48.7's thread of taughty, narrow minded ignorance

Really attacking 48.7's beliefs is uncalled for. Now a discussion on a religious topic, there is no problem but when you start comparing more strict Christian interpretations to insanity or Hitler, then you're going over the line. Lay off, he has every right to believe what he wants, just as we have every to believe what we want. This attack on his beliefs is discrimination and is just as bad as racism. Enough is enough.


I'll definately stop. I am, however, inclined to believe I've given MVP fans or Cena haters more shit over their beliefs than I have 48 and none of them have taken it so personally.
To further write on this, I have been discriminated based on my beliefs in the past. I wore a necklace with a pentacle on it, and when I was getting food at a Wendy's a guy came to me and asked if I was a Satanist. I said I was not and the whole time I ate my food, the fucking crew at Wendy's and the other customers just stared at me.

Also I wrote an essay on Ancient Paganism for an English class and one of my classmates started mocking the topic of my essay. Religious discrimination isn't fun and it hurts so much because it's an attack against something you believe in fully and with no questions.
Sorry Coco, but you can't compare criticizing people's views on wrestling to their views on religion. That is some really screwed up logic
yeah because that totally doesnt make sense for him to take it that way...

you've basically compared "your mother is a ****e", to "i dont like your shoes".
[QUOTE="Lionheart" Thrill Jericho;1147078]Sorry Coco, but you can't compare criticizing people's views on wrestling to their views on religion.[/QUOTE]
I could if I didn't believe religion held much weight.

yeah because that totally doesnt make sense for him to take it that way...

you've basically compared "your mother is a ****e", to "i dont like your shoes".
Not when I've seen both elicit a "your mother is a ****e" reaction.
I could if I didn't believe religion held much weight.


It may not hold that much weight to you, but to others it is a huge deal. That's what you have to understand. To you, this may be just another debate, but to 48.7 this is a huge deal. And there is no defense for the Hitler comment
[QUOTE="Lionheart" Thrill Jericho;1147088]It may not hold that much weight to you, but to others it is a huge deal. That's what you have to understand. To you, this may be just another debate, but to 48.7 this is a huge deal.[/QUOTE]
Yet people have made light of my John Cena worship for years when they insult me for and nobody felt the need to defend how huge a deal I think he is.

People can bash political views that are out of touch with their own and the people who endorse them.

People can bash sports teams they don't like and the supporters of those teams.

People are equally passionate about all of these things as 48 is about religion, but instead of speaking the same way about religion we need to make a big taboo about it and tip-toe around the issue? Why?
So I have to be PC to get a point across now? I don't think so. I refuse to take responsibility for the fact that some people haven't developed a thicker skin.
oh well then, i'll go to leicester in a hooded robe and chant "i hate all coloured people", but it will be all right because they shouldnt be so sensitive.
Not until I get this thread renamed "Coco starts an impulsive, pointless argument"
oh well then, i'll go to leicester in a hooded robe and chant "i hate all coloured people", but it will be all right because they shouldnt be so sensitive.
I suppose that would be your right. As long as you're not inciting lynchings or anything of the sort, you should have the right to speak your mind.
I don't hate homosexuals. But, for the point of this discussion Coco, what if I had said that I hate homosexuals and they should go to hell? Now, I should have a right to speak my mind, right? Or is that reserved for only you? Again, I have no quarrel with gay people. Truly.
That's all well and good, but signing up for the forum means you agree to the Terms and Conditions. And in the rules:

Prejudicial Remarks: Racial, Sexual or any other kind of prejudicial remarks in ANY forum will result in an automatic ban.

Says that kind of insults are not acceptable. Just sayin.
lynchings, Its exactly what you did when you made that Hitler comment.

I had respect for you Coco, but you lost it all in one thread.
I don't hate homosexuals. But, for the point of this discussion Coco, what if I had said that I hate homosexuals and they should go to hell? Now, I should have a right to speak my mind, right? Or is that reserved for only you?
For the sake of discussion, you can absolutely say it and I can absolutely think it's a shitty thing to say. And that's as far as it would go. Heated disagreement.

CM Spunk said:
I had respect for you Coco, but you lost it all in one thread.
John Cena lays down for no man, and will thus not be going to hell.

Or something.

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