Hogans promo: Why did they boo The Rock?

You said his name is THE Rock in an attempt at correcting me yet the very next sentence starts with just Rock......then continue to call him Rock not THE Rock for the entire following paragraphs.

No I would not mind if that were Austin. Yes Austin would travel there every RAW. He's only doing his podcasts now because he's not signed with WWE. He admitted he wouldn't mind coming back for WM 30 if they had a good story for him. Not to mention Austin never lost his charisma. Rock's shtick got very stale when he returned. Austin is a different story. Just like Brock is not Rock. Rock is not Austin

Rock is no Austin.

Austin is no Rock either.

Austin said that he's cleared to wrestle and can do a 2 year full time run if he wanted to.
But he didn't.
The Rock gets hate because people genuinely dislike that he's "too good" for the product. It's like being on a crappy basketball team that loses all of its games. Then one day an awesome basketball player joins your team and you guys win EVERY game, get to the playoffs, and become champions. Throughout this journey, the awesome player gets all of the credit, glory, and cheers. Meanwhile, you and the rest of your buddies are an afterthought. The fans who have been watching this PG Era product for the past 8 years or so, see The Rock as that highly-praised jock. They mostly feel they can relate to the shade that CM Punk and Cena threw at The Rock because he wasn't a part of their "struggling" era.

I'll admit that the 1998-2001 version of The Rock is easily my favorite wrestling gimmick/talent of all time but the way he turned his back on the business (and us fans), was not the best way to handle it. He made sporadic video appearances twice and showed up to a HoF ceremony for his dad but that's about it. He doesn't owe anyone anything. Especially since HE got himself as over as he did through rigorous in-ring training, speech classes, character acting, creativity, and countless hours of exercise. But on the flip side, none of these fans booing him owe him anything either. It's their right to feel dissed or to feel that he isn't worthy. I don't agree with them but being able to think or feel what we do is what makes us who we are. So accept it and move on.

It's lonely at the top. You can't make everyone happy all of the time. Take Justin Bieber for instance. Everyone hated the kid even BEFORE he became a criminal nuisance. They complained that his music sucking was the reason why. Yet most of them don't even like pop music in general. You know the same people who don't listen to One Direction, Rhianna, Katy Perry, Kesha, Gaga, and all that jazz. We complain. "THAT'S WHAT WE DO!!!!", said Father Henry.

How did he turn his back on the fans and the business? If he did that, he wouldn't have came back.

He said in his last dvd that he wanted to make it on his own.

Honestly he shouldn't have came back at all.
How did he turn his back on the fans and the business?

I said that from what I believe is the perspective of someone who sees it that way. Not my own perspective. By leaving in a manner that wasn't "official" to the fans, they felt he just up and left. Then he stopped associating himself with the product. I realize that he explained why he did it but that doesn't mean that these same fans booing him think that it was justified. Just because WE don't agree with the fans booing The Rock, doesn't mean they don't have what they consider to be valid reasons for doing so. It just means we don't share their perspective.
I said that from what I believe is the perspective of someone who sees it that way. Not my own perspective. By leaving in a manner that wasn't "official" to the fans, they felt he just up and left. Then he stopped associating himself with the product. I realize that he explained why he did it but that doesn't mean that these same fans booing him think that it was justified. Just because WE don't agree with the fans booing The Rock, doesn't mean they don't have what they consider to be valid reasons for doing so. It just means we don't share their perspective.

Yeah but I think WWE and John Laurinitis in particular didn't want to renew The Rock's contract when it expired in October 2004.

Rock wanted a similar contract to the contract he has now (one match per year with a couple of appearances) but WWE refused to sign him to another contract.
Austin said that he's cleared to wrestle and can do a 2 year full time run if he wanted to.
But he didn't.

Do you know why he didn't? He had an interview with Chris Jericho on Jericho's podcast and said explicitly why. For one Austin saw the situation Rock was in and didn't want to be viewed in the same light as Rock. Another reason is that Austin sees no point in returning. He said he's already done everything he wanted to do and he doesn't just want to be a part-timer who comes back for a quick last hoorah. WM 19 was his last hoorah. He also said he doesn't want to work up his cardio because that requires a lot of training. Otherwise he'd be like Batista heeving every 5 seconds in a corner.
You said his name is THE Rock in an attempt at correcting me yet the very next sentence starts with just Rock......then continue to call him Rock not THE Rock for the entire following paragraphs.

No I would not mind if that were Austin. Yes Austin would travel there every RAW. He's only doing his podcasts now because he's not signed with WWE. He admitted he wouldn't mind coming back for WM 30 if they had a good story for him. Not to mention Austin never lost his charisma. Rock's shtick got very stale when he returned. Austin is a different story. Just like Brock is not Rock. Rock is not Austin

You are stupid aren't you? I said THE Rock with an emphasis on how big a star he was...I wasn't correcting grammar genius.

Ok Austin would give up the podcast temporarily but would he stop his tv shows and movies? How do you know he would...you don't, but what I do know is all part timers like Rock, Brock and Jericho who have other obligations like tv, tours, etc do not come to every Raw so please spare me the bullshit of passing your opinion off as fact.

Don't even get me started with the whole Austin greater than Rock shit...it's been done to death here and quite recently too.
People boo Rock because of Cena and no it's not Cena that Cena did so much wrong or that Cena is THAT over. It's because Rock made a statement a very poor one in saying that "he'd never leave again" and it made sense in the story and it made sense for Cena to hash it out about that phrase in the storyline. But they beat that dead horse and then brought it back to life again just to beat the fuck out of it some more.

The problem is that fans take you too literally. Anyone that actually thought the Rock was going back into wrestling full time is an idiot. The truth is the fans were so into a Rock full time return that when it didn't happen it turned people against him imo. Now that said I was never on board with the Rock returning. He's not the same guy he used to be. He's not the Rock that set the world on fire in 2000, he's just not the same dude. I like remembering the Rock as that not the guy who's been showing up and him wrestling just puts a bad taste in my mouth personally.
those idiotic people are willing to come to raw only to boo the wrestlers. They like some fu wrestler like punk who walkout for himself. Those people are fools. Similar to you guys.
Do you know why he didn't? He had an interview with Chris Jericho on Jericho's podcast and said explicitly why. For one Austin saw the situation Rock was in and didn't want to be viewed in the same light as Rock. Another reason is that Austin sees no point in returning. He said he's already done everything he wanted to do and he doesn't just want to be a part-timer who comes back for a quick last hoorah. WM 19 was his last hoorah. He also said he doesn't want to work up his cardio because that requires a lot of training. Otherwise he'd be like Batista heeving every 5 seconds in a corner.

You're adding waaaaay too much to what Austin said, and it wasn't even that clear when he said what he did. It was the most vague shit I've ever heard and a bad excuse at that imo.

First off, the only thing he said was "I'm in shape now, and would need about 3 months to get into ring shape, but if I come back for a Mania match, then what?" Jericho added that the fans always ask for one more after they get one more, but I don't think he was directly responding to that statement because even he didn't know what to say.

"And then what?" Well, how about you give us the shit you've been teasing us with, with Cm Punk. The WWE 2k13 promo they shot together with JR. Or the backstage promos of them getting face to face on Raw? Or on the tweets where Punk called him out for Mania 29..."29 son". Or the countless interviews where he says he could work for a good part of the next 2 years and that if WWE paid him a lot then he'd come back.

How about he gives us a proper fairwell ala Flair and HBK, and let us know when he's retiring, and not just abruptly and shockingly call it quits before we have a chance to appreciate the match for what it is.

If "and then what?" means that he wouldn't wanna fall back in love with being an an active wrestler, then stick around until you're tired of it and wanna retire for good. I just don't get his excuse.

At least Rock came back and gave us his best after all these years. Not many people can come back after that layoff and do what he did. Fans don't get it, so they won't appreciate it...well the stupid fans. Even HBK wasn't the same when he came back 4 years later....VERY different character and although he was always great in the ring, I feel his best was before his return...especially his persona.

Bottom line, his haters need to just shut up with the bs excuses and come out and admit they just don't like him.
On one hand, Rock shot himself in the foot with all the "I'll never leave again" stuff during his return promo. I'm sure plenty of fans knew Rock wouldn't show up on EVERY Raw and Smackdown on the road to Wrestlemania 27, 28, and 29, but they wanted to believe he would stick around on a semi-regular basis. Instead, the continuous cycle with Rock making a grand triumphant return, and then disappearing for another handful of months irritated the fans after a while. And the night after Wrestlemania 29, when he didn't show up? The fans booed the crap out of him.

On the flip side of that, the complaints would roll in non stop, if Rock stuck around for a full-time schedule from 2011-2013. "He's hogging the spotlight," or it's not "fair," because wrestler X is busting his ass, but The Rock walks in on a red carpet that leads to the main event on every other pay per view.

I VIVIDLY remember a barrage of speculation return threads for The Rock, Rock VS Cena matches, Brock Lesnar's return, etc. But when Lesnar and Rock returned, the overall sentiment is "I can't stand part-timers, because they're glory hogs chasing fat paychecks."

You can't have your cake and eat it too. You want the nostalgia buzz, and the dream matches? Other wrestlers, hard working wrestlers will take a backseat, and that's it. When it comes to part-timers, you have to take the good with the bad.

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