How Can Dixie & TNA Make Up for Victory Road?

then bischoff could get another "order from the network" saying that the mainevent was bullshit and that the next ppv must be free to make up for it. they could make it a free ppv, and add commercials or ads if they still want revenue. then give the fans a great main event with sting vs anderson vs rvd (and you can even add in aj styles to make the diehard fans happy).

How the hell are you going to make a free PAY per view?

Anyways. It obviously wasn't planned. Anything can happen in wrestling. The cards are always subject to change. They aren't going to give a refund. Why should they? Because the fans aren't satisfied with the results? That's just an opinion, and not a good enough argument. "I'm pissed off because the person I wanted to win didn't win" is something they always see. Does this negatively effect the public view of TNA? Yes. But I bet more people will watch Impact this week to see what the hell happened.

At least in WWE, they would have scheduled Sting to defend his title in a real match right afterwards against someone else.
Jeff is nothing but a drug addict, he should be fired or suspended. Dixie should make some huge match to make it up to the fans. and Jeff should never be champion again.
I don't know if Dixie can make it up to the fans. There are a few obvious choices... giving the people who paid to see the show and bought the PPV their money back would be a huge gesture and it would show that TNA is truly ashamed of the events of last night, which they should be. Another possibility is to put together a huge main event for Impact this Thursday, possibly a title match involving Sting and a TNA original of sorts, either Kurt Angle or AJ Styles or someone who we know has what it takes to put on a 5 star match. It would make the main event scene a little crazy, and it would definitely be out of nowhere, but they owe the fans a great match.

I think their smartest option, though, would to be to cut prices on Lockdown. If normal PPVs cost $40, cut it down to $30 or maybe even $20. If they don't make as much money on the PPV, then so be it, they deserve it after what happened last night. I doubt they see it the same way, though.
If this was ROH, WCW back in day or even WWE (altho the latter has previous for this with Backlund and Diesel in 8secs), I could understand the fuss and surprise. But TNA, likely Russo, Bitchoff and maybe Hogan, put Hardy in the match knowing advance what a disaster zone and liability he is (currently only topped by Diichi/Fukushima Reactors). Can it really be a surprise that something like this eventially happened? Plus, considered the clusterfuck endings and performances through out the whole show, is this really the low point of the evening?

There is ZERO chance of Dixie, Russo, Bitchoff, Hogan or anyone else apologising to the fans. There's a remote chance if Sting and the other talent with leverage kick up a stink Jeff might get sent for rehab, but has he's currently fighting criminal charges, I would imagine he would be loathed to go as it may adversely affect any future legal sanctions. As for the suggestion of a free PPV - they can't afford it and putting showcasing wrestling at the expence of promos would probably put Russo and Bitchoff in catatonic shock.

It was a shit ppv from a company being run by people who have no idea what they are doing in the ring or in the creative room. To Dixie, last night probably looked like show that was saved rather than one that sunk like the Lusitania!
Simple solution I would ask for an extra hour of tv time and put on ppv quality matches for free. That's the only way there saving their asses
Thankfully we don't have to pay to watch in UK, and fuck me I'm glad of that. I'd be extremely pissed if I had and I hope something gets done for those that did.

I think a 3 hour PPV quality impact is a nice idea, but that does mean EVERYONE gets to watch, whether they paid or not. Perhaps the Lockdown PPV free to anyone who has proof of payment for Victory Road.

But chances are, nothing will happen.
I'd take a page out of Paul Heyman's playbook - just go to the ring and talk about it. No bulls***, no angles, just do the right thing.

Open on Dixie, already stood right in the middle of the ring and she says something to the effect of...

"As you all know, this past Sunday's Victory Road main event was unusually short. I am here to publicly apologise to every fan in the Impact Zone, every fan at home and every valued wrestler in the back who was offended by our actions that night. To clarify the situation, the main event was thrown into turmoil at the last minute by Jeff Hardy's recklessness. He showed up to work intoxicated and absolutely no one felt comfortable allowing him to work a prolonged match with our World Heavyweight Champion, Sting. No blame should be assigned to Steve. In ending the match so mercifully quick, he avoided a much more serious incident. As for Jeff Hardy, his actions were, and continue to be, unacceptable. From the bottom of my heart, I truly hope he gets the help he needs, but we aren't the ones to give it to him. With immediate effect, Jeff Hardy has been released from his TNA contract and will no longer be affiliated with this company. In some small measure of recompense, we've booked a true PPV quality Impact to make it up to you all, the fans. We can't apologise enough."

Even more so, I wouldn't be above letting the roster cut promo after promo ripping into Hardy for what's done. Show, categorically, that the buck stops here. If management lets you slide, the wrestlers sure as hell wont.

They need to grow some balls and get ahead of this situation.
I'd take a page out of Paul Heyman's playbook - just go to the ring and talk about it. No bulls***, no angles, just do the right thing.

Open on Dixie, already stood right in the middle of the ring and she says something to the effect of...

"As you all know, this past Sunday's Victory Road main event was unusually short. I am here to publicly apologise to every fan in the Impact Zone, every fan at home and every valued wrestler in the back who was offended by our actions that night. To clarify the situation, the main event was thrown into turmoil at the last minute by Jeff Hardy's recklessness. He showed up to work intoxicated and absolutely no one felt comfortable allowing him to work a prolonged match with our World Heavyweight Champion, Sting. No blame should be assigned to Steve. In ending the match so mercifully quick, he avoided a much more serious incident. As for Jeff Hardy, his actions were, and continue to be, unacceptable. From the bottom of my heart, I truly hope he gets the help he needs, but we aren't the ones to give it to him. With immediate effect, Jeff Hardy has been released from his TNA contract and will no longer be affiliated with this company. In some small measure of recompense, we've booked a true PPV quality Impact to make it up to you all, the fans. We can't apologise enough."

Even more so, I wouldn't be above letting the roster cut promo after promo ripping into Hardy for what's done. Show, categorically, that the buck stops here. If management lets you slide, the wrestlers sure as hell wont.

They need to grow some balls and get ahead of this situation.

Couldnt be done better. Make the title match a triple threat and get rid of jarrett too.
I'd take a page out of Paul Heyman's playbook - just go to the ring and talk about it. No bulls***, no angles, just do the right thing.

Open on Dixie, already stood right in the middle of the ring and she says something to the effect of...

"As you all know, this past Sunday's Victory Road main event was unusually short. I am here to publicly apologise to every fan in the Impact Zone, every fan at home and every valued wrestler in the back who was offended by our actions that night. To clarify the situation, the main event was thrown into turmoil at the last minute by Jeff Hardy's recklessness. He showed up to work intoxicated and absolutely no one felt comfortable allowing him to work a prolonged match with our World Heavyweight Champion, Sting. No blame should be assigned to Steve. In ending the match so mercifully quick, he avoided a much more serious incident. As for Jeff Hardy, his actions were, and continue to be, unacceptable. From the bottom of my heart, I truly hope he gets the help he needs, but we aren't the ones to give it to him. With immediate effect, Jeff Hardy has been released from his TNA contract and will no longer be affiliated with this company. In some small measure of recompense, we've booked a true PPV quality Impact to make it up to you all, the fans. We can't apologise enough."

Even more so, I wouldn't be above letting the roster cut promo after promo ripping into Hardy for what's done. Show, categorically, that the buck stops here. If management lets you slide, the wrestlers sure as hell wont.

They need to grow some balls and get ahead of this situation.

Without a drug test she couldn't reference any intoxication or they could be sued. I do like your idea though. She would have to be carefull and pharse it more like "Jeff Hardy arrived at the arena in no shape to perform..."
If all the reports are true concerning Jeff Hardy's condition last night, there are numerous things that are going to need to take place.

First and foremost a public apology needs to be issued. Either break storyline and have Dixie start of Impact in the ring to address the situation, or have it be Hogan making the apology as he "controls" TNA. He can announce how Hardy disrespected everyone and after last night Immortal is no more and they failed themselves. He can say that it was his mistake to back Hardy all this time and its time for the rest of TNA to rise up in error of his mistakes and show the true nature of the organization. Almost a rebranding of sorts, however not in the sense of WCW and stripping everyone of the titles to start anew.

Secondly, Jeff Hardy needs to be fired. Publicly!!!!!!

Announce that at Lockdown Abyss will make his return and defend the almost forgotten TV Title. Have an eight man tournament begin and lead up to the PPV with Styles, Samoa Joe, Matt Morgan, Hernadez, Pope, Matt Hardy, Crimson, and Douglas Williams.

Have the main event of this week's Impact be a rematch of Anderson/Rvd. put on a good 10 to 15 minute match with a number 1 contender finally being named. this would give 5 solid matches for Impact this week.

Also the return of the World X Cup should be announced and the opening match of the night should be a preview of whats to come and it can feature a triple threat, six man tag, or fatal 4 way match feturing x-division wrestlers.

It is owed to the fans to put on some quality matches to lead up to the next ppv if Tna doesn't want their buyrates to drop drastically. Maybe people have mentioned how refunds should be given for last nights ppv however that is one thing i don't agree with as i felt the rest of the show aside from the main event was a great card with some great matches especially Ultimate X, Tag Title bout, and A.J. vs Hardy.
I just want to clear something up - it wasn't Bitchoff coming out that pissed off Sting - the ref made the visual cross symbol of when a wrestler is legit unable to continue during Sting ring entry after he spoke to Hardy. Jeff then went out the ring and the ref spoke to a runner at ringside who presumable went to the back and told Bitchoff etc. So it looks like they sent out Jeff thinking it would be ok, but the ref then decided Jeff was a danger to himself and Sting and Eric had to come out, speak to them about a change and then make up a reason why he was there, to disguise the fact the ref had deemed jeff unable to compete.

Sting then laid on some stiff shots and a forcefull cover so Hardy couldn't kick out - which was why Jeff then no-sold afterwards. It seemed the best pisspoor attempt at salvaging a mess of creative's own making. If Hebner Jr can in 5 secs tell Jeff isn't good to go, then backstage must have known in advance so sending him out there for that BS finish was lunacy.
Does sending Hardy home count as a start? Because the word coming out of the dirt sheet reports is that the decision from the meetings in Orlando this morning regarding Hardy has been made and that he has indeed been sent home from the iMPACT! tapings this week.
Pretend like wrestling is real.. Lesnar got his ass knocked out in the first round and nobody asked for a refund!

Seriously , the only way to "make it up" to the fan's is going to be a refund.. I think a public apolgy would work just as well though, I can't honestly see them giving a refund to all the PPV buyers, esepcially since the rest of the card wasn't too bad, and those guys put on a decent show (Outside of the main event).

It sucks , but they need some major P.R. Damage control and a legitmate apology to all the fans on national television by Dixie, Bischoff, and Russo.. Break Kayfabe and apolgize as a company

EDIT: I Will say this the COMPANY has something to apolgize, I will be very angry if they scapegoat hardy, and simply blame him.. They put him out there when he was drunk/stoned/ on drugs.. There is a completely seperate issue- Yes Hardy deserves to get canned for what he pulled, but TNA Put him in that ring to begin with and booked the minute long match.. There were better alternatives and they need to take some responsiblity for what happened
HOLD on seriusly YALL PAY FOR PAY PER VIEWS!!!!????!!!!

I mean TNA PPV's???

now Im not a TNA basher (yet) but I could not get myself to PAY for a PPV for TNA, after all of the broken promises and tom foolerly that goes on with TNA and ya are SHOCKED that a MAIN EVENT goes on for what a minute.

I don't think TNA or Dixie need to do anything in regards to the PPV itself. It was a good PPV with one bad match. Did the WWE refund me when I bought WrestleMania 25 (first and last PPV) and got a crap PPV with one good match? No! So why the hell should TNA do anything about giving their fans 7 decent matches and one poor one?

I never thought Jeff's drug habbits were a problem, as it wasn't effecting his ability to entertain as a wrestler. But if last nights match was cut short due to Jeff's condition, then perhaps now is the time to do something about it.
Nothing. Simply nothing. This is likely the straw that breaks the camels back. how do you possibly explain that for a year you have booked a wrestling company around a guy who has had serious legal problems that are public knowledge, he has pulled this before (being in bad shape to wrestle), they created a "dominant" faction w/ him as their champion, and for gods sake made a title belt w/ his face on it.

If this was any other business, management would be fired completely for their lack of judgment, tarnishing of the brand, and putting other employees in danger. In terms of Wrestling as a business, Spike should (and I'm not saying they will) pull the plug. How do you convey confidence to sponsors/advertisers in a brand that just screwed their own fans on a ppv? It is a shame Dixie, Bischoff, Hogan, Russo will all keep their jobs because this is wrestling.

If Lebron James showed up intoxicated to play, would they start him and then bench him after a minute? Would the coach be employed if he put him out there that fucked up? I understand this is "wrestling" and its not real - but I could never see this happening in WWE - the major leagues. This just proved how much of a joke TNA has become and I am a loyal follower for over 4 years now. I attended last nights ppv and it was my very first time - chances of me ever going again, 0. They didn't even explain to the live crowd what took place and let people sit there for 20 minutes.

More importantly, TNA is playing w/ fire when it comes to losing talent. Sting showed immense loyalty coming back and this is how he is rewarded. Explain to Kurt Angel that there is a future company for him to work in (and resign w/) when the past year was pissed away in 1:26 minutes. Joe, Pope, MCMG all not used last night - think they would have liked to be part of the ppv for 25 minutes that were wasted?

Nothing can be done to reconcile this. But I have a feeling in typical TNA fashion they will just ignore it, make a slight remark at it (ala botched MEM return) and keep going forward. Its a shame they will be allowed to. Wrestlers clearly answer to nobody backstage and TNA, it appears, answers to nobody higher up. Vince's public shares would be tanking if this was WWE. Yes, controversy creates ratings/interest - but this wasn't controversy, it was an absolute abortion of a Main Event and of a full year's worth of company direction. ... But who knows, maybe ratings will be higher than 1.3 for Thursday because people will tune in to find out wtf happened. I will tune in simply because now I want to watch the company die, just like WCW. I loved WCW and loved TNA before this. Now, I'm happy to have been at wha I believe was the beginning of the end.
It ain't about putting on matches anymore. It's about winning back your locker room. I think a massive management overhaul is needed, starting with firings and apologies.
What gets me most about the whole Hardy situation is that after this match, he is completely buried. He is the top heel, and is called by his heel stable as the face of the company. But after losing his title rematch in less than 2 minutes, how can people take him a threat for the title? (kayfabe)

TNA will not fold because of this, I think that's taking it a bit too far; but they need to strap the rocket to someone else in Immortal and put on a big title match on free tv this week. That's the only thing you can do to make up for it.

Beyond that they need set up some kind of wellness policy ala WWE, and start enforcing some rules about guys showing up to shows on time and, well, sober.

Obviously the focus for that right now is Jeff Hardy. It's clear the guy needs a lot of help; whether it be for drug abuse or mental illness, get him into rehab!
Well lets analyze this situation:

First Hardy comes out and looks sluggish coming down the ring and fumbles his feet while getting into the ring. He didn't look like he was there to perform. Then after Sting comes out down comes Bischoff to make it a no dq match, then we have a match that lasts a little over a minute with 45 seconds of that match is Hardy pretending to throw a t-shirt. Then the finish happens, a quick 3 happens and Hardy no sells Stings finishing maneuver. From there Hardy looks scared and pissed, Sting looks absolutely disappointed with Hardy and then when the fans chant "This is Bullshit" and Sting responds by saying "I agree, I agree". Then later today Hardy gets sent home from tapings.

This is all I will comment on as to be fair we don't know the full story. The fact of the matter is Hardy looked like he wasn't ready to perform last night, no matter what it was he was supposed to bring it and he didn't. That match was an embarassment and a travesty no matter how you look at it. I don't care what the reasons really are, Hardy wasn't ready to perform and for that alone he should be punished.

Secondly, Sting gave him a Scorpion Death Drop and Hardy no sells it. Sting is a legend, its all an act but to no sell a legend like Sting in that fashion is unacceptable.

Third, whatever Hardy did visibly upset Sting, it was obvious that Sting was as pissed as the fans were when the PPV went off the air. Sting is a professional in every sense of the word, Hardy must have F-d up bad to piss Sting of in that fashion. Its never a good sign when a guy like Sting breaks character because he is that upset. On top of that plenty of wrestlers have commented on the fact that Hardy was in no condition to wrestle and TNA let him go out anyways, not only Sting a guy you spent many a hours trying to get re-signed upset you have a locker room full of guys who are upset. I've heard at least 10 wrestlers today comment on what happenened and no one is taking Hardy's side.

Fourth, the fans of TNA are obviously pissed, even the biggest TNA marks are upset about what happened. They shell out $35 dollars and thats what they get in return for a main event.

Its obvious TNA has to rectify the situation and there is only one way to do it. I would publicly and legitly fire Hardy on iMPACT and apologize to everyone for what happened. Later that evening I would have Sting fight RVD and Anderson for the TNA title and give the fans a real main event to make up for what happened.

This is what I think TNA should do and I really hope they do. Hardy is nothing but a liability at this point, cut his ass.
I'm not sure if they will refund people's money or not. What should happen is TNA should fire Hardy or at least suspend him. He has another court day in a few days to appear to. Dixie should apologize to the fans and have a 3 hour Impact with a credible main event to make up for her mistake.
All these suggestions of a legit main event on Impact or 3 hour impact w/ big matches is garbage - sorry! Anything short of a refund or free Lockdown is a slap in the face to the fans who purchased the event. Luckily ppl (like myself) didn't pay to get in or we'd have rioted. Impacts have recently been booked w/ "big" matches such as Sting beating Hardy on 3/3 just to get ratings (and it failed).

Deanerandterry is right - big problem when two of the top guys break kayfabe - much less at a ppv which can't be edited out.

At this point, firing him should seem like a foregone conclusion - how does he even stand trial an win after this incident in which his own employer declared him unfit and unsafe for the workplace - surely that says he is just as unfit for free society.

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