Hulk Hogan Wants to be TNA World Heavyweight Champion

The Dragon Saga

Whale in a Teardrop
In an interview with The Guardian, Hulk Hogan revealed that he wanted to be TNA World Champion. Hogan said:

"I've had eight back surgeries, I've had knee replacements, I've had both hip replacements. I only need one more surgery – to fix my right knee – then I'm going to go for the TNA world title. I want to be 59 years old and be the champion."

Lets begin by stating, this was inevitable. When Hogan first put pen to paper on his TNA deal we all knew there'd be that little voice somewhere inside the Hulkster's body telling him, "Screw these young jabronis, you can be World Champion, brother!" So don't come in the thread acting surprised.

On the actual scenario, I'm going to be one of the few who says that if Hogan gets this final knee surgery and feels up to wrestling two or three matches in a month that yeah, give him a one or two month TNA World Heavyweight Championship reign, jack!

Why? It's very simple. Whose going to believe you when you tell them at 59-years-old Hulk Hogan is the TNA World Champion? Nobody. So they'll tune in and watch for themselves. The night Hogan arrived in the Impact Zone, also the highest rated episode of Impact in history. TNA is in a lot better place now then they were back then, giving their biggest mainstream name a short title run is almost guaranteed some miniature pop in the ratings.

The bad scenario is it all goes to Hogan's head and he wants to reign as champion forever, but hopefully hes finally grown out of that creative controlling fad and instead would realize him winning the TNA World Heavyweight Championship would be like a special attraction, a nostalgia run, and nothing else.

What do you think of Hogan's admitted desire to become TNA World Heavyweight Champion?
Gosh, I really couldn't see this coming at all. I was so certain that Hulk Hogan was only concerned about the development of young talent in TNA and helping to grow the organization into a viable alternative to WWE for both the wrestlers and the fans. I mean, there's been nothing in his history over his illustrious career that would have made anyone suspicious of Hogan having personal ulterior motives. I was pretty much convinced that he was willing to end his career in the shadows, in the background, putting over guys like Austin Aries and Bobby Roode.

Hulk Hogan wants to be the TNA World Heavyweight Champion. And I'm pretty sure what Hogan wants, Hogan gets. So here's a glimpse into the future, TNA fans, get ready for it. And I cannot wait to hear how certain guys on here spin this into a positive development.
First of all, this is Hulk Hogan talking. Take everything he says with a few dozen truckloads of salt.

Second, look at some of the guys TNA has had on top. Mr. Anderson? Bobby Roode? Austin Aries? Here's the thing: none of them have done a thing for the TV ratings and the company isn't growing much at all as far as we can tell. At the end of the day, what is going to draw more of the group of fans that haven't watched wrestling in awhile:

"Believe it or not, the legendary HULK HOGAN has defied the odds and won the TNA World Heavyweight Championship!"


"Bully Ray, formerly of the Dudley Boys, is the new TNA World Heavyweight Champion!"

Hogan is the biggest name of all time. People might tune in to see him out of pure nostalgia.

Someone like Bully Ray as World Champion sounds like an indy promotion nightmare.

I wouldn't like it, but at the end of the day, it's not like anything they're doing is setting the world on fire.
See I just fear for the person who has to be pinned by Hogan to lose the belt. No doubt Hogan winning the belt would draw good ratings, not for a long period of time though.

If he has to win I hope it's in a tag team match where whoever gets the pin wins the belt. Because even if his name is Hulk Hogan losing a one on one match clean to a man in his sixties can really hurt one's credibility.
Well, that didn't take long. In fact, I'm shocked it didn't come out sooner that Hogan wants to be TNA Chamipion.

The man has a massive ego that him winning the TNA Championship wouldn't shock me at all. Hogan winning the Championship will be the iceberg this company needs to sink to the bottom. And he won't be losing it, to anybody. He'll be champion until he retires or he'll vacate it so he won't have to job.

And it won't be to long before Hogan becomes TNA Champion. Hogan will tell Dixie Carter that it'll draw ratings and she'll fall for it. Just like how she's been so gullible to believe that Hogan cares about TNA. He's in TNA for himself.
I bet AJ defeating Hogan for the title would draw. I also have for some time had an odd desire to see another finger poke story worked into prowrestling, so I can only view this interview as good news for me.
Hogan winning the TNA World Title is a double-edged sword decision. Yes, I'm sure a Hogan title win would bring a massive nostalgia pop out of any live audience. It'll be a great moment, because Hulk Hogan, the most legendary name in professional wrestling, won his last (hopefully) world title.

But you can't ignore the flip-side of Hogan winning the title. Who's he going to feud against? How long would he hold on to the title? A month? A few weeks? Drop the title to someone else on the following episode of Impact? You honestly can't expect Hulk Hogan to defend a world championship at this stage of his career, especially when you consider all of his injuries.

Also, Hulk winning the title is going to disrupt any other plans for TNA's future. So in the end, I guess it comes down to the decision of TNA wanting to sacrifice any sort of continuity in the world title picture, so Hulk can have that one last run.

I know it's Hogan, I know his presence as world champion will attract more attention, and Hogan as champ might help the ratings for a while. But how long will at all last? I won't stop watching TNA if Hogan wins the title, but in 2013 or whenever they plan on doing this, a Hogan title run just feels so unnecessary.
I bet AJ defeating Hogan for the title would draw. I also have for some time had an odd desire to see another finger poke story worked into prowrestling, so I can only view this interview as good news for me.

Yeahhhh, no.

Hogan's not jobbing to anybody after he becomes Champion. The guy has a massive ego and would probably just vacate it so he won't have to job.

And you want to see another Finger Poke of Doom? Really? So you want to see fans feel robbed? The FPOD was one of the worst idea's, ever.

Hell, might as well start calling up Vince McMahon now because it won't be to long before TNA is out of business.
Hogan winning the TNA title is only a good move if he elevates somebody deserving and loses the belt, CLEAN.

No point Hogan putting over Sting or Angle or AJ , guys like Austin Aries, Bobby Roode or Jeff Hardy even would get a mssive runb being the guy who ended Hulkamania. Bobby Roode I think would be the perfect guy to end Hogan,
I'm against the idea of Hogan being the TNA World Champion. I understand that he is one of the, if not THE, most famous wrestler in history. However, if someone is going to hold the federation's top belt then the fans need to be able to believe that for that particular moment in time this guy was (kayfabe) the best the federation had to offer. Nostalgia or not, Hogan is NOT anywhere near being believable in the role of being the top guy in TNA. This is not the 1980's or 1990's. The man is WAY past his prime!

If it is to bring a little prestige to the belt then that is fine but only within reason. The longer Hogan holds the belt, the worse. I thought he wanted to help them grow and improve their product? I say let him hold the belt for maybe a week, retain ONCE (if even that) and then lose it to a heel such as Roode or Aries. The belt should be fought for by guys like Austin Aries, James Storm, AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy, Bobby Roode, etc. Not someone like Hulk Hogan who is decades past their prime. If they have him hold the belt for a lengthy period of time then they will lose a great deal of credibility and respect from fans. Either an extremely short reign or none at all, no long reigns for Hogan! Come on. Even TNA knows better than that, or so I would like to hope....
Who knows how true this is? He knows this will get people talking. He wants himself and TNA to be talked about. The marks bite, the casual fans may tune in to see if this develops. It's all good business whether it happens or not. God forbid Hogan holds the strap for a while. TNA has been around for 10 years, throwing the strap on Hogan for a couple weeks or months isn't going to soil Dixie's little promotion. People use Hogan as a n excuse to avoid bashing TNA for putting out shit and not really growing. It's a copout.
If he did end up winning, this would be just as bad as David Arquette winning back in WCW. It didn't belong on him and it doesn't belong on Hogan now. A 60 year old man with multiple surgeries. Good Lord. Only wrestlers who are truly deserving should carry it. Of course if it's all talk (which he is known for as well), then who knows. It gets people talking, but for all the wrong reasons.
Hogan doesn't draw now so what makes anyone think he would draw as champ? It makes no sense for him to hold the strap. This is just an ego trip for him. he doesn't deserve nor should he hold the TNA title. I understand that he is one of if not the biggest name in wrestling ever but most of that is history and it should stay there.
I really hope hogan does not try to wrestle again he's too old and slow and it just looks sad kind of like when flair does at his current age. But on the other hand it could be good if he uses it to elavate someone else's career.
we all knew this would happen, so I don't care one way or the other.. if it helps TNA great.. my only hope is that they turn Storm heel to have him be the one to take it from Hogan. I don't know why I just said that.... but it would be a big deal for anyone in TNA that takes the belt of Hogan no matter how old he is. He's still Hulk Hogan..

I'll have a wait and see approach, we all complained each time he wanted to wrestle.. and each time the old man stole the show.. lets not act like he can't still draw emotion from the fans.... the question is.. can he draw money from them.
When the The Rock said he wanted to challenge for the WWE Champion I didn't see any complaints. Just like Hogan he's a nostalgia, part time act who would generate interest/views/PPV buys while holding the belt. What's the difference? The IWC hates Hogan. And sure, he's older, but this is professional wrestling we're talking about. Few would question a 47 year old Undertaker, who's had multiple surgeries, becoming champion again because he's The Undertaker. As long as Hogan can put on a string of decent matches and win convincingly I see no problem with Hogan as champ. It'll probably be a smart business decision. Plus, whoever takes the belt off him will get a big boost.

Also, all he's said is that he wants to be champion. I know Hogan is Satan, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's gonna bury half the roster and hold on to the belt for the next ten years - in fact, it doesn't mean he's gonna win at all. It'd be worse for TNA and the championship if Hogan showed no interest in the belt at all. Everyone just calm down and don't judge yet.
He can barely move in the ring. Do people still want to see him wrestle at a snail's pace? Nostalgia or not, we've had way too many of those recently and only few have been able to still deliver in the ring (ex. Ricky Steamboat). If I want to see a nostalgia act, I'll just re-watch an old video of the wrestler in his prime battling other greats. This is just sad. And even if we are talking about ratings, what's next for TNA once Hogan does drop the title and takes a backseat again? The company might just be doomed in that department. I wouldn't have such a problem with this if he could still go in the ring.
When the The Rock said he wanted to challenge for the WWE Champion I didn't see any complaints. Just like Hogan he's a nostalgia, part time act who would generate interest/views/PPV buys while holding the belt. What's the difference? The IWC hates Hogan. And sure, he's older, but this is professional wrestling we're talking about. Few would question a 47 year old Undertaker, who's had multiple surgeries, becoming champion again because he's The Undertaker. As long as Hogan can put on a string of decent matches and win convincingly I see no problem with Hogan as champ. It'll probably be a smart business decision. Plus, whoever takes the belt off him will get a big boost.

Also, all he's said is that he wants to be champion. I know Hogan is Satan, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's gonna bury half the roster and hold on to the belt for the next ten years - in fact, it doesn't mean he's gonna win at all. It'd be worse for TNA and the championship if Hogan showed no interest in the belt at all. Everyone just calm down and don't judge yet.

Eh, The Rock is nineteen years younger than Hogan, he's still a strong draw (stronger than Hogan at this point), and he can still work a good/entertaining match? He was trusted in a year long feud with John Cena, a main event spot at Wrestlemania, and soon the Royal Rumble, if anyone (namely Vince) had any doubts whatsoever about Rock, he wouldn't receive those spots, it's a simple as that.

As far as Undertaker goes, if Hogan could equal or top the quality and buzz surrounding Taker's match with Triple H in the Cell this year, and his previous matches with Shawn, then nobody would question Hogan wrestling again..... but he can't. You can't ignore Hogan's deteriorating physical health, and you can't expect a string of decent matches from him as world champion.

And how would it be worse for TNA, if Hogan showed no interest in becoming champion? He's been able to draw enough attention as a non-wrestling personality, and I highly doubt a large amount of TNA fans are clamoring for a Hogan title run in 2013.

Having a harmless nostalgia kick match with Sting at Bound For Glory last year is one thing, but now you're talking about putting your top title on a crippled and beat up Hulk Hogan, and have him win matches convincingly?
Brilliant. :D

Seriously, nothing would please me more to see Hogan win the strap in a screwjob type of match. Viewership isn't going up and they have almost tried everything.

Hogan winning the title is Plan D in his contract no doubt and there is every chance Hogan going for the title on live TV would boost TV ratings for one night at least. If only they could filter some lower card talent into that show to expose TNA a little more, then I'm all for it.

The IWC would hate to see it, but many outside the IWC would love it. As for people saying this would be the end for TNA? LOL. TNA aint going anywhere, with or without Hogan as champion.

Pull your heads in.
First of all no im not surprised at all by this! Given Hogans injuries and such if he wasnt as banged up as he is this shit would have happened sooner! I dont know much about TNAs ratings at all but i know there really not setting the world on fire either. As far as Hogans reign goes how long do i think is adequate?

Maybe a two month reign at most! Hogan without a doubt is the biggest name ever in pro wrestling cant deny that at all. IF he heals up and rehabs i really dont have a problem with him getting one more reign why the hell not? Be a nice Nostalgia run me thinks! No more than a one or two month reign!
First of all no im not surprised at all by this! Given Hogans injuries and such if he wasnt as banged up as he is this shit would have happened sooner! I dont know much about TNAs ratings at all but i know there really not setting the world on fire either. As far as Hogans reign goes how long do i think is adequate?

Maybe a two month reign at most! Hogan without a doubt is the biggest name ever in pro wrestling cant deny that at all. IF he heals up and rehabs i really dont have a problem with him getting one more reign why the hell not? Be a nice Nostalgia run me thinks! No more than a one or two month reign!

Totally agree. Hell, make it a one week reign where Hogan wins the title off Hardy before Destination X, which then see's AJ Styles cash in his X-Division championship for a title match vs Hogan. TNA's poster boy fighting probably the biggest draw of all time for the title would be great to watch, whether it's a trainwreck or not.

Not sure how Hogan would work two matches back to back though at his age, and with all those aches and pains.

Cant believe people are taking this seriously though. Hogan wont be winning the title and never will. Hell, TNA have been trolling all you internet posters this past year and you still havent learnt?

Devon's contract is up.... BAM, revealed as the Aces and Eights member.

Matt Morgan is going to WWE? Bammm, rocks up on house show and returns.

Hulk Hogan becoming world champion? Bammm, never happens.

IWC trolled again.
Hasn't ANYONE read the full article? How could you all be that dumb? Guess it is just a really popular thing to hate Hogan in these forums...

Hogan was running down a "Christmas wish list"... he also said he wants to be 30 years old again and wants to own a 747 jumbo jet, so he could take all the wrestlers on it from place to place.

Hogan was being facetious with the whole thing. The OP deliberately didn't tell anyone about the whole article. He just decided to pull that part of it so he could generate a bunch of smark heat on Hogan. Just guessing on the motives of the OP, but why else wouldn't he make mention of the context?

Eh, The Rock is nineteen years younger than Hogan, he's still a strong draw (stronger than Hogan at this point), and he can still work a good/entertaining match? He was trusted in a year long feud with John Cena, a main event spot at Wrestlemania, and soon the Royal Rumble, if anyone (namely Vince) had any doubts whatsoever about Rock, he wouldn't receive those spots, it's a simple as that.

As far as Undertaker goes, if Hogan could equal olr top the quality and buzz surrounding Taker's match with Triple H in the Cel this year, and his previous matches with Shawn, then nobody would question Hogan wrestling again..... but he can't. You can't ignore Hogan's deteriorating physical health, and you can't expect a string of decent matches from him as world champion.

And how would it be worse for TNA, if Hogan showed no interest in becoming champion? He's been able to draw enough attention as a non-wrestling personality, and I highly doubt a large amount of TNA fans are clamoring for a Hogan title run in 2013.

Having a harmless nostalgia kick match with Sting at Bound For Glory last year is one thing, but now you're talking about putting your top title on a crippled and beat up Hulk Hogan, and have him win matches convincingly?

At what age is someone ineligible to be a world champion? Again, this is wrestling, and I'm sure Hogan can be booked to win the championship convincingly. He's Hulk fucking Hogan. And while he may not be a big draw by WWE's standards, I don't think I'm wrong in thinking people would pay/tune in to watch him as champion. That's all that matters.

You're right, perhaps a string of matches is asking for too much - but with his charisma and a solid opponent I'm sure he could pull off one or two - just enough to win the belt and drop/vacate it. He seems to think he's healthy, and and after years of physical competition I'm sure he knows his body well enough.

His match against Sting last year was not only was it a solid performance but it resulted in the biggest pop of the night, maybe even the year (for TNA). I have no doubt that he could do that again, but replace his face turn with a belt win.

I didn't word that right. Hogan expressing interest in becoming champion elevates the status of the belt as it means he doesn't view it as something beneath him, despite his legendary status. It enforces the idea that it really is the top prize in wrestling - that everyone wants it.

This is how I see it: Hogan winning won't lose viewers, but it may bring a few new ones in. It's up to TNA to then keep those extra viewers. In the short term this is definitely a good move for a business, and I fail to see how it's bad in the long term.

Hasn't ANYONE read the full article? How could you all be that dumb? Guess it is just a really popular thing to hate Hogan in these forums...

Hogan was running down a "Christmas wish list"... he also said he wants to be 30 years old again and wants to own a 747 jumbo jet, so he could take all the wrestlers on it from place to place.

Hogan was being facetious with the whole thing. The OP deliberately didn't tell anyone about the whole article. He just decided to pull that part of it so he could generate a bunch of smark heat on Hogan. Just guessing on the motives of the OP, but why else wouldn't he make mention of the context?


Thanks for this. Context is everything.

Looks like Hogan puts becoming champion in the same category as having a full head of hair. I still think it wouldn't be a bad move though.

For those too lazy to click on the link, here's the whole christmas list:

1 Thirty years of life I want my youth back. I wouldn't change anything, though. I'd wrestle all over again. The same matches.

2 747 jet I would like my own private jet plane again. I'd take all the wrestlers with me on the plane. I don't just want a little Learjet, I want a 747. That would be a wild plane.

3 Knee surgery I've had eight back surgeries, I've had knee replacements, I've had both hip replacements. I only need one more surgery – to fix my right knee – then I'm going to go for the TNA world title. I want to be 59 years old and be the champion.

4 Hair I want a full head of hair, like yours.

TNA Wrestling: British Boot Camp, Thursdays, 10pm, Challenge TV (starts 1st January)
Put your pitchforks away.
Wow he finally wants to get a title somewhere else, i agree with the above post, read what the context is in, he's just saying he wants his glory days back again, like it's a huge issue
If he did, there's no telling he would just walk over whomever is the champion, most likely quite the opposite, he'll get help from maybe Bully Ray then lose it soon after i don't see an issue in that case.

very little different then Sting winning the title twice, he's way over the hill to yet he was given the strap and people ate it up. and his runs were at the cost of "newer" talent that have since been buried or are now non existant (where's Mr Anderson)

It's just another thing to add to the history books, not a huge issue, aslong as it's really brief. Anyway the way i look at it, they have guys that have been there for over a decade that still aren't over with anyone other then the small fanbase that watch every week, anything that's gonna grab a quick exposure is better then nothing for them at this point.
I say why not? Think about it, he wouldn't have it for over a couple weeks tops. I bet if he wins the belt he will hold it from a ppv to the next episode of Impact. He isn't in good enough shape to wrestle more than 1 or 2 matches at a slow pace. Don't give me this "younger guys need to be put over" bullshit either. A week of Hulk holding the belt is not going to ruin the careers of young wrestlers. It will make the career of a young wrestler by beating Hogan for the title no matter what shape he's in. Let him win it and TNA will get a ratings boost and new people tuning in every week afterwords.

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