Hulk Hogan Wants to be TNA World Heavyweight Champion

And this is news?

I think I've heard Hogan say this at least a couple more times since he's been in TNA. Also, check out his other answers on that website - the other two are complete bullcrap.

"I wish I had a full head of hair like you"​

It's a wish-list for the new year or whatever, not a candid interview about his professional aspirations. The dude was joking around.

But of course many a WWE mark had to read this and lose their shit and to that I say ...

... I fuckin' hope Hogan does win the TNA World Title. I hope he squashes the fuck out of some talented new guy, wins the title and air guitars on that sum'bitch like he did in the 90's. Why? Just to hear or maybe even see people's heads explode.

Theoretically, Hogan winning the belt would do more for TNA than pretty much any Champion they've had in the last 5 years. It's incredibly sad, but it's true.

But seriously - the guy knows that he can't wrestle even on a partly basis. He can't even do a proper leg drop anymore and that's his finisher. Hogan's done with Championships, cool your shit.

P.S: It's really hypocritical of WWE fanboys to rag on the potential of this happening considering that Undertaker is barely in a better shape but yet has held multiple titles so far and is booked and billed as this unstoppable force and whatnot. Of course, give the fanboys some lightnings and a dose of nostalgia and you'll take it up the ass for all you care.

I bet you'll all go ape-shit if you heard that "Real American" theme again and Hogan walked out on RAW, kicked the shit out of whoever their Champion is and got the belt. I would, don't say you wouldn't.
Nostalgia or not, Hogan is NOT anywhere near being believable in the role of being the top guy in TNA. This is not the 1980's or 1990's. The man is WAY past his prime!

When's that ever been a problem? Hogan was past his prime ten years ago, and got the belt, from Triple H no less. Hell, Hogan was past his prime in 1994, and won the belt.

In my life, I've seen Vince McMahon, Terry Funk, and Ric Flair all win titles at an old age. Don't pretend that fans give that much a fuck about age; if the story is told well, no one's going to care, they're going to enjoy the moment for what it is; a victory lap, a lifetime achievement award, a thanks for helping build TNA.

I thought he wanted to help them grow and improve their product?

Explain; how does Hulk Hogan win the belt hurt the product? I don't think you've explained that at all.

The belt should be fought for by guys like Austin Aries, James Storm, AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy, Bobby Roode, etc.

Is this supposed to show me you know the main events of the promotion? Also, Jeff's a couple years past his prime , I could argue. Guess you want to disqualify him, too.

Not someone like Hulk Hogan who is decades past their prime.

Riddle me this; if Shawn Michaels came to TNA, would you be against him getting a title run, too?

If they have him hold the belt for a lengthy period of time then they will lose a great deal of credibility and respect from fans. Either an extremely short reign or none at all, no long reigns for Hogan! Come on. Even TNA knows better than that, or so I would like to hope....

How does TNA get hurt?
If this happens it would only be bad for TNA they would lose some viewers as nobody wants to see Hogan a world champion his time is done.The Ultimate Warrior was right about Hogan not willing or wanting to give it up and keeping the talented young guys down. Hogan is one of the reasons I don't watch TNA anymore he has done nothing good by being there he is always in the spotlight this is a time where Hogan would be best behind camera helping these young guys out. Hogan stay off TV you and your daughter
Explain; how does Hulk Hogan win the belt hurt the product? I don't think you've explained that at all.

Fans don't want to see a guy who can't perform a good match be a champion and TNA would lose some viewers from it .

Riddle me this; if Shawn Michaels came to TNA, would you be against him getting a title run, too?

No people wouldn't but Hogan is not the same as Shawn Michaels bad comparison 1st Shawn is still mobile enough to put on a match that would entertain. 2nd Hogan's best matches are from him being carried threw the match where Shawn was one of the best in ring performers and was not needed to be carried. And Hogan's Promos are always 90% the same every time Shawn has different promos that people like to listen too
It's so good to see that we have a researcher in here. I bet you base all of your over-generalized arguments on academic research. Otherwise, why would you be talking about "the people"?

Fans don't want to see a guy who can't perform a good match be a champion and TNA would lose some viewers from it .

"Fans" don't want to see this guy? What fans? Young fans? Old fans? Female fans? Male fans? Kid fans? Ceiling fans? Please specify.

It's fascinating how you are the spokesman for "the fans". Are all TNA fans a hive mind? All think alike, act alike, dress alike, talk alike? There is one ABSOLUTE opinion about this topic and somehow YOU are the ones who knows all about it.

Fact is - you don't know jack shit about what "the fans" want. TNA itself knows about as much as you do, same goes for the WWE. Businesses spend MILLIONS on research and other tactics in order to get into the consumers' mind and understand what these people want, yet YOU - a random nobody on the Interwebs, armed with a trusty keyboard and a sack full of dog shit - figured it out in less than two minutes. In-cre-di-ble.

No, you're not speaking for "the fans", you're speaking about yourself. YOU don't want to see that and YOU are arrogant enough to even THINK that everyone else likes what YOU do.

Tell those fans in Philly last years that crock of shit you told us. Try to do it before the GIANT ASS POP Hulk Hogan got for simply doing the shirt tear. Or say it to the Impact Zone which comes alive pretty much only for Hulk Hogan, Styles and Hardy these days.

But I suppose those fans are not the ones you speak of.

No people wouldn't but Hogan is not the same as Shawn Michaels bad comparison 1st Shawn is still mobile enough to put on a match that would entertain. 2nd Hogan's best matches are from him being carried threw the match where Shawn was one of the best in ring performers and was not needed to be carried. And Hogan's Promos are always 90% the same every time Shawn has different promos that people like to listen too

How do YOU know who carried who? I've been watching wrestling for a decade and despite being fully aware of most of the tricks of the trade, I cannot fathom how one can tell who carries the match. These guys talk to eachother and we can't hear it. Pretty sure you can't, unless Hogan was wrestling YOU.

Are you sure he got carrier or are you assuming he did because he didn't do much in the ring, in terms of moveset. Are you drawing some impossible, moronic link between activity in the ring and ability to call moves? If you are then - bitch please.

And that brings me to Shawn Michaels. How do you know HE carried all those matches? Shawn's best matches are with guys like Stone Cold, Jericho, 'Taker, Triple H and Bret Hart. Guys that probably wouldn't LET him carry them.

Fact is, neither Shawn nor Hogan probably ever needed someone to carry them. Do you honestly think McMahon would allow some dirt-bag who can't call a match properly to achieve as much as these two?

In the end, you're biased, delusional and completely off base. If casual fans love anything, it's nostalgia. That's why Philly exploded last year, that's why the fans go crazy every time HBK is back, or 'Taker or any past star.

Nostalgia simply draws and there is no star more nostalgic for a lot of people than Hulk Hogan. This dude defined two decades in pro wrestling, two distinct eras for two different generations. Can anybody else claim that? No they can't. Rock can't, Shawn can't, Cena can't, Austin can't and even Ric Flair can't. Hulk Hogan is the greatest wrestler/star the business has EVER or will EVER produce, and the fact that HE does is eating some people alive.

Does he have to DIE so people start remembering how great he is? Extend him some fucking courtesy and respect. THE LEAST he deserves is a run with the TNA World Title.
I simply don't see really what there is to gain from a TNA World Heavyweight Championship from Hulk Hogan. Allegedly nostalgia sells, but does it really? Maybe it does, but I'm far from convinced. I think Hogan winning the title would draw a tremendous pop. For one show. It may spike ratings, for a week or two, and that's it. It may draw in a handful of casual viewers but lets face it casual viewers are exactly that, casual, and they are in all likelihood not sticking around no matter what or who is involved. I'm simply not sure for TNA the very short term upside of a Hogan championship outweighs the negativity that accompanies it.

TNA does not draw ratings, while that fact is largely irrelevant it cannot be denied. I think a quick fix like putting the strap on Hogan does nothing to change this fact. It does potentially alienate existing fans, though. It does potentially frustrate the talent that he would be leapfrogging over and usurping their position. I'm not even convinced it draws in the casual fan. Would the casual fan tune in to see the Immortal Hulk Hogan, at the age of nearly sixty, or does the casual fan shake his head in disbelief and say, I can't believe that old guy is still at it, and at the top no less.

Everyone's time comes and goes, that's simply a fact of life. No one on here is as big a Bruins fan as I am, but I don't want to see Bobby Orr in their lineup in 2013 (if there is a 2013 in the NHL). Hogan has had his time, and no one (except possibly one guy) can dispute his magnitude in the business and his presence. But more so than simply age, it's physical degradation. Hogan simply cannot go anymore, making comparisons to him and HBK or Taker irrelevant. Seeing him hobble around the ring in his current physical situation really doesn't benefit anyone, and for me, makes TNA look second rate and desperate. And the damage that this potentially does is not offset by a 1-2 week nostalgia pop, at least not for me it isn't.
If, and it's a big if, Hogan actually wins the title, it's not such a bad thing. He's the biggest name in sports entertainment history. Folks who don't even watch wrasslin' know Hogan. Perhaps one last title run with a big PR tour behind it could boost viewership for TNA. I mean, fuck it, it's worth a shot.
If it's legit, then I'm surprised he's waited this long before making the statement.

The key bit in that sentence is "if it's legit" because Hulk Hogan is a supreme bullshit artist in an industry comprised of bullshit artists. Hogan is someone that like to make grandiose statements sometimes just for the sake of hearing himself speak or for generating some degree of buzz. Hogan's made so many statements like this one that you can't ever really tell whether he believes what he's saying or not.

If Hogan is serious about this then I'm certain it will happen. Hogan is one of the small handfuls of people in the company that Dixie Carter will bend backwards for in order to give him what he wants. If he wants to be TNA WHC, then he'll get the title whenever he feels like getting it.

Will it do anything for TNA in the long run? Hell no. If anything, to me at least, it sounds like a desperate ploy to generate ratings. Nothing wrong with that in and of itself but there's nothing to indicate that Hogan winning the title will do anything more than pop a rating for 1 or maybe 2 episodes of IW before the ratings go back to normal. Nostalgia doesn't sell in the long run. If it did, TNA would've long since been knocking it out of the park when it comes to ratings and ppv buys.

Depending on the wrestler, a lot of people like to argue whether or not someone is "believable" as champion. In some situations, I think it can be viable. Suspension of disbelief is important, vitally so in wrestling. At the end of the day, I don't think anyone can declare Hogan a "believable" World Champion with a straight face at this point in his life. Hogan is almost 60 years old. He's had his hips replaced, he's had his knees replaced, he's about to undergo another surgery on his knee, his back has been virtually rebuilt in a series of surgeries that kept him off TNA television for about half a year. The few times we've seen him wrestle in TNA shows that he just doesn't physically have the stuff anymore. From a point of being believable, I don't see most people buying into a 60 year old man who can't competitively wrestle anymore due to injuries being TNA World Heavyweight Champion.

In the long run, I see this accomplishing absolutely nothing apart from simply massaging Hogan's ego with a vanity World Championshp run.
Well I honestly think there is an easy, ratings approved way for Hogan to get what he wants without it doing that much harm to any wrestlers credibility.
Storyline goes like this:
Jeff Jarrett is revealed as #1 or #2 in charge of the Aces and Eights. He fueds with Hard or Sting or Storm in the next 2 months or so...then after beating them for the World title he claims "not one person in this company can stop us from taking over" cue Hogans music... and a match at Slammiversary
Hogans beating Jarrett (who is in his 40's) would not be seen as disrespectful to the young guys in the back, it would be seen as taking the company on his shoulders and protecting what they have built. And Jarrett can handle the loss to Hogan (he has lost to Flair numerous times after all). Then Hogan struts around a few weeks with the belt..fights off Aces and Eights and then says "I can't do this forever" cue the BFG Series. Semi Finals and Finals at BFG.
Works perfectly IMO... but then I don't write for TNA!
When's that ever been a problem? Hogan was past his prime ten years ago, and got the belt, from Triple H no less. Hell, Hogan was past his prime in 1994, and won the belt.

You're seriously going to use Hogan's run from nearly 20 years ago as your example!? That was TWO DECADES ago! Hulk Hogan in 1994 may not have been at his absolute peak, but he was still in far better condition than he would be in 2013 and back then he was still believable in the role of being the best as well. Today, not so much.

In my life, I've seen Vince McMahon, Terry Funk, and Ric Flair all win titles at an old age. Don't pretend that fans give that much a fuck about age; if the story is told well, no one's going to care, they're going to enjoy the moment for what it is; a victory lap, a lifetime achievement award, a thanks for helping build TNA.

So by that logic if someone was over 100 years old and won the world title for the sake of "a story" or an achievement award, would you find that acceptable? No. The average fan is not going to be interested in seeing someone that old get a title match for the top prize of a federation, let alone seeing them defend it if the federation was stupid enough to put the belt on someone who is far too old. It is within kayfabe the prize intended for the best they can offer. Hogan is nowhere NEAR that tier today and has not been for more than a decade.

Explain; how does Hulk Hogan win the belt hurt the product? I don't think you've explained that at all.

Fans would lose interest. You need a champion who makes sense in the role. It depends on how long Hulk held the belt. If he manipulates creative into letting him hold it for several months then more and more fans will get frustrated over time. Any nostalgia factor involved will wear off and it will happen quicker than most might think. Just imagine if his reign lasted as long as CM Punk's current one over in WWE, I guarantee you countless fans would give up on the product by that point.

Is this supposed to show me you know the main events of the promotion? Also, Jeff's a couple years past his prime , I could argue. Guess you want to disqualify him, too.

Jeff Hardy is still believable as a World Champion. He's also only 35. Hulk Hogan will be turning 60 this year. There's quite a bit of difference there, nice try.

Riddle me this; if Shawn Michaels came to TNA, would you be against him getting a title run, too?

Not quite as much as Hogan. Hulk Hogan might be more famous, but Shawn Michaels was one of the greatest of all time in the ring and Hogan cannot make that argument. Shawn can get a good match out of nearly anyone and thus would be far more believable than Hulk in the role. Even then, I would only want to see a shorter reign so he can put over someone like James Storm. If you disregard the huge margin of how much better Shawn is in the ring, you also have the fact that he is 12 years younger than Hulk.
Obviously, Hogan wasn't serious. But, on the off-chance he's considered going for the belt, somebody needs to get a hold of that list, rip it,burn it, have Ric Flair drop an elbow on it, then pick up the ashes and flush it...seriously.
Hulk Hogan has always sucked IMO, even when he was the John Cena of the late 80s in WWE, and he knows even less moves than Cena, I mean seriously he does the Leg Drop, the Boot to the face, and the 3 punches, and that's it.
How many times have I heard TNA is almost going to fall? It's been like 10 years and still going strong so a little Hulk Hogan title run is not going to hurt TNA get over it what can this do wrong for the company? Do I think they should give him the belt? No. But really what is it going to hurt It is not like TNA is a bunch of world beaters right now. Im cool with them taking a chance like this.
Although this could just be a standard load of BS from Hogan, but I wouldn't be surprised of The Hulkster get the TNA World Heavyweight Title. And you know what, as long as it wasn't for a long period of time I could live with it, simply for the nostalgia pop and hopefully a few weeks of higher ratings as people tune to see Hogan.

Let's be honest. He isn't going to hold it for a long time is he? Even with more surgeries the guy can barely move, he will probably win it on a fluke, retain once of at all and then lose it. If he wants the title it's almost certain he will get it, as Dixie Carter will do anything that Hogan asks for.
I wouldn't be surprised if hogan made those remarks in jest to see how people would react. Then if they were up in arms he would write it off as a joke, but if not he would book himself to be champ.
At this point it can't do any harm. as some people have already said, the highest rateings TNA have ever had is when Hogan debuted in TNA and having the Hulkster win the title might just get some of the older wrestling fans to tune in. At the moment a lot of wrestling fans won't watch TNA because they feel like they would be betraying there beloved WWE, But if the imortal Hulk Hogan was to win the TNA world title then you may just get one or two that would tune in just for the nostalgia pop and relise that TNA does have something to offer them after all.
At this point it can't do any harm. as some people have already said, the highest rateings TNA have ever had is when Hogan debuted in TNA and having the Hulkster win the title might just get some of the older wrestling fans to tune in. At the moment a lot of wrestling fans won't watch TNA because they feel like they would be betraying there beloved WWE, But if the imortal Hulk Hogan was to win the TNA world title then you may just get one or two that would tune in just for the nostalgia pop and relise that TNA does have something to offer them after all.

Um no theym don't watch, because
A) it's not worth watching or caring about most of the time.
B) If they had characters people could invest in then yes more people would watch.
C) Time and Time again they've proven they have no clue what they are doing and squandered any talent there stars had
D) They've killed off any credibility there divisions had along time ago

Watching TNA is not betraying WWE unless it was at the cost of not paying for a WWE PPV or not watching WWE aswell. Vince doesn't know what you are watching and really doesn't care, all he cares about is how many people watch and pay to see WWE productions
I would only turn the tv on to watch that, ....... if I was certain that there was a sniper in the stands waiting to put him out just to make sure his reign ends in less than 2 minutes after he won the belt.

That is the most ridiculous plan imaginable. Nobody wants to see that shit.This could be a joke he's playing but on the slight chance that he is serious, some one take the shot now and put this old buzzard out of his misery before he does something stupid. I mean it sounds like something he'd say and mean, because imo, he often comes across as a little self absorbed. He believed that he was the only true thing in wrestling that mattered. He has a right to be confident and proud of what he accomplished and he should take credit for that, but never be arrogant.

To me, he's too old, he was never that great in the ring, and clearly can't wrestle on a regular basis that would be required by today's TNA fanbase. As much as his debut might have helped in the beginning, him being the title holder isn't the answer now. They need better storylines, more attention to the their current roster and bringing them up not Hogan. Hogan needs to go throw frisbee with the dog and rock in his rocking chair near the bar and grill he just opened up and enjoy his years as a senior citizen away from the ring.
For those of us who watched RAW last week, Ric Flair made a return to the WWE, in a capacity which I guess is still to be determined. But it was a decent segment and was entertaining for what it was. Personally I have no problem whatsoever seeing the legendary Nature Boy back in the WWE, as long as it continues to be in a predominantly non wrestling capacity, with a smattering of in ring action every now and then, although not a sanctioned official match per se. Take advantage of all that the legend of Ric Flair brings to the table, without subjecting the fans to in ring action as an active wrestler on an ongoing basis. He can be a manager, a GM, whatever, and it's all good.

I wonder how people would feel, though, if Ric Flair announced that he was interested in becoming the WWE Champion or the World Heavyweight Champion again or worse still, what the reaction would be if the WWE actually considered pursuing such a bonehead move? I'm pretty sure the response would be almost unanimously negative, even from Flair fans, with most people thinking that having Flair beat Punk, or Cena, or Sheamus, or Ryback, or whoever else less geriatric would be preposterous.

I really can't see what the difference would be between Flair reaching the pinnacle of WWE again, or Hogan doing so in TNA. Which makes me wonder how anyone could come on here and suggest that having Hogan become TNA Champion could be anything other than a disaster.
I think Hogan was just responding in jest to a question about Christmas wishes. He talks shit all the time, thought most people had learned to not take what he has to say very seriously at this point. Some people just want to believe the worst though of course. I'll believe this when I see it and react accordingly while the others can whine about it and act like it has already occurred and is the worst thing in history.
Hogan's just pissed that CM Punk passed one of his never ending title reigns, to become the longest reigning World Champion of the past 24 years. Now Hogan's gonna start a new Hogan Era where he'll not only break Punk's Record, but finally break Sammartino's all time record of 7 and 2/3 years as champion :lmao:
Im not surprised by this at all. There may be some people tune in but it if hogan wins the belt TNA will be dead in a month after. It takes all meaning away from the title. You may as well bring David Arquette in and give him the belt. Same affect. I wish hogan would walk away its sad to watch him at this point.
I'd actually put the title on Hogan however this is how I'd let it play out. Give Bully Ray the TNA Title and have Hogan as GM get in his way. Finally it comes down to Hogan vs. Ray in a Title vs. Hogan leaves TNA.

Hogan wins the title and has a month or two long run as TNA Champ. Then I'd probably have Hogan drop the title to someone like Matt Morgan who would destroy him.
If I'm TNA then I'm going to be trying to do whatever I can to put asses in the seats. Its not like putting the title on Hogan will take away from the credibility of the TNA title...

On the other hand, I am a believer that a promotion's WHC should be someone who is a current and regular member of the roster who is performing at live events and working every week. Any time a Hogan or a Sting or a Foley is WHC then you have a champ who isn't going to be working the house shows, isn't going to be in action every week, and ultimately takes away from the credibility of the promotion. Look at WCW's house show would you like to watch Hogan, Nash, Savage, Flair on Nitro every night, buy tickets to a WCW event, and get a main event between Buff Bagwell and Kanyon?

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