How would you Kill Yourself?

Publicly. If I'm gonna kill my self, you can be damn sure I'm having a fucking audience!

Stand naked on a rooftop, screaming, blathering incoherently while *********ing. Do some back and forth with the cops, and then time it so when I jump, I orgasm as I'm falling. Believe me, if I ever do it, my shit WILL be in the newspapers. :D
I'm to scared to kill myslef. I'd put a hit out on myself so I wouldn't see it coming.

How the fuck would you not see it coming, you hired a guy to kill you, and in all likely would paid him in advance, since it would be kinda hard to pay him after he finished the job, anyway you'd still know it's coming...unless you have a really shitty memory or something
Publicly. If I'm gonna kill my self, you can be damn sure I'm having a fucking audience!

Stand naked on a rooftop, screaming, blathering incoherently while *********ing. Do some back and forth with the cops, and then time it so when I jump, I orgasm as I'm falling. Believe me, if I ever do it, my shit WILL be in the newspapers. :D

I almost agree with this. The thing is..

If I was truly going to kill myself, then the fact is I'd of given up on life and everyone involved in it way before hand. So, I might as well take the people I dislike with me. Cola, you got anything planned in a couple years? If not, we should definately get together. Chris Cash will be there, it'll be fun. :lmao:

All in all, I couldn't willingly kill myself. Yes, I had a moment where I almost did. (besides the point) But the fact is, in my mind as is, things in life will NEVER be easy. If they were, then life wouldn't honestly be any fun. Noone would learn any lessons and things would be boring.

As much as I WISH things could be easy regarding the worst bits in life. (Love, Friendships, Careers, Long Term plans) The fact is, you go through hardships to become a stronger person. If you can't handle it, then you can't. I'm not saying everyone can, but giving up is honestly the last and worst thing you can do.. because its giving in to failure, and nothing is impossible. Improbable, maybe, impossible, no.

Oh yeah.. killing myself. I'd do it like someone else suggested, saving as many people as I could.
How the fuck would you not see it coming, you hired a guy to kill you, and in all likely would paid him in advance, since it would be kinda hard to pay him after he finished the job, anyway you'd still know it's coming...unless you have a really shitty memory or something

I think where he was going with everything is he'd put a hit out on himself for a random date in time, in the future. That way while he'd KNOW it was coming, he'd never know when.

Overall, thats stupid too. I mean what happens if you randomly get hit by a bus or something, that WASN'T as a result of the "hit" then you just paid (most likely) a ton of money to someone who accomplished his job without even doing a thing.
Ever thought about it just to end pain? When I was a kid, I used to get earaches really, REALLY bad. If you've ever had one, it is one of the most painful things you can experience, and I got them like 3 times a year. Thank GOD I grew out of that shit. There was one time where my mother actually had to hold me down, because I threatened to jump off our back porch. The pain was THAT bad.

I have total sympathy and understanding for cancer patients and shit who just want to end it to not suffer anymore.

As far as taking everyone else with me, I hear ya! I can imagine just going postal in a supermarket or something, and then just let the police riddle me with bullets.

Still don't think I'd have the balls to do it, though.
Ever thought about it just to end pain? When I was a kid, I used to get earaches really, REALLY bad. If you've ever had one, it is one of the most painful things you can experience, and I got them like 3 times a year. Thank GOD I grew out of that shit. There was one time where my mother actually had to hold me down, because I threatened to jump off our back porch. The pain was THAT bad.

I have total sympathy and understanding for cancer patients and shit who just want to end it to not suffer anymore.

As far as taking everyone else with me, I hear ya! I can imagine just going postal in a supermarket or something, and then just let the police riddle me with bullets.

Still don't think I'd have the balls to do it, though.

I think you'd be surprised. If you have the balls to take your own life, then as I said before you've already given up on caring for anything IN life. Thus meaning, you wouldn't care if you took anyone with you when you went.

This is one of the weirdest conversations I've ever had. And I've talked about a lot of weird shit.
I don't think I'd be able to kill myself, simply because I'd never be able to do that to the people that love me. I know how hurt my family would be, and hopefully friends, and no matter how bad it is for me, I wouldn't bve able to do that to them.
I think where he was going with everything is he'd put a hit out on himself for a random date in time, in the future. That way while he'd KNOW it was coming, he'd never know when.

Overall, thats stupid too. I mean what happens if you randomly get hit by a bus or something, that WASN'T as a result of the "hit" then you just paid (most likely) a ton of money to someone who accomplished his job without even doing a thing.

Exactly, I was thinking the same thing, that or like I said he'd have to pay the guy in advance most likely so what's stopping the guy from just taking the running and never going through with the hit, I mean if you don't know when or how it's coming it could be years before you even notice
I don't think I'd be able to kill myself, simply because I'd never be able to do that to the people that love me. I know how hurt my family would be, and hopefully friends, and no matter how bad it is for me, I wouldn't bve able to do that to them.

This is my overall thought as well. I understand life gets hard, and I've been in very bad places before. To the point that most people have NO clue. (NorCal understands this) However regardless of how bad my life has ever gotten, or could seriously ever get..

Its my job to be here for my Friends and Family. Its not in me to hurt them, and overall I'd rather go through life suffering and hurting than put them through losing me. I couldn't live (no pun intended) with thinking how much I could put them through, with being selfish.

And before anyone tries giving me this shit about how some things aren't worth living for. Trust me, you DON'T fucking know my past, and you DON'T fucking know how much I've went through. So don't bother telling me what is and isn't livable, because I can definately put you in your place with bottom of the fucking bucket.
Jump off a high building. Go head first though. I doubt you'd die of shock as they say, I'm convinced you'd feel nothing but absolute terror. But I still think it would be painless, if you can keep your head arrowed to the ground.
As far as jumping off high(really really high) places is concerned, it is the best possible way to commit suicide. Death would be instantaneous, regardless of what hits first. There would be little to no pain. You would get an absolute rush. Finally there is almost no chance of failing and becoming a vegetable.
How the fuck would you not see it coming, you hired a guy to kill you, and in all likely would paid him in advance, since it would be kinda hard to pay him after he finished the job, anyway you'd still know it's coming...unless you have a really shitty memory or something
Actually my memory is quite bad so in all likelyhood I would forget.

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