Death choice

The other two are up for debate, but one of them has to be getting shot with a shotgun by a naked former Mr. Olympia, Terminator style.
You'd release a full bladders worth of piss into the eye of the man you killed? That's got to be in the top 3 worst ways to die.
Yeah, it's up there. Though I don't think someone doing it the way Jack Nicholson described in A Few Good Men would do it justice. I think the fact that this would occur without malice but rather as a result of a failure to maintain one's footing is what makes it a truly dishonorable demise.
A tragedy in the very essence of the word. Let's hope no such thing ever happens, as it could also potentially harm your peen.
Number one death has to be the same thing, but with the urination coming as a result of uncontrolable giggling rather than shock.
My painful death would have to be having a 5-hour sex romp with any porn star. I mean, just think how many germ-infested peens have been in that juicy-looking twat.

Or I would fall on Coco's morning wood.
I would have the guy haning from his hands and then cut his skin open with a knife. After that I would break 4 of his ribs one by one. Then I would cut his tendons or ligaments whatever its called. Then I would shoot him with a M22 in the head with a chance of not dying(it can happen). Then just have an elephant crush him.

My choice of death is to have a heart attack when cumming on a hot girl.

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