How to stop an over obsessive ex girlfriend?


The Ayatollah of Rock N Rolla
Well it seems I have the same problem as Doc except I actually dated this chick. It's been over a year since we dated and luckily she's moved since then but that doesn't stop the obsession. She always sends me request on Facebook and I block her. I got on my Myspace page for the first time in a month and what do you know Messages and request from her. It won't be before long when she figures out my new phone number and starts calling me. What do I need to do to get this obsessive bitch to stop because blocking her isn't working.
He's ignored her for a year and that hasn't work. I'd tell her off strongly.
I'd agree with NorCal here, it worked for me, but this chick is clearly special. Tell her off hard. It's gonna suck, because nobody likes hurting people, but you need to put yourself first in this situation. Cut her out before shit gets any worse.
sounds like a candidate for a sequel to the Swimfan franchise if ya ask me. Thats cyber harassment, there are laws for that nowadays, flimsy laws, but laws. The same thing where I work, this married chick, she thinks that all the dudes in our call center magically want her. And me and the coworkers remind her that "You are married, and its gross to be trying to step out on your nice husband." The guys she throws herself at her either in relationships or trying to start relationships. One of the dudes in my call center got fixed up with my sister, and I guess the crazy chick followed the guy and my sister out to lunch one day, and its frickin nuts. This nutty girl even obsesses about my coworker's husband and baby girl...just stares at the picture on the desk..its Psycho really. You ought to do as you were told in a previous it to facebook, and still think about checking with local law enforcement about the stalking laws in your area.
The only way to get rid of her is to be mean. I've had this same problem for 18 months and it shows no sign of ending because I don't have the heart to be brutal with her.
be a massive douche, it's not hard

Tell her she's fat and should kill herself because she can't get with Edward or whatever else she's obsessive over
Well their are a couple of options here, you could

A.) take this

and whack her in the head with it repeatedly

or B.) just keep ignoring her, and hope she eventually gets the hint and leaves you alone

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