he's clean and back to his former glory.

Newsflash man, TNA didn't "get" Jeff Hardy help. TNA only took the title from him when Hardy showed up at Victory Road so wasted that he could barely stand. TNA knew VERY, VERY well the problems that Jeff Hardy had both in terms of substance abuse and legal issues, but they still made him champion. It was a MASSIVE embarrassment, perhaps the single most embarrassing moment in all of pro wrestling. After Hardy made an ass of himself and TNA, he wasn't seen for some time. I've NEVER read anything that suggests that TNA "got" Jeff Hardy help for his drug issues. Also, please stop trying to make things up and pass them off as fact. Jeff Hardy left the WWE due, partially, to their strenuous schedule and the fact that they were cracking down on drug use. Or is it just a coincidence that Jeff Hardy's house was raided by the cops only a few days after his contract with WWE was terminated? Can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped. He failed the Wellness Policy twice and was sent to rehab paid for by the company. As for Hardy's legal issues in regards to the UK tour, you mean to tell me that Hardy or TNA couldn't be bothered to find if there would be any sort of issues with Hardy being able to work in the UK? They have these marvelous devices now, they're called phones and computers. A few phone calls could have told what the situation would have been like and then TNA could have made choices on what to do as to whether or not to put the title on Hardy in the first place.

That was one of Vince Russo's ridiculous ideas. TNA wisely got rid of it (and him thankfully). WWE should follow suit. Ah, HA! So you admit that having titles traded for briefcases is a bad idea.

I never said it was a good idea or bad idea. I'm merely poking one hole after another in the ridiculous claims you've made. You rail on WWE for, at times having lackluster champions while suggesting that TNA doesn't. Rather than admitting you're wrong, you try to turn it into a pure WWE vs. TNA thing by going on The Rock or whatever. Trying to make it into a WWE vs. TNA thing rather than admitting that your favorite company has its faults as well is the line of defense when you simply have nothing else. You also rail on WWE for using the MITB briefcase gimmick while TNA has done the same thing. No matter if it was Vince Russo's idea or not, the bottom line is that TNA went with it.

WWE has its faults, no doubt about that. But TNA isn't this wrestling paradise in which everything goes exactly as some think that it should. Like WWE, they've had lousy angles, wrestlers in spots they shouldn't have been in, lackluster storylines, piss poor title reigns and boring feuds.
That being said, if he wins the TNA belt it's okay with me because TNA is non-canonical. It's not the same as winning the WWE title which is legitimate.

What garbage. Non-canonical? What is this a video game spinoff? That's the first time I've seen anyone use the term "canon" in wrestling.

Are you trying to say that you don't consider eg. Roode or Styles to be former world champions? WWE's title isn't any more legitimate than TNA's title. In fact I'd say right now that the TNA title is more prestigious.

As far as Hogan's concerned, I've already said in this thread that I firmly believe Hogan will never win the world title. The Boss presented an interesting scenario with Hogan winning for a one night pop then being squashed by Morgan and dropping the belt. But I still don't see it. Bully can't be dethroned by Hulk.
Yep, that's what I'm saying. WWE is canon, WCW was canon. TNA = non-canonical. TNA's titles mean nothing really, and it's so weird to me that some legitimately talented wrestlers would waste their careers there instead of trying to make it in the big leagues.

It's a comic book reference, not a video game reference. I'm not sure where the prestige of TNA is, but feel free to enlighten me. I would say that nothing is more prestigious than Gail Kim having to work at Sunglass Hut to supplement her incredible income as TNA Knockout Champion. That says prestige, prestige, prestige!
For the love of all that is good and decent- canon, legitimacy, and prestige just need to be left out of this discussion. I've read Superman vs. Goku debates that made more sense and came across as less fanboyish.

Both titles have a lineage and history, so there's your canon.

Wrestling is staged, so there's your (lack of) legitimacy.

WWE is the older, more famous, and more popular brand of pro wrestling- it is more prestigious.

What the fuck any of that has to do with Hulk Hogan winning the TNA World Heavyweight Championship, I don't know.
It's non-canonical. That was my only point. It's okay that Hogan at whatever age he is now is winning the TNA belt, because the belt doesn't count.

Ric Flair recently is still saying he hasn't wrestled since his WM24 loss to HBK. Why's that? Because TNA means nothing. It's not canon. If it were, he would talk about tapping out to Jay Lethal.
Hogan can barely walk to the ring, I can't see how it would help the title if he won it. I was all for him beating HHH for the belt 10 years ago, but Hogan's in ring time has past. Him winning the title would hurt it more then help it.

My oppinion would be different if he was able to go at it still. Like a few years back Ricky Steamboat did.
Hogan has a huge ego but he is also a smart businessman, him simply cutting promos with the younger guys on TV is getting them a little bit more over as he treats them like he respects them, he's on nearly every Impact and can promote the company in his GM role, there is no need for a half crippled 60 year old to stink out the joint with an awful match and unnecessary title win, and my bet is Hogan knows this, a geriatric champion is not an image he'll want to promote IMO.

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