How do you feel about the way TNA handled the Hardy/Victory Road situation on iMPACT?

- Hogan and Bischoff burying people is not justice for the fans. Hogan and Bischoff bury people faster than Roseanne Barr downs a box of Krispy Kremes. So they buried Jeff Hardy? The casual fan doesn't know Jeff does drugs, they just know he barely had a match that they paid for. It's a product of worked-shoot Russo booking that only makes sense to marks like you and me.

Jeff being a known drug user is no secret. A good amount of wrestling fans know about his problems. Sure, not every casual fan knows about Jeff using drugs, but Hardy has gained a nice fan base over the years, and they know about Jeff's life outside the ring.

TNA had to move past the debacle at Victory road, and they had to move past it quick. The main event was an embarrassment for TNA. Plenty of paying customers didn't get a chance to see a real main event, and all of the blame can be placed on Jeff. Hogan and Bischoff had to sink Hardy. He was pushed as the crown jewel of a stable they lead, so how it would look if they protected him? TNA needs a new #1 heel. They need a replacemnt, and as of right now, Bully Ray is that guy.

- Jeff Hardy doesn't want help. He's had drug issues for years, and even with the stringent WWE Wellness Policy forcing him to get help, he never really accepted the information. There are drug addicts than can overcome their demons and get straight. Hardy doesn't want that; He's had plenty of help before this.

I'm still holding out hope he can get clean one day. I don't want Jeff to become another wrestler who died a tragic death caused by drug use.
I think they handled it well.

They just mentioned how he failed to get the job done. They just clearly just wanted to just move on from the debacle of Victory Road. They did a good job at realising that they have to move forward, and what they did in the opening promo did that.

Now, what they should do with Hardy is either send him to rehab, or fire him. The guy is no good for business, he just hurt's it. He's a junkie that need's help.

If it's a work, and Hardy return's in a few month's ala Daniel Bryan's Summerslam return. It'll be a good way to turn him face. Seriously, this guy can be the top face of any wrestling company, he just has to lay of the pill's and cocaine. Maybe it'll work and people will forget all about Victory Road.
Fire him,dont fire him,either way,whoevers running the "show" over at TNA needs to actually give Jeff a hand up.Dont just fire him and cut ties,help the man out.

He is one of the biggest draws in pro wrestling today.He can main event anywhere and hold his own as a top man in any situation (when hes clean)

So even if they fire him which would not be going too far IMO,they should stick with him,help the guy out,I think its what he needs.
Finally saw last Thursday's Impact last night (I had been away for a while, including being in attendance at VR in Orlando)....

I think it is awful how they handled it. Here they had one of the most controversial endings to a PPV in any promotion in the last 10 years. I mean true true controversy, was it a work? was it real? how bad could management be to allow this to happen? who should get fired? - all these questions being asked - and they cover it in a 3 minute quick shoot with Sting and then bring out the entire locker room for a clusterfuck in the ring and book a ridiculous 4 way match?

I'm shocked Bischoff and Russo - men who have written books on controversy - let this slide. As bad as VR debacle was, this was a missed softball when it came to handling things moving forward.
Finally saw last Thursday's Impact last night (I had been away for a while, including being in attendance at VR in Orlando)....

I think it is awful how they handled it. Here they had one of the most controversial endings to a PPV in any promotion in the last 10 years. I mean true true controversy, was it a work? was it real? how bad could management be to allow this to happen? who should get fired? - all these questions being asked - and they cover it in a 3 minute quick shoot with Sting and then bring out the entire locker room for a clusterfuck in the ring and book a ridiculous 4 way match?

I'm shocked Bischoff and Russo - men who have written books on controversy - let this slide. As bad as VR debacle was, this was a missed softball when it came to handling things moving forward.

Right. And if they elaborated on it, the IWC would've complained they spend too much time on a drug addict.

They handled it well. It was done quickly, kayfabe and it was forgotten a minute later. Why remind everyone of your mistake? TNA is handling it better backstage. Hardy's off every show, iMPACT, Live Event and even Lockdown, perhaps they suspended him, whatever it is, he's paying some price like he should.
Right. And if they elaborated on it, the IWC would've complained they spend too much time on a drug addict.

They handled it well. It was done quickly, kayfabe and it was forgotten a minute later. Why remind everyone of your mistake? TNA is handling it better backstage. Hardy's off every show, iMPACT, Live Event and even Lockdown, perhaps they suspended him, whatever it is, he's paying some price like he should.

Exactly, they did what they had to do no more no less. Anyways he is paying the price of his action even if he might not be going to jail.
Seems like it was a case of damned if you do, damned if you don't.

It's a real shame - was loving Hardy's matches last year as a face with Kurt Angle. Seems to have gone downhill fast since his heel turn
If, and that's a big if, Hardy would to ever return, they've seem to set it up for a face return. Which is kinda disappointing because I thought his heel gimmick was pretty interesting. I thought TNA did a good job at making Hardy heel even though the idiot smarks in the Impact Zone would still cheer him.
Yeah look. When I first watched last weeks iMPACT I was disappointed and angry that they did not address the situation formally with an apology.

Looking at it now. They handled it well from a business standpoint. The worst thing they can do right now is dwell on it. They know it happened, we know it happened, they want to move on and let everyone forget about it as soon as possible. The best thing they can do is to quickly move someone into Jeff's spot and continue business as usual. ...and lets face it Bully Ray makes a better heel than Jeff, however having him in the title picture makes me cringe. But thats another thread.

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