How would you Kill Yourself?

The quickest, easiest way possible. Without pain.

If I'm going to bitch myself out like that, then I'm obviously not a fan of pain or torment.
How do you get cancer?

Thats a good question. Living would be my guess. I honestly don't know.

I've heard you can get a form of cancer from staying in the sun without sunscreen. What if you cut a cancer patient's hand, then your own, and mixed blood.. would that work? Or is that just AIDs?
In a hotel room, with three women:eek:ne Mexican, One Asian & the other Indian. Then take about 5 Viagra. Have the hottest 4some ever. Then right as I cum, have a heart attack & die. I want to come and go at the same time. Then when they tell the story to the world, I want to tell the truth and say the man had the best time of his life.

Or kill myself with old age.

BTW: If you live to be over a 100, is god punishing/playing a joke on you. I mean every night you go to sleep you would be nervous. You couldn't make plans for the next day as you may never know.
Truth be told, I'd probably just drive my car into oncoming traffic, or into a telephone pole. I've thought about it, and ironically enough thats probably how I'm going to go, even if I mean't to do it or not.

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