How long will John Cena's reign last?

How long will Cena's reign last

  • MITB 2013

  • Summerslam 2013

  • Night of Champions 2013

  • over the limit 2013

  • hell in a cell 2013

  • survivor series 2013

  • royal rumble 2014

  • elimination chamber 2014

  • wrestlemania 30

  • extreme rules 2014

  • payback 2014

  • wrestlemania 31

  • special Raw event

  • Other

  • Longer than Cm Punk's 434 day reign

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Ever since 2013, John cena has been booked super dominant. I have a disgusting feeling in my stomach that this is a redo of 2007 and Cena will "overcome the odds". They are going to make this a year of Cena and we will be forced to like it. But i am not going to quit because i LOVE wrestling, so i have to deal with this. anyways, cena has been booked super dominant this year, winning the RR, defeating Rock at the main event of WM, overcoming the odds against ryback, etc..

I have a really sickening feeling in my gut that john cena will surpass cm punk's title reign. this is because they cannot let ANYBODY on the current roster surpass john cena's legacy. lets face it, when its all said and done and cena retires, his legacy will be the greatest man in sports entertainment. WWE cannot allow anybody to surpass or tarnish that legacy. and having another man surpass his title reign will exactly do that.

how long will cena's reign last?

in addition. i cannot see ANYBODy taking the title off of cena right now. not a single person is capable.. only undertaker is capable of it. brock lesnar already failed and i cant see them having a rematch for some reasno.. cm punk is a face and i read a report that vince didnt want them to feud for a while.. daniel bryan, possible, but not likely. i have a feeling that vince wont let him and his size will hold him back, even though his in ring skills make up for it... randy orton, nah, even if he turned heel, he has 2 welness policy strikes and he has been irrelevant for a while. he needs a push. sheamus, dont think so because there is no point in this.. it would also bring down buy rates and ratings. alberto del rio, even though vince likes him, i dont think he likes him that much. mark henry, no, he is past his prime and wwe isnt going to let an old guy, possibly retiring in 2 years, to take the title off the golden boy. only person i can see taking it off is the undertaker at wrestlemania.. either WM 30 or WM 31. but by the time its WM 31, cena wouldve passed punk's title reign.. which sickens me to death.
This is why I'm so glad to have two titles. I don't give a damn who's holding the WWE Championship right now, I'm much more interested in the World title picture right now. Punk's reign was a breath of fresh air to the WWE title, but in general I haven't cared about it since 2005. As long as there's a World Heavyweight Champion, Cena can hold his pacifier as long as he wants.
This is why I'm so glad to have two titles. I don't give a damn who's holding the WWE Championship right now, I'm much more interested in the World title picture right now. Punk's reign was a breath of fresh air to the WWE title, but in general I haven't cared about it since 2005. As long as there's a World Heavyweight Champion, Cena can hold his pacifier as long as he wants.

Really? you think the world heavyweight championship and wwe championship are at the same level? the wwe championship has way more prestige because it is on the flagship show, raw, and it has been not been hotshotted as much as the WHC. the WHC is on smackdown and it has been held by dolph ziggler and jack swagger and the great khali. the wwe just hands it out too much, but they are a bit pickier with the wwe championship. when is the last time the WHC closed a show? compare that to the wwe championship. there is a big difference.
Very true this has beens Cenas year so far.. But lets put this into retrospect for a bit shall we? He won the title at WM29! Assuming he holds the title without any injury or any other nagging problems next years WM will be around 365 give or take a week! So in addition to that,he would need to hold onto the title for another 2 1/2 months after next years WM! That puts it around Summerslam time to surpass punks reign..

I honestly dont see him dropping the title until at least Royal Rumble time. I really dont see him passing Punks Reign he will come close but i dont think he will pass it. Punks Reign was indeed a breath of fresh air,some people were bitching about his reign for that i dont understand it and never will.. Cena is the Man no doubt on that. I like him,always will like him. He is the Man the Face of the WWE and rightfully so,deserves a long title reign..

If i were to put money on it i say he holds it until at least WM next year! Like i said,he will come close but not break punks record assuming he stays injury free and any other hiccups that might occur
Very true this has beens Cenas year so far.. But lets put this into retrospect for a bit shall we? He won the title at WM29! Assuming he holds the title without any injury or any other nagging problems next years WM will be around 365 give or take a week! So in addition to that,he would need to hold onto the title for another 2 1/2 months after next years WM! That puts it around Summerslam time to surpass punks reign..

I honestly dont see him dropping the title until at least Royal Rumble time. I really dont see him passing Punks Reign he will come close but i dont think he will pass it. Punks Reign was indeed a breath of fresh air,some people were bitching about his reign for that i dont understand it and never will.. Cena is the Man no doubt on that. I like him,always will like him. He is the Man the Face of the WWE and rightfully so,deserves a long title reign..

If i were to put money on it i say he holds it until at least WM next year! Like i said,he will come close but not break punks record assuming he stays injury free and any other hiccups that might occur

No.. coming from a punk fan, i think he will pass punk's reign. wwe is not going to let anybody surpass cena's legacy. they want his legacy to be the best of all time. any record that somebody surpassed will be broken by cena. i dont agree with this decision, but i think its the route they will go, even though ratings will plummet and every star will lose momentum in the process. cant wait to see what they have in store for us next.

brought the rock back to feud with john cena for 90% of the time he was back. made lesnar lose to cena in his 1st match back. turned punk heel just to feud with cena... turned big show heel JUST to feud with cena, and they fed him to cena. turned ryback heel just to feud with cena, and he was also fed to cena... kane was turned heel and fed to cena.. so many obvious "overcoming the odds" predictable, obvious shit. i guess we will have to wait 14+ more months of this. i wonder what is next, they will feed henry to cena? then they will turn bryan heel and feed him to cena? then they wil turn randy orton heel and feed him to cena? then they will turn sheamus heel and feed him to cena? then they will have punk turn heel AGAIN and feed him to cena? then they will have damien sandow push him to main event, then feed him to cena? then back to mid card? ohhhh so fun to watch and so entertaining!

honestly man. i hope john cena gets injured because i read on report that he is an asshole backstage. he made alex riley get depushed and caused michael travar (guy on nexus) to get fired... he also slows down a lot of peoples momentum. like when john cena, kane, and d bryan beat the shield, that was soooo stupid. it was 3v1 cena vs the shield.. made the shield look SO weak in that match. of course, the shield recover, but that was just so bullshit.. from a business perspective, that match made no fucking sense at fucking all, its just so fucking ridicolous and so fucking unnecessary and so fucking stupid of the fucking monkey creative fucking team.
Really? you think the world heavyweight championship and wwe championship are at the same level? the wwe championship has way more prestige because it is on the flagship show, raw, and it has been not been hotshotted as much as the WHC. the WHC is on smackdown and it has been held by dolph ziggler and jack swagger and the great khali. the wwe just hands it out too much, but they are a bit pickier with the wwe championship. when is the last time the WHC closed a show? compare that to the wwe championship. there is a big difference.

You believe that because that's exactly what Vince wants you to believe. WWE fans have been conditioned to see the World title as inferior because it's on SmackDown and Vince doesn't let it close shows anymore. I don't give a flying f*** what Vince wants. I see the World title as superior and I always will.
You believe that because that's exactly what Vince wants you to believe. WWE fans have been conditioned to see the World title as inferior because it's on SmackDown and Vince doesn't let it close shows anymore. I don't give a flying f*** what Vince wants. I see the World title as superior and I always will.

why do you see it superior though? theres nothing superior about it.. it simply just has more prestige and it doesnt have mid carders holding it.
I doubt it will be as long as CM Punk's recent reign was. Cena already had a couple of really long WWE Championship reigns in 2005-2006 and 2006-2007. They should give others a chance before they run out of wrestlers on the roster who would be believable in defeating him. It also depends on what they plan on doing with the WWE Championship's Money In the Bank briefcase. The red briefcase is what raises the most questions regarding when Cena loses. Who will win the WWE Championship's briefcase this year, and when are they cashing it in? The answers to those questions will play a huge role in when exactly John Cena loses the belt. I highly doubt Cena will succeed in defeating a MITB briefcase holder who is cashing in unless they cash in the way Cena did last year which is HIGHLY unlikely.

I could see him losing at Summerslam. He should face Daniel Bryan and lose to him. That would be as good a time as any to put the WWE Championship on Bryan. Have Daniel Bryan win the WWE Championship's briefcase and cash in at Summerslam on Cena for the WWE Championship. Bryan should then get a very lengthy reign just like CM Punk did. If Punk can pull it off, then so can Bryan. He's also over enough to justify a lengthy title reign. Unlike CM Punk he should get to close each PPV with his title matches. The fact that Punk didn't was an insult to the belt and what it stands for. I'm not against a lengthy reign for Cena, being a Cena fan, but I'd want to see someone else get a chance at one too. Cena won't be around forever and they do need to keep in mind who could replace him some day. Long title reigns that are booked properly will help in that process. Just look at what Cena's two long reigns did for him. It's better for WWE's future if this reign doesn't last too long, so that others can have longer reigns instead.
why do you see it superior though? theres nothing superior about it.. it simply just has more prestige and it doesnt have mid carders holding it.

In the 11 years the World Heavyweight Championship has existed, I feel it has had better matches held for it and better storylines written around it. It hasn't been traded back and forth between John Cena and Randy Orton a thousand times, and in general it's held more often by superstars who have actually earned a title reign, not been hand-picked by Vince.
I think Daniel Bryan will win it from Cena at Summerslam. When a wrestler is that over they have to capitalize on it and winning the WWE Championship at the 2nd biggest show of the year will cement Daniel Bryan's spot as a main eventer in WWE.
Until someone gets hot enough to take it from him. I highly doubt that there is some plan to have Cena top Punk's reign, but then again, I'm not a fucking moron. I also highly doubt that they have a long term plan in place for his reign. He'll get a solid run, maybe 6 months or so, then they'll start searching for a viable champion for him to pass it off to.

If Daniel Bryan keeps getting over the way he is, he could be a valid champion come Summerslam or so. Giving him a clean win over Randy Orton in the main event on Raw is a certain sign of a push.
I think John Cena is going to lose the WWEC. at MITB to Mark Henry. It's going to be a shocker and it will be a nice cap to Henry's Career to beat the top guy in the business and become the first ever total African American WWEC, as far as I know. The Rock is half Somoan if people are wondering about him.

I see Henry and Cena having a rematch at Summer Slam where Henry will lose by DQ. and Put Cena in the Hall of Pain by " breaking Cena`s ankle with a chair" like what Henry did with Kane a while back.

I think Daniel Bryan will come into the title picture then and beat Henry at The Night of Champs PPV. I see Cena as the guest ref. and helps Bryan win the title.

From there I see Bryan having to defend the WWEC. in a hell in a cell match against Henry without Cena`s help. It will sorta be built like Daniel in the Lion`s Den, like in the Bible. Bryan will win clean in the match and finally prove to himself that he is not a weak link but possibly the new face of the WWE. A feud with him and Cena will start shortly after where Cena will turn heelish to win the title back. Cena will go on to face Undertaker at Mania and lose. Then he will go back to a face realizing the error of his ways and being straightened out by Undertaker. He will go back to his respect gimmick saying he was sorry for letting his fans, the kids, down by taking the easy way out by cheating his way to the top. A few tombstones will straighten him out.(lol) This all may sound far fetched and it is, but I think it is something fresh and new for Cena this year. He can mix it up for a while and still end up being a face in the end.

So, I think Cena will lose to Henry at MITB, and this will be the fall out from the loss.
Until someone gets hot enough to take it from him. I highly doubt that there is some plan to have Cena top Punk's reign, but then again, I'm not a fucking moron. I also highly doubt that they have a long term plan in place for his reign. He'll get a solid run, maybe 6 months or so, then they'll start searching for a viable champion for him to pass it off to.

If Daniel Bryan keeps getting over the way he is, he could be a valid champion come Summerslam or so. Giving him a clean win over Randy Orton in the main event on Raw is a certain sign of a push.

I saw what you wrote on my rep page. you wrote, "jesus christ, you are a fucking moron".

let me provide proof so you will not tihnk that i am a moron.. first of all, john cena is the top star of the company and he certainly loves to kiss vince mcmahon's fucking ass and there is a lot of proof..

they turned ryback heel, fed him to cena.

they turned big show heel, fed him to cena.

they turned cm punk heel right when they started feuding with cena.

they turned kane heel to feud with cena, fed him to cena too.

i have a feeling that they are going to have RVD win MITB and then give cena his win back. wwe always wants to give cena the last win so he can win every feud possible.. no way, there is no fucking way that wwe will let another person be better than cena in ANY way. this is why i think that cena will surpass punk's reign, because if punk's reign lasted longer than cena, wwe will think that WE think that punk is better.. and no way in fucking hell will somebody surpass the golden boy john cena. no way@! john cena will overcome all the odds, no matter what. he took out the shield, took out the nexus, took out every possible member of the fucking roster. who hasnt he beaten? undertaker? because they are saving him for wrestlemania.. of course cena is a top star, but there are just way to many "dragon slaying" feuds.

his character is so corny, its all about overcoming the odds shit. we have been dealing with this for 8 years. overcoming the odds, never give up, typical superman stuff. NO change in his character for fucking 8 years!!! come on man, at least stone cold and the rock had interesting characters. they were both anti heros and very unique gimmicks. i am just saying that john cena should lose cleanly more often. when was the last time he lost cleanly? i think that was to the rock at last wrestlemania, and the rock is not even a full time superstar. what a waste of a clean win, huh? wwe has simply no logic.
I think John Cena is going to lose the WWEC. at MITB to Mark Henry. It's going to be a shocker and it will be a nice cap to Henry's Career to beat the top guy in the business and become the first ever total African American WWEC, as far as I know. The Rock is half Somoan if people are wondering about him.

I see Henry and Cena having a rematch at Summer Slam where Henry will lose by DQ. and Put Cena in the Hall of Pain by " breaking Cena`s ankle with a chair" like what Henry did with Kane a while back.

I think Daniel Bryan will come into the title picture then and beat Henry at The Night of Champs PPV. I see Cena as the guest ref. and helps Bryan win the title.

From there I see Bryan having to defend the WWEC. in a hell in a cell match against Henry without Cena`s help. It will sorta be built like Daniel in the Lion`s Den, like in the Bible. Bryan will win clean in the match and finally prove to himself that he is not a weak link but possibly the new face of the WWE. A feud with him and Cena will start shortly after where Cena will turn heelish to win the title back. Cena will go on to face Undertaker at Mania and lose. Then he will go back to a face realizing the error of his ways and being straightened out by Undertaker. He will go back to his respect gimmick saying he was sorry for letting his fans, the kids, down by taking the easy way out by cheating his way to the top. A few tombstones will straighten him out.(lol) This all may sound far fetched and it is, but I think it is something fresh and new for Cena this year. He can mix it up for a while and still end up being a face in the end.

So, I think Cena will lose to Henry at MITB, and this will be the fall out from the loss.

LOL you have so delusional smarky booking man.. u really think that they are going to let a injury-prone, old mark henry beat the golden boy john cena? u are so delusional man. then u think that they are going to let henry INJURE cena and have him feud with other superstars? on their flagship show?? WHILE THEIR GOLDEN BOY IS INJRUED?? HAHAHAHA no fucking way man. i know a lot of us hate cena but i can admit the truth. i know cena will never take a break and he will work through any injury and we will be forced to watch his 500+ day reign! i already faced it. his legacy will be the best of all time. nobody will surpass him in ANY way whatsoever. cena will NEVER turn heel because wwe cannot build new stars. hopefully they dont screw up with daniel bryan, he has a lot of potential right now because he is white hot and has shit load of momentum, but i will not be surprised lol.. look what have happened to many superstars in the past like bobby lashley, mr. kennedy, kofi kingston. they all have potential to be top stars but wwe screw them up. i think daniel bryan will lose badly to john cena because john cena is the golden boy.. daniel bryan will either turn heel and cheat to win because NO WAY is indie person going to win cleanly against john cena..
I believe the WWE is setting up this reign as Cenas last. At least his last long reign for a substantial amount of time. Give or take Survivor Series or Hell in A Cell is when I see Cena losing the title. To whom I don't have much of a clue they seem to be letting Cena at the moment run through the big monsters to establish his new confidence. He won't pass CM Punk reign but it will get referenced if he has the title for at least 8 months.
I think Cena will retain until Survivor Series. I think he will beat anyone in front of him until then. At that time I think he will lose to a heel and have his rematch at the December PPV (whether that will be a TLC event or not remains to be seen), and he will lose. I then believe he will enter the Royal Rumble and win but declare he doesn't want a title shot. He wants the streak. And he then goes off to WM 30 to take on the Undertaker.
I think Mark Henry is going to get his moment in the sun at Money in the Bank. He will then proceed to lose it the next night, either back to Cena or just get cashed in on.

I think Cena has one more EPIC reign left in him, but I don't think it's going to be this one. I could also totally see them having him pass Flair's 16 reigns, but maybe Mr. H's won't allow that to happen.
IMO the WHC is more prestigious not the WWE version but under JCP/WCW just the history of the belt
I think Cena will be booked under this title reign as if it was his first
VKM probably believes this is Cena's last big reign
Its not believeable if his reign surpasses Punk's unless a heel turn happens
I think he will lose at HIAC
Probably regain it around RR
I wouldn't mind unifying the belts at WM 30 of Cena vs Punk
This will be interesting to see, right now WWE have Daniel Bryan in a position where not making him champion would seem to be a case of missing a huge opportunity, however it all depends on how it's done and if it leaves the door open for Bryan to win it down the line, perhaps at Mania, but you risk killing his momentum if he fails.

On the other hand the theme of Cena's drive this year is about it being his year to reign, so the idea of him losing the belt on his 4th defense feels unlikely, in fact him losing it before 2014 seems unlikely to me, but things change and Cena doesn't strike me as being the type to screw up the bigger picture for a longer reign than he needs.
At the moment i don't see anyone that can defeat John Cena!
The only person i see defeating Cena is who ever is the money in the back winner.
But i think your right Cena will beat Punks WWE reign.
Cena lost his money in the bank and i dont think he will be the only one, what if Cena beats the Money in the bak winner this year causing 2 people in the wwe to lose there MITB briefcases so cena isnt the only one! next years money in the bank winner will best cena that is the only way i see cena losing the title unfortunately
I've been enjoying Cena's current title reign - I don't know why people bash him so much, he has been having a good couple of storylines, followed by good performances both inside the ring and in the microphone. I like that "new attitude" that he has, it's not all black an white nowadays, he makes the occasional joke, he doesn't wrestle every week - in some ways they are using him a lot better than they have used him in the past, however he is yet to find his big storyline like he had with Batista, Orton and CM Punk for this Summer.

Everything points to Daniel Bryan vs. John Cena at SummerSlam - a good idea no doubt about that, but I don't really like the outcome. I enjoy some lengthy title reigns, so to me Cena would hold on to the title until the Royal Rumble 2014 or even until WrestleMania - just because I like to think that this one will be Cena's last title reign and that for once, the one that really takes the title out of him, will in fact deserve it and go on to be one of the biggest stars in the roster.

Hey but who am I kidding? Cena wants to work with Bryan to drop the title to him - so that is what's going to happen and if you believe otherwise you are wrong.
I've been enjoying Cena's current title reign - I don't know why people bash him so much, he has been having a good couple of storylines, followed by good performances both inside the ring and in the microphone. I like that "new attitude" that he has, it's not all black an white nowadays, he makes the occasional joke, he doesn't wrestle every week - in some ways they are using him a lot better than they have used him in the past, however he is yet to find his big storyline like he had with Batista, Orton and CM Punk for this Summer.

Everything points to Daniel Bryan vs. John Cena at SummerSlam - a good idea no doubt about that, but I don't really like the outcome. I enjoy some lengthy title reigns, so to me Cena would hold on to the title until the Royal Rumble 2014 or even until WrestleMania - just because I like to think that this one will be Cena's last title reign and that for once, the one that really takes the title out of him, will in fact deserve it and go on to be one of the biggest stars in the roster.

Hey but who am I kidding? Cena wants to work with Bryan to drop the title to him - so that is what's going to happen and if you believe otherwise you are wrong.

Oh yeah! You love a repeat of 2007, turn the entire roster heel in order to be fed to John Cena. you love all this overcoming the odds bullshit, because its so fresh and new, right? The Ryback feud was pretty shit because everybody KNEW that ryback would lose and even with all the writers focusing their asses on that feud, it still sucked ass.. its more of rybacks fault than cenas because i just cant take him seriously.

what the fuck are u talking about fool? new attitude? never knew john cena had a gimmick change.. there has been NO gimmick change whatsoever. the wwe teased heel turns and gimmick changes from cena but nothing has changed! same stale, superman, overcoming the odds gimmick from 8 years ago.

FACE IT! Daniel bryan is just another person who is going to be fed to john cena. he might even turn heel and wwe would ruin all his momentum! i wouldnt be surprised one bit.
I would like Cena’s reign as WWE Champion to last for, at the very least, 435 days. I say this for a few reasons.

1. Keep my Prince happy.
My son is a huge fan of John Cena’s. The look on his face when the Rock defeated him at WM XXVIII broke my heart (though I was cheering on the inside!!). The look on his face when John Cena defeated the Rock at WM 29 for the WWE Title stole my heart (though I was booing inside). Point is, the WWE today, as it was in the Golden Era, is for the kids. We (adults) had our time, let them have theirs. I’m thinking when my son is in his teens, Cena will finally turn, join the NNWO (New New World Order), and being bad will be cool again.

2. I don't want to buy even more side plates...but I will.
I already told my son that I would buy the Rock’s and John Cena’s side plates for the new WWE Championship Title Belt when they come out. I also told him that I would buy the side plates of whoever else becomes WWE Champion and holds the “Big W”, as I like to call it, or “Big Logo” as it’s more commonly known as. Keeping the Title on Cena for a long time will help me save some money.

3. It would be nice to see a long reign one more time.
John Cena has held the WWE Title 11 times for a combined 1137 days and counting. He is 4th on the all-time combined days held list. I highly doubt he’s going to catch up to Bob Backlund’s 2138 days, Hulk Hogan’s 2185 days, or Bruno Sammartino’s 4040 days, but on the other side of that coin, I also highly doubt anyone’s going to catch up to his number of reigns, which he is currently at the number 1 spot. Point is, he really doesn’t gain anything from beating CM Punk’s record to get to 7th place on the most days in a single reign record, but it would be nice just to see it.

4. If you're going to do it, really make it worth it.
I believe the only person that should beat him has to be the World Champion, whoever that may be at the time of unification, if ever they decide to unify the WWE World Titles. As of right now, I just don’t see a point in him losing to someone randomly in a Raw, Smackdown, or a PPV other than WrestleMania. They have a World Title for that. At this point in his career, I think it’s time to “Hulk Up” John Cena and just let him run through the roster day in and night out. Bring up the NXT rookies and bring back the WWE Legends. Just let him have a “Face of the WWE” type run for at least 435 days. The rub from that would be amazing. Then when he finally drops it, turn him Heel and let him cheat to get it back.

His time is now and the Champ is here!!
I would like Cena’s reign as WWE Champion to last for, at the very least, 435 days. I say this for a few reasons.

1. Keep my Prince happy.
My son is a huge fan of John Cena’s. The look on his face when the Rock defeated him at WM XXVIII broke my heart (though I was cheering on the inside!!). The look on his face when John Cena defeated the Rock at WM 29 for the WWE Title stole my heart (though I was booing inside). Point is, the WWE today, as it was in the Golden Era, is for the kids. We (adults) had our time, let them have theirs. I’m thinking when my son is in his teens, Cena will finally turn, join the NNWO (New New World Order), and being bad will be cool again.

2. I don't want to buy even more side plates...but I will.
I already told my son that I would buy the Rock’s and John Cena’s side plates for the new WWE Championship Title Belt when they come out. I also told him that I would buy the side plates of whoever else becomes WWE Champion and holds the “Big W”, as I like to call it, or “Big Logo” as it’s more commonly known as. Keeping the Title on Cena for a long time will help me save some money.

3. It would be nice to see a long reign one more time.
John Cena has held the WWE Title 11 times for a combined 1137 days and counting. He is 4th on the all-time combined days held list. I highly doubt he’s going to catch up to Bob Backlund’s 2138 days, Hulk Hogan’s 2185 days, or Bruno Sammartino’s 4040 days, but on the other side of that coin, I also highly doubt anyone’s going to catch up to his number of reigns, which he is currently at the number 1 spot. Point is, he really doesn’t gain anything from beating CM Punk’s record to get to 7th place on the most days in a single reign record, but it would be nice just to see it.

4. If you're going to do it, really make it worth it.
I believe the only person that should beat him has to be the World Champion, whoever that may be at the time of unification, if ever they decide to unify the WWE World Titles. As of right now, I just don’t see a point in him losing to someone randomly in a Raw, Smackdown, or a PPV other than WrestleMania. They have a World Title for that. At this point in his career, I think it’s time to “Hulk Up” John Cena and just let him run through the roster day in and night out. Bring up the NXT rookies and bring back the WWE Legends. Just let him have a “Face of the WWE” type run for at least 435 days. The rub from that would be amazing. Then when he finally drops it, turn him Heel and let him cheat to get it back.

His time is now and the Champ is here!!

sadly, i guess i will keep on watching because mitb and summerslam are very good ppvs, but if i haev to keep up with cena's title reign to 435 days. i will stop watching after summerslam, and then i will come back around road tow restlemania, then i will stop again after the wrestlemania. john cena already got super long title reign. he does not need another, but that isn ot according to the wwe creative monkey team logic. creative monkey team logic is - feed everytghing to cena, this will give ratings. however, this is untrue. look at ratings right now, cena is champion, ratings are 2.9
brock lesnar already failed and i cant see them having a rematch for some reasno..

No, he didn't. The two of them faced off in a grudge match, at Extreme Rules 2012. CM Punk defended the WWE Title against Chris Jericho in the match before.

The only time Cena and Lesnar met for the WWE Title was at Backlash 2003, and Lesnar beat him.

To answer the question, there was a time I would have said Wrestlemania 30, and argued hard for it. The fact is, like it or not, John Cena is the top guy in the company. Like it or not, you can't just have anyone come in and beat Cena for the title. So having Cena go through the Mark Henry's, Randy Orton's and Sheamus' of the world is a logical thing. Why? Because Cena has proved time and again that he's better then them. In the past, it's taken a herculean effort to take the title off of Cena. Edge cashing in Money In The Bank. Big Show chokeslamming him through a spotlight. Del Rio locking him outside of the Hell In A Cell structure. And CM Punk in his hometown, and once again at Summerslam.

As Cena once said it, there's only one man who's been his equal, and that's been CM Punk. I could have seen them having a match at Summerslam, but it's obvious Punk will be tied up with Lesnar. Speaking of Lesnar, logic would dictate that at some point, he would be due a championship match himself. But with his limited dates, and a certain date with Punk at Summerslam, I'd say he's out of the picture as well.

So why am I sticking with Summerslam? Because of one Daniel Bryan. In my opinion, it's now or never for Bryan. I don't know if they're going to continue on the "weakest link" angle, but it would be excellent if Bryan did so, won Money In The Bank, then announced he was cashing in at Summerslam, to prove once and for all he's not the Weakest Link. What better way to do it then by defeating the WWE Champion, one John Cena?

WWE has done a fantastic job of building Daniel Bryan up as a top superstar, with his submission victory over Randy Orton two weeks ago on Raw being the best example. It's time to go the entire way, with a MITB win, and a victory over John Cena at Summerslam. I don't anticipate a long reign, and Cena will likely regain the title from him.

Unless, like CM Punk, John Cena finds himself with a second form of kryptonite in Daniel Bryan.

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